Title: Simple existence

Authoress: Asuki

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: See chapter one

Summary: See chapter one

Disclaimer: I do not own beyblade or its characters. I simply borrow them from time to time for a bit of fun and return them relatively unharmed. Unrecognizable characters belong solely to me.

Status: revised

Enjoy, if possible.


Chapter 2:
Show time

"You sure you don't want to return home tonight?" a soft female voice echoed across the currently empty backstage, while the said owner sat in a desk and busied herself with the incomes of that day, one hand shifting through papers while the other pressed away on the calculator.

"Hn." came a scoff from the boy reclining on the lounge, eyes closed and messaging his temples, intent on relaxing for the moment. "And here I thought you knew me, wrong assumption I guess."

"You and your fucking perceptions Kai, no matter what you think, they are still, your family." the girl persisted, keeping her focus on the documents at hand. Mistakes would prove costly, especially in their field.

"I don't need that bullshit now Keysha. I said it once, I said it a thousand times, I want nothing to do with them."

"Suppose so." Refusing to agitate the blue haired enigma she dropped the topic. Besides, who was she to talk about family problems, after all, she had her own to deal with, every person that worked here did. Unspoken and unmentioned, those topics are never brought up, yet hidden behind every employee was a different story. But they slip on a mask, not ones of happiness or contentment, just ones of stolidity. Together they are gathered here, acquainted, united.

People outside wouldn't understand, the people that come here for the entertainment wouldn't understand. Heck, all they care about is whether they get a good show or not.

Dirty work, that's what they called it. Conversely it took on an entirely different meaning to the performers, to feel the beat of the music pumping in your veins, to give your soul and heart into it, to enjoy and love it. To feel the adrenaline rush pulsing through your body, letting it consume you. To hear the wild applause given by the audience and to see the lust and desire in their eyes. Not many people can whole heartedly say they love their work, but these people can, these people dare. To them it was a route of escape to heaven, a gateway to paradise, an untainted piece of beautiful art. It was an addiction, a drug, it was hell and it was their life.

And Kai was one of them.

Furthermore, the pay was good.

Money. The basis of society, the sin of all greed, one can never get enough of. With money, one can satisfy their human desires, buy what you want; eat what you like; do what you please. Hell you could even get a good fuck down in the club if you wanted, with money. But these performers are different, to them not everything is about the cash. While it was true that it was their way of earning a living, to them money was secondary, say a bonus you can obtain from the job asides the adrenaline and self satisfaction, yet it was needed.

Waves of silence pursued, the only disruption came from the insistent beeps caused by buttons pressed away on a calculator. Surprisingly few moments later Kai was the one who spoke again, bringing up a new topic.

"That's the reason why I came here."


"And I'm glad you did Kai. Our income has dramatically improved ever since your first performance, the crowd goes wild. Seems like everybody wants a piece of you." the one named Keysha said, placing both arms on the desk and leaned forward, directing her gaze on the boy, a pair of ochre irises sparkling with amusement.

Sensing the stare, Kai lifted his hand from his temple and instead, ruffled through his wild cerulean bangs, the typical and quickest way of telling them to behave. Indolently one eye fluttered open, allowing its owner to drink in the image of his companion.

Smooth tanned skin and a heart shaped face greeted his sight. Full pink lips outlined a sharp mouth whose words Kai knew only too well, intellectual and retorting. Letting his eyes journey upwards, a small nose with one piercing on the juncture came into view, the miniature decoration twinkled even under the dim lights. A pair of bright ochre eyes outlined by kohl followed, its depths spoke experience and knowledge. Even Kai had to admit the girl's glare was comparable to his, both were intense and piercing. However, hers was more often understanding, while his, mainly putting people off.

Keysha had an even complexion, topped off by short hazel tresses highlighted with black and gold streaks. Various piercings with different jewels adorned petite ears, adding more to her striking appearance. Though the table acted as an obstruction, Kai could still visualize the rest of her body. The tight leather pants that showed off her long slender legs and a short tank top that betrayed her figure.

In other words, she looked good.

It was all about your appearance. Looks were everything in this business, and Kai found that out first hand. Of course it was the body which does the talking, but in spite of everything, first impressions do count. And they didn't want to, couldn't afford to, let any chance of business slip pass their fingertips because of that. Fixing his own gaze on the girl crimson met ochre, no words were exchanged but mutual understanding was shared.

Flashing one of his rare grins the cerulean haired boy was the first to break the silence once more.

"Of course. Who can resist the great Kai Hiwatari?" raising an eyebrow the boy gloated, knowing too well the answer he would receive.

"Aren't you modest, beautiful." A playful tone countered its previous remark.

"Deny it all you want, but I am sexy." And to prove his point Kai got off the recliner and started walking in the opposite direction, making sure to sway his hips with every step.

No words emanated from Keysha, only a few fake coughs that sounded suspiciously close to "as if".

Instead of throwing her death glare like he normally would, Kai opted for a dismissive wave and some casual words.

"Notify me when the last show commences, I'll be in the staff rooms." And with that the young man's profile disappeared into the corridors.


(Okay Rei, take a deep breath and count to ten...)

Sleeves dabbed lightly on his forehead, trying to wiped away the moisture that had gathered in the last few minutes. Unknown to the boy whether it was the rain, or that he was sweating. Rei's cheeks remained tinted red although his hands were freezing; heated flesh stung upon cold skin as he cupped his cheeks in an attempt to bring down the temperature.

Fat chance.

A pair of vigilant golden orbs scrutinized its surroundings, happy to note no other presence. Albeit shivering, Rei stood silently as a debate soundly went underway within his head. Part of him, the naïve and inexperienced side beckoned that he should just leave and pretend nothing ever happened; however another side of him, the darker and mature part was telling him to go for it, to venture into new places and new experiences.

Infuriated with his lack of choices the raven figure continued to dwell on his own thoughts. The barely rational mind indicated he had never been to these places before, therefore to avoid possible embarrassment the best thing to do was depart; his heart was advising otherwise. Ten minutes passed swiftly and still no decision was made, deciding to give it a rest Rei shrugged and another breeze danced in, toying with his vast expanse of flowing black hair.

(Fuck, why am I even thinking of these things anyway...)

Another thought crossed his mind, emerging before the boy had a chance to push it back.

(You just need to get laid, that's all...)

Not pleased with where his thoughts were leading him, Rei shoved his hands into his pockets once more, subconsciously letting his legs lead him. Avenues and streets he passed, watching the dazzling neon lights flashing on and off, taking note of the phrases and words adapted. Occasionally he would spot scantily dressed whores by the roadside and absent-mindedly steered clear of those paths. The last thing he needed right now was some dumb blonde trying to seduce him to sex.

It just wasn't his thing.

The next fifteen minutes passed liked that and Rei started to ponder about his accommodation for the night. After all, he highly doubted his parents would welcome him back with open arms after that little incident. Besides, wandering down the streets of the red light district wasn't what he called the best option, not to mention nothing really caught his attention. Turning around so to follow the route back a flash of crimson appeared abruptly before his eyes, startling the boy and catching his eyes instantaneously. It wasn't the luminescent neon lights, nor the name of the club sparkling in the dark, it was the poster on the double doors that had Rei captivated.

Even under the starless night, standing from across the road of the club Rei perused the poster. Vaguely he could make out a face, its features were indistinct from the rain and dark, but for a fleeting moment Rei found himself staring into a pair of intense scarlet orbs. Though it was merely an image, those blazing irises seemed like molten fireballs, burning into his very essence, questioning and daring at the same time; sending silent shivers down his spine.

All of a sudden Rei found his legs guiding him towards the doors of that club; and before he knew it two burly security guards clad in black suits stood before him. Trawling his pockets Rei fished out his driver's license, handing it over to the security guards who in turn, examined it carefully, looking up and down from the identification card to Rei. While the raven haired boy was almost nineteen, most people would mistake the boy for a seventeen year old. One reason for that, Rei wasn't particularly tall; another one, the boy had a slim frame.

After a minute or so one of the guards handed back his license while another opened the door, granting entrance.

"Entertainment starts promptly at 11:00pm, enjoy yourself." a smooth voice cut through the air.

Managing a nod the golden eyed teen plucked up his courage, the same time sparing a quick look at his wrist watch.

10:45 pm

(Here goes nothing.)

With a swift step the figure disappeared behind tall doors.


A knock.


Knock again.

"Who is it?"

"Keysha. Your shift starts in fifteen minutes Kai, be ready."

"I always am."

"Just get ready." and with that Keysha left to attend her own duties.

A pair of crimson orbs stared back at its reflection from inside the room, examining his own appearance. Then with swift movements the hand of the figure applied the last of his kohl, the azure substance contrasted against the fiery orbs and the pale skin, prominent. Reaching out the same hand took hold of a small tube, taking the cap off and squeezed out a generous amount of glittery content. Spreading it evenly on both hands, Kai proceeded to smear the glitter throughout his hair, applying it thoroughly.

With his facial make up finished the boy stood in front of the full frontal mirror to inspect his appearance. Adjusting the black silk shirt slightly he extended an arm and reached for the last piece of costume to complete his look. Throwing the gleaming white cloak around his shoulders Kai placed the hood over his head, casting a final glance in the mirror he stepped out into the corridors and headed for the backstage.

"Show time."


Golden orbs slitted the moment Rei stepped into the club. Dazzling spotlights shone everywhere, creating an illusion of sight as the iridescent colours flashed in different directions upon the large crowd. Deafening music pulsated across the dance floor, the throbbing beat acted as further stimulation to the already wild and enlivened mass. Bodies moved in sync to the music, individuals forgetting about their problems temporarily; determined just to dance and enjoy themselves to the fullest.

It took a moment for Rei to adjust to the spotlights, once his vision was clear he took in the sight before him.

The entire club was a large circular room consisting of two levels, the entrance being situated on the upper one. As guests walk in they are greeted with the sight of a circular metal platform. Modern tables and stools distributed along the circumference orderly, packed full of people chatting away with drinks and snacks. A large circle was cut out from the center of the level, looking past the railing you are revealed a lower level where the dance floor was located. People scattered about, leaning against the railing with refreshments, looking down at the dancing crowd.

Rei was speechless, his parents never allowed him to go to clubs, regarding the act as inappropriate. Just being in a club, especially ones like this, was definitely a new experience for the boy.

The heavy smell of liquor overloaded his senses, added with the smoky atmosphere the place was heaven and hell coalesced, only better. A bar ran along the length of the lower floor, a small stage with a DJ booth was also apparent. A broad catwalk extended from the stage and all along the length there were people dancing and gyrating to the music.

(Suppose that's where the entertainment is going to take place...) Rei mused silently as he wondered just what sort of entertainment these clubs provided.

Ordering himself a drink Rei too, rested against the metal railing and observed the crowd below. The dancing varied from just swaying lightly to the beat or moving around to sensual and more physical, some even downright erotic. Rei had never seen dancing like that, though he had received dancing lessons from a small age, but they were nothing like this. Gulping, he wondered how it would be to dance like that, letting the music consume you, choreographing your moves, letting go all restrictions.

Deciding that he had enough excitement for one day Rei pushed away the urge of wanting to dance and instead, opted for just watching.

He doubted he could dance like that anyway.

Rei's thoughts wondered away as the heavy beat boomed around him. Just two hours ago he had a huge argument with his parents over the arranged marriage with a girl he never met before. The dispute had force Rei to reveal his homosexuality to his parents, and it was any thing but sweet when they found out. Now he was in a club for the first time in his life and had nowhere to stay for the night.

(Might as well enjoy myself now that I'm here...)

Focusing on the dancing crowd below once more Rei couldn't help to notice that the club's occupants were mostly... males. The only females present were a few bartenders and waitresses. It didn't take long for him to process this new piece of information and come up with a conclusion.

(Out of all the clubs you could have gone in, you had to choose a gay club. Nice job Rei, real smooth.)

Feeling somewhat uncomfortable, the raven haired boy tired his best to relax and blend in with the atmosphere. Soon the spotlights on the dance floor dimmed and the music gradually softened. Movement ceased on the dance floor as the audience directed their attention to the catwalk stage. Rei leaned his body over the railing, curious to find out what was going to happen.

Drafts of white smoke materialized with loud hissing sounds, clouding the stage and giving it the impression of ethereal and serene. The DJ's voice boomed across the club through the speakers as he introduced the night's events.

"Welcome everybody, to this evening's show. Tonight for your viewing pleasures we present to you one of the earth's most exotic dancers. I'm sure you will enjoy his performance immensely. I present to you all... Shakaku..." [1]

The DJ's voice disappeared and without warning the lights snapped out, engulfing the club in absolute darkness, except for the bright green 'exit' signs. A loud sultry beat emitted from the speakers and then just as sudden, a single blue spotlight shone, exposing to the audience a slender figure hooded and clad in a long white cloak, standing at the top of the catwalk with his back facing the crowd.

The music picked up; sensing the cue to start the performer on stage began to sway lightly to the growing beat. One arm lifted and brushed back the white hood, revealing a mop of hair adorned by two brilliant shades of blue, scintillating under the spotlight. Hips started to swing to the rhythm, the cloak following its owner's every moment, rocking swiftly, left, right, left.

As the first words of the song were uttered, in response, the figure turned around sharply, facing the audience with his head bowed. The song flowed on with the performer dancing his way down the catwalk, hips moving seductively. Stopping when he reached the end of the walk, one hand ran up and down the length of his torso, caressing the skin through the multiple layers of clothing.

Rei gasped. Never in his life had he seen anything, or anyone for this matter, as sensual as the creature before him.

Following the throbbing beat, the one on stage danced on. Then using one swift yet strong motion the figure tossed his head back, letting the hungry gaze of the crowd fall upon his beautiful face. The pair of scarlet orbs were electric, gleaming with seduction at the audience below. The kohl around those expressive yet bottomless orbs highlighted their beauty even more. Light amethyst eye shadow complimented the crimson hues while the glitter across his high cheek bones defined and softened the muscular jaw line.

With a shrug and flick the white cloak was removed and tossed on the ground, revealing a well built body encased in black. Tight, body hugging pants graced the slender legs, leaving nothing to the imagination. Hands continued to roam over the broad chest through the black silk shirt, giving a sensual display to the excited crowd. Coming to a stop at the hem of the shirt, the same hands lifted up the garment slightly, teasing the audience with firm, well toned abs.

Undoing a few buttons, one hand slid in to caress the smooth pale skin beneath.

Cat calls and whistles emitted from the crowd, encouraging the one on stage to continue with the performance. A smirk crept up his lips and the figure began to work the shirt loose from his shoulders, slipping it slowly over one then another. The silk shirt gathered between elbows and with another flick the body ridded of the clothing, dropping it once more to the ground were black entwined with white.

The crowd was going wild.

Rei was in heaven.



[1] Angel of light

A/N: Please review despite the dreadful writing, it keeps me going.