AN: This is just an evil plot bunny that has been haunting me since I read LOTF last spring. I hope you all like and review. It's told in first person, because it's what I do best. Enjoy! And I own nothing!
Control Issues
I sat on a wooden chair in one of the rooms of the ship. I didn't want to be with the others, but alone, I kept reflecting on everything that had happen. My face was buried in my hands and I pressed down hard. I couldn't keep the images from playing back. It was my fault; the whole thing had been my fault. Simon, Piggy, the boy with the mulberry scar, they all died because I was stupid enough to get Jack angry.
I heard the door squeak and protest the hinges. I didn't even bother to raise my head. I could see the fiery-red hair even with my eyes covered. I listened as his footsteps drew nearer. I didn't acknowledge him. He didn't slow. I only looked up when I felt his weight on my lap. So he had the balls to do that, did he? I looked at him with as much anger as I could muster before looking away again.
Jack cupped the side of my face gently. I refused to look at him. He set his other hand on my hip in a vain attempt to get me to acknowledge him again. I wasn't going to be swayed by his tender touches this time. Jack sighed, "You're mad at me."
I snorted but didn't say anything. He was just trying to get a rise out of me, because he knew that I wouldn't talk to him willingly. I crossed my arms over my chest and just stared at the door absently. Jack caressed my face lightly and I resisted the shudder at his touch.
"You killed them," I accused. My eyes flickered to his for a moment before I looked down at my lap
"Accidents," he whispered, lifting my face up so that I had to look at him. "I never meant for it to get so far out of control. I was just so sick of you always being in charge that I didn't think."
"Jack. . ." I was all ready breaking. He had me wrapped around his little finger and he didn't even know it.
"I'm sorry," he murmured.
I let my forehead rest against his and gave a defeated sigh. "It's okay, Jack. Just promise me one thing?"
He smiled, "What's that?
"If you ever want more control in this relationship, don't plot all of our mutual friends against me again."
He laughed and kissed me.
The End.