
A year later, after Eomer and I were married, we were summoned back to Minas Tirith. The reunion was a joyous one, and Arwen was glowing with a light only an expectant mother knows.

After we had eaten dinner with the Aragorn, Arwen, Faramir, and Eowyn, Aragron asked me to follow him.

The others, smiling, trailed behind as I wondered where Aragron was leading me. Through the familiar halls we walked, until finally we wound up in the courtyard I had spent one day in. Smiling, I looked at the two statues, but then noticed another one. Shooting Aragorn a curious look, I approached the new addition, and gasped.

It was me. Standing on a pedestal stood a carved rock with such a stunning portrayal of me it was slightly creepy. The skill of the sculptur, however, rivaled that of the other two. On the pedestal was etched four trees, and between the first two trees was the symbol of a horse; Rohan. On the far right side was a symbol of seven circles in a semi-circle pattern, and the other half of the circle was the symbol of Gondor.

In the very middle was writing in Elven. Although I couldn't read fluently, I recognized the poem instantly. It was the one I wrote the day of Aragorn's coronation. Kneeling, I read, stumbling over the letters:


"The way the world was long ago,

Will be a world I'll never know.

And the world that still is yet to be,

Will be a world I'll never see.

The truth may cause one's heart to grieve

But that is not mine, for I believe

That treachery, lies, cruelty, and hate

Increase the nakedness of the truth's weight.

Friendship above all else rises

and for life brings many suprises.

Emnity, however, heightens distrust,

and alters the mind and soul to dust.

And in the end, when all else fails,

For you, my friend, will I prevail

Together we'll seek the Heavenly Sky.

And forever we'll live, just you and I."


I stood up, and gazed at the stone me. It was holding a palantir its right hand, and wearing a dress I know I have never owned, under a cloak I have never seen. Nevertheless, it was amazing, and I turned to look at Aragorn and the others.

"I am blessed beyond words." I said, smiling.

"Here it stands," Eomer began grandly, "a tribute to you and all young women who want to challenge all traditions.


And here I am. Eleanor Queen, Orthalion, or merely El. Not in a lifetime would I have predicted that this would be my future, and not in a lifetime or two would I exchange it for anything.

So now, with regret, and a little relief, my tale is at its end.

Or is it the beginning? Or perhaps even the middle?

The End




AAAClub: That makes me want to finish or begin another fan fiction. Yey.

chibi-mairi: I hope this end satisfied you. :-)

Yey. I'm glad all you wonderful readers reviewed me and spurred me on to make this fanfiction the best I could. Now, before I make this sound like an acceptance speech or something, I'll thank you all, and leave it at that.
