How the Members of Schwarz Eat a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup

by: Beth Gulla

Farfie: ::cackles madly as he purées his peanut butter cup::
Nagi: ::rolls his eyes::
Schu: ::chuckles::
Crawford: ::adjusts his glasses:: I knew he would do that.

Nagi: ::bites disappear from the floating candy and Nagi seems to be eating something, but how?::
Schu: Show off...
Farfie: He's hurting God.
Crawford: I knew he'd say that.

Schu: ::covered in chocolate after eating his very messily:: the honey of people's thoughts....
Farfie: I want to hurt God... ::licks the chocolate off Schu's fingers and things start to (ahem) get beyond a PG rating::
Nagi: @__@ Don't you two have any restraint!?
Crawford: I knew he would--
Nagi: Of course you did! You're a pre-cog, that's the only thing you're good for!!

Crawford: I hate chocolate.
Others: ::facefault::
Nagi: That's it! I can't take it any longer! I'm leaving! ::stalks out in a huff::
Schu and Farfie: ::move to the bedroom to let things take their natural course::
Crawford: ::adjusts his glasses coolly:: I knew they'd do that.