Standard Disclaimers as always apply, only GW I own are the models I have bought and put together and plushies that I have made. And the mangas I own.
Other Disclaimers: This is my first fic. I own nothing but the story, so there. I use flames to make smores, so if you send them they'll be used to make more yummy smores. There IS a little cross-dressing in this, but all in good taste. This is a yaoi fic and it's a little lemony in future parts, so if you don't approve of this, please don't read. Enjoy!! Oh, this IS a Relena bashing fic, so if you like Relena you might not like this fic...
Warning: As you may find out, I have made Duo one of those totally oblivious and denier of everything. (Mostly what he thinks Heero feels for him) So therefore the characters will be a little OOC. Sorry if that offends, I love Duo dearly I really do!
The One
By: Chibi Megami
[PART 1]
Heero wasn't one to wonder about things, but in the bleak darkness of the rain-struck clouds and without any missions, he had nothing better to do. The rain pouring off the gutters of the run-down shack he had found refuge in reminded him much of a waterfall he had once saw on one of his many missions. He had lost communication to the other pilots a long time ago and never really had the urge to find them... until recently.
He had received various messages on his computer from Quatre asking of his whereabouts and several invitations from Relena asking him to join her at her private asylum, with no mention of the other pilots. *Bah, what's the use...* He wondered as he deleted the invites. That was the last thing he needed was Relena following him around, batting her eyelashes at him. He should have killed her and got it over with a long time ago. Now she wasn't just a pesky little girl, but a pesky Queen of the World. He stiffened at the sound of a hard knock on the door.
The knock came again. "Who is it?" he asked sternly, grabbing his gun and nearing the door. "Hey, the doors already, will ya?" He turned the knob, opened the door and stared straight into a pair of violet eyes.
A surprised look crossed his originally stony face. "Well, are you gonna let me in or aren't ya?" Heero blinked at the soaked shinigami pilot, watching him bounce up and down, rubbing his arms with his hands, desperate for heat. Heero absently nodded and gestured him in. "Bad storm, huh? Have any towels or blankets on ya?" Heero threw him one of each. "Umm...thanks." Duo watched as Heero rummaged through some drawers and pulled out some extra clothes, he never knew he had, and handed it to him. "Here." Duo looked dumb founded. "What do I need these for?" Heero cocked an eyebrow at him. "You're soaked...I thought you might want to let your clothes dry." Duo looked down at himself. "Oh, so I am..." He fumbled out of the blanket and with shaky hands, (from being cold out in the rain) unbuttoned his shirt exposing his muscle bound chest glistening with water. Heero swallowed hard, something about this situation made him uncomfortable. He shook his head and turned away and returned to his computer. Duo flopped his wet clothes on the floor and plopped down on the bed. "How'd you find me anyway?" he asked coolly. "Well, I've just been traveling know, going here and there. I just happen to arrive here and I heard rumors of a homicidal maniac hanging around and I put two and two together and here I am." Duo, as always, loved running off at the mouth and he was on the verge of pushing Heero too far for his own good. "So whatcha doin'?"
"Checking mail." Duo's eyes began to glow in interest. He peered over his shoulder. "Anything interesting?" He shrugged. "What's that? OH! An invitation from Relena...are you going to take it?" A look of disgust crossed Heero's features. "Iie. Not even if everything in the entire universe depended on it."
"Maybe we send her threatening anonymous e-mails or something..." Duo giggled. "But I thought you and her..." Heero glared up at him by the corner of his eyes and could have sworn he saw a faint smile of relief on the Shinigami pilot's face. "Omae o korosu." Duo laughed hilariously. Heero finally realized what was wrong, Duo was drunk. But, he hadn't seemed so before...
Heero turned to face him and found a large bottle of beer in his hand. Where had that come from? Heero shook his head and continued through his mail. "I'm glad to hear it...not that you want to kill me, but that you wouldn't go see Relena. I wouldn't want to either..." Duo wrapped his arms around Heero's shoulders and sighed dreamily. "I really like you Heero..." Heero pinched the bridge of his nose. "Duo, you're don't know what you're saying."
"Is that so bad...?" He rubbed his nose up against his neck. "Hai, you might say something you don't mean or regret later, you shouldn't be drinking so much either." Duo chuckled, "I meant is it so bad that I like you?" Heero's eyes widened, his mouth fell to respond then promptly shut again. "I-I don't guess so..."
"What do ya think Heero my man?" Heero tensed as he felt Duo nibbling on his ear. "Na-nani?"
"You know...about me? Do you *like* me?" Heero turned his head slightly peering into Duo's serious eyes.
" Uh, I-I don't hate you, Du-" Warm lips pressed up against his. "I'm so like me." Then he passed out.
* * * * *
Crack. "What the...?" Duo awoke drowsy; he had hit his head on something rather hard. He opened his eyes slightly, the world spinning around him. "Could you be a little more careful?" Duo's eyes focused and he let out a yelp. *Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! I'm in bed with...with...Heero Yuy!* Was this a dream? Duo hoped to god not. This was too good to be true. What had happened last night? He couldn't remember a damn thing. "Oi! My head hurts! What did you do to me?" He whined rubbing his head. "*I* did nothing to you. I told you last night you shouldn't be drinking." Duo looked up at him, Heero wore a frown as he rubbed is head as well, that answered the question of *what* he had hit. "What happened last night?" Heero raised an eyebrow. "You don't remember?" Duo shook his head. Heero gave a thoughtful look, as if the question had been 'what is the meaning of life?'. "You showed up here in the middle of a rain storm, you read my mail, got drunk, tried to convince me that me and Relena were a couple then proceeded to tell me your feelings for me." Duo paled. "What did I say?" Heero smiled. " 'I really like you you like me too?'" Duo bit his lip. "And what did you say?" He sighed. "I said that I liked you too. Well, at least I tried." Duo looked puzzled. "What do you mean?" Heero just blinked at him. "Well?" He said growing impatient. "Before I got it all out you kissed me." Duo felt faint. *Oh god...* "Gomen Heero! I never meant to offend you..."
"You talk too damn much."
Then Heero did the unexpected...he kissed him.
* * * * *
"Trowa!" the blonde haired pilot called jumping excitedly. "What is it? What's wrong?" The tall pilot knelt beside him. Quatre shook his head. "Nothing's wrong. Look! Heero...Heero wrote me back!" Trowa cocked an eyebrow. "And...?" Quatre blushed sheepishly, "I never *read* the letter..." He immediately opened the message.
I have received your many messages and apologize for not replying sooner. I am currently in the L1 colony with Duo. I have received various invitations from Relena about staying in her private asylum and wondered if you all had received any as well.
Quatre blinked. " They're at the L1 colony, it figures, Heero is from there... invitations from Relena?" Trowa shook his head. "What does she think she's gonna do? Heero doesn't have one emotional bone in his body toward her, only..." Quatre smiled, "...Only Duo?" Trowa looked shocked. "You knew?" Quatre giggled, nodding his head vigorously. Trowa looked at him strange. "Anyway, all he would tell her is 'Omae o korosu'."
"I have a *great* idea." Quatre chimed, "Let's call Heero!"
* * * * *
Beep beep. Beep beep. Heero and Duo stiffened. "Heero? Heero are you there? It's me, Quatre." Heero mumbled some curses and lifted himself from the bed. Duo's face flushed *Whoa Duo, what's going on here? Heero the perfect soldier Yuy, could have just answered your greatest this really real?* He watched Heero as he set himself in front of the laptop. "What is it Quatre?" A giggle came through the comm. link. "I was wondering if you wanted to answer that invitation..." Heero's brow deepened. "What do you mean?" Quatre giggled again, "I was thinking about teaching Relena a lesson, one she'll never forget..." A small smile curved his lips. This could be interesting... "What did you have in mind?" An evil grin crossed the once innocent face. "Meet me here...OW! Yeah, umm, meet me and *Trowa* here and be sure to bring Duo." Heero nodded and Quatre signed off.
Heero went back over to the still flushed Duo and sat. "Well, let's get to it." Heero said patting Duo's thigh. "N-nani!? Here!? Now!?" A puzzled look crossed Heero's face, then his eyes widened when he realized what Duo thought he meant and immediately slapped him over the backside of his head. "Iie. I meant let's get over to Quatre's...weren't you listening?" Duo forced a smile... and a fake laugh. "Oh, right! Of course! *I* knew that!" Heero rolled his eyes and started to pack. "I did!!" Duo protested. When Heero had his back turned he immediately stuck his tongue out at him. Hey, it was childish, but it was the only defense he had against him at the moment. *Good going, Duo. Make him think you're a more than a little strange...* His thoughts were broken when he noticed Prussian blue eyes staring him down. "H-hai?" Duo squeaked. "I said are you staying or are you going? If you're going then you'd better hurry, we have to get over to..."
"Yeah I know, I heard you the first time...geez. Let's get going."
* * * * *
Quatre stood fidgeting while waiting for the space shuttle to land. He nearly jumped through the roof when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Quatre..." He looked up at the green-eyed pilot. Trowa lowered his hand and took Quatre's, a small smile on his face. The golden boy, HIS golden boy returned the smile. Trowa always believed he looked like an angel when he did so. "Hmm?"
"They're here." Trowa nodded at the two newcomers. Quatre blushed. He turned, but kept a hold of his hand, if he let go, he was afraid he might topple over. Quatre blinked. Heero wasn't wearing his usual green tank top and spandex shorts and... Duo wasn't wearing his usual priest's smock. Duo gave an impish grin. "We got caught in the rain..." Heero snorted. "No thanks to you."
"How was I supposed to know!? Geez, blame a guy for tryin'." Heero rolled his eyes. Quatre tried to hide a grin. *Those two...* A huge growl interrupted his thoughts. Duo smiled sheepishly, "I guess I need to eat... since Heero has no manners and didn't offer me..."
"You ate everything on the plane, including all of my food, so you can stick that 'no manners' crap up your ass." Duo's jaw dropped. "I did not!" Heero shook his head and sighed. "Oh, so the announcement: 'Due to circumstances above our control, all in-flight meals have been cancelled' doesn't mean anything to you? Or were you too busy feeding your face?"
"I'm a growin' boy. I need my energy!"
"That's the problem, you have TOO much energy."
"Maybe you should continue this later." Trowa interrupted. Quatre giggled. Sure it was annoying, but he hadn't realized how funny their trivial fights were. It was gonna be great with them all together again...
* * * * *
"Heero, you'll never believe this!" Duo rambled. It was a long 5-hour drive back and for the past two, Duo had constantly pestered Heero. Trowa and Quatre just watched as Heero just sat there, arms crossed, eyes closed, allowing this baka to practically talk his ear off and pull his arm out of socket. "I was talkin' to Hilde just the other day, it was great. She's been keeping up the stock for me and we now have enough parts to build over five Wing Zero's! I'm gonna build me one and then finally beat the pants off-a you!" Heero sighed, would he ever shut up? The little voice in the back of his head told him not to count on it. "So, do you accept my challenge, Heero? It'll be fun... no rule, free-for-all..." Duo was clinging on his arm. Heero opened his eyes and turned to face the Shinigami pilot. He had the greatest urge to punch him then and there and he knew it had to be evident on his face because he could sense Trowa and Quatre tense. "You beating me is about as likely as you ever shutting the hell up." Trowa struggled to refrain from laughing and Quatre's eyes widened. Duo frowned. "Whada ya mean!? I could beat you!" Trowa laughed harder now, he couldn't seem to help it. "I could!" His brow deepened. "We~ell, if you think your sooooo tough, I change my bet. I bet I can beat you in-in-uh, hand-to-hand combat!" The car went silent. Heero stared at him and broke the silence by laughing himself. The same maniac like laugh he used after he had killed someone or had a very successful mission. Duo gulped. He knew he was in for it now. He was doomed...
Duo had considerably quieted the rest of the way. Which left the other 3 to sigh a breath of relief. Heero had accepted the challenge and they all knew that Duo was in for the beating of his life. Heero had never lost. Especially since it was a fight against Duo. True, Duo was strong. They all knew that, but when it came to combat... yikes. Duo had never won a fight against Heero, and the chances of him doing it now seemed slim to none. They pulled into the Winner's Estate. Duo peeped out the window, on the one side was a pretty steep hill. *There's my chance...* the car stopped. They stepped out stretching. "That was one helluva ride, doncha think so Hee-kun?" Duo put his arm around his shoulders. Heero's eyebrow quirked at his tone, he turned to look at him cautiously. "I will beat you." Came a whispered hiss. Duo pushed Heero down the hill, Heero grabbed a hold of him and they tumbled down the hill, limbs flailing. They reached the bottom with a huge thud. Heero pinned him down. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Duo shook free. He turned and gave him a blow to the stomach. "Our bet, remember? There were no rules..." Duo tackled him straddling Heero trying to place hard blows to his face. Heero knew this scenario all to well. Heero grabbed his wrists tightly. Duo let out a painful yelp. He was thrown off one moment, then Heero was on top of him the next. He placed several hard blows to his face, one hitting him squarely on the nose. "WAH! HEERO! MY NOSE! YOU BROKE MY NOSE!!!"
"Do you realize how childish you are being? Just listen to yourself! This obviously is not about some stupid bet. Is it!?" Duo bit his lip. He shook his head, "I don't know what you're talking about! I have to beat you... I have to win... I can't be weak... I can't be because... because..." Tears ran Duo's face. He began to shake and tried to push him away. Heero released his hold on him, and swiped the bangs out of his face. Duo turned away from him, stumbling as he stood. "Duo you aren't wea..."
"Just stay away, Heero. You don't understand..." The world swirled around him, and he couldn't walk straight. Maybe, Heero was right. He was being childish. He wanted so much for Heero to not see him as weak as he felt. God, he loved him. But Heero hates weakness... and he was weak, so Heero could never love him. But Heero had kissed him... he shook his head. That didn't mean a damn thing. He didn't love him... he never could. He knew that. He was too weak.
Heero walked over to him, he pushed away. That didn't surprise him. Duo struggled until the darkness came and Heero pick the boy up into his arms. He began his long climb back to the top. Quatre gasped when he saw them. "Quatre, when we get to the house, just get me the best first aid kit you have and leave him to me." He nodded absently. "What as that all about?" Trowa looked at Heero questioningly. "He said it was the bet. But I don't believe that."
"Neither do I..." Quatre whispered.
* * * * *
Duo awoke, grimacing in pain. His face, wrists and stomach hurt like crazy and the world still spun around him. He felt two fingers brush across his face and then felt his hands being lifted and something was being rubbed there too. He began to cry out, "Heero? ...HEERO?! SOMEONE? HEE~RO!"
"I'm right here Duo." He opened his eyes, blinking furiously. Heero was seated beside him searching through a med kit. "You'll be fine. You have some severe bruises. Yes, I broke your nose, but I set it back for you." Duo pouted. "Is it straight?" Heero sighed. "Do you want me to set it for you again?" Duo nodded.
* * * * *
Quatre jumped when he heard screams coming from the closed doors. He cringed, what could Heero be doing that would be so painful? Heero slipped out the door just as a vase flew past his head and crashed on the floor. "What did you do!?" Heero slammed the door shut. "He told me to reset his nose..." Quatre groaned, "Duo..."
* * * *
Duo finally came out of the dark hole he had been hiding in and joined the other pilots. Heero, Trowa, and Quatre were in the midst of a discussion when they turned, Quatre's jaw dropped. "I look like hell warmed over, don't I?" Quatre nodded hesitantly. "K'so!" Duo groaned and then took the only sit left that was by Heero. He plopped down on the empty love seat cushion, propping his feet up on Heero's lap. Heero glared at him. "Do I look like a recliner to you?" Duo flashed him one of his specialty cheeky grins, wincing slightly from his broken nose. "No, but you'll do... So, whacha been talkin 'bout?"
"We've been planning what to do on Relena. We're just now waiting for Wufei to..."
"Waiting for me to what?" Quatre nearly fell out of his chair. Wufei smirked then his eyes began to twinkle. "What happened to Maxwell?"
"Let's just say he fought a battle he had lost before it even started." Trowa said quietly. Wufei cocked an eyebrow, "You just had to challenge Yuy, didn't you?" Duo blew him a raspberry. Quatre cleared his throated and all attention was turned to him. "Now Duo, you're not gonna like this but our whole plan is for you to pretend to..." Duo grew uneasy, "Ho boy, now what?"
"Well, you're gonna pretend to be's...uh..."
"Heero's what? Come on spill it!"
"His wife."
Duo's eyes nearly popped out of his head. "What the chikusho! Are you serious!? And daze ka may I ask?" He looked expectantly at the other pilots. "If Relena thinks he's married then..." "Then she'll do everything in her power to try to get him a divorce." Wufei chuckled. "That's why we picked you to do it instead of some hired girl. We know you can pull this off. Besides, since you'd be his supposed wife an all you can do all kinds of embarrassing things to him. You know, be publicly affectionate... call him dear... whatever you can think of. You could think of this as a way of getting back at Heero sort of." Duo thought about this, a smile curving his lips. "Yeah sure, why not?" Heero groaned. Duo plopped into Heero's lap. "What's the matter Hee-chan? Don't you love your lawfully married wife?" He gave him the Glare of Doom(tm) before promptly pushing him onto the floor. "Nothing's wrong 'Duo-chan'...just yameru. Your not my *wife* yet." Wufei's snickers grew louder. "HEY! Wait I need a name!"
"How about pain-in-the-ass?" Heero mumbled. Duo ignored him. "Well, I don't think I can use *my* name, so what's my name gonna be?" They thought hard on this. Duo stood in the middle while the others contemplated the proper name for him. Just when Duo was starting to feel uncomfortable under their gazes, Heero broke the silence. "I have one." Duo went rigid and turned to face him. "How about... Kalista?" Duo thought about this. He looked to the other three for input, but all he got was shrugs. Finally he beamed a big smile. "Sure. Kalista Yuy it is! But, I was wondering something..."
"Nani?" All asked.
"Could we just shorten it to Kally?"
They sweatdropped. "Uh, sure Duo whatever you want..." They gave each other doubtful glances then Quatre added, "I'll get you some of my sisters' things, all right?" Duo nodded. "Sugoi!!!" Once again, they sweatdropped at the Shinigami pilot.
* * * * *
Heero grumbled all the way to the jewelry shop. Quatre and Duo had both agreed that they should go and get wedding rings. Quatre gave them his credit card, and a device that had a virtual note to tell the jeweler that they were allowed to use it. Duo had protested, but Quatre shooed them off with a smile, "I don't want you to have to worry about the price. Besides, I can afford it." He had told them warmly. Not too long after that, and after they managed to get Heero out of the door, they were in the shop with Duo's face plastered into the display cases. "May I help you, Miss?" The store clerk asked grumpily. /Not another poor bum.../ Duo just smiled, "Uh, yes we are here on behalf of Quatre Raberba Winner." The clerk sighed, "Sure you are..."
"Would you like some proof?" The clerk eyed him amusingly. "Fine, then. Here." He pulled out the device Quatre had given him and pressed the red button. A small hole opened up and a holographic image of Quatre appeared. "Greetings, this is Quatre Raberba Winner. I have given permission for my friends on my behalf of the Winner's to use my credit card at your fine store. I hold here photographs of them for visual confirmation. Any others besides these two are to be arrested immediately. If any problems arise, contact me, but please allow them to use my credits. Thank you my friend.[1]" It then immediately shut off. Duo looked up and grinned. "So can we begin?"
* * * * *
"WE'RE BAAAAACCCCCK!!!!" Duo slammed the door behind them. Heero immediately went else where, probably behind his laptop, while Duo showed off the new rings. "HEERO! MATTE! COME BACK!" The three-gundam pilots covered their ears at the loud mouth. They waited and waited. "HEERO! I SAID-"
"I heard what you said." He said quietly. Duo felt like his heart had jumped out of his chest. "K'so Heero! Don't scare me like that!" Heero just shrugged. "Well, anyway here's your ring." He handed him a small gray ring box. Heero turned it over in his hand, eyeing it questioningly. "Open it." He lifted the top and it revealed a shiny gold wedding band. "Well, put it on!" Before he had the chance, Duo pulled it out, and slipped it on Heero's finger. He smiled up at him in satisfaction. Heero just sighed, he hoped to god that this didn't have to last long. "All right now all we need to do is get Duo his clothes. So come with me so you can try these on." Quatre motioned for him to follow him. Duo backed away, "Uh, do I have to wear THAT?" Heero grabbed his arm as he tried to make his escape. "You agreed to." He hung his head, "Yeah I know. I thought maybe I could get out of wearin' the dresses." Heero's hard push told him otherwise. "All right let's get this over with..."
* * * * *
"Are we ready?" All nodded hesitantly. Duo fidgeted in his dress, "I still can't get used to these dresses! How can girls wear these?"
"Come along Mrs. Yuy, we need to get going." He nodded his head while the airport attendant took his bags. "Where's Heero?"
"Right here, Kally." Duo smirked, "Oh so you remembered my name? How sweet!" Heero rolled his eyes. "Forgetting something?" Duo looked at him funny. "I don't think so..." His eyes grew big as Heero grab his hand and placed the ring, he had bought a couple of days ago, on his finger. "Oh, Heero...thank you!" Duo said excitedly, wrapping his arms around his neck, taking him in a tight embrace. Heero hugged him back. /I swear sometimes his happy demeanor is just contagious./ He nuzzled his nose into Duo's long chestnut hair, breathing in his scent. /God, he smells good! / "Um, Heero... Duo, we have to go now." The petite blonde said. The two blushed; well Heero would have if he hadn't been Heero of course. Heero straightened up and took Duo's hand in his. "Let's go Kally-chan." "All right Hee-chan, right behind you." Duo winked at Quatre flashing him a big grin. Heero picked up their carry-on bags and they boarded the plane. "Here are your seats, Mr. And Mrs. Yuy. Enjoy your flight."
"Thank you very much!" Duo chimed cheerily. "So Heero dear..." He said loudly until the stewardess was out of earshot. "How exactly are we gonna do this?" Heero had his usual 'deep-in-thought' look. "I'm not exactly sure. Quatre never actually discussed this with us, did he?" Duo shook his head. Heero sighed and picked up a small phone-like device. "Quatre?"
"Quatre here. What is it?"
"Just how exactly are we going to pull this off? I mean, come on Relena is dense, but I think she could recognize Duo even if he is in a dress. How are we going to explain how everyone is here, but Duo?"
"Easy, he's on a mission." Heero quirked an eyebrow at Duo, who just shrugged in returned. He hung up. "Ok, I guess that answers that question..."
"Would you like your in-flight meals now?" Duo's eyes twinkled. "What would you recommend?" She smiled, "We have a wonderful steak dinner or chicken and rice."
"What are you gonna have dear?" Heero flashed him a smug look, before turning to the stewardess. "The chicken and rice would be fine. Kally, what would you like?"
"Oh I'll be spontaneous, I'll try your wonderful steak dinner!" She smiled, "All right, I'll return shortly with your meals." Duo kept the smile until she left again. "Geesh, you would think she was spying on us!"[2] He slumped in his chair. "What do you expect? This is Relena's plane you know." Heero said matter-of-factly.
* * * * *
A few hours later they landed, Relena beaming brightly as Heero exited the plane. "I'm so glad to see you" Her eyes lost their usually psychotic glimmer, as she saw a woman, a tad shorter than Heero, exit the plane and latch her arm on Heero's. /No...It can't be! It's just a new gundam pilot...yeah, she's just a new gundam pilot! It's only been maybe a year!!!/ She gave a faint smile, "Who's your new friend Heero? Is she a new gundam pilot?" She looked around and saw all but Duo. Her brow deepened, "And where's Duo? I thought he was coming as well." Quatre just smiled, "He said he was very sorry, but just last night he was called off on a mission for the Preventers. He said he'd skip it but we told him maybe if he finished it early he could join us later." Relena gave a faint nod and turned her attention back to the *real* Duo. "And her?" Duo flashed her a big grin. "I can believe we haven't met yet! I'm Kalista. Kalista Yuy, but all my friends call me Kally. Nice to met you. And you are?"
"Relena. Relena Peacecraft." She shook her hand politely. "Are you Heero's sister?" Duo giggled, he was already beginning to enjoy this. "No, silly. Didn't he tell you? I'm his wife! We got married maybe about a year ago. That's funny but he never seem to mention you before..." Relena looked as if she could burst into tears. "What's wrong Relena?" Duo asked knowingly. "Oh, nothing Kally, I guess it just tears of joy for you two. Um, Pagan let's get going." She turned away and left quickly, and just as she was out of earshot the five pilots began to laugh hysterically. Quatre waved a finger at Duo, "Now, that wasn't very nice." He said between giggles. Duo just shrugged, "Naw, she'll get over it. Besides that was one the best times of my life and You, Quatre Raberba Winner are NOT going to spoil it!" he teased. Heero spotted Relena coming back to check on them, he bit his lip, then after a quick glance in Relena's direction he pulled Duo close and gave him a long passionate kiss that stole his breath away, the pilot's gasped at the unexpected action then immediately understood when they heard loud sobbing coming from far away. They turned to see Relena running away, tears flying. "Now," Quatre said blushing furiously, "that wasn't very nice." Heero smirked slightly, "I thought it was." He said staring into Duo's violet eyes. Duo smiled and his eyes fell to the ground, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks. Finally he lifted his head and smiled brightly. "No fair, you beat me again..." Duo playfully pouted. "Well, you have quite a long time to try to beat me back." Heero said smugly. Duo chuckled. "Yeah, I guess your right." A more composed Relena appeared, the tears she had shed were still evident from her red, puffy eyes. "Well, let's go." She went to take Heero arm, but his glare told her otherwise. He bent down to Relena's ear and whispered, "I'm married Relena. So you can just stop this possessive bullshit right now. You so much as even hurt my Kally and I swear to all things whether they happen to be holy or not that I will kill you." Relena's face paled and she gave a slight nod. Heero turned back to the other pilots who were giving him questioning looks. He shrugged. "Oh, my dear, dear Hee-chan! What did you say that would frighten that poor girl so?"
"Probably nothing you wouldn't have said... Just do me a favor and let me know if anything comes up between you and her that you don't think you can handle, I'm not saying that you can't do this, but please promise me Duo." He whispered in his ear. He let out a panic gasp, Heero gave him a glare and he quickly flashed a specialty grin. "Sure." An evil idea hit Duo and he whispered, "But don'cha think that it could wait until later?" All eyes widened and Heero's jaw set./ You haven't won yet Duo...I won't let you get away with this so easily.../ So Heero just smiled back and replied, "Well perhaps, but I think it was your idea in the first place." Duo's jaw dropped, /This isn't over can't beat me at my own game./ So once again he was smiling. "I see how you are..." A small cough was heard and Quatre smiled, "Um, guys..."
* * * * *
Relena seemed more out of it then usual, and Duo loved when ever he would tossle Heero's hair or call him 'dear' not only would Relena turn green with envy, but Heero would get a look of shock, annoyance, and forbearance that was just priceless. Though it was all just a practical joke on Relena, Quatre got a funny feeling that it was turning out to be a lot more than that. It was only the first day there and they were already at each other's throats. Well, at least him and Trowa weren't having any problems. And even though they had all gotten separate rooms, Trowa didn't seem to mind when Quatre moved into his and Heero was more than slightly annoyed when Duo moved into his. "Now, now Heero-chan, is that anyway to treat your wife?" Duo would tease. So, Heero gave up altogether. But, for Duo this was a wonderful release! He could do everything he had always wanted to do to Heero that he couldn't have before. But, Duo hurt inside that Heero was always indifferent to him and only seemed to be affectionate only when it might blow their cover. Duo had to suppress his tears. Why was he so damn weak? He was Shinigami for Christ's sake! Finally he had to get away so, he politely excused himself and went out on a shopping trip. That had always cheered him up before, but it didn't seem to work this time. His heart was too heavy...
While he was dazedly window-shopping he never noticed Relena approach him. "Kally?" No response. "Kally?" Duo nearly jumped. "H-hai?" He turned to see Relena and almost scowled. She flashed him a grin. "I thought you might like some company." He shrugged. Besides, all the other girls seemed to like her so he might as well play along as well. "What's bothering you?" He didn't answer. He couldn't believe of all people, that he would probably end up spilling his heart out too, would be one that was making his life so miserable. Her and some sulky, cold-hearted, kisama named Heero, which he loved more than life itself. "It's about Heero, isn't it?" His eyes widened, unknowing what to say. What in the hell could he say to her? So, he remained silent. "You know, he's just not good at expressing himself. Maybe all you need to do is express yourself to him. Maybe instead of waiting for him to open up to you, you should go after him..." The psychotic gleam was back in her eyes. /Yeah sure... and then turn into a stalking bitch like you.../ he thought wearily. "Why are you telling me this? I know that you love Heero. It's very obvious. Maybe he should have married you instead." And as soon as the sentence was out of his mouth, he immediately regretted it. He could hear her sigh dreamily. "Yeah, well to tell you the truth I know he doesn't love you. But, I do know who he THINKS he loves..." Duo gasped suddenly then quirked an eyebrow at her quizzically. "Yeah? Who?" Her face sagged, "That dumb ass Duo Maxwell is who! Can you believe it? I was after him one day like I usually am and he went up to me, and quite frankly I thought he was going to kiss me, but you know what he did?" Duo gave a deep sigh and rolled his eyes. "What?"
"He got up in my face and said, 'Listen here bitch! I have no idea why you think I would ever love you but I don't! And you know what I'll even let you in on a little secret...I LOVE DUO!' I know that he was just trying to protect me, he has to somewhere deep down love me. Why else would he have saved me and..." Duo felt his heart skip a beat. /Heero actually screamed in her face his love for me?!?! Wait I can't seem excited...pull yourself together Maxwell!/ So, his beautiful act began...
"How could you say that about my Heero-chan! He is not gay! And he loves me very much! I hope Duo does get off that mission early so I can strangle that little longhaired freak! Well, he'll just have to learn that there is only one Mrs. Yuy around here and that would be ME!"
Relena smiled evilly. /Now, I'll prove that it's really Duo and not a girl./ She thought. /I know for a fact that the REAL Duo would want to hurry home to get back to his precious Heero and any normal girl would be absolutely appalled that I would say such a thing!/ But to her horror, it wasn't Duo. {wink, wink} Kalista looked as if she were about to explode! Relena looked at the screaming woman in horror. She was ranting and raving about how 'her Heero loved her and that he wasn't gay and how could she say such a thing!' But she did love the part however about strangling Duo. That she could live with. That American pilot had caused her enough problems in the past. Relena realized very quickly that she liked this woman very much. /No wonder Heero married her... she must remind him of me!/
* * * * *
They door burst open and Duo came running through the door like a mad man. Before any of the pilots could say anything, they immediately understood. Relena came charging through the door yelling, "KALLY! COME BACK, YOU DIDN'T LET ME GET YOU THAT DRESS! WHERE'D YOU GO KALLY? WE WERE HAVING SO MUCH FUN SHOPPING, WEREN'T WE?" she put her hands on her hips defiantly, and let out a huff. "Well, I guess next time then." She smiled brightly, "Yes, we'll have to do it next time!" They just eyed her cautiously, like they would a rabid animal, until she disappeared around the corner. Wufei continued polishing his dueling swords while he muttered, "Now, *that's* injustice."[3] Trowa and Quatre eyed him then giggled. He just glared. "Well, you heard her...even if it is Maxwell, he doesn't deserve THAT. Besides, Yuy wasn't even here to get squealed in the ear like we were." They continued to laugh even when Duo had quietly slipped into the room. "Is she gone?" he whispered. They continued to laugh while nodding their heads vigorously. He let out a breath of relief. "What was that all about anyway?"
"I went out window-shopping, ya know like I usually do. When all of a sudden here she comes, demanding me to tell her what was wrong, and that I should after Heero, and this and this and that." He sighed in despair. "I even had to diss myself to get her off the topic of Heero!" Wufei grumbled more about injustice. "While I'm on the topic, where is Heero anyway?"
"Umm, I think he's in his room." Duo rolled his eyes, "Shoulda figured..." His words were cut short when he heard Relena coming their way. "Gotta jet!" He then disappeared, just as she entered the room. "Is Kally in here? I could have sworn I heard her voice coming from here." Quatre shook his head, "I'm sorry Miss Relena I haven't seen her." She pouted and said in a whiny voice that made them cringe, "Oh, I really need to talk to her! She's become one of my new best friends!!! She even knows scum when she sees it, you should have heard what she said about Duo!" She smiled psychotically. "Well, I'll see you later." She bounced out of the room, missing the big sighs of relief coming from the three pilots.
* * * * *
Duo quickly closed the door to their room, giving silent curses. He glanced around the room, half-expecting to see Heero in front of his laptop, but instead he was nowhere to be seen. He gave an exasperated sound, "Just when ya need to talk to the guy, he's never around!" That's when he noticed the sound of running water coming from the large bathroom adjacent to their room. So, he just sat on the bed and waited for him to finish.
Heero came out minutes later with dampened hair and only a towel wrapped around his waist. Duo blushed and turned away. "Umm...ah...I needed to talk to you, when your done of course." Heero just snorted and sat in a chair, not even bothering to get dressed, "What's wrong?" Duo's jaw dropped then shut again. Heero sighed in annoyance and cocked his head to the side. "Well?"
"Um, I just wanted to know why you never told me..." Heero gave him a questioning look. "Never told you what?" Duo bit his lip nervously, "Relena followed me shopping today and was telling things and she mentioned some things about you..." Heero shifted uneasily in his chair. "What things?" His eyes narrowed. Duo paled, "She uh...said that you uh...yelled in her face that you didn't love her, that you uh...well..."
"Yeah, and...?"
"She said that you loved me." Duo squeaked out. He noticed the startled look on Heero's face and immediately was sorry he had said it. "Gomen Heero! I knew I should have kept quiet and now you hate me right? So, please don't hurt me, I'm really sorry I ever thought..." He was running toward the door wanting to get as far away as possible, but instead a hand grabbing his arm stopped him. "EEP!!" He was turned to face a pair of blazing cobalt eyes. "H-Heero?"
"She didn't lie..." Duo almost fainted. Was this for real? "N-nani?!"
"Everything she told you was true," he whispered. "I did tell her those things. Does it bother you THAT much?" Duo's eyes began to shimmer with tears and he wrapped his arms around his shoulders, burying his head in the crook of his neck. "Of course that wouldn't bother me. I love you too much."
Heero slunk his arms around his waist pulling him closer against his body, feeling Duo's lithe body against his own. "Are you sure this is what you want?" Duo choked out nervously. "Baka. I didn't think you were that dense!" he chuckled softly. "You came to the shack and I kissed you. When you turned Wing Zero Quatre Crazy(tm) challenging me to a duel, I wouldn't let anyone touch you but me... except you threw that vase at me." He gave him a sharp glance. "And then at the airport I kissed you again, what does a guy have to do to get it through your head?" Duo blushed sheepishly. "Well, you'd probably have to... Mmph!" He was abruptly cut off by Heero's devouring mouth.
The door slowly opened to have Relena peep in, "Oi Heero, I- Oh god I'm-I'm so sorry!" She swiftly closed the door shut and leaned against the wall. Slowly shrinking down to the floor, she buried her face in her knees and wept. Heero was supposed to be hers! Not some... girl he probably met when he went to a bar with Maxwell! Her life dream of bearing Heero's son shattered before her very eyes and it hurt so badly. Now she had to watch some other girl carry out her dream. Life wasn't fair! She was Relena Peacecraft! This was not happening to her!
"Miss. Relena are you all right?" came a soft yet deep voice. She looked up to see Quatre and Trowa staring worriedly at her, well at least Quatre was anyway. Trowa had his arms wrapped possessively around his waist. She bawled some more, everyone was happily coupled with someone but her! The two pilots looked at each other and shrugged, figuring they were better off *not* knowing.
She waited until she was certain the two pilots were gone before standing up and walking determinedly down the hall. "Kalista, I thought we were friends but now I realize that you are just an obstacle. And I shall remove ALL obstacles..."
*To Be Continued...*
[1]- I have no idea where that came from, I think I had Star Trek or something in my head, it was corny, but it'll do...
[2]- This time I was probably thinking along the lines of James Bond, and probably the same for [1] too. Hey, what can I say? She's stalker.
[3]- Giggles, I never thought I'd ever agree with Justice-boy!