
Disclaimer- I am NOT used to any romance stuff. I know this story probably might stink up this place but I'll give it a shot.

Summary: Mariah moves into a new high school and immediately makes friends with Mariam. The two soon become completely inseparable. Then Mariah slowly finds herself falling for a certain black-haired white tiger. Unfortunately, Ray happens to be Mariam's sworn nemesis. To make matters worse, Ray already has a girl friend by the name of Salima. Will this story end happily ever after? Ray/Mariah

*scratches head* I guess I really have strange ideas, eh? (I'm Canadian!!! Cool!)

Chapter one: Meeting


"I figured that I might get a little lost on the first day at Beyville High, but this... is ridiculous!" yelled Mariah, banging her head on the side of the wall. "Turn right... down the hall until you see another turn... then go left... then right... then through the door. What kind of directions are THOSE?!" she complained loudly.

After following those directions from her mom, who had been to the school they day before, Mariah found herself completely lost, not to mention very late. The worst thing was she hadn't even made it to the OFFICE yet.

"Where am I?!?!" Mariah wailed, banging her fists on the ground. Just then, she heard someone giggle from behind her.

"Feeling a little lost?" the voice asked politely. Mariah spun around and became face to face with someone who could have easily been her twin or clone. The only exception was that she had navy blue hair that was held up by a red hair band and piercing green eyes. The girl was twirling a strand of hair around her finger. Mariah blushed, thinking that she had made a complete fool out of herself in front of the stranger. Deciding that she couldn't embarrass herself any further, she asked.

"Um, where is the office?" she stammered. The blue-haired girl raised an eyebrow and pointed over her shoulder.

"Is that what you're looking for?" she asked coolly. Mariah slowly turned around and gaped. Behind her was a large door with a sign hanging over it which read, "OFFICE". Mariah blushed crimson.

"Oops. Silly me." She laughed nervously. She sighed, expecting to be tormented by the girl. But to her surprise, she smiled empathically.

"First day?" she asked kindly. Mariah nodded. "It's all right. Sometimes you get so nervous that you often become forgetful of clumsy. I remember my first day here. I couldn't tell the difference between the closet doors and the classrooms. I got myself locked in one halfway between second and third period. My name's Mariam. What's yours?" Mariah gladly took the extended hand and shook it.

"I'm Mariah," she smiled. At least now she had someone to depend upon.

~Scene Change~

"So, how do you like Beyville, so far?"

"I guess its okay. They could have more signs hanging around though. I got a bit lost on my way to English class," sighed Mariah. "I think I'll actually have more luck finding my way around outer space than this place." Mariam laughed.

"I would say you'd have better luck getting around once you get used to it, but that really isn't true. I still end up in corridors that I'm sure were never there once in a while."

"But at least now you can remember where the office is," Mariah joked. Mariam faked a thoughtful look.

"But you'd think that you'd recognize something if they have gigantic signs hanging all around it."

"Oh, shut up. Anyway, I could have sworn that the halls in this place can move. Kinda like--"

"-In Hogwarts," they both finished in unison. Both of them looked at each other in surprise, and then smiled.

"I think we'll get along just fine," they agreed.


Later on that day, the two girls made their way to their last class that day. It was a double period and unfortunately, their last class was the unspeakable evil... math. Mariam and Mariah chose seats at the back of the classroom where they were safe from the evil teacher's droning. They were just discussing whether the Math teacher was uglier or the Choir teacher when the door suddenly swung open.

Curious at whom the newcomer was, Mariah looked up at the front of the class and felt her cheeks heat up and she could have sworn that her heart had nearly stopped. His long raven black hair was tied back into a long silky ponytail and Mariah soon found herself lost in his warm golden eyes. (A/N Sue me, as I said before, I CAN'T WRITE ROMANCE!!) His feline like features made him look like an angel in her eyes.

Most of the other females in the room seemed to be thinking along the same lines. Some of them actually swooned while others were heard squealing excitedly, "He LOOKED at me!!" Mariah was shocked to hear a low growl come from her friend instead.

"What's wrong?" she asked, turning to face her.

"He's such a jerk," was her reply. (A/N NO FLAMES! NO KILL!!!) Mariah looked at her incredulously. Ray sat down across the room from them after apologizing to the teacher for being late. Mariam sent a glare in his direction.

After class, Mariam stomped angrily out of the room with Mariah in tow. A bunch of girls swarmed over to Ray demanding his autograph while said autographer dashed out of the class with a few of his friends at his heels.

"They're all wasting their time," Mariam spat, "Ray already has a girl friend, Salima." She then walked away from the classroom, failing to notice the pained look on her friend's face.


I suck, but no flame!!! PLEASE!!! Just give me a few comments. Tell me whether I should keep writing or not.

Signing out,
