A/N: Ok so I'm a little miffed. I'm told to update on a fic (Agony and Ecstasy) and when I do, I get no reviews. I slaved for a week straight to come up with a (crappy) chapter and nobody even bothered to comment on how (unbelievably stupid) it was. But other than that, things are doing pretty well. Wait that's not true either…but whatever. On with the fic.


Tomoyo wasn't having a good day. First one of her best models quit today cuz she was pregnant. Then a virus hit nearly all the computers in the office cuz they were on the same network. Then she spilled coffee all over her best suit and had to go change. Now, her car was out of gas and she still needed to get to the damn meeting in 5 minutes!

"Today's not my day…" she groaned, after hitting her head on the dashboard at least 5 times. A car pulled up in front of hers, and a tall young man came out of it.

"Looks like you need some help, ma'am" came a somewhat familiar voice, but Tomoyo couldn't really place it.

Tomoyo lifted her head and her jaw nearly dropped in shock and awe of the very attractive blue eyed, blue haired man who offered help.

'WOW…well done, God, well done…'

However, Tomoyo willed herself to stop being giggly school girl Tomo to sophisticated business woman Daidouji-Tomoyo.

"Yeah…I'm outta gas, and I need to get to Penguin Park in…" she took a glance at her watch, "four minutes. Can you help in any way?"

"Sure…Hop in, I'm off to Penguin Park myself, I'll take you back to your car when your business there is over?"

"Yeah, that'd be great," Tomoyo grabbed her jacket to further hide her holsters and slid in. "Thanks…"

"Eriol, Hiiragizawa Eriol."

"Thank you, Hiiragizawa-san, I'm Daidouji Tomoyo," they shook hands, but there was a nagging feeling at the back of her mind.

"Amethyst, yes?"

Tomoyo stared in surprise and realized it was Clow from the Celebrities and nearly shot herself for thinking such thoughts for this man.


"Shall we go?"

Shouts of profanity were heard for miles. Birds flew away in terror from the constant noise, and down the road, Rei flinched.

'Wow. Not even I swear that much…'

On the other side, Meiling was struggling with two motorbikes, while in stiletto leather boots. Incredible she could actually walk, really, but with two huge bikes with her? It was an incredible feat, indeed.

"Topaz I'm gonna KILL you…" she muttered under her breath, as she almost tripped, still balancing the bikes.

A car horn honked behind her, causing her to wheel around and glare at the males driving the sleek black convertible.

"Whaddya want?" she snapped, clearly she wasn't in a good mood. CLEARLY. But hey, when did guys ever listen?

"Hey sweets, how much for a night?" one guy whistled, subtly checking her out.

If looks could kill, the 3 males in question would be dead. They certainly wished they were after the pummeling they received, before she stomped off with a huff, still struggling with the bikes.

"Need help?"

Meiling squeaked in surprise as she wheeled around, but lost her balance, which caused her to topple over, both bikes falling on top of her.

"…ouch," came from under the bikes.

Rei knew it probably wasn't nice to do so at the time, but he just couldn't help it. He laughed and laughed until his sides hurt.

"Not funny…" growled Meiling, glaring at the unknown man laughing at her.

"Gomen" he chuckled, pulling her to her feet and pulling up one bike while she pulled up the other. Meiling used extra caution to pull her long overcoat closer, in case he wasn't the right sort of company.

"I'm Rei, you?"


"Where you off to, I'll help you bring this thing over. Nice bike, anyhow."

"Thanks; this one's mine, that one's a friend's. I gotta get to Penguin Park. Was expected there a minute ago, but who cares, I'm late anyway."

"Ha, same. Really can't be bothered to get there any earlier than necessary…"

Syaoran got out of the car and dashed to the other side to open the door for Sakura.

"I'll take you home after the meeting, I'm meeting the guys at the swings," he whispered as she got out.

"Good, I'm at the Giant Penguin, just come once everyone's gathered together," she replied. Syaoran grinned and put on his sunglasses.

"It's kinda pointless to wear sunglasses at midnight; I can't see a thing…"

"Then don't wear them, you twat!" Sakura laughed good-naturedly.

"It's part of the 'Celebrity' thing…" he explained, rolling his eyes though she couldn't see it, but made her laugh.

It felt strange to admit it, and it wasn't right to say it for rivals of their stature, but Syaoran found himself falling for her laugh. Somehow it made him want to smile and forget everything, but he shook it off and put on his emotionless mask, locking the door and making his way to the swings.

Sakura felt butterflies in her stomach, but didn't want to admit it. Something about being around him made her want to smile. She couldn't remember when was the last time she laughed and smiled so much that wasn't for the camera.

She shrugged it off and made her way to the Giant Penguin.

Megumi and Kaoru had bumped into Misao, who was still struggling with her heels, on their way and they ran to the Park together only to find they were the first ones there.

"ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!" Megumi screamed into the night, causing Misao and Kaoru to back away slightly.

Misao hobbled over to one of the smaller penguins and sat down, removing her heels and massaging her feet.

"Screw whatever Tomo says. I'm wearing sneakers next time."

"Quit whining, kiddo. Keep wearing them and you'll get used to it." Kaoru grumbled, sitting in the sand.

"But I don't want to! It's too hard!" Misao whined further.

"Quit whining, Mi-chan!" Sakura grumbled, making her way to the group. "Where's everyone else?"

"It's only Tomoyo and Meiling missing. Tomoyo called saying she had car troubles, she'll be here soon. Meiling…you know her."

Sakura laughed, and Tomoyo made her grand entrance: jumped through the bushes, slipped, and fell on the ground.

"Ouch…" she grumbled, while everyone else laughed at her, "Oh eff off…"

Meiling walked in on the group on the ground laughing so hard tears came out of their eyes, with Tomoyo swearing her head off.

"…do I want to know?"

Megumi stopped laughing long enough to spare her a glance and acknowledge her question.

"Probably not,"

"Meh, fair enough," she grumbled, carefully pushing the bike towards Megumi, who took it carefully. "It was a pain in the ass dragging it here, don't make me do it again, you hear?"

"Fair enough," she grumbled, looking at the girls still laughing and the one still swearing. "Can we commence the meeting now?"

Syaoran walked to the guys, to find Rei holding Eriol in a headlock and giving him a noogie, with the rest of the hooligans (save for Aoshi) egging him on.

"SAY IT!" Rei was yelling

"NEVER!" Eriol retorted back, trying to get away.

"…Are you kidding?" Syaoran asked, appalled that men in their 20s still acted this way. "What the hell's going on?"

Rei released Eriol and flashed Syaoran a grin. "Eri-chan here--" ("Don't call me that!") "was seen escorting a young beautiful maiden to the forest back there, but you know as well as I do he's never done that before, so we--" ("YOU!") "were just wondering about the story behind it."

Syaoran buried his face in his hand but made no comment.

"You dumbass, the true way for someone to answer your questions is by torture" Sano said, an evil smirk crossing his face, prompting a terrified gulp from Eriol.

"And what is it that you propose?" Rei asked, raising an eyebrow.

Sano said nothing but merely approached Eriol, who was currently frozen in place and somehow couldn't will his legs to move. Sano tackled him to the ground and sat on his stomach, and looked at the rest of the gang.

"You guys know what to do…"


As a collective, Rei and even Syaoran, jumped on Eriol and attacked his sides, while Sano howled with laughter from his perch on Eriol's stomach. Said seat was laughing so hard tears were rolling down his face. Aoshi just watched the scene unfold with the tiniest of smirks on his face. Kenshin merely stood on the side.


"Are you gonna talk now?" demanded Sano

Eriol didn't say anything, but kept laughing. However, he was shaking his head like crazy.

"Alright, you asked for it…" Rei said with a huge grin on his face, "Aoshi! Sit on him! Sano, Kenshin, join in!"

Surprisingly, Sano jumped off, earning an "Oof!" from Eriol, and Aoshi obeyed, sitting cross-legged on Eriol's stomach. Kenshin still stood there ("Oro?"). The rest of them continued attacking the poor blue haired man.

"Talking now?" asked Syaoran, pausing for only a second.

Eriol nodded uncontrollably.

"Say UNCLE!" Sano cheered, still tickling with Rei.


Sano and Rei paused to look at each other.

"TOO BAD!" they yelled and continued to tickle him.

Aoshi and Kenshin then decided to be merciful and pried to two men off their poor companion, who shot up and brushed off his suit.

"Party pooper…" Sano grumbled, being held back by Aoshi.

"Yeah!" snapped Rei, who was restrained by Kenshin.

Syaoran stood off the side, grinning at Eriol, who glared at him.

"Thank you oh-so-much, my dear cousin, for helping me back there."

"Anytime!" he chimed, almost happily.

"So…meeting?" Aoshi asked somewhat lazily.

"Ok to business. Nobody knows this but Tomoyo, me, and the two leaders of another gang, but we have been accused by another gang for dealing drugs on their turf. Let me finish…" Sakura said holding up a hand, when she saw almost every girl about to protest, "I realized we do not deal with such affairs, but we were falsely accused. We have been accusing them as well for a while, but the leaders and I have talked it over, and decided it's time for an alliance to find out who has been tricking us with these false rumors. Do we have your support?"

Everyone but Sakura and Tomoyo looked at each other and looked back to their leaders.

"Hai, we understand," Megumi said, a serene smile on her face.

"Let's show the starters of the rumors what the Black Stones are made of!" Misao cheered.

"I'll bet anything it's those rotten Celebrities. They've hated us, they just want to get rid of us…" Kaoru pondered out loud.

Sakura and Tomoyo looked at each other nervously but laughed.

"We highly doubt that, Tanuki!" Tomoyo teased.

Syaoran pretty much said the same thing to the guys, as they thought it over.

"I have no objections, that I don't," Kenshin finally said.

"Neither do I," Aoshi murmured from his perch on a low tree branch.

"Great, then let's go meet them!" Eriol said with a grin on his face.

"They're here?" Rei gaped.

"Of course, I told you we would be meeting another gang here, didn't I?"

"True…" Rei thought, thoughts straying towards a certain ruby-eyed maiden he met earlier.

"Let's GO!" Sano hooted, and followed Syaoran and Eriol.

"So are they a Co-ed gang like the Vipers or female like us, or male like Celebrities?" Meiling suddenly asked, striking all the girls' attentions.

Sakura laughed before replying "Males,"

The girls all cheered with comments all along the lines of "Hope they're hot,"

"Emerald-san?" came a whispered call from the bushes.

Sakura made her way over.


"Is it alright for us to come out now?" he hissed, not wanting the rest of the gangs to know who the alliance was with till they came out.

"It's alright now, Syaoran, call them out when I declare your entrance," she whispered with a wink, causing him to laugh slightly.

Walking back, she and Tomoyo stood next to each other.

"Ladies?" called Tomoyo for attention.

"We give you our new alliance for the next few months…"

The guys came out of the bushes, Eriol and Syaoran in front of them, and gasps echoed from both gangs when they took off their sunglasses.

"YOU!" everyone but the four leaders exclaimed in shock.

"I told you so," Syaoran said with a smirk at Sakura.

"Rats," she growled, "Thanks a lot, girls, you just cost me 50 bucks."

Tomoyo was puzzled, "how?"

"I said that when they found out, 'YOU' was gonna be the only thing they'll say, but Emerald here said your friend Ruby would be swearing her head off,"


"Shit," Syaoran swore, as Sakura laughed.

"Arigatou, now he owes me!" she said, giddy.

Opposing gangs stared at the others' leader in shock.

"Kamui just what is it you're trying to pull?" Sano demanded, "These whores were in charge of the bombing of our storage house!"

"WHORES!" bellowed Megumi, "I don't know who the hell you think you are, but you were the ones who destroyed our club, so we blew up your storage house!"

"That's cuz you--"

"ENOUGH!" Syaoran commanded, shutting up the gangster at once.

"We all have made our mistakes towards each other, but someone is trying to wipe us out, and we need to redeem ourselves to each other and work as one to find out who is against us, and for starters, we will drop the 'gang nicknames' and introduce each other properly," Sakura explained, with authority in her voice, "I'll start, you know me as Emerald, but I am Kinomoto Sakura."

"Kamui, Li Syaoran."

"Amethyst, Daidouji Tomoyo."

"Clow, Hiiragizawa Eriol."

The rest of them looked at each other reluctantly.

"…I'm Sapphire, my name is Kamiya Kaoru."

"Topaz…I'm Takani Megumi."

Misao still looked hesitant. "Makimachi Misao, also known as Jade."

Meiling glared. "Meiling Rae. Ruby."

"Battousai, aka Himura Kenshin," he said with a grin. "By the way, Kamiya-san, sorry for threatening you earlier,"

Kaoru simply glared.

"Sagara Sanosuke, Zanza."

Aoshi looked up, unblinking, "Okashira, Shinomori Aoshi."

"I'm Chan Rei, but other gangs know me as Jackie," he laughed with a wink.

"…what kind of an alias is that?" Meiling shot, "That is the most ridiculous name I've ever heard!"

"Oh shut up, it's hard to come up with anymore well known people!"

"What about Li? He's 'Kamui', there's no one I know of called that besides him!"

"That's because I'm a Celebrity in my own right," joked Syaoran from his leaning position against the tree.

"You wish, Syao-chan!" Rei retorted.

"…Syao…chan?" smirked Sakura, who was standing next to him.

"You shush."