Mobile Suit Gundam Resurrection
Episode 35: Revelations and the Future
Temuro Maki, a 17 year old boy from the lunar city of Frau Mara, has endured a lot during the last few months. He became the pilot of the Gemini Gundam by playing around in it. Now the final battle has begun and who will win?
The Gemini Gundam flies straight through the Sedition fleet shooting anything in its way.
"Don't worry Kaya, I'm coming!"
On the other side of the battlefield, Sneed flies through in the Alpha Ziel, destroying every Federation ship and MS in his way with ease.
"You will all die Earth scum!"
Sneed pulls up to the side of a ship and unloads his beam cannons into the side of the ship.
"Where are you Gundam?! I'll kill you and prove that you are nothing!"
Temuro has newtype reaction to Sneed's presence.
"Huh? I feel extreme anger and hatred, it's Sneed. Before I can destroy that station, I must take him down first."
Sneed senses Temuro as well.
"He's coming I can feel him, Temuro Maki"
Suddenly they both fly past each other and then Sneed starts to shoot at him with the main cannon on his waist. Temuro dodges and shoots at the Alpha Ziel with his beam rifle. The beams bounce off the Alpha Ziel's I-field.
"You are an idiot! Did you forget about my I-field?!"
Sedition mobile suits close in on the Pegasus but Masaki and Merrel take them down one by one.
"This doesn't seem so hard."
"Maybe not for you, but my Gundam isn't as fast as yours!"
"Mind if I join the party?"
Alar comes flying through in his space custom G-hawk as Admiral Sotto's fleet arrives.
"Alar! Now we're in business!"
"Sedition bastards don't have a chance when all three of us are around."
All three of them wipe out all of the sedition suits around with ease and the Pegasus proceeds towards the station. Meanwhile, Temuro is still locked in combat with Sneed.
"My sister shouldn't have been dragged into this war!"
"Your sister had more Newtype potential than you or I. She was essential to our victory over the corrupt Earth! They killed our Lord Zaron and drove us down this road of bloodshed because of their own greed!"
"That's ridiculous! The Federation had nothing to do with his assassination!"
Temuro draws his beam saber and flies straight at Sneed.
"You have been deceived just like every pawn of the Federation! Our new Lord Zeken shall lead us to victory!"
On the Blackthorn, Magato listens to the whole conversation.
"Oh Sneed if you only new the truth."
Temuro barely dodges Sneed's fire and cuts off one of his shoulder's.
"Damn you!"
Sneed fires his main cannon and Temuro is pushed back as he blocks it with his shield.
"My shield's gone!"
"Try avoiding this!"
The Alpha Ziel's beam cannons and hands separate and fly around shooting at the Gundam. Small bits of the Gundam are blown off as Temuro retrieves his beam rifle and quickly blasts every one of the beam cannons.
"Die Sneed!"
Temuro's draws his beam saber and flies straight at Sneed's cockpit.
"Didn't we try this little dance before?! You're going to kill us both!"
"As long as I take you to hell with me! (But what about Kaya)"
Temuro brakes off and flies away.
"I'll be back to finish you Sneed! I have a some business to take care of first!"
"God damn coward!"
"Lord Zeken, the Gundam has broken through and he's heading right at us!"
"Launch the rest of our newtype forces."
"No big brother, watch out!
Temuro flies up towards the station and is intercepted by ten Gemma Nitros units. They all disperse their micro funnels and fire at Temuro.
"Crap, not these guys again!"
Temuro barely dodges all the funnels and then releases his missile pods. The missiles blow away most of the funnels but more come. Kaya senses Temuro in danger and releases a wave of psychic energy.
"No! Don't shoot at my big brother!"
The Nitros start to slow down and become inaccurate with their shots. Masaki has a newtype reaction to Temuro's danger.
"What the? This feeling."
"What's up Masaki?"
"The kids in trouble! I'm going to help him!"
The Hawk Gundam takes off towards the station.
"This defense line is thick!"
Masaki flies through blasting every MS and ship in his way until he arrives. He shoots down two of the Nitros instantly as more appear.
"Masaki! Thank God!"
"I wouldn't leave you hanging kid. Now go rescue your sister."
Admiral Sotto stands on the bridge of his ship overlooking the battle.
"So this is where it will end."
Suddenly, Jeru walks out from behind of Sotto.
"Hello Admiral or should I say my new ally?"
"Ally!? What the hell?"
Sedition troops walk on to the bridge with guns and seize control.
"Well I secretly plan to surrender our fleet to the Sedition. The Federation is to corrupt."
Sotto's fleet stops firing and all the ships move beside Sedition ships.
"What the hell is going on?!"
"Captain, Admiral Sotto has surrendered his fleet to the Sedition!"
Palan contacts Sotto.
"Admiral, what's the meaning of this!"
"Excellent work Jeru!"
"Lord Zeken, I give to you the gift of this fleet so we may obtain victory."
Temuro flies into the hangar of the Hellstorm and then gets fired upon by mobile suits in the hangar. The Gundam flies unloads it's shoulder bazookas and destroys them all.
"I wonder where she is? Kaya, please show me where you are."
Kaya contacts him through telepathy.
"Temuro! I'm in the main control center. Take a lift to the top deck."
Temuro reaches a dead end and gets out of the Gundam. He heads into a lift and goes up. He pulls his gun out of his holster and readies it.
"It's now or never."
The lift opens and Temuro runs down the hall shooting down two Sedition guards. Then he goes into a room with "Main Power Conductor" marked on the door.
Kaya is hooked to a machine with a big metal helmet on her head.
"Lord Zeken, the psychommu energy is at maximum and we're ready to launch another colony."
"Aim it straight at Palan's ship!"
Temuro tries to remove Kaya from the machine.
"Oh my God, let me get you out of this thing."
A shot misses Temuro, he turns around and shoots back.
"Sneed? Your not going to stop me now!"
"I can't let you win. This is so ironic. The descendents of Amuro Ray and Char Aznable are still fighting the same war they fought over two hundred years ago."
"Descendent? I thought Amuro Ray died before he had a child."
"That's not true. Both Amuro and Char had illegitimate children with old lovers. Amuro had an encounter with Char's sister one night a few months before he was killed. Char had a woman named Nanai at the time and you can get the rest of the picture."
"How the hell do you know all this?"
"My family has access to many old records and information seeing how I was Zaron's adopted son. He took me in and hid me from the people who killed my real parents. I will destroy the Federation and the Earth itself to avenge his death!"
Sneed fires at Temuro but he dodges and hit's the control panel of the machine. Sneed runs out of the room as Temuro grabs Kaya out of the machine and then jumps out of the room before it explodes.
"Lord Zeken the colony has stopped moving and we've lost all the psychommu energy."
"All of Sotto's ship are rebelling! They've taken back control and most of our ships are being wiped out!"
Federation troops hidden in the ship run up to the bridge and shoot all of the Sedition troops.
"Sotto! We had an agreement! How can you just turn on me like this!"
"Simple, I tricked your naïve ass into putting ourselves in this position to annihilate your forces and destroy your space station. Goodbye Jeru, it was nice meeting you."
Sotto takes out a gun and shoots Jeru in the head. Jeru's body floats lifeless into the nearest bulkhead.
"Get that piece of space trash off my bridge."
"That Jeru really was an idiot!"
The Hellstorm starts to shake and fall apart.
"The station is becoming unstable because of all the residual energy. The station is being torn apart!"
"Ready my shuttle. I'll take command from the Blackthorn."
Temuro escapes through an air shaft and ends up back where he left the Gundam. Then he hands Kaya a space suit.
"I'm going to have someone take you back to the Pegasus and then I have to take care of some business."
"What are you going to do?"
Temuro silently gets back into the Gundam as Kaya follows and they fly out of the station right before it starts to collapse.
"The station it's…."
"Confirmed, the energy reaction within it is causing the reactor to collapse."
Temuro flies up to the Hawk Gundam.
"Masaki, please do me a big favor and take my sister back to the Pegasus."
"Alright, but why?"
"I have to go and face Sneed alone. If I don't come back, tell Alissa that I love her."
"I don't think I'll have to."
Temuro flies off following his senses until he's shot at by a beam cannon.
"Your not running this time Gundam! This ends here!"
Temuro dodges all the shots and Sneed releases his funnels.
"Crap not these again!"
Temuro flies in close to Sneed and slashes at him with his beam saber, but it is deflected by a beam saber coming from one of the wired claw arms.
"How can you kill so coldly! Your father wouldn't want you to go a murderous rampage like this!"
"Don't you talk about my father like that! I will destroy all the Earthnoids because they are all murderous dogs. Unlike Spacenoids they are capable of such low ways to maintain control. Their souls are weighed down by the Earth's gravity!"
Magato listens to the their conversation and contacts Sneed.
"That's not entirely true Sneed."
"Magato? Leave me alone! I'm going to kill him!"
"The one who killed your father was none other than Zeken himself."
"He hijacked Lord Zaron's ship with his followers dressed as fed soldiers and killed everyone. After that they self detonated the ship and covered up all of this by dubbing it an Earth terrorist attack. I escaped with you because I was a follower of Zeken. It was a horrible mistake. Zeken wanted to use you as his personal Newtype weapon because of your lineage."
Magato is shot through the stomach from behind by Zeken.
"They are all lies. Don't listen to that old lunatic."
With blood pouring from his mouth, Magato raises his head.
"Sneed, you must stop him and this war he created!"
Magato is shot in the back a few more times and dies.
"Fool, do you know what kind of beast you just unleashed? I gave you a chance but you couldn't keep your mouth shut."
Sneed goes into shock for a second and then goes into a murderous rage.
"NOOOO!! I'll kill you Zeken!"
Sneed flies right at the Blackthorn.
"What the hell are you doing! Fire at him!"
Sneed fire his main cannon and smashes the bridge. Within a fiery blaze, the Blackthorn is destroyed.
"And now I will take care of you Gundam!"
Sneed flies right at the Gundam and grabs it with it's claws.
"I can't get out! Let me go!"
Sneed hit's the self destruct on his panel and flies out of the Alpha Ziel.
"What the hell is he doing?! Oh crap!"
The Alpha Ziel explodes along with the Gundam.
"I finally did it. He's gone!"
Temuro floats out of what's left of the cockpit barely harmed.
"No! No! No!"
"Our battle ends for now Sneed, but I have a feeling we'll meet again. Maybe next time we can try to understand each other."
The Hawk Gundam flies up beside Temuro and he climbs in the cockpit with Masaki and Kaya. Kaya smacks him in the head.
"That was stupid! Don't ever do that again!"
"I'm sorry, but I had to fight him again."
The Hawk Gundam returns to the Pegasus and as soon as Temuro steps out of the Hawk Gundam's cockpit, Alissa jumps right into his arms.
"Oh Temuro, you came back. I'm so happy!"
"Thanks for waiting."
Temuro looks Alissa right in the eyes and gives her a kiss in front of everyone.
"That's so sweet big brother! I'll have to call Alissa big sister now!"
"Now let's all go home!"
U.C. 280, after months of another grueling war in space, the Earth Federal Forces take control of Side 3. A ceasefire was signed by Admiral Sotto and Zeken's son Sema Zeken. All hostility between the Federation and the Sedition are at a stand still, but that may change.