Chapter 14: Carry On, Little Soldier

Daine and Numair were practically smothered as their immensely relieved friends embraced them.

Graveyard Hag's teeth, Daine! exclaimed the Lioness as she fiercely hugged her young friend. You take the most foolhardy risks!

That she does, thanks be! interjected Onua as she slapped Numair upside his head. Don't scare us like that again, mage! she answered to his half-reproachful grin.

George looked upwards as the rain stopped, and a slight smile formed on his lips as he saw that the downpour had washed all traces of that harsh blood-red light from the horizon. Clean, gold sunlight shone through the now nearly cloudless sky.

Jonathan! JONATHAN!

Hariliat of Aili's voice traveled up to meet the ears of the king, who was still standing amongst the joyous yet tearful throng at the base of Balor's Needle.

Hariliat ran to the base of the stairs of the structure. Your Majesties! Lioness! He called. You'd all better come down here! Duke Gareth is beside himself. It seems no one has seen hide nor hair of his son!

Alanna turned to the rest of the group, eyes worried. Gary wasn't amongst the Choas-slaves?

Raoul shook his head. We'd assumed he was with all of you.

called the king. The magical dampeners may be down by now. Have the red robes try to contact Gareth the Younger in the city of Eldorne, we'll be right down!


Later that day, Daine found herself in her chambers, hurriedly packing up some clean clothes and supplies for the trip to Eldorne. The palace mages had only been able to keep contact with Gary for a few moments because of all the uncontrolled magical energy still left in the atmosphere from the afternoon's battle. There had been just enough time for the Prime Minister to explain that the city had been left in ruins and that the king and his advisors were desperately needed. It was quickly decided that Jon, Numair, Daine, Alanna, Sarge, and George were to set out for Eldorne before nightfall.

A knock sounded at the door of Daine's bedchamber. Come in.

Numair entered the room and sat on the edge of her bed. I thought I'd come see if you needed any help. he said.

Daine finished stuffing a pair of brown breeches into her worn leather pack and fastened it closed. Thanks, but I'm set. she sat next to him, settling easily against his side. All that's left to do is wait for word from Jonathan.

Numair took a deep breath. he said. Are you sure you're feeling up to this trip? Eldorne's nearly a day's ride, and you've been through so much already- you must be exhausted.

She smiled up at him. This from the man whose just returned from the realms of the dead! I'm fine, Numair. We're needed. We've got to go.

His arm tightened around her shoulders. That's my girl.

Daine sighed softly and rose from her seat. She moved silently to the window and stared out into the settling dusk.

What's wrong?

I just can't shake this feeling... we may have won the battle, Numair... but whose to say whether we can win the war?

Yes. Horse Lords, he's still out there! Deniau of the Copper Isles as well! And though Chaos was bested today, that doesn't really do anything to diminish Uusoae's existence or her power. Numair... Chaos was created alongside the Great Gods themselves. How can they ever expect to really defeat her? She breeds such misery, such hopelessness... what good is all this fighting when Chaos herself can never die? I just don't understand how mortals can be expected to carry on in life when disaster and death are always nipping at our heels!

The mage quickly moved to his love and enveloped her in a tight embrace. Daine clenched the fabric of his shirt in her fingers as she breathed in his familiar scent to try and calm herself. It wasn't until she felt the linen against her cheek grow wet that she even realized she had been crying.

I wish I had answers for you, my darling, Numair murmured into her hair. I wish I could understand such things myself. He pulled back slightly and looked her in the eye, his fingers softly stroking the nape of her neck. For all my education, I am certain of only a few things in this world. he smiled gently. This is what I am certain of: life is hard. It's hard and it's painful and it's every day. But it's what we have to do. We keep going, we keep fighting, because every once in a while there is a moment like this one. A moment you get to be with one you love. And I love you, Daine. I love you with everything I am and ever will be. You are my reason for carrying on- for believing that someday we may win the war.

Daine stared into his eyes for a moment, then wordlessly moved her lips to his. Numair's arms held her tightly against his torso and she pressed the palms of her hands against his back in an attempt to bring him even closer, deeper. And though the young woman's head still swirled with thoughts of confusion and bedlam, her heart certainly beat in time with the one thudding in the chest of the man who held her.

And for the moment, that was enough.


A/N: Just a little update tonight! :) We're nearing the end, folks, just a chapter or two left in this story! Up next will be lots of updates (I wanted to get this story line out of my head before I dove into that one), and some one shots. Any requests? A pairing or circumstance you'd like to see? Drop me an e-mail or a review, I'd LOVE to hear from you!

p.s. A cookie to anyone who can name the Buffy episode I snagged a quote from in this chapter! :P