AN: Goooood morning, Vietnam! Guess who has to go write a three hour exam todays? That's right! So I figure, if I have to through hell today, on a SATURDAY no less, I figure I'm going to take Inuyasha and Miroku down with me…. coughs In a purely non sexual way, of course.

Glad to see that everyone liked Sango's 'dress in drag and do the hoolah' comment. Yes, you're right of course, that comment was made by Timon from 'The Lion King', and the credit deserves to be given, but honestly… if we put that disclaimer in the last chapter, it would have ruined the effect!

Miroku: That was Emmie's comment. She's my Miroku, that's for sure. And maybe we might find a way to make Sesshoumaru have that painful death so many people want.

Sweethang: Eh, even I don't know if it's over not or yet. That all depends one where we decide to end this chapter.

Drake: Mary Poppins? See… this is why I shouldn't go into an exam. My mind: Mary Poppins…. Sango…. Miroku…. Miroku as Mary Poppins…. No, it just wouldn't go over well.

RedHerring: Um… coughs and goes red If you think that this has "great citrusy moments" just wait till the next story comes out. giggles I've been so corrupted….

Storymind: You will know…. Of say…. Chapter three or so of the next story? shhh! It's a secret though…

Tsuki: Emmie? Can I be on the throne? I wanna be a demon Queen! Oh, oh oh! I got be Malefacent! …Why am I on such a Disney kick??

Kouga: Sesshy is an awesome character, so as much as we want to keep him locked up in the closet, we can't. Emily should have known that chains would keep a full demon down for long.

Summer Wind: we will. We will write so many fics, you will have to steal our net connections to make us stop. And you don't want to do that. Otherwise, I'd die of worry.

Thank you to everyone else who reviewed! huggles the reveiwers I love you even more since none of you got all scary and threatened to hurt us for our lack of updates… what? For all of last month or something? Bah! Stupid net… oh well! Enjoy!!

Chapter Twenty: The New Moon

Inuyasha turned away from the window when he felt a priestess enter the room. He smiled at Kaede, the young girl from the ship. She was wearing the red and white outfit of a priestess, and her face was red, yet even after a month's time, he could not bring himself to look into her eyes because of his guilt. Inuyasha smiled at her anyway. "You look nice it them, Kaede. They suit you."

Her cheeks went redder. "Thank you, Lord Inuyasha."

His smile grew kind instead of nervous. "How many times do I have to tell you, Kaede? It's just Inuyasha. I rebelled against my brother and my station. And I wouldn't have it anyway," he sighed when he saw Kagome pass in the hall behind Kaede.

They had been living together for almost a month. Inuyasha had never been so content with his life. But outside of the house… it was a different story. Staring down at the gold band on his finger, he knew that his brother would never be completely correct. Some people in the town accepted him, like Kaede and her family who now let the young girl study with Kagome, but yes, there would be others who never completely accepted him, and Inuyasha could deal with that, at least for a little while. Sooner or later he knew he could get the townspeople could come around and see that his form was half-demon, but that he was a good person inside.

Sometimes he wondered if it would be more correct to say he'd been tamed.

The front door slammed and Inuyasha excused himself to go and pick Shippo off the ground as he tried to slink away to his rooms. Of course, they had made the young demon go off to school. Inuyasha was aware of how hard it would be, a little fox demon in a class filled with kids, but he had soon built a reputation for himself as the class clown. "Don't slam the door, Shippo. You'll break it. How was school?"

"Fine." Dangling from Inuyasha's large hand by his head, Shippo didn't seem to mind and instead stared at the other ex-demon Prince. "Inuyasha, how come people like me, but cross the street when you walk by?"

"Because I'm the one who led the party that stole most of their females," he growled, regretting the whole thing. Altogether, the death toll had been low. Of the hundred women taken, only four had met premature deaths, and one boy. Inuyasha knew that those families would be the hardest to win over.

Kagome came out from the yard, a basket of herbs in her hand and stopped in front of them. Looking slightly flustered. "Don't you go off on that again!" Kagome demanded, the basket hitting the floor with a thud. "It wasn't your fault," Kagome said and smiled warmly at Shippo, glaring at Inuyasha for how he was carrying him.

Collecting Shippo in her arms, the little demon scurried up her shoulder to perch on her shoulder like a parrot, or rather an over energetic scolwler. "You're a different person," Kagome said smiling up at him softly. "They'll get use to you," Kagome promised, but her heart still fell somewhat. The past month indoors had been bliss, out doors... Kagome could pretend not to hear the whispers, to ignore the looks, but beneath it all, she still felt them all. "It wasn't your fault," she whispered again, her brown eyes warm.

"You led the party, but you also led the party to retrieve them. And that," Kagome said with strong belief, "is what counts." With that, she picked Shippo off of her arm and held him out to Inuyasha. "Now, you two go off and do something. I'll make supper," Kagome said picking the herb basket back up and bobbing down the hall.

"Kaede! Come, I'll show you how to make Shippo's favorite dish," she called to the girl who miraculously enough, had only one scar to show from the whole kidnapping, an eye patch to cover her wounded eye.

Inuyasha watched her walk off, and smiled at the demon that now perched on his shoulder. "As much as I love her, she can't cook." A ladle flew at his head. Inuyasha retrieved the sword, which was no longer transforming into a fang, and snuck out of the house with Shippo. "We'll have about half an hour, so I guess it's time for demon lessons."

Inuyasha had taken it upon himself to make sure that Shippo knew how to control his demon powers and that they would grow as he became older. An uncontrolled demon, Inuyasha knew, could take out a whole village without meaning to. Inuyasha also wanted to believe that Sesshomaru wouldn't return, but the part of him which knew his brother refused to accept that Sesshomaru would merely lie in the other world. He'd seek revenge, sooner or later. And when that happened, then they could very well need Shippo's help.

Walking down the street, Inuyasha tried to ignore the blank stares, surprised looks and whispers which were painfully clear with his senses.

"Look! There goes Kagome's demon. The lazy mutt doesn't even have a job."

"True, but remember when Aria's house was burning down? The flames were out of control and he just ran right up and barged into the house and saved everyone."

"He'll corrupt our Priestess."

"With a body like that, I don't think she'd mind the corruption."

"It just isn't natural!"

'Natural? Feh! What do these people know about nature?'

When they were outside the city gates, Inuyasha nodded to Shippo, and smiled. "Race you."

After demon lessons were over, Inuyasha was feeling much better, and confidently walked through the village with Shippo sitting in his shoulders, his hands wound in Inuyasha's silver hair so he wouldn't fall off. The rumors and whispers were no better than before, but when he heard a teenage boy insult Kagome's virtue from being on the pirate ship, Inuyasha stopped and slowly turned to glare at them. He didn't even have to throw a comeback for the youth to silence himself.

He walked back inside and stuck their piled heads into the kitchen door, his smile teasing. "The cooking smells good. I guess it must mean that Kaede cooked it."

Kagome whirled about on the heel of her foot. "You're not getting any of it," Kagome muttered and went to set the table. Kagome then began the usual task of going from the table to the kitchen and bringing out the small bowls of rice, the little egg dishes and the new recipe she tried out 'Ramen'. The whole time she was smiling to herself rather contentedly.

Going out to the yard, Kagome wanted to retrieve a couple of herbs that she thought would go nicely with the ramen. What she saw there, she didn't expect. A few teenage boys with pitch forks. "Are you lost?" Kagome asked simply.

One of the boys, the ring leader it would seem spat. "Demon lover!"

Kagome didn't seem to react, she just smiled. "Yes, my husband is," she replied simply, grown use to the insults. "Haku," Kagome addressed the boy. "I'd hate to go and tell your father what you've been doing. I doubt he'd be happy to know that while he's getting better- thanks to my care and my husband's tending- his son is out harassing us," Kagome said, slowly losing her temper. "Get out of here!" Kagome yelled when they didn't move.

Looking slightly guilty the boys ran off, leaving Kagome with her sinking feeling. Turning around, she saw one of the women from the village stand right outside her hut. Bracing herself, Kagome knew that she was in for another mocking. What was so hard for people to accept? She didn't understand. Inuyasha was good, he saved their daughters and wives, he helped them out when they needed his demonic strength, he loved her...

The woman smiled. "Boys will be boys. Ignore them," she urged and walked away.

Those few kind words were enough to light up some hope in Kagome's heart. Picking up the herbs, Kagome returned to the house just to find Shippo and Inuyasha had already devoured dinner. "Well, I guess my cooking isn't that bad after all." Kagome said pretending to be upset as she put her hands on her hips. Sitting down beside Inuyasha, Kagome snuck her hand into his, enjoying the feel of his band pressing into her skin. "So, the Ramen was a success?"

"Think you can make ramen every night?" he asked with a smile. Kagome knew that her cooking was superb, Inuyasha just liked to tease her. "Shippo, homework."

Shippo pouted. "What happened to desert?"

He frowned at the fox. "You just ate two helpings! How can you have room for desert? You're only, like 5! Go do your homework and then you can have some sweets, otherwise your stomach will burst like a balloon!" Shippo stuck his tongue out at Inuyasha when he thought the married man wasn't looking and waddled his way upstairs.

"So, how's Kaede's training going? Taught her how to shoot a demon yet?" Inuyasha asked, seeing that the other priestess was gone, probably home.

Kagome watched Shippo and tried her best, really, to hide the mischievous grin she had when he stuck his tongue out to Inuyasha. Turning her attention back to Inuyasha, Kagome couldn't help start playing with strands of his hair. "No…" Kagome said and sighed dramatically. "There are no demons around I want to be shot." Kagome said now meeting his eyes with a warm, private just for him, look. "At least, by anyone else."

"Otherwise, her training is fine. She'll be a good Priestess. I like her bravery. Plus, she has sass about her," Kagome said grinning when she remembered how Kaede got Shippo to do all of the laundry and put Miroku down with a look. "What about you? How are you?" she asked not quite looking him in the eye, still feeling guilty. She had thought it would be better then it was in town, but wounds were still tender over the Pirate raid so no one was too welcoming. It would get better in time, Kagome knew that, but for now it was hard and she was suffering guilt for making him stay.

Giving her cheek a kiss, he nuzzled her ear. "Don't even think of giving me that look."

He didn't mention that if anybody deserved to be feeling like shit, it was him. He wasn't certain if she knew or not, but every once in a while he woke up in a cold sweat and felt as if he was going ill. It didn't look it from the outside, but inside the conscience of his human side held Kagome's broken wrist and bruised cheek over his head like a swinging axe, slowly tearing his insides to pieces as his dreams forced him to replay the moments when he had hurt her over and over in his head.

"I stayed here because I wanted to, Kagome. Despite what the villagers might say, I belong here, with you."

"Actually, no," Kagome said hearing the door to Shippo's room shut and the whine of his mushrooms. Slicing him a sideways look, Kagome arched her brow. "You've been teaching him. Last time it was a mess cleaning up those mushrooms..." Kagome reminded but turned off of the subject. Since Shippo was busy... Kagome leaned over and held Inuyasha's face in both of her healed hands, kissing him lightly on the lips. "You belong with me upstairs," she said with a blush. Circling her arms around him, Kagome left a trail of feather light kisses up his jaw. "It'll get better, just let the villagers wounds heal... They'll see you how I see you," Kagome promised, her blush deepening. "Well, maybe not quite how I see you."

Recalling what he'd heard one of the villagers say, Inuyasha shrugged even as he slipped his arms under her to pick her up and carry her up the stairs as he had done on their wedding night and many times since then. "You never know, Kagome," he teased, as he smelled her hair. Honestly, he would never see what his brother had been complaining about. Kagome smelled wonderful. "I think it's all because of the ears."

Kagome loved this little ritual they had. Inuyasha would lay her on the bed and she'd sit up watch him walk over and lock the door before turning back to her. She would sit and begin to unbind her hair while watching the glow deepen in his amber eyes, and he'd begin removing his jacket. In the past month, they had gone through these steps many times. Sometimes he would come into the room, and without a word she'd move into his arms. Outside the bedroom, they were partners to everything.

But they also acted as though they were meeting for the first time. They spoke to each other with growing ease, until they didn't need to finish their sentences before the other completed them, they asked questions about their pasts and answered them without the least hesitancy. Reaching out to him, Kagome touched his ears, recalling the purrs she received when she once accidentally grazed her teeth over one. "Probably. They are so cute," Kagome said tracing her fingers over his nail like claws. "Maybe if you twitched them more often around the girls, it would help… But then again, I'm not sure how much I like the idea," Kagome teased before the rest of her sentence was cut off by his mouth. "I really need to go get some more of that stuff from Sango," Kagome murmured.

"Maybe you should just ask her to teach you how to make it. Then you wouldn't have to worry about it. But I suppose it doesn't matter anyway. It's Sango, after all. She probably makes it in barrels." He smiled at the thought as his fingers undid the bindings of her shirt. Sitting beside her on the bed, his kisses trailed down to her belly button and back up, almost making a bee line for her ears. He loved nibbling on them and making her laugh.

Never in the month had they been together had Inuyasha brought up his brother and what had gone on in the bedroom on the ship. He knew that Kagome would bring that up herself when she was ready to talk about it. So whenever they had been together, it had always been like their first night together. Inuyasha was always slow, and compliant to what Kagome wanted. Each night they were together he was learning more about her as they walked while they kissed, and he often felt that he was looking at her again for the first time.

"Actually, she does. She and Miroku have a whole cupboard full of it in their kitchen." Kagome said letting her hands explore the same way his were over her. Mimicking his every move, well, almost. Smiling like a vixen, Kagome knew a few things he liked. Grazing her nails down his chest and over her abs, she loved the low purring sound that vibrated through his chest. Licking her lips, Kagome leaned back and watched his amber eyes blaze. She loved more then anything the look in his eyes. You could see the passion and the love there blend together like a flame. And all she wanted to do when she saw him was make him as happy as he made her feel.

When he laid over her, Kagome put up her hands to stop him. The timing, was less then perfect judging by the scowl on his face, but she had been keeping it bottled up inside of her for a month, and she had to tell him. "Remember that second night?" Kagome asked blushing as the memories swarmed over her. "After the storm, well," Kagome felt bad recalling her words. Wrapping her fingers through his, Kagome sighed contently, feeling the graze of their rings against each other. "I didn't mean it," Kagome explained. "It never hurt. Well, it did for a second but then it was nice and, I love having you as a lover," Kagome said in a rush of breath, surprised if he'd even be able to make anything of it out. "I love you."

"I know," he said in response to both her profession of love and her honesty. He ran his lips over hers, smiling as he rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb. "You're a horrible liar, Kagome Higurashi." Saying her last name with her first made him smile even more. It had such a pretty ring to it. He loved the way it felt when he said it. Inuyasha still had not been able to admit his feelings for her verbally. He could tell others he loved her, but the words were choked in his mouth when he looked at her. Instead it shone through in everything else he did, from the way he looked at her, to the way he was always lurking behind her, like a guardian angel in the day and a moonbeam at night.

"What do you mean I am a terrible liar?" Kagome demanded to know as she wrapped her legs around him. "How do you know I'm not the best liar around?" Kagome asked tightening her grip on his hand. "Or that I am lying right now for that matter?" Kagome continued the silly conversation.

Inuyasha chuckled softly. "I think you're confused Kagome. You're laying down right now, but you're not lying." He silenced her with kisses that made him forget there was a world outside their bedroom. Inuyasha bit her bottom lip gently. He wanted to play with her hair while they talked, but he liked the feeling of their hands entwined and steadying each other. Some nights they never let go of each other until the sun began to light the sky and then it was because of necessity, not because they wanted to. "When did you fall in love with me, Kagome?"

"I might be double lying." Kagome pointed out. Releasing his hands, Kagome couldn't help it, she really wanted to play with his hair, she looked up at him. When he lowered himself, Kagome moved her hands down to his hips and sighed softly. She loved it when they were one, it was though now it wasn't only their souls that were connected, but their bodies too. And that's what it always was with them, being connected as though they completed each other. Opening her eyes, Kagome looked into his, loving how molten gold they seemed. "When you stood me down in the hall in the ship," Kagome told him slowly. It was very hard to concentrate when he kissed her and made her feel the way she was.

He could barely remember that. It seemed so long ago, and unimportant. He pulled the covers of their naked form, knowing how Kagome got cold sometimes. Inuyasha kissed the small scar on her neck, and heard her moan softly in response. It was almost hard to hear it over his purring as she touched him. He tried to quiet himself, knowing that Shippo was right next door studying, but his body would not have it. He grinned. Inuyasha may no longer have been a pirate, or a prince, but every now and then he could still be a scoundrel. "What do you want me to do next, Kagome?" he teased.

"Take me up on our bet." Kagome said in a breathless whisper, enjoying how he knew what she liked, how he tucked the blanket around them. Sometime, they'd have to try this out during the day, when it didn't get cold. "I still owe you fifteen minutes of anything you want. Remember?" Kagome asked picking up their pace again. She liked it when he purred, she even more liked it when she could prove to him that she could be a scoundrel as much as him. Reaching out to grab the sheet, Kagome nipped at his shoulder. This is what was beautiful about them, not only did each enjoy receiving, but loved giving as well. "I want you to say my name, Inuaysha." Kagome panted against his lips. Much like he had their first time, wanting to hear his name. "I want you to tell me how you feel," Kagome added, feeling like all that was needed to complete this perfect sensuous moment, was to hear those three tiny words come from his mouth, words she knew meant nothing, because his actions spoke them already in volumes, but all the same wanting to hear them.

"Kagome," he breathed, trying to say the rest, and finding the words threatening to crack his heart. Instead he said it repeatedly as he matched the pace she set, his purring dulled by the sound of his ragged breath. Closing his eyes, he managed to sigh, blissful for that wonderful moment when they really were one. "Kagome, I love you." And, almost fearing his words sounded fake, he kissed her gently, his touch becoming hotter as they progressed.

Tasting salt on his lips, Kagome opened her eyes to realize it was her own tears she tasted on him. Licking her lips and drying her tears, Kagome felt like she was soaring, as though her heart was flying when the warmth spread all over her, flowing through her. His mouth descended on hers, keeping her shouts silent as to not to disturb Shippo. "It took you long enough," Kagome sighed. Holding him to her, Kagome didn't want him to move off of her just yet. Kissing his cheek, Kagome buried her face in the crook of his shoulder, her lips marking the same sport she had bitten a month ago. "Your body can't possibly be this warm," she thought out loud and blushed when she heard herself.

Still feeling the waves of passion they had shared, the time hardly registered to Kagome as she stared out of the window at the moonless sky. "We're going to miss the town festival," Kagome said after a moment, that her mind cleared up enough to actually form a thought that wasn't connected with how good it felt to be one with him, or how she didn't want to change position and remain like this forever.

"Then let's just miss it," he said, his cheeks red when she made the comment about how warm he was. He followed her gaze and realized then what night it was. Inuyasha meant to swear mentally, but he accidentally let it slip. He'd completely lost track of what night it was. He'd never told Kagome about what happened on the night of the new moon.

'Fate must be laughing at me, putting me in this position on this night.' Inuyasha brushed Kagome's hair, as he thought about how he didn't want to leave their warm bed. His demon side wanted to run away and hide for the night, but his heart told him to tell Kagome all his secrets. She was his wife! She had a right to know!

Kissing her, he had to pull himself away, though his body protested very much when he did so. "I'd prefer staying home tonight, but nothing says that you and Shippo can't go. I'm going to go and help myself to more of that ramen. I've worked up an appetite." He smiled at her as he put on some clothes.

Stopping by Shippo's room on the way down, he heard the little demon trying to repeat his times tables and continued. When he was grabbing his chopsticks, he felt the changes take place. Looking at his shoulder, he saw that his hair was black. His old self told him to run and hide, but the part of him that Kagome had indeed tamed walked back upstairs. Would it be so bad if he went to the festival tonight? Everybody would know his secret, but nobody would look at him and see a demon. And then there was the worst thought of all: how would Kagome react? He'd managed to finish off the bowl of ramen by the time he got back into the bed room. "Kagome?"

Kagome had her back towards him revealing only a half-closed gown, one hand collecting her long black hair atop her head, the other one pinning it into place. "Inuyasha?" Kagome asked looking over her shoulder and blinking for a moment before freaking out and screaming. Making a grab for a small statuette off of the wardrobe, Kagome stopped with her hand raised over her head, ready to throw it at the intruder with all of her might. But then she got a good look at him, and both her eyebrows shot up into her long hanging brows. "Inuyasha?" she squeaked.

He waved the chopsticks at her before setting down the empty bowl. Inuyasha's face was emotionless, and his eyes were still filled with all the emotions Kagome stirred in him, though they were covered in a mask of guilt. "I forgot to mention that I turn human once a month," he admitted quietly. Inuyasha stared back at her, his hands motionless at his sides. "Did you want me to prove it to you or something, Kagome? You look nice with your hair up, by the way."

Kagome stood there blinking, nodding and gaping. "So… You just forgot to mention this?" Kagome asked in a slightly shaky voice. "That's one of those things, like… If I were to start gaining weight and tell you that I forgot to tell you I was pregnant," Kagome said ranting on without thinking as she still worked to take this in. He was cute as a human! Damn hot too! But most of all, this was a side of him she didn't know and... His eyes though their color was different, still looked the same. There was the same soul staring back at her. "Yeah, um, you know what? Uh, proof… Would be nice…" Kagome said still in shock, though she didn't really need any proof, she saw it was him but still… "You're human!" Definite after shock.

Inuyasha nodded and brushed back his hair as he sighed. He had been kind of busy since they had returned home. He wanted to walk over and kiss her, but he doubted that kissing would be the proof his identity. Inuyasha thought a moment before he smiled half heartedly. "The first time you met Sango you two got wasted together. And then you ruined another one my shirts."

Kagome thought about it for a moment. "I don't remember ruining your shirt," Kagome lied. She would blame it all on the booze. That was a good plan.

'Of course the booze would have made her forget,' he grumbled. He sighed and picked something that she would actually recall. "You asked Shippo to marry you."

Damn! Kagome quickly rummaged through her mind. She'd forget it. Mmmhmm! Blame it on shock. Drive him insane. This was her husband. He was human. He was...A drop dead cute gorgeous human who she'd really love to - She just did that fifteen minutes ago. "I don't remember that," she added and wondered if she was pulling off the lying bit good, now that she wasn't laying on the bed.

"Oh, you're just trying to piss me off now, aren't you?" he demanded, raising an eyebrow. With a speed that would make a stranger wonder if he really was human, he crossed the room, took her by her shoulders and gave her a passionate kiss that was a replica of the one he'd given her when he feared he might be telling her goodbye. Still supporting her in his arms, he couldn't help but grin at her. "I certainly hope you'd remember that."

Kagome ignored his comments. He was a cad. But his ears were... Gone! Kagome couldn't help but pout as her fingers massaged his scalp then noticed something even better... Human ears! "I'm not sure," Kagome said sucking on her lower lip. "Freshen my memory." Kagome kissed his jaw and then his ear lobe, sucking on it lightly. "How does that feel?" Kagome asked wondering if anyone had done that to him while he was in human form.

It felt like tiny veins of electricity were spreading over his body. "Well, I can understand why you usually moan when I do that do you." He chuckled when she blew into his ear. "But, Kagome, if you keep doing that then you're never going to get to go to the festival because I'll barricade the door with the bed." Inuyasha pulled away and traced her lips with his fingers. "Does this mean that you like it?" he inquired hopefully.

Kagome stepped back and couldn't help but trace these softer features of him. "Yes… I like everything about you." Kagome reminded, still staring at him in wonder. "Um, how long are you going to be like this?" Kagome asked still trying hard to get over the shock before bouncing and almost losing her dress at the same time. "Can we spook Shippo or does he know?" Kagome asked then narrowed her eyes at him. "Are you coming with me to the festival or staying here?" Kagome asked, starting to think that maybe spending the night at home wasn't that bad an idea, especially now that he wouldn't be able to get free of ropes if she tied him. Kagome blushed at the thought, Miroku was really rubbing off on her.

He let her play with his hair and skin as he did up the dress for her. Sometimes dressing could be just as fun as undressing. "Shippo already knows. But if you want me to go with you to the festival, then I will. I'm going to be spending the rest of my life here, after all. If people watch us long enough, they'll figure out why I never come out of the house on the night of the full moon. Besides, people won't be able to see the demon tonight. You can have a fully human husband, for one night…." He stopped talking as he finished moving her obi to the back. "If that's what you want that is," he said, knowing full well that all she really wanted was him.

Kagome thought about it and shook her head, turning around she offered the back of the dress again. "Undo it. The people need to accept you as you first, before seeing other sides of you. They don't need to know you turn human to like you," Kagome said kicking off her shoes. "I'm going to stay home tonight," Kagome told him, looking over her shoulder at him. "All I want right now, is my husband Inuyasha," Kagome told him, thinking about it. "They won't notice. They'll watch, and hopefully by next month they'll come to accept enough that we can tell them. But otherwise, this remains within the family."

Inuyasha was more than happy to slowly start to undue her kimono again. His lips brushed hers softly. Kagome always tasted good. He didn't need yellow eyes or fangs to make his smile look as crafty as the devil's. "Want to see what else this human body can do?"

Kagome rubbed her neck and decided it would be better to sit rather then stand while chopping up the vegetables. She was aching. Sore. But worst of all tired, as long as the festivities were going on outside last night, they were inside too. Yawning, Kagome covered it up with the back of her hand. She was happy at least that Shippo had slept through it and was now on his way to school. His questions about the thumping during the night over breakfast really didn't help.

'Sango's stuff better be as good as she claims it to be,' Kagome thought with a scowl. He wasn't a demon but still had the stamina of one! Maybe the villagers were right. Maybe he was evil. Looking at him when he entered the kitchen, Kagome quickly wiped the thought away. Not evil, just with a really good stamina… Though even in his demon form, Kagome could see the bags under his eyes. It's a shame he was human only during that one night. At least they celebrated it. "Next time you barricade the door… Move the bed back before I go downstairs," Kagome muttered handing him a cup of tea. "It was hell squeezing through," Kagome said and went on to cutting the onions.

"Oh, and Inuyasha?" Kagome asked looking rather sheepish. "Could you fix the head board today? We… took it out of shape," Kagome said with a blush. Was now a good time to bring up the fact that he owed her another door, their bedroom door was also damaged and had to fix a few other things around the bedroom? They really needed to stick to the bed and be gentle on it; she didn't know how many more fixing ups the bedroom could withstand.

"Yeah, sure." He seemed to barely have registered her as he took a sip of the offered tea. She knew him too well. Back in his demon form, he could practically hear her heart beating as he sat down at the kitchen table. Okay, so they had kind of knocked around some stuff, but Inuyasha would always maintain that it had been Kagome's fault. She'd provoked him when she tied him to the bed post.

And then the little witch had tickled him until he had tears running down his face.

She'd been asking for it. Turn about was fair play after all.

He rubbed his head, his eyes lingering on Kagome. A small smile began to pull at his face. "I guess this means that we can't tease Miroku about being such a sex addict anymore. Do you think we should tell him about some of the stuff we did to help him and Sango write that new guide they were talking about?" If Inuyasha got to barricade himself and Kagome in their bedroom once a month then he was starting to look forward to the next time he became human. Now all they had to do was figure out what to do with Shippo….

Kagome nodded bleary-eyed. "What?" she asked, then, after another moment and a yawn, "Oh, well, we aren't addicts, we're just experimental." Kagome rubbed her eye with the back of her hand. She was so tired! She didn't see how she was going to last through the day without knocking out. "Can we leave the sideways blindfolded one out though?" Kagome said in reference to Miroku and Sango's book. "And the lap one?" Kagome begged, she really didn't need anymore odd looks from Miroku and Sango. "Oh, and we should probably leave the pre…stuff out too," Kagome said trying to figure out the best word to describe those.

At this point, Kagome was happy her hair was down and could fall over her face like a vale and hide its deepening crimson color. "Oh yeah, Inuyasha?" Kagome asked looking shy and bashful, "do those rope burns still hurt?"

Glancing down at his wrists, he shrugged. "Now that I'm in my demon form, not really." He leaned over the table and brushed her hair out of her face. "I will be getting revenge on you. You know that, right?" He laughed softly when her face went even more red. Inuyasha was about to kiss her in an attempt to wake her up a bit more, when there was a knock on the door. He growled and went to answer it. "Hold that thought."

Kagome looked up at him sleepily. "Wha?" Kagome asked losing track of what he was saying. What thought was she supposed to be holding? God, she was tired. 'Revenge on me?' Kagome thought with a gulp then groaned. "Not tonight!" Kagome shouted after him, nearly cutting her finger as she cut the vegetables, she really shouldn't doing this when she was so sleepy. "I'm too tired and sore," Kagome muttered. "Damn healing factor of his… Can't he be even a little worn out?! Stamina of a damn demon," she muttered not hearing who it was coming.

Answering the door, he smiled when he saw it was Miroku. He could forgive Miroku for ruining a perfectly good moment to kiss his wife. Inuyasha looked around, and then saw how miserable Miroku looked. "What? Is Sango pregnant already and now you can't…. ya know?"

"Good morning. And maybe. Besides, for your information you can still have sex, up till a certain point," Miroku said glaringly at Inuyasha. Entering Kagome's hut, wearing his Buddhist robes and sporting his staff he stepped in and arched a brow at Inuyasha. "Didn't we work on the happy-glow-after-sex-look?" Miroku asked and stopped abruptly when he saw the ten different shades of red Kagome was going. "Well, uh." Miroku actually felt flustered before turning to Inuyasha. "I passed Shippo on the way here. You shouldn't give him so much candy you know, he'll end up with no teeth before he is an adult…. Inuyasha, what did you do to her? She looks completely worn out!" Miroku accused kindly yet looked nervous all the same as he looked around the kitchen. "Sango isn't here?" he asked worriedly before taking a seat opposite Inuyasha.

"One: we don't give Shippo candy. It's wired enough as it is. Two: none of your damn business, and lastly, why would Sango be here? I'm sure that we kind of wish she were, because she's great company and all, but we haven't seen here since the ship docked and well all went our separate ways." Inuyasha leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, not liking this a little bit. He wanted to make a snide comment about Miroku losing his wife, but the knife Kagome held looked pretty sharp. Inuyasha didn't like this one little bit.

Kagome knotted her brows together. "I've seen her since, Inuyasha," Kagome pointed out then placed the knife on the table and got up to get the tea from the stove. She immediately regretted it and threw a knife edged glare at Inuyasha. 'He could've been slightly gentler last night,' Kagome thought as she walked over and poured some tea for Miroku, thankfully retaking her seat and once again, glaring at Inuyasha. He wasn't sore. He was thinking about 'revenge'. Kagome was thinking more along the lines of him sleeping on the couch. 'Demon in the sac indeed! Especially when he's in human form.' Kagome tried not to laugh at the thought, but then seeing how taunt Miroku's face looked, she really did get worried.

Miroku went on explaining to Inuyasha, then sighed when he saw the perk of the ears. "I'll draw you a diagram. She has to be on her stomach and you need to-" This time Miroku was changing the colors when he saw Kagome's look. "Anyway, we did that and she went off to bathe this morning, but didn't return. I couldn't find a trace of her things by the spring either, so I hoped maybe she came here afterwards to gossip with Kagome, or get some muscle relaxants- that position is very tasking," Miroku explained to Inuyasha, and as though to prove it, cracked his back. Even though he was trying to lighten the situation, it was obvious how worried he was.

Inuyasha wasn't sure he liked the sound of that.

If she was on her stomach, then were would be all the fun of kissing each other while in the middle of love making?

He nodded in his wife's direction but made no comment. Alright, he hadn't seen Sango in a month. "What were you guys doing so close to the village? I haven't been able to sense anything… okay, I know you two, you can both stop glaring at me like that, I know that I've been busy this past month." He rolled his eyes. "Maybe I should leave you two talk it over while I go fix our headboard."

"Oh, NOW you want to go fix it!" Kagome exclaimed and then narrowed her eyes at Miroku who was looking up at the kitchen ceiling. "What?" She asked at last.

"Isn't your bedroom right above the kitchen?"

"Yeah. So?" Kagome asked feeling testy. Inuyasha wanted to go fix a headboard rather then be there with them. Or massage her back... She wasn't a demon. She might be bendy but not that bendy. "Keh." Kagome muttered.

"You two made a crack form." Miroku commented and pointed with his staff at the ceiling.

Kagome looked up and moaned before looking at Inuyasha. "How about fixing that first?" She asked meekly, knowing that the heat she felt in her cheeks was a blush.

Miroku sighed heavily and shook his head. "So she hasn't been here?"

'Ah.' Now he knew why his wife was so testy. Inuyasha stood behind her and steadily rubbed her shoulders, his fingers working out the knots in her muscles with much more ease than he had been able to sew a jacket. From the sound of things, he doubted he could go and fix anything. They'd probably need to send out a search party. "No. Miroku, I know that I don't know Sango as well as you, but this honestly doesn't seem like the kind of thing she'd do. Run off and get a celebratory flask of sake, sure, but not take off entirely. This doesn't sound right as all."

And then he realized how stupid he sounded stating the obvious.

The door crashed open and Inuyasha's response was automatic. "Shippo! Don't slam the door! I've got enough to fix without having to fix that damn door again!"

"Shippo?" Kagome's puzzled face was slightly stern as the demon raced into the kitchen. "Why aren't you in school?"

The small demon panted, trying to catch his breath. "Sango… Myoga… nabbed!" This was all he was able to get out before he doubled over and took a deep breath trying again. "Sango's been kidnapped."

There was silence in the kitchen.

"Oh! Hi Miroku! I missed you so much!"

What happened to Sango? Will Sesshomaru manage to defeat Naraku? Were all of Inuyasha's baby comments warranted? Watch for it! (PoF: Too much FY…. Oh, too much FY….)

To Be Continued in… 'The Lies of the Heart'….