Here I am again. Hate to be late, but I got grounded again. This was supposed to be done earlier. Oh well. October 13 (today) is my birthday, so my mom let me stay home ^-^. I only got one reviewer, but I figure I cant let one person have to wait just because people don't like me *sniff*. Oh well. Here's part two.

The next day, I had to go to school sick and beaten, lest he torture me about not going. I had a bit of a raspy voice. I'd wrapped a lot of bandages around my neck and a tight bandage on my fracture. On my split lip, I'd put two of those butterfly band-aid thingies. I knew I'd look a fright and Yugi would ask questions, if given the chance. When I walked into class, my looks and limp elicited gasps from all the girls. I sat in my seat next to Tristan, groaning inwardly as I stretched my injured leg out.
"Bakura, you okay?" Tristan asked.
I nodded yes. Then threw up on my desk. The teacher told me to go to the nurse, who said that I had indigestion (which is why I'd thrown up), a split lip requiring stitches, a leg that was fractured in two places, and a lacerated neck. She sent me to the hospital for treatment as my neck began to bleed afresh. They set my leg properly there. They also stitched up my lip and did surgery on my neck to close the gaping wound. As for my indigestion, they decided to let my body shake it. In two days, the nausea would leave me. Little did I know I wouldn't see that day. I went to rest at my house as I'd been instructed to. No sooner had the lock clicked shut that he was out and staring at me with his piercing eyes.
"Why are you here?"
"I had to come. I was too hurt to go to school.
"Get in your room! Now!"
As I walk-limped submissively past him, he gave me an almighty kick on my buttocks. I yelped in pain and fear. He turned to me and I realized my error immediately. My scream had reawakened his blood lust. He smashed my ears eyes and nose. By the time he was done, my right eye was swollen shut and my ears and nose were pouring blood. I attended to my new wounds, then sat gingerly on the bed. His footprint was imprinted on my rear end. I stared at something with great curiosity and consideration-my box-cutter. The one I used to open mail from my dad. It was so sharp and shiny.
"My box-cutter..."
I reached for it.

{I'm, sitting in my room,
with a needle in my hand.
Just waiting for the tomb,
Of some old dying man.
Sitting in my room,
with a needle in my hand.
Just waiting for the tomb
Of some old dying man.}

I placed it on my wrist and, with bated breath, slashed it heavily across.
I felt an unimaginable pain as my wrist vein was ruptured. However, I was satisfied as well. I had done well.
The blood pumped uselessly. It would never reach my hand. By the time he realized what I'd done it was too late. My life was draining away from that one wound. I forced myself to write a final note before I lost too much blood.

I am Ryou Bakura and I am no more. Perhaps in another life, I will find happiness. Heaven or Hell, I will go and be happy, for I am in control of my fate at this moment. I am sorry to those who cared about me. I was forsaken in life, and may even now be forsaken in death. Ryou Bakura is no more.

Ryou Bakura

I put a calligraphy pen to my wound and used it to sign my name in blood. I heard him scream as he began to disappear. My Yami. My inner devil. I had finally put him out of his misery, but at the price of my life. I felt a dreariness come over me. My wound still gushed blood as I fell to my knees. I felt myself lose grip with reality. My face grew deathly pale and I shut my chocolate brown eyes, smiling. I made my last statement before falling forward into my eternal sleep.
"Ryou Bakura is no more, will cause no more."

Now (at least in this story) Bakura has been put to rest. For all I know, his yami could be put into some sort of limbo, but poor Bakura! Oh well. In my other stories, he stays alive, even if injured. The next chapter is just the song "Needles" for anyone who doesn't listen to System of A Down. Oh, and about my birthday, I got a baby parrot. If it's a girl, it'll be named "Amane." If it's a boy, it'll obviously be named Bakura. I've already started calling him "Baku-san" *looks at shoulder* Isn't that right, Baku-san. My cute little parrot. Hey, watch the claws!!