The shadows of a storm loomed in the distance, casting its foreboding clouds along the entire length of the horizon. It was far away, still, but it wouldn't be long before it would hit the shallow valley below the foot of the small town, Xoan. Even now, the woman could smell the spicy scent of rain in the air, could feel its ominous energy from the distance.

Her feet were bare against the soft ground so that she could feel the pleasure of valley's fine grass in between her toes, but the normal comfort of the sensation wasn't with her tonight. There was something in the air that unnerved her, something that wasn't quite right.

Drawing in a deceptively calm breath, the woman looked up at the sky above her to gaze up at the white globe of the moon. It smiled back down at her like a heavenly ghost of the night, shining brightly as if to assure her that all would be well. Its light seemed to ward off the storm's malevolence, making the very air easier to breathe.

But then the winds suddenly picked up, bringing an instant chill in the air that was enough to leave ice crystals in the long swaying braids of the woman's white hair. The winds billowed about her as if to remind her of the darkness heading in her direction, like a bad omen looking to instill dread.

The woman firmed her petite frame against the fierce winds and lifted a hand to hold her braids back so that she could look farther into the distance without having them whip into her face. Her eyes narrowed as she studied the black thunderheads rolling her way. They almost seemed to broil with anticipation, spreading across the sky like spilled ink on silk, scarred by the remnants of an evil essence purged from its pulsating mass.

Something's coming, she thought suddenly, knowingly.

No, not something.


The woman could feel it from the storm, could sense the influence of another, more powerful life force.

So, she thought in resignation. It's finally come to that, has it? I never thought I'd have to face . . . She closed her eyes, trying to shut the thought out. Dear God, has this task really fallen upon me?

As if in answer to her unspoken question, a loud crack of thunder boomed from the distance, rolling in deeply across the land so that she could feel its reverberation thrumming in her chest.

Shaking her head and resigning herself to her long-held truth, the woman turned around and headed back towards the small church. She had much to get ready before it was time.

There was much to be done before he arrived.