Title: Coming to Terms.

Author: Fayth

Email: [email protected]

Pairing: M/A

Rating: PG13?

Disclaimer: The show has been cancelled. But Cameron and Eglee still have rights…damn them.

Summary: Realisations all around.

A/N: My first Dark Angel fic, so feedback would be appreciated.

Terminal city was, for once, calm and full of everyday living rather than the constant red alert crisis centre it had been of late.

Original Cindy was taking things easy and sitting back, chilling with her new pal Joshua.

"Ya know boo, it's about damn time this place relaxed enough to catch up on some zees, if you catch my drift?"

"Zee's." Joshua repeated gleefully and O.C. smiled.

This was nice. To just sit back and not have to worry about someone who was off on some mission to save their butts or have the place buzzing because some rescue was going on. She sat back against the wall in the room that the transgenic family had named their recreation room, complete with pool table, foosball table and darts board.

"That's right ma boy, its been all go, all the time and Original Cindy is relieved to let go of the drama- rama for five."

Joshua nodded "Its pretty whack."

O.C stretched "Whack is right Josh, why Original Cindy ain't even had time to scope out some honeys and get with the loving. I'm in need of a squeeze."

Joshua frowned, his canine features more pronounced as he puzzled over her phrase "Squeeze Cindy?" he cocked his head "Wont that hurt?"

O.C laughed "Not that kinda squeeze," she paused and added mischievously "At least not all the time."

"Squeeze how?" Joshua leaned forward always eager to learn and be a part of the world that he knew would never accept someone who looked like him.

O.C was always ready to impart some wisdom to her fellow man- or dog man.

"A squeeze is like a honey. You know someone to keep ya'll warm at night and to kiss and snuggle up some. You know?"

"Annie." Joshua said and his face fell.

O.C had heard all about the blind woman that Joshua had fallen for all those months ago and she reached down and patted his hand.

"Chin up boo, your chickie would have wanted ya'll to move on."

Joshua raised his head "Joshua chin up." He gave her a shy grin as she nodded in approval.

"That's my boy."

"Cindy have squeeze?" Joshua asked after a moment.

O.C thought about it for a second "Well there was this fine looking blonde sweet thing at Crash but this sista is looking for something a little more than a one nighter. I think its time I got me a soulmate."

"Soul. Mate?"

"Uh huh." She ran her fingers through her hair "See Boo, a soulmate is special to ya. Like your Annie girl. its someone who you know you'll be with even if ya'll fight it, the heat and chemistry is always there. It could be someone who ya'll be fighting like cat and dog with but then one day the gaze connects the vibe hits and BAM." Joshua jumped "Soul mates. Meant to be."

"Huh huh bam." Joshua chuckled.

"Right, the start though that's my favourite time. The soft lingering looks and sly glances, feeling that goes right down to the tickles and all, making up lame excuses to be with each other and then,"

"Bam.!" Joshua filled in, clapping his hands when O.C agreed with him "Like R-Romeo and J-Juliet?"

"Right, how d'ya know about them?"

"Fathers books." Joshua confessed

"Well yeah Soulmates like Romeo and his Julie, but without the poisoning at the end." She grinned

"Or Robin and Marion."

O.C chuckled "How about Fred and Ginger?"

"Max and Alec." Joshua added in delight at the game they were playing.

Original Cindy closed her gaping mouth and sat back "Say what now?"

"Little fella and Alec?" Joshua's broad grin faded some "Looks, touches and bam?"

She stared at him "Ain't no way pretty boy's getting bam with my boo. She would've told me."

"Not bam yet." Joshua crept forward conspiratorially "But soon."

"Boy you tripping." She shook her head. There was no way that Max and Alec were soulmates, they couldn't even be in the same room as each other without trying to kill each other. Could they?

"No trip, no trip. Joshua see little fella all sad with Logan but when he went away and Alec comes, Max happy with Alec. Not so sad." He nodded as if this was all solved.

O.C considered this. A few weeks of being unable to touch each other had taken its toll on Max and Logan and they'd broken up- this time it was for good and Logan fell into the waiting arms of Asha.

Max had shrugged it off and buried herself in getting terminal City ready for attack and habitable for all the genetically engineered refugees. She had been efficient and effective but underneath her brusque exterior there was sadness in her voice and her eyes that had only very recently begun to dissipate. O.C had never attributed it to Alec though.

Since he had first entered their lives Max had nothing but distain and annoyance for the boy. He'd been the bane of her existence and the subject of more than one late night rant. Original Cindy was forever hearing how irresponsible, untrustworthy, infuriating and unreliable he was, and yet now she thought about it Max did trust him, and rely on him and recently had no cross words to say about him.

As she began to rethink Joshua decided she needed more proof

"Come with Joshua." he grabbed her hand and dragged her to her feet. He pulled her out of the rec room and over the balcony which overlooked most of the warehouse where the transgenics had made their headquarters and led her towards the basement. He led her down the stairs to the store rooms.

He peered around the door to the armoury and gestured that she do the same.

The room was like the rest of the warehouse, grungy, dingy and an off white colour that had probably looked dirty the day they painted it on.

Against the walls were racks of metal shelving with enough weapons to keep a small country armed.

Max was checking over the weapons, making sure that they were in serviceable order and with enough ammunition so that if they were attacked then they would stand a fighting chance. Alec sat across from her running through the checklist. They ran through numbers and series so fast that Original Cindy couldn't keep up and didn't even try. What she did was watch them closely.

Although Max was a genetically engineered soldier capable of killing her without breaking a sweat, Max always looked like a delicate beautiful young model with long silky brown hair and a rosebud mouth. The only way that you could tell that she was different was if you looked into her eyes. Eyes which were older and sadder than they had a right to be and eyes that could chill you to the bone.

Alec also held the movie star good looks that ensured that he was never without a date. Girls flocked to him because of his looks and stayed because of the charm, although there must have been something wrong because he never stayed with the same one for more than two dates before a new one was in her place. Even Original Cindy, although preferring the female of the species, had considered Alec as a perfect male specimen. Say what you wanted about the sadistic tendencies of the concentration camp that was Manticore- they knew how to make them pretty.

As she watched she noted the easy familiarity that they exuded, it was something that she hadn't noticed before..

Max turned to put another gun in its rack and Alec handed it to her. They shared a small smile and it stole O.C's breath

"Bam." She whispered and withdrew, stunned.

"Bam." Joshua agreed "Little fella and medium fella. Soul mates."

O.C crossed her arms and followed Joshua as he moved across the compound.

"Josh my man, they are as clueless as a newborn. We have to get those two together."

"Max and Alec, that's the plan." He nodded

A slow smile spread across O.C's face "Aiight boo, I think I know how."