Hello thanks for all the reviews.

Sorry it's taken so long to update, but I have been getting a ton of homework lately and I've had almost no time to write. And, whenever I had a few minutes to spare I couldn't even think of more than two sentences to write at a time. So, I'm all alone on Friday night with nothing to do, so I wrote a chapter. I'll try to write more soon, but I can't guarantee when.

Ava- I should probably answer your questions so here goes: They spent all the money on the anamantium stuff because it's all just a test to see who her body reacts to everything. They wanted to see how her body was as she was alive and dead. And, when they planned on killing her all they would have to do is kill her with the collar on, because once she's dead, she dead, her body can't bring her back after that.

Remnats-2011-I just wanted to say I didn't mean to say that your older review was mean. I just meant that, I never meant to make my story 'mary-sue' to begin with.

            Ok so on with the story:

            "Scared Stiff"

I looked at their motionless bodies, no sounds throughout the entire school. My stupid voice has been more annoying then good.

            The professor was slumped over in his wheel chair, and I tapped him trying to break the spell my voice had put over all of them.

            "Uh… Professor?" I said, keeping my voice in check.

            No response.

            "Shit," I whispered, getting very irritated. The only thing to do now was to sit and wait.

            It didn't take long for the Professor to awaken, only a few minutes.

            "Sorry," I mumbled. "That was just a really bad memory," I explained, recalling the feeling that I was going to die in the tank of water. When finally they turned off the collar, so I could at least survive, until when my healing couldn't keep me conscious, I blacked out, and I awoke later in my cell, connected to monitors measuring my heart beat. As soon as I awoke though, the power on the collar went back on, and I was alone.

            "I can understand," the professor answered, everyone else in the room awakening.

            They all looked dazed, and looked at me, all knowing it was me that had caused them to go into the stupor.  

            "Sorry," I said once again.

            "Well, we'll just have to teach you how to control that voice of yours," the professor chuckled, and I managed half a smile. "Storm, I think you should have Hank take a look at Cassandra, and Rogue, after she is done with that I would like you to take her to your room."

            "Uh… Professor, what do you mean…? 'Have Hank take a look at me'. Who's Hank?" I asked, wondering what he had in store for me.

            "He is our physician here ever since… for quite awhile," he said, a look of sadness crossing his face. "I would like him to take a look at you."

            "I don't need a doctor. Maybe you don't understand, I heal really fast," I explained.

            "I understand that, Cassandra. I just think we should assess your situation before we rush into it." The professor said, matching my gaze.

            I raised my eyebrows a little, showing how I thought that was just a lot of crap. "Fine," I said and stood up, walking quickly pass Storm and out of the room, trying to make a dramatic exit. But then outside, I didn't know where to go, so I had to wait anyways. I rolled my eyes as I heard the professor say to Storm, "Be patient with her, she'll come around."

            As she emerged, she greeted me warmly, and told me to come with her. "So… Cassie… It is all right if I call you Cassie isn't it?"

            I only shrugged.

            She smiled and said, "That's such a pretty name. Were you named after anyone?"

            This made me cringe. "I'm named after my mother. It was her middle name."

            "Was? Did she die?" she questioned, seeing my distraught expression.

            I didn't answer for a minute. "No… at least I don't think so. But I never want to see her again… ever," I said, still looking down. I couldn't meet her gaze. For her to know that I was brought to Dr. Graham by my parents…  Though Professor Xavier knew, I couldn't let anyone else know.

            "Oh…" she answered, not knowing how to respond. "Well here we are," she cheerfully said as came to a lab.

            I froze at the door. "I'm not… I'm not going in there," I whispered as I looked at all the different devices. The thoughts of the past experiments filled my brain. All the times I thought I would die.

            The lab where I got the anamantium… no there was no way I was going in there.

            I turned to run away from it, and bumped right into a man coming in. He looked startled, and then he smiled.

            "You must be Cassandra. If you would please come in." he said ushering me into the white room.

            I felt my breath coming faster as I entered the room. My heart seemed to be pounding through my chest.

            "Is something wrong?" he asked and took my hand.

            I ran. I could hear Storm and Hank yelling after me to stop, but I kept going. That place was too scary.

            "Whoa—where's the fire?" asked a voice as I turned the corner. I stopped and looked at Bobby. What was he doing here?

            I heard Storm and Hank coming closer, so I turned to run again, but he grabbed my arm. With more force this time he asked, "What's wrong?"

            I collapsed to the floor, tears streaming down my face. "I can't go in there! I just can't!"

            "Go in where?" he asked, kneeling down next to me.

            By this time Storm and Hank had caught up with me and were standing there asking what was wrong.

            My only response was to cry. I kept muttering things like, "I can't go in there and leave me alone." I couldn't think straight, and most of the things around me became a blur. I felt a little prick and drifted off to sleep.

            When I awoke, there were voices nearby. I opened my eyes, blinking several times trying to get the blurriness to go away. "Where… where am I?" I asked.

            The talking stopped and Storm came next to me and kneeled down. "You okay?"

            "Um… I guess so…" I replied trying to focus. "Where am I?" I repeated.

            "You're in Rogue's room. We thought… well from what happened at the lab that we better not bring you in there."

            "I really freaked out didn't I?" I replied, trying to make light of my hysteria.

            She nodded and smiled. "Are you sure you're alright?"

            "I'm fine," I said and stood up. Storm looked like she was afraid I would fall over or something and rushed to my side. "Really, I'm fine." I repeated. "What did you give me anyway?" I asked.

            "A tranquilizer," said a voice that sounded like Hank. He walked over to me and held out his hand, "I don't believe we've been properly introduced. I am Dr. Hank McCoy."

            I just looked at his hand for a minute. I still didn't trust him; after all he was a doctor, and he did give me a tranquilizer. Most of the doctors I had experienced in my lifetime had been… well evil.

            He looked a little hurt that I hesitated to shake his hand, but he tried to keep going with the conversation. "I don't believe you've told me your name…"

            "You already know it. Remember?" I asked, almost smart-alecky.

            He didn't seem to know how to respond to my lack of manners, so he changed the subject. "The reason I used the tranquilzer was because you were hysterical. You needed to be calmed down."

            "Well, I'm calm, okay? Now can I please be left alone?" I asked, getting a tired of talking to this man.

            "Of course," Storm said and pulled him away. "I'll see you tomorrow Cassie." She called and they left the room.

            For a few minutes I didn't know what to do. I just stood there doing nothing. I didn't even know what time it was. Though, that wouldn't make any difference. Today was the first day I had seen the sun in years. So, morning and night weren't very important.

            I heard voices coming near the room, and I prepared myself for some visitors.

            "He was like so cute. Why won't he notice me? I am so sick of this," said one of the voices.

            "That's what you say about everyone Kitty. John is just kind of hard to talk to." Said a second voice, which sounded like Rogue.

            "What I don't get is why you even like him. I mean, he did join Magneto. That proves he's not one of the good guys." I third voice answered.

            The doorknob turned, and I immediately tried to make myself look busy. I didn't want them to know I was listening to their conversation, though they weren't very discreet about keeping their voices down.

            "Oh… hi," The first voice said as she spotted me in the doorway.

            "Hi…" I shyly replied. It would probably be better if I at least tried to be nice to them. I would be sharing the room with them.

            "Oh, hi Cassie… I guess were roommates now." Rogue said warmly.

            "Hi, I'm Jubilation Lee, but everyone calls me Jubilee." One of the girls said.

            "I'm Kitty, also known as Shadowcat," said the other girl. "We'll have like so much fun together."

            I managed half a smile, though I didn't feel comfortable around them. "Yeah… I'm sure we will…"

            "Well, I'm going to bed, classes in the morning," said Jubilee.

            "Yeah me too," Rogue agreed, moving towards a dresser.

            "What time is it anyways?" I asked, not tired at all.

            "It's a little after eleven. The professor gets pissed if we stay up too late." Jubilee explained.

            "Oh…" I said and sat on the bed awkwardly. I didn't have anything to change into for bed, and I wasn't tired. "I think I'll just walk around a little." I mumbled, though no one was really listening. They had started talking about some guy again, so they were oblivious to everything else.

            Most of the lights were out and I cautiously made my way downstairs. I arrived in kitchen, where the lights were off, and I flipped them on. I suddenly noticed that I was really hungry, so I moved towards the refrigerator. There wasn't much there, and I finally just grabbed some milk and searched for some cereal in the cupboards.

            "Isn't it time for you to be in bed?" a voice behind me asked.

            I spun around quickly and looked at the boy. "What do you want?"

            "It's lights out you know." He explained and started flicking a lighter in his hand.

            "So? I'm hungry… is there some law against being up after 'lights out'?"

            "Yes," he said looking deadly serious.

            I felt my face turn ashen white. I had violated some rule? What would they do with me?

            "You are too easy," he said chuckling. His face was full of mischief as he turned away from me. "Did you really think you would get in trouble for that?"

            "I don't know… I would have at the… where I was before." I said, trying to dismiss my ignorance.

            "You're the new girl, aren't you? The one that Bobby saved?"

            "Bobby didn't save me! I saved him!" I answered, a little annoyed.

            He chuckled again. "It figures he wouldn't want to admit that a girl saved him. I know I wouldn't."

            "Excuse me? A girl is just as capable as a boy. Maybe more so." I said rising, my cheeks stained red.

            "Oh really?" He said coming closer, still flicking his lighter. "Prove it."

            With a quick movement I seized his lighter, and I held it out of his reach. "Well… I guess it was more so." I said and dropped the lighter in his hand. "Goodnight… I didn't catch your name?"

            "You can call me Pyro." He answered, a little disheartened that I snatched away his lighter so easily.

            "Well goodnight Pyro… nice to meet you." I said, turning to leave.

            A second later I was against him, my arm twisted against my back. "Looks like I win," he whispered in my ear.

            "Not quite," I said, flipping him over my head. He landed with a thud on the ground. I started to laugh, until I noticed the blood seeping from his head…

Not my best work, but it'll get better, trust me. It's just taking awhile to get where I'm going with this story. (oh and just for the record, I'm having Pryo to have come back from Magneto's so that's why he's there) Please review even if you have before. I LOVE REVIEWS! Thanks for reading.