Disclaimer: The PoF and Emmie are back and we still don't own Inuyasha! This story is rated R for language, adult content and situations - If any of these offend you, please don't read any further. The story is AU, please keep that in mind while you read it. Otherwise, please read and review! Enjoy!

Chapter One!

The quaint little town had never seen it coming. It had sat, still and sleeping on the shore of the gentle ocean that had given the town its livelihood. Inuyasha had wondered if they had been getting desperate, attacking a town of fishermen and a few measly shop owners, but their ship did not carry inanimate objects. They carried anything they could get their hands on. The men really like human girls. That was what happened when they crew consisted entirely of demons.

His worries about the town were vanquished when the tiny boat docked in the harbor. Leaping from the boat, his bare feet sinking in the wet sand, the other demons rushed by him, eager to start their hunter. Inuyasha had long ago bored of this game. This was no hunt. There was no sport to breaking into houses and taking girls from their beds. Still, he began to walk into the city that continued to slumber, unaware of the dangerous shadows trailing through the streets.

Inuyasha stopped suddenly, and looked up at one of the houses. A demon pressed himself up against the door, and Inuyasha seized him by the collar of his shirt. "Leave this house," he growled. "This house is mine."

The little demon spat. "Make me, half-breed! I saw this house first! I can smell the pretty flesh in here! It's mine, filth!"

Drawing the sword at this side, he let it hang from his hand. Inuyasha's sword didn't need to be raised to scare people. It was one of the few weapons in the world that could kill demons, and all the men on the ship knew that. His gold eyes were as cold as ice, though their anger sparked and burned. "I said to leave. I may only be half-demon, but I'm still your superior. Do as I say, and let me never hear those insults leave your mouth again, pest, or next time you won't be walking away from our quarrel." The demon ran away, grumbling as he tried to find another house that smelled so enticing.

He stared at the house. Just what had possessed him to scare that pirate away? He flexed his fingers and swiftly ran his hands down the door. he wooden door cracked apart, cut cleanly through by his nails. With the speed that could not be matched by even some full demons, he caught the pieces of wood as they fell and quietly stacked them, so that not even a crack would alert his dreaming victims as he entered into the house.

The quiver was beside her on the table, her bow was strung and pulled tight. The arrow pressing against the bowstring and her fingers pulled it back tightly. She was ready to unleash it at any given moment. Standing poised and ready, one arm bent and pulled back the other outstretched before her.

She stood waiting in the hall before the door. She had heard creatures filling the streets, screaming and howling. Could hear many serpent legs crawling over the outside of her house. So she had done the natural thing, she had grabbed her weapons and poised herself for any damage to come.

And here danger was, though handsome indeed.

"Get back or I'll shoot!" Kagome shouted, her voice hard and steady as she stood her ground without showing the least shard of fear in her. Her brown eyes blazed with an inner power and her raven black hair cascaded down her back unbound, as she stood there shamelessly in her nightgown ready to shoot.

Inuyasha laughed, like any swarthy pirate would when they were confronted by a girl in a nightgown. He clapped, his smile genuinely amused, and leaned against the walls of the house. "Can a scrawny girl like you even shoot that thing?" he asked, crossing his arms as he began to work out how to get to her. "How'd a little girl like you even know we were up and about? I've never found anybody awake. Let alone someone holding an arrow on me."

"There's a first time for everything." Kagome backed up a step, her bare foot sliding back soundlessly over the wooden floor. "I warned you once, stay back or I will shoot!" Kagome shouted in warning. Narrowing her eyes, Kagome lifted her third finger off of the arrow, ready to knock it. "I suppose you and your mates find it funny plunder villages like my own, and taking the women." Kagome hissed, steadying her bow arm. The bow was long, almost the full height of her, but she showed no qualms about holding it up. "Now I warn you for the last time," Kagome said her voice wavering for the slightest of seconds, "leave my house or I will shoot you!"

His smirk was infuriatingly smug. Without warning, he ran forward, using his momentum to momentarily defy all the physics he had been taught and run along the side of the wall. He wrapped his arms around the girl, and swiped at her ankles, pulling her down on the ground when she lost balance. Pinning her with his body weight, he pulled out the arrow from his arm like it was nothing, even though the knowledge that she had caught him was unnerving. Was she just that good, or was he getting careless? He snorted, tossing the bloody arrow away. "It's been a long time since anybody made me bleed, let alone a weak little human girl."

Fear pounded in her veins now, her heart rate exhilarated that she could hear it in her ears and feel it pulsating in her temples. Her breath was knocked out of her when she hit the hard floor and she had yet to recover it. She bit down the yell that wished to escape her throat as he loomed over her, pressing her down, his blood dripping onto her white nightgown.

Feelings his hands tighten painfully around her shoulders, Kagome let out a slight scream as she braced her knee beneath him and kicked. Gaining a second of released Kagome reached out and turned the small hallway table over, ignoring the pain it had caused to her wrist when it came in contact with the wooden leg. Her quiver fell to the floor and she rushed, grabbing and arrow and stabbing him in the shoulder with it. Wriggling her other arm free, Kagome made a grab for another arrow, this time when her forefinger and thumb closed around it, she poured purifying energy into it.

Seeing what she was doing and feeling the magic that began to collect around her, he lunged for her wrist and mercilessly pounded it against the wood floor until she dropped it. This time he sat on her waist, so that she wouldn't be able to kick him again. He shook water off his hair, spilt all over him when a vase fell on his head. He was bleeding, and he was wet. How in the world was he going to explain this to the men when he got back to the ship? Using his demonic strength, he pulled her arm down and clasped both of them above her head she he leaned over her, his pointed teeth and golden eyes glowing in the moonlight. "That," he hissed, staring at her. "Was extremely stupid. Didn't anybody ever tell you not to piss off demons? Now, are you going to come quietly, or do I have to knock you out?"

"Never!" Kagome screamed defiantly and threw her limber leg up high, her knee managing to kick him in the back of the head. She wiggled beneath him, trying to get out of his grip, but with little use. Trying this time to sit up, Kagome fell back, her hips buckling slightly in protest when her tightened the grip on her wrists. Kagome's long black hair fanned around her on the floor, like the rays of the sun in a painting. Turning her head to the side, Kagome decided to try her last resort, she bit his forearm. Sinking her teeth as deep as she could into his flesh.

"Ow!" The muscles in his other arm twitched to raise his hand and strike the insolent priestess who continued to hound him so, but he did not move. Instead, he peered into her eyes, making sure that she could see the destructive look in his eyes. He had the power to kill her, and he had no second thoughts about doing so.

The blood in his veins excited him. This was the type of fight that he and his men had been searching for! He was tired of girls who took one look at him and dropped in a terrified faint. He longed for this kind of fight, the kind that had real gambits. He leaned his head down closer, making certain that he stayed out of range, in case she decided to try and headbutt him next. "I'd strongly suggest you let go before I decide to bite you back."

Kagome watched him through the side of her eyes. Blood coloring her otherwise rosy lips. Her body defiant, as though challenging him to do so. Instead of letting go though, she bit down hard then sucked on the blood. In a quick movement she let go and turned her head to face him, spitting his own blood onto his face. "I strongly suggest you let me go now, before things get worse to you." Kagome warned, the vile in the back of her throat rising at the taste of his blood, while her own still pounded through out her whole body like pulsating electricity.

How had this happened? She was awake, because she could not sleep, feeling something foreboding in the air and then when she peered out and saw the pirates. The first thing she had done was gather her bow and arrows, thinking foolishly enough to herself that she could actually beat them, and now she found herself in a position like this, pinned by a demon no less! Why had she ever thought that she would be able to take them? It was pride and ego that had gotten the best of her, she at last decided, her eyes not once leaving his.

He lifted one of his hands, the other one using the corner of his sleeve to wipe off his face. He rolled his eyes. She was pinned under him, and had barely a scratch on her, but he was the one with the wet hair, a bruise from the table, a bruise on his head, teeth marks in his arm, and two arrow holes in his shoulder. She was a fighter, he had to give her that. Which is why he really felt bad when he drew his sword. The weapon moved like it was an extension of his body as he flipped it in the air, catching it as it fell so that he was properly positioned for hitting her. His shoulders gave the minutest of shrugs. "Terribly sorry about this then, but you leave me no choice." And he brought down the hilt of the sword.

There were two heavy thuds. The first was the hilt hitting Kagome, the second was her half-raised head hitting the floor as she lost consciousness. Inuyasha briefly wondered if her had accidentally hurt her brain, but he decided that if the girl had been stupid enough to try and find one, she probably didn't have one worth damaging. Still....

He leaned forward just to make sure that he hadn't given her a critical -and accidental- blow. She seemed to be okay. He put the weapon away and wrung out his hair before looking at this wounds and finding them already starting to heal. He glanced down at the girl still pinned under him. It was hard to believe she'd actually managed to make him bleed in three different places. Inuyasha stood up and tossed the girl over his uninjured shoulder, walking out of the house as if his battle had been nothing. Kouga stared at him, a woman slumped over his own shoulder. "Wow. Inuyasha. You look really beaten up. What's the matter? Get bested by a baby?"

He glared at his friend, a plot already moving in his head. "Can't you smell it, Kouga? She's got magic." He readjusted the girl as he ambled down the street with his sometimes, and often only, friend. "That's why the spell didn't work. She was still awake when I got there, and already looking for a fight. I had to knock her out to get her like this. Which is why I was thinking... you still have your manacles? I think I might be needing them. Otherwise she'll wake up tomorrow and start purifying' everything in my room."

The other man nodded. "Yeah, sure. Still... you got really beaten up!"

"Awww... shut the hell up, Kouga."