Title - One Wing

Author name - Carol

E-mail - [email protected]

Rating - G

Classification - S, R

Spoilers - Each of Us Angels and any ep. about the mystery tattoo.

Disclaimer - If I owned them do you think I'd be a history teacher?

Summary - tattoo and quote

Author's Notes - just a misc. thought running through my head. Another I had to write before it drove me crazy (er).

Thanks to Dae for Beta-reading.


Harm ran his hand down Mac's body as he enjoyed the feeling of having her this close to him. Close enough to love and close enough to be loved. He lay on his side and supported his head with one hand as the other hand explored her body. She gazed at him as his fingers touched every part of her skin.

"I don't understand it," Harm whispered as his fingers traced the tattoo that was below her hip.

"It's a tattoo," Mac ran her fingers across his bare chest.

"Why did you get it?"

"It was a long time ago."

"I know, but why?"

"I needed something to cling to. Something to remind me where I came from and to show me what I've overcome in my life." Mac explained as she watched his finger trace the tattoo. "I got it after Basic Training."

Harm rested his hand on her stomach and looked into her eyes. "Why did you choose it?"

"Uncle Matt called me Angel when I was drying out."

Harm looked at the tattoo again. "Your angel only has one wing."

"We're each of us angels with one wing. And we have to cling to someone else to fly. Luciano de Crescenzo." Mac responded to him.

Harm smiled sweetly at her. "You know I've got a pair of wings."

"I know."

"You know you're my other half."

"I know."

"So with my wings and your one winged angel we ought to be able to fly forever."

Mac kissed him softly. "We will."

"I love you."

"I love you."

Harm moved to lie down and hold her better. Mac curled into his arms and closed her eyes and she didn't have to hope that her dreams would take her to a place where she belonged. Because right now in Harm's arms she was there and so was he. As they slept their hands rested on top of her tattoo. Underneath their joined hands lay a one winged angel that held the hope of their future and a reminder of Mac's past.

The End