(Okay, I just saw "The Apprentice, Part One" and it was SO COOL! I'm eagerly waiting Part Two. But you know what? I'm gonna write Part Two right now! ^_^ Keep in mind I haven't actually seen Part Two yet, so it'll probably be very different from the actual episode. This is just to get it out of my system, I guess. Enjoy! Oh, and these characters belong to DC and Warner Bros. and I'm not making any money off this. ^_~)

The night was dark, cold and bitter. 'Funny', he thought, 'that's exactly how I feel right now.'

A slender, shadowy figure was hopping from building to building in the pale moonlight. Under one arm he carefully carried a small vial of glowing orange liquid. He wasn't sure exactly what it was, Slade didn't say. It didn't really matter, Slade had told him, it was merely a small test. However, a "small test" to Slade meant breaking into a high security building complete with security camera and laser-ridden hallways and carefully decoding a security lock to open the case holding the vial without triggering the alarms.

While he had succeeded in this, the dark figure was understandably tired, and quickly getting into a bad mood. He prayed that the rest of the night would go by fairly peacefully -

Suddenly he slammed face first into a wall.

"OW! What the -"

A wall that hadn't been there half a second ago. Shaking his head, he stepped back to get a better look at the mysterious wall. His heart sunk. He had seen a wall like that before.

He spun around and saw that he was right. Raven was floating about ten feet from him, using her powers to make a wall of dark energy. Just below her, on the roof of a building, stood the other Teen Titans.

"Boy," Cyborg was saying, aiming his cannon, "did you pick the wrong night to - ROBIN!?" He let out a shout, suddenly recognizing his target. The Titans gasped.

'Damn,' Robin thought. He had been afraid of this.

"Robin!" Starfire cried joyfully. When Robin had disappeared after his fight with Cinderblock, she had been extremely worried for his safety. Seeing Robin alive and well put a smile on her sweet face. But then a look of puzzlement came over her features as she looked at him. He was not wearing his usual outfit of red and green and yellow that was supposed to represent the small earth bird known as a "robin". He was wearing a strange orange and black suit that looked almost like armor. It seemed very unlike him. The others didn't seem to notice though, not yet.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" Beast Boy shrieked. "We were soooooooo worried! We thought maybe Cinderblock actually got you!"

'I wish,' Robin thought sadly. He longed to open his mouth and tell his friends what exactly was going on, but he clearly remembered Slade's instructions that he was forbidden to speak to them again. Damn that little red button!

"This is ROBIN we're talking about," Raven said, bringing the dark energy wall down, "it would take more than that blockhead to take him down." She had her usual monotonous tone, but now with a hint of respect. Even SHE had been worried about Robin. "But what's with the new outfit?"

"Yeah," said Cyborg, "and WHAT are you doing with that vial of highly expensive chemicals that was just stolen from that factory down the road??"

"DUH, Cyborg, isn't it obvious?" Beast Boy spoke up, "Robin musta seen the criminal and took the vial from him! Hey Rob, any idea who it was? The Hive, maybe??"

The Titans looked expectantly over at Robin. Robin's heart twisted at the look on their faces, their complete trust in their leader, their respect. God, he didn't want to do this!

"Robin." Robin winced at the soft but sinister voice in his ear. Slade had put a com-link in Robin's ear in order to give him instructions from the computer in his hideout, and a tiny camera on Robin's suit so he could watch Robin's movements. Robin could hear the sick grin in his voice, "I think you know what to do now."

Robin gritted his teeth and sighed. The Titans looked at him curiously.

Raven titled her head slightly, "Robin?"

Robin looked down with a face of utter sorrow. When he looked up again, it was hard and cold.

Cyborg raised an eyebrow in confusion, "Robin?"

Robin slowly raised his arm towards the Titans. The one that had a laser cannon attached to it.

A hint of worry crept into Beast Boy's voice. What was going on? "Robin?!"

Robin fired.

Starfire gasped in terror, "ROBIN!"

(Okay! So should I continue? I got a few more days until the actual episode airs, so lemmie know soon. ^_^)