Title: The Galaxy Has Gone Insane!

Author: Felicia Zezili

Summary: Obi-Wan is transported to a world that is an alternate to his own. In this world Qui-Gon is dead, Xanatos is his Master and the only man who can help him get back to his own world is the Galaxy's most wanted. While back in his world Obi-Wan's alternate does not want to return and will do anything in his power not to.

Category: Drama/Angst and UST Obi/Siri.

Time Frame: Obi age 17

Rating: PG-13 (violence and insanity, you should come to expect it from me)

Disclaimer: I do not own any familiar characters, planets, items and all that other good stuff but you knew that didn't you?

Author Notes: Inspired by an episode of X-files and Invader Zim (Two other shows that I loved and now are gone!) This story jumps back and forth from normal JA to AU so if it gets confusing just tell.

Chapter 1 - Eve of Samhain

Jorund Nabal bounded up the remaining steps of the tower. Sweat streaked down his face and neck. He was dizzy and out of breath from running up hundreds of floors of steps. He had gotten off the turbo lift he had used for first couple hundred floors to confuse his pursuers and give him some time. He would have collapsed after the first couple dozen if his life didn't depend on him accomplishing his task. If the people he was running from didn't kill him, his employer certainly would for not getting the job done. Either way he was the loser in this arrangement.

The scientist slapped his palm against the activator of the door and stumbled through the doorway even before it was fully open. The wind blew in fierce gusts at the top of tower.  He allowed himself to stop for a moment and let the wind cool his fevered skin and wipe back the sweat soaked strands of his graying hair. He gazed out over the view of Coruscant skyline, suddenly very saddened that all the years that he had lived on this planet, he never truly took the time to enjoy the beauty of it or anything in his life. The world moved too fast and if you slowed down even for a moment you were left behind.

He could hear the sound of boots coming closer up the steps over the howling wind. He snapped back into action and hurried over to the railing of the tower. He looked over the edge and swallowed hard as scenarios of what could happen if his theory was wrong ran through his mind.  He shook his head clear of those thoughts. He couldn't be wrong. He had done the calculations several times over and each time they pointed to this day, at this hour, at this spot. If at any time he got a different answer the whole plan would have been called off but unfortunately for him each time they came out perfect. So he was forced to go through with this.

Jorund slowly climbed up onto the railing. His breath was coming out in shaky gasps as he stood up on the railing and slowly turned around, his back to the deadly drop below. He closed his eyes as he waited for his pursuers to arrive. He silently prayed to any God that would listen to help him through this. He had no idea why he had agreed to this. It went against everything that he stood for and gone into the scientific profession for. But then again he couldn't afford integrity—literally. He needed money and his field of study wasn't considered a serious one for grants and loans. He had no choice but to take what was given to him. Suck it up and do the job.

He was brought back to reality when the door to the roof slide open and the two Jedi that had been chasing him stepped through.

The two Jedi stopped dead in their tracks when they saw Jorund standing on the railing, only centimeters away from imminent death. They seconds dragged on as no one moved or said anything.

The younger of the two Jedi began to cautiously move to Jorund's side, he placed his lightsaber on the ground and raised both hands, showing Jorund that he was unarmed. The scientist was taken back for a moment at how much the young man looked like his employer. This version's braid thing at of his head was longer and his sapphire eyes didn't hold the harsh coldness that Jorund had come to know but that's where the difference's ended.  

A shrill beeping noise cut through the silence, coming from Jorund's wrist chrono. He glanced over at it for an instant and then looked back at the young man. It was now or never…Jorund took a deep shuddering breath and then closed his eyes as she let himself fall back into the open air.

The young man flung himself forward and grabbed onto Jorund's wrist as he fell back. Jorund almost wished for a fleeting moment that the Jedi would have just let him fall and spare them all the hardship that was coming. The young man was shouting at Jorund to give him his other hand but the scientist was barely listening. He reached into his tunic pocket and pulled out a small syringe. He looked up at the young man whose eyes had widened at the sight of the needle but he didn't let go. He wouldn't. 

In one swift motion Jorund jabbed the needle into the young man's wrist. The young man gritted his teeth against the pain that shot through his arm. It was only a sedative. Just something to knock him out until they reached they destination.

The young man shook his head in an attempt to clear the fog in his brain that the drug was producing. Jorund frowned, This one wasn't going to go easy was he? The scientist began to jerk around and swing his body. Anything to make the young man lose his grip on the railing. It was working. The young man began calling out to him again, ordering him to stop. Jorund once again ignored him and instead grabbed the young man's arm with his other hand and give one last mighty jerk that caused the them both to go over the edge of the building.

The fog in his mind was beginning to clear and reality began to take shape around him again. But something wasn't right here. Memories of what had taken place began to slowly return to him He remembered chasing after the suspect in an attempted assassination of a senator. He remembered cornering the man on the roof of the building. He remembered grabbing the man as he went over the edge of the building and he remembered falling over the edge himself. He couldn't have survived the fall. If the shock hadn't killed him the impact with the ground surely would have.

For a fleeting moment he thought that he might be dead but he didn't remember ever hearing that the after life would hurt. His head was throbbing and his body felt achy. As he began the regain more of his senses as the rest of the drug wore off, the pain in his body only intensified. He groaned as the muscles in his back seized up. It certainly felt like he had fallen from a hundreds of stories up.

He opened his eyes, blinking furiously to chase away the fuzziness that adulterated his sight. When his vision cleared he took in his surroundings. The lighting in the room was set at a dim level that imitated twilight.  He was laying in a bed and there were machines to the side of the bed. He was in the infirmary of the Temple. How surprising. At least now he knew that he wasn't dead. For this to be the after life would just be too ironic.

He began to slowly sit up despite the protest from his body that made itself known through sharp sparks of pain that seemed to shoot all through him. Even his teeth hurt. He squeezed his eyes shut and gritted his teeth against the pain as he continued to rise. A  hand came up against his chest and gently but firmly pushed him back into the laying position. His strength momentarily depleted, he gave no resistance to the hand and feel back against the bed, panting for air after the strenuous effort of trying to sit up. He opened his eyes a crack and looked to his side, expecting to see a certain someone by his bedside as he always had when he was ill or injured, but instead Obi-Wan was surprised to see someone he never expected, "Siri?"

The young woman looked down upon him, her eyes filled with a mix of concern and relief. He was surprised to see the emotion. "Force, Kenobi," She said trying to sound causal but not quite achieving it. "Your Master sends you out on a few simple errands and you end up getting the poodoo beat out of you."

Obi-Wan hadn't the slightest idea what she was talking about. The last thing he remembered was being at a Senate's Foundation Day Celebration. Obi-Wan and his Master had been attending the affair as a security measure. For the past few weeks there had been threats from separatist planets that desired to free themselves from what they believed to be republic oppression. While the threats were minor the Senate was not about to risk any mishaps occurring on such an important day. They hoped that the presence of the Jedi would scare anyone who tried to crash the party.

Siri and her Master Adi Gallia had also been attending the celebration. Adi had many connections in the Senate and was more then eager to help with security of the event. Her and her padawan would be wearing civilian attire to conceal their true identity as Jedi protectors. Obi-Wan could clearly remember when the other Jedi team had arrived. He had been slightly taken back when he saw Siri. She wore a two-piece outfit. The top, a long sleeve warp shirt with an inverted V that showed her mid-section. The bottom, a wrap skirt that had a slit that went up her right leg until it came to the knee. The material used for the clothing was a shimmer silk that changed from flame red to orange to yellow as she walked. Obi-Wan hadn't realized that he was staring at her until she came up to his side and gave him a disapproving look.

She must have misinterpreted the look on his face because her defenses immediately went up. "Don't say a word." She had said through gritted teeth, crossing her arms over the small amount of cleavage that showed because of the V shaped neckline.

Obi-Wan's face became neutral as he forced himself to look back at the crowd of guests entering the celebration. "I was only going to say how…interesting—"

"I look ridiculous and you know it!" She suddenly exclaimed in a harsh whisper. "I don't even feel like a Jedi in this costume."

"Well," Obi-Wan began, "look at it this way, Siri.  For once you have an advantage over me. You'll be able to see and hear things that I won't dressed like that." He looked down at her again a suggestive grin forming on his lips, in an attempt to lighten the mood he said,  "Speaking of which, where exactly are you hiding your lightsaber?" 

Siri narrowed her eyes at him. "I don't know what you're thinking about but it's in the bag." She indicated the handbag that hung at her side by a shoulder strap. "By the way. I brought you something." She reached into her handbag and pulled out bacta patch and handed it to him. "Just incase any mishap should happen, like they usually do." She said in a teasing tone.

"Why don't you hold onto it? Just in case you brush up against your own personality." Siri had smirked at the retort and followed her master into the grand hall where the party was held.

The night had gone by without incident until around midnight when there had been an assassination attempt on a Senator's life. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had chased the man out of the grand hall and onto the streets of Coruscant. The man did a fine job of dodging the Jedi for the most part but he didn't seem to be trying to lose them. He lead them to the highest point of one of the skyscrapers and had waited for them, standing on the edge of the railing. Everything after that had happened in a flash: The man going over. Obi-Wan running to catch him before he dropped to his death. The needle. The pain. The complete lose of strength. Both of them going over the edge. Then he woke up and was here in the Temple infirmary with Siri by his bedside. None of it made sense.

Obi-Wan brought his hand up to the side of his head. Trying to think about it right now was giving him a headache. He looked over to Siri. "Where is Qui-Gon? Did he get the assassin—if he even survived the fall that is." Which very well could be a possibility as Obi-Wan was alive.

Siri gave him a confused look that gave way to one of concern, "You must have hit your head harder then we originally thought." She began to stand up from the chair beside the bed. "I'll go fetch a healer."

Obi-Wan reached out and grasped her wrist before she could leave his side. "I don't need a Healer, Siri. I just want to know that Qui-Gon is okay."

Siri sat back down in the chair slowly a the concern in her eyes deepening. "Obi-Wan," She began gradually, "Qui-Gon is dead."