Disclaimer- Ok I don't own any of the characters except Jeanie's mom and Jeanie's cousin so please don't sue lol.

"Hmm. What do you think master?"

"Of what Jeanie?"

"I did not tell you? Well I am going to my cousin Jeanette's wedding. She is getting married to her master. I do not want to go, but mother says-"

"Wait, wait. You have a mother?"

Jeanie looked hurt. "Well yes. Doesn't everyone?"

"Yes but I didn't know that jeanies were included. By the way I do like the blue dress better than the pink one."

They would have gone on if Roger hadn't walked in on them.

"Afternoon all!" He said brightly.

"Oh good afternoon Major Healy!"

"What's with the dress Jeanie?"

"Oh you do not like it?" Asked Jeanie, again looking hurt.

"Ah, of course he likes it Jeanie, he was just uh." Tony said awkwardly.

"Surprised. I was surprised." Roger said finishing Tony's statement.

"Mmm. Ok well I must go now or I shall be late."

"Wha- The wedding's today?!"

"Well of course! Why would I be-"

"Oh it's a wedding! That's what's with the dress!" Said Roger butting in.

"When will you be back?"

"Hmm. A week."

"A WEEK?!" Said Tony and Roger in unison.

"Well I'm not going all the way to my mother's for one day. That would be silly."

"What am I supposed to do without you for a week? I can barely go a day!"