Alright, I figured I should probably make another, longer, H+K fic before
people got mad LOL. SO HERE IT IS! I thought of the idea for this one a
while back but never got around to writing it, oh well, ENJOY! ^^
I don't own Hiei, or that steely Yoko Kurama! ^_^ All characters forever belong to the genius, Yoshihiro Togashi!
I slowly walked up to the door of my fighting partner, and possibly closest friend's, house. I hesitantly lifted my fist to knock; I had never been here before. It all seemed so . . . human.
I brushed off whatever slight fear I had and knocked on the door, perhaps a little too vigorously as if to kick my fear in the back.
In no time at all the door was opened and I was greeted by Kurama who was wearing a smile for me.
I grunted and walked in, pushing him a little to do so.
I had my back turned to him so I quickly scanned to make sure it was alright. I didn't exactly know what I expected it to be like, I never really hung out in human homes. I'd only been in a few for a very short period of time, and even less willingly.
"Interesting . . ." I coldly heaved turning to look at Kurama again.
"Hello Hiei, shall we go into the other room? I've laid out all our plans." He said to me still with a cheerful smile.
I slowly followed him into the room, while walking I was greeted by picture after picture of Kurama, with every passing one he seemed to get a year older . . . funny.
"Dose your 'mother' truly want to display you to the world like this?" I asked with a smirk as Kurama took a seat on his sofa.
He laughed a bit, but didn't really respond.
I looked over and saw what looked like a floor plan of the fortress Koenma had ordered us to break into and arrest or kill. In order to take a good look at it I sat next to Kurama.
"So Hiei how are you?" He asked turning to look at me, who was directing all attention to the floor plan.
"What's this here?" I asked pointing to something on it that looked like a trap.
"Yes, it's a collapsing wall, we'll have to move fast there." He answered looking back over at the plan.
"Very fast . . . I'm guessing I could barely even get past. I'm a lot faster than you are, how do you plan to get out without getting smashed into a Kuwabara-like looking creature?" I asked sarcastically with a serious edge.
"That's precisely why I called you over here, I hoped you'd have an idea." He said looking a little worried.
"Here's a plan: get faster! It's the only way we could get out without being decapitated by demon guards." I answered placing the floor plan back on the table.
"I know . . . I'd say you should do this on your own but-" He started hesitantly.
"But what?" I asked raising an eyebrow, surly I could handle such a meaningless job on my own.
"No, it's just too risky. We don't know enough about our enemy. It would be much safer if I went along with you. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you." Kurama said looking over at me with a caring smile.
"I'm bound to die sometime fox." I grunted at him sarcastically.
"Hiei, I'm serious. I am going with you." He told me firmly.
"Fine, fine." I replied.
He had a point, we didn't really know anything about the countless demons who resided with the fortress.
We would have gotten a little more help if Yusuke and Kuwabara weren't already on a mission of their own, doing something related to escape demon murderers attack preschool children in their sleep. So it was just Kurama and me.
"Hey, Hiei, do you suppose I'm any fast in my demon form?" Kurama asked me sounding a little nervous.
"Any demon is faster than any human, except maybe Yusuke, only exception." I answered closing my eyes and folding my arms.
"I'm not that slow Hiei . . ."
"Not including you idiot." I grunted.
"Well include me sometimes huh?" Kurama said jokingly.
"Whatever. So, do you have any fruit of the previous life handy? We could test and find out." I said almost certain that he did have some.
"Well yes I do but . . . you'll have to convince the Yoko side of me to do all this. In fact, we better do that tonight, he has to know the plans." Kurama said standing up and leaving the room.
After he had left I looked over besides me to see a pillow and grunted to myself, "Far too human . . ."
"Alright Hiei," He started entering the room again. "It should take affect any minute now."
We both sat there wait until he finally began to change. His soft red hair became more like silver silk. His body got a little bigger, more tough and rugged. And of course the tail, ears, and claws, also those shifty yellow eyes, much more mysterious than his wide and kind emerald ones that he had as a human.
"Perfect . . ." I uttered under my breath.
I had become quit intimidated after finding myself in the presence of this legendary Youko. I had never really spoken with him . . . well this side of him. Although he and my partner shared the same soul and memories they were much too different to be called the same. And this demon was defiantly not as kind as his human part. He hadn't been tainted but those human emotions like Shuichi. He was a pure demon, the purest demon I knew of!
"I know you are but what am I?" The Kitsune said to me seductively.
I nearly jumped out of my seat. I had never been this close to him, this magnificent creature.
As if I weren't already close enough he leaned in more towards me.
I regained a hold over myself and told him seriously, "I need you to take a look at these plans, you have to figure out a way to get yourself out with be hit by the falling trap wall."
"Is that why you called me out? Alright then . . ." He said picking up the plans and looking them over carefully. "Childs play." He uttered setting the paper down and turning back to me.
"You have something already?" I asked in shock.
"We'll just go out the way we come in, through the front." He said smirking at me with a alluring passion in his eyes.
"But what about all the-"
"Nothing I few slashes of your sword and swipes of my claws can't take care of." He interrupted.
"Do you really think-"
"Hiei, I know about these things a lot better than you do, trust me on it." He butted in again moving up his hand and playfully moving his fingers across my chin.
What was this guy up to?
"What do you think you're doing?" I asked him harshly after he slipped his hand down my neck and gently rested it on my chest.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" He answered with a question of his own.
I really didn't KNOW what he was doing. But whatever it was it made me rather nervous. "Hiei, I've always liked you . . . but sadly I've only gotten to glance upon you across the crowd . . . finally I have you alone."
My eyes went wide and my heart started to pound. So that's what he was doing.
"Don't even . . ." I started finding myself unable to finish for he had pierced my shirt, and my skin, with his claws and forcefully pushed me down on my back.
"What? Don't tell me you don't want me. Don't tell me that you haven't always wondered what I'm like . . . or what I'm about to have with you." He said with a devilish smile as he pulled me up to him, by the claws that were digging even deeper into my chest, and kissed me with fierceness I'd never experienced.
The fox got what he wanted and what he wanted was me.
Yugijouoh: Well please tell me what you thought of the first chapter. ^_^ Reviews always get me writing more! The more reviews the better it will probably be! ^^- LOL
I don't own Hiei, or that steely Yoko Kurama! ^_^ All characters forever belong to the genius, Yoshihiro Togashi!
I slowly walked up to the door of my fighting partner, and possibly closest friend's, house. I hesitantly lifted my fist to knock; I had never been here before. It all seemed so . . . human.
I brushed off whatever slight fear I had and knocked on the door, perhaps a little too vigorously as if to kick my fear in the back.
In no time at all the door was opened and I was greeted by Kurama who was wearing a smile for me.
I grunted and walked in, pushing him a little to do so.
I had my back turned to him so I quickly scanned to make sure it was alright. I didn't exactly know what I expected it to be like, I never really hung out in human homes. I'd only been in a few for a very short period of time, and even less willingly.
"Interesting . . ." I coldly heaved turning to look at Kurama again.
"Hello Hiei, shall we go into the other room? I've laid out all our plans." He said to me still with a cheerful smile.
I slowly followed him into the room, while walking I was greeted by picture after picture of Kurama, with every passing one he seemed to get a year older . . . funny.
"Dose your 'mother' truly want to display you to the world like this?" I asked with a smirk as Kurama took a seat on his sofa.
He laughed a bit, but didn't really respond.
I looked over and saw what looked like a floor plan of the fortress Koenma had ordered us to break into and arrest or kill. In order to take a good look at it I sat next to Kurama.
"So Hiei how are you?" He asked turning to look at me, who was directing all attention to the floor plan.
"What's this here?" I asked pointing to something on it that looked like a trap.
"Yes, it's a collapsing wall, we'll have to move fast there." He answered looking back over at the plan.
"Very fast . . . I'm guessing I could barely even get past. I'm a lot faster than you are, how do you plan to get out without getting smashed into a Kuwabara-like looking creature?" I asked sarcastically with a serious edge.
"That's precisely why I called you over here, I hoped you'd have an idea." He said looking a little worried.
"Here's a plan: get faster! It's the only way we could get out without being decapitated by demon guards." I answered placing the floor plan back on the table.
"I know . . . I'd say you should do this on your own but-" He started hesitantly.
"But what?" I asked raising an eyebrow, surly I could handle such a meaningless job on my own.
"No, it's just too risky. We don't know enough about our enemy. It would be much safer if I went along with you. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you." Kurama said looking over at me with a caring smile.
"I'm bound to die sometime fox." I grunted at him sarcastically.
"Hiei, I'm serious. I am going with you." He told me firmly.
"Fine, fine." I replied.
He had a point, we didn't really know anything about the countless demons who resided with the fortress.
We would have gotten a little more help if Yusuke and Kuwabara weren't already on a mission of their own, doing something related to escape demon murderers attack preschool children in their sleep. So it was just Kurama and me.
"Hey, Hiei, do you suppose I'm any fast in my demon form?" Kurama asked me sounding a little nervous.
"Any demon is faster than any human, except maybe Yusuke, only exception." I answered closing my eyes and folding my arms.
"I'm not that slow Hiei . . ."
"Not including you idiot." I grunted.
"Well include me sometimes huh?" Kurama said jokingly.
"Whatever. So, do you have any fruit of the previous life handy? We could test and find out." I said almost certain that he did have some.
"Well yes I do but . . . you'll have to convince the Yoko side of me to do all this. In fact, we better do that tonight, he has to know the plans." Kurama said standing up and leaving the room.
After he had left I looked over besides me to see a pillow and grunted to myself, "Far too human . . ."
"Alright Hiei," He started entering the room again. "It should take affect any minute now."
We both sat there wait until he finally began to change. His soft red hair became more like silver silk. His body got a little bigger, more tough and rugged. And of course the tail, ears, and claws, also those shifty yellow eyes, much more mysterious than his wide and kind emerald ones that he had as a human.
"Perfect . . ." I uttered under my breath.
I had become quit intimidated after finding myself in the presence of this legendary Youko. I had never really spoken with him . . . well this side of him. Although he and my partner shared the same soul and memories they were much too different to be called the same. And this demon was defiantly not as kind as his human part. He hadn't been tainted but those human emotions like Shuichi. He was a pure demon, the purest demon I knew of!
"I know you are but what am I?" The Kitsune said to me seductively.
I nearly jumped out of my seat. I had never been this close to him, this magnificent creature.
As if I weren't already close enough he leaned in more towards me.
I regained a hold over myself and told him seriously, "I need you to take a look at these plans, you have to figure out a way to get yourself out with be hit by the falling trap wall."
"Is that why you called me out? Alright then . . ." He said picking up the plans and looking them over carefully. "Childs play." He uttered setting the paper down and turning back to me.
"You have something already?" I asked in shock.
"We'll just go out the way we come in, through the front." He said smirking at me with a alluring passion in his eyes.
"But what about all the-"
"Nothing I few slashes of your sword and swipes of my claws can't take care of." He interrupted.
"Do you really think-"
"Hiei, I know about these things a lot better than you do, trust me on it." He butted in again moving up his hand and playfully moving his fingers across my chin.
What was this guy up to?
"What do you think you're doing?" I asked him harshly after he slipped his hand down my neck and gently rested it on my chest.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" He answered with a question of his own.
I really didn't KNOW what he was doing. But whatever it was it made me rather nervous. "Hiei, I've always liked you . . . but sadly I've only gotten to glance upon you across the crowd . . . finally I have you alone."
My eyes went wide and my heart started to pound. So that's what he was doing.
"Don't even . . ." I started finding myself unable to finish for he had pierced my shirt, and my skin, with his claws and forcefully pushed me down on my back.
"What? Don't tell me you don't want me. Don't tell me that you haven't always wondered what I'm like . . . or what I'm about to have with you." He said with a devilish smile as he pulled me up to him, by the claws that were digging even deeper into my chest, and kissed me with fierceness I'd never experienced.
The fox got what he wanted and what he wanted was me.
Yugijouoh: Well please tell me what you thought of the first chapter. ^_^ Reviews always get me writing more! The more reviews the better it will probably be! ^^- LOL