Ok, I just read Fushigi Yuugi volume 8 at the local borders, and I started crying. Literally. Not much, mind you! Ryuu does not cry in front of people! But I'm going to use the frightening amount of angst I've just experienced to get started.
This as-of-yet Untitled wonder was all Pierce's idea. I'm gonna fill in what I think should go on. Yay Pierce! Pierce is one cool fae. So go compliment her! It was her idea!
(A/N: Please note, Kuwabara is not OOC here in my mind. I think after awhile, the 'real' Kuwabara and the 'fic' Kuwabara have become different. I mean, come on, he's not that stupid. He's played to extremes. They all are. But I try to avoid that. . . so don't you dare say 'OOC' because I don't care what you think.)
Kuwa's POV, by the by, unless stated otherwise.
My mouth hung open . . . I could feel the drool sliding down my chin. That disgusts me. But I couldn't do anything about it – I was in shock.
"She's . . . and you . . . you two . . .?"
The little fire demon gave me a glare stronger than a thousand needles, stronger than the heartthrob of your life running off with your best friend. Something I've never felt before. Pure Evil.
I glanced over at her, and she was crying. Shedding those precious tears that don't mean anything to me. She must be ashamed to be related to that scum, that's all. And then she looked up at me. Her eyes, and his eyes, they could be twins. Well, they were twins, but those eyes . . .
His eyes hold so much hatred. His eyes hold so much bloodshed, so much murder. Hers hold that same quality. They're exactly alike in every way. Even the way the light hit them that day made those eyes identical.
Fear and anger surged through my body. I'd felt that way before, it was my 'fight or die' feeling. And I had to kill him. This is all his fault.
"You bastard," I whispered, pointing a finger. "This is your fault. All your fault."
Hiei gave me a look of somewhat confusion. His fault? His fault how? But if he weren't here, she would be innocent, pure Yukina. Now, now she's plagued by this evil something that won't go away.
"Please, Kazuma," she begs, tears rolling down her face and solidifying into gems as she spoke, "Don't do this—"
"Don't do this?! It's all his fault, the bastard!" I remember making a mental note to use more colorful language, as soon as I'm not so hot with anger.
Yukina mustn't have been able to take that, she ran off into Genkai's temple. Hiei stood there, his black cape blowing in the wind in an almost heroic fashion – how disgusting.
"So, now you know," he started, "and you felt the need to completely shatter her life as well?"
I gave him a menacing look, "It isn't her fault."
He gave a cackling laugh, and I jumped. "Yes. It's mine."
He was teasing me! He was rubbing it in my face, 'I'm evil; I'm going to steal the girl you love away. Take her to the pits of Hell with me. Drag her into the abyss—'
"No!" I yelled, clenching my fists, "You won't! I won't let you. She'll always be safe from your damned Evil as long as I'm around her!" I whipped out my Rei-ken, and swung at him. He countered beautifully, and his metal sword made contact with my right arm.
"You listen to me, ningen. I'm not going to stop you from loving her. She loves you back, and there's nothing I can do about it. But the both of you had a right to know."
With a grunt, he sped off faster than the eye could follow. I sat up to nurse my wound. It was pouring blood . . . beautiful, crimson blood, spilling out onto the ground, contaminating the plants with it's lovely, horrible mark. The spot would never have been innocent forever.
Well, that's my prologue. Prologues are meant to be short, and I'm emotionally disturbed, so don't yell at me!
I'm taking title suggestions. And Pierce, feel free to let me know if you want me to change some things, or if you want to have something in, or anything. It was all your idea! Thanks!
~Ryuu (The Black Dragon)~