Author's Note: Thanks for the reviews! I'm at a hundred and I only have 6 chapters up that's so cool :D thanks!
Chapter 7
Will's eyes flickered open and he became aware that his arm was wrapped around Elizabeth. He kissed her forehead.
"Morning," he smiled. Elizabeth smiled back at him. She lifted her arm and ran a finger from Will's temple round to his lips."I never thought I'd wake up lying next to you," she told him. Will smiled and moved closer to Elizabeth, kissing her fully on the lips. He ran his hand down her side and into the small of her back.The two were broken apart by a violent lurch from the ship. Elizabeth gave a laugh as Will was thrown sideways. He stood up mock glaring at her. Elizabeth was about to say something when the door of their compartment burst open. Jack stood in the doorway and looked at Will."I hope you two weren't doing what I think you were doing," he said a little amused. Will went red.
"No Jack you idiot." Elizabeth laughed and got out of bed."Anyway I came down here to ask you two if you have any ideas on getting me ship back?"Will thought for a moment. So the pirates were back and immortal again. And this time they didn't know how to lift the curse and Barbossa's pack of fleabags had Jack's ship. Will really was stuck for ideas. Even if they confronted the pirates, what would it do? It's not like they'd be able to kill them and reclaim Jack's ship.
"Jack do you think maybe the curse can be lifted in the same way as last time?" Will sat down on the bed next to Elizabeth and she clasped his hand."Well I did think about that but the only problem is the one who took the coin and recursed the pirates was Jack that bloody monkey and that means we'd have to get our hands on him which is going to be damned near impossible." Elizabeth watched in amusement as Jack explained this with much flailing of his hands and bobbing, shaking and nodding of his head."Mr. Sparrow I seem to remember informing you that rum was I
quote a 'vile' drink. You obviously have not listened to a word I said." Jack
looked at her seriously, at least as seriously as a drunken unorthodox pirate
can and said
"Of course I have darling. And I chose to give the rum the benefit of the doubt
and give it a second chance." Elizabeth
"Anyway back to what we were talking about before," Will interrupted. "Jack, is……… Jack with the pirates?" Jack nodded. "Well before we go gallivanting after them we should really see if the Aztec treasure is still at the Isla de Muerta." Jack nodded.
"Sounds like a plan. I'll tell the crew to set course for it. Now you two had better come upstairs. Will it's time you learnt how to steer a ship." Will smiled and nodded. Jack disappeared out the door, his drunken stagger not helped by the rocky ship."Well then," Elizabeth said. Will raised an eyebrow.
"What, Elizabeth?""I am going to get changed now so you're going to have to go upstairs." Will rolled his eyes but headed out of the cabin and upstairs.
Commodore Norrington banged a fist angrily on the table.
"This is ridiculous!" he yelled. He was conversing with a couple of Lieutenants and Governor Swann. They were discussing the small matter of Elizabeth having an affair and running of with pirates."Commodore Norrington please don't do anything rash," the Governor tried to sooth him. The Commodore was livid at the fact that after all this time that blacksmith had still managed to steal his woman. He looked like a royal idiot. His wife had been stolen from him by a blacksmith, he hadn't managed to capture Captain Sparrow and a bunch of pirates had commandeered the best ship in his fleet."Governor your daughter is out with a drunken captain and his raggedy crew. Not to mention the fact that she has dishonored your name in having an affair."
"Now, now Commodore. We don't really know if Elizabeth had an affair. The fact that she knew Jack was Will doesn't mean to say she was having an affair with him." The commodore looked at Governor Swann like he was stupid.
"I'm not going to answer that one Governor. We will send out a ship after Mr. Turner and Mr. Sparrow. We shall not rest until they are found." Governor Swann sighed.
"Excuse me sir, I'm not really sure but maybe they are going to that island the er Isla de Muerta I think it was called," Lieutenant Gillette asked. Commodore Norrington frowned.
"You may be right Gillette. Lieutenant assemble my best men and have them board the Imperial. I want to leave before noon." Lieutenant Gillette nodded and hurriedly exited the mansion. The Commodore turned to leave.
"Er may I make a request before you leave, Commodore Norrington?" Governor Swann asked. Commodore Norrington gave a curt nod. "I was wondering if you would do me a favour and try your hardest not to kill Mr. Turner. I admit I have taken an immense liking to his swords, it would be a shame for such skill to go to waste." The Commodore looked like he was about to explode.
"I will try my best," he said, and then strode out of the mansion.
"Will?" Elizabeth asked as she appeared on deck in her pants and white shirt. She spotted him at the wheel of the ship, being coached by Jack. Elizabeth smiled as Will turned right as Jack yelled 'left! No other left'. Elizabeth came up behind him. "Will you don't seem to be having much luck," she told him. He grinned at her and went back to the wheel.
Even an idiot could clearly see that Will was in his element when he was at sea. Nothing seemed to bother him and he was smiling now like a child at Christmas.
"Well you seem to have things under………… control. I need to do some things." Jack disappeared below deck. Will and Elizabeth stood at the wheel of the ship silently."Elizabeth," Will said suddenly. She stepped next to him."Yes?"
"Can- can I ask you something?" he asked. She smiled.
"No something else."
"Alright." Will took a deep breath and then sighed.
"Why me?" he asked. "You could be married to Norrington, have money, wealth, security. I can't offer you any of that." Will hung his head. Elizabeth cupped his cheek in her hand.
"Will," she said. "I could have had all those things. But do you know the one thing I wouldn't have had? Happiness, Will. Happiness. As long as I'm happy and with the man I love," she looked into his eyes, "I don't need the other things." This didn't seem to satisfy Will.
"But you were brought up in an environment that was secure. You had money, social status. All that would be gone if we were ever together."
"Will do you really think I'm worried about that? If you do then you don't know me as well as you think. I love you, Will. I don't care about class or money. I would rather spend my life with you with no money, than with everything I want in the world except the man I love." Will sighed.
"I'm sorry Elizabeth." She smiled at him, eyes flitting across his face and running her finger down his cheek. Will lifted his hand, cupping her small face in it. Elizabeth leant onto Will, resting her head in the crook of his shoulder and his arms wrapped themselves around her tightly. "I love you," he whispered.
"Sorry to break up the mood mates but we got company!" Jack yelled down the deck. Elizabeth looked back in the direction they had come from.
"Oh no!" she yelled. What was unmistakably a ship from the royal fleet was coming up behind them. Elizabeth ran over to the ship's port and gave a frustrated sigh as Will came up behind her.
"Doesn't he ever give up?" she asked in as exasperated tone. Will laughed.
"Let's go see what Jack wants us to do," he suggested. Elizabeth nodded and they went to find the captain. Jack was at the ship's wheel.
"What's happening, Jack?" Will asked. Jack raised an eyebrow."This is the best ship in the fleet, Will. Do you really think I'm worried about them?" Will shrugged. Jack was right. The Imperial was the fastest ship in the Caribbean. Will drew his sword from its scabbard and indicated for Elizabeth to do the same.
For the next hour or so Will worked with Elizabeth on her footwork. By the end of it, both of them were sweating. Elizabeth's hair had all fallen out of its pony tail and her face was a little red.
"Well it seems as thought the Commodore has given up chase," she commented as she looked back and saw no ship coming up behind them.
"Of course he would. He knows I'd never let you go," Will smiled. Elizabeth laughed and the two of them sat on the deck. Jack came past a few minutes later and told them to get to work.
The Commodore glared as the Imperial disappeared across the horizon.
"Head for the Isle de Muerta," he told Lieutenant Gillete. "We shall take the route East and head them off." Gillete yelled the orders to the crew. Commodore Norrington sighed.
Where had he gone so wrong? He had though Elizabeth was happy with him. He knew she would always love Will, but he'd thought maybe they could be together. He just wanted to try and convince her one last time to come back. And Will's head on a platter would go down nicely as well. But he didn't think he'd actually do that one. Elizabeth would hate him even more than she already did.The Commdore grabbed the side of the ship in frustration and then went below deck to retire to his cabin for the night.
CRASH. Will winced as Jack threw even more treasure behind him and effort to look for something that appealed to him. Will took a seat on a nearby rock and watched Jack examine a gem encrusted crown. He placed it on his head, winked at Will then began scavenging through the piles of gold again. Elizabeth was back on the ship sleeping and Will looked up as Gibbs sat down next to him.
"Any idea how to lift the curse?" Will asked. Gibbs shook his head.
"Not one, lad. But we're in a bit more luck now that we got ourselves a ship. I'd advise taking the treasure with us." Gibbs indicated to the chest of Aztec gold that sat perched on a mountain of gold. Will nodded and watched the treasure chest apprehensively as if expecting it to suddenly disappear. He then left his seat and climbed his way up to the chest. He looked in and smiled slightly. The two bloodied coins still sat in exactly the same place they had been dropped more than 3 years ago. Will put his hand in the chest and swept the coins with sideways. That gold had caused so much trouble, yet so many good things as well. Were it not for the gold he and Elizabeth probably wouldn't be together.
Will's reminiscing was broken as he slipped backwards and lost his footing and tumbled into one of the deeper rock pools. Gibbs and Jack laughed as the spluttering man resurfaced."There's something down here," Will yelled. He disappeared
below the water again and came back up a few moments later clasping a huge
chest. Jack helped him lift it onto the rock, a mad glint in his eye.
"What've we got here?" Jack smiled, his eyes widening in anticipation. He knelt
down to open it only to discover a lock. Jack pulled out a dagger and tried
picking the lock. Will laughed as after a few tries the impatient captain got
angry at the chest and kicked it and then hobbling around for ten minutes
clutching his foot.
Will sat down at the chest and within 30 seconds the blacksmith's talented hands had picked the lock. Jack stopped clutching his toe long enough to peer inside the chest and see a single piece of parchment rolled into a scroll, tied with what looked like a bootlace. Will leant in and picked it up. Unrolling it, he discovered it was about the curse.
"It explains about the first curse," Will told the others, "and the second one as well."
"Well what the blasted heck does it say then?" Gibbs asked impatiently. Will read through it as quickly as possible.
"Whosoever takes a piece of treasure whom has already been cursed shall henceforth recurse those who greedily took it the first time. Yet hence that they suffered if they are recursed so shall they be rewarded for that suffering. Whilst firstly the gold robbed the cursed of taste, touch and body that it will not this time. All feeling without pain shall return. Once more thy may eat food and taste, drink wine and taste, touch warmth and feel, be wet and realise. Thou shall be immortal till death by captain's bullet. Should one of the originally cursed be dead other than by a captain's bullet and the gold retaken, so shall they be risen. Arise ye takers of the gold for immortality is yours. Paid for your wrongs you have so now reap the benefits." Will put the parchment down.
"Blimey," was all Jack said. "Guess that means all our old mates are back."
"Except Barbossa," Will reminded him. "You shot him, you're a captain." Jack nodded.
"That's very interesting……….." Jack trailed off looking at his hand. Will looked at his own hand where there was a rather thick scar that he had made when lifting the curse.
"Well boy does it say how to end the curse?" Anamaria asked, speaking for the first time. Will went back to the parchment.
"But should thy not want the immortality placed upon them, the curse can be lifted. That which shall be accomplished by the spilling of the blood of them who took the gold and reinitiated the curse. When all the gold be gathered once more, all 500 pieces reunited and the initiator's blood spilt upon it then shall the curse be lifted and gone." Will looked up again."Oh dear," said Cotton's parrot."You mean we have to get our hands on that wretched monkey?" Elizabeth asked. They were back on the ship, the Aztec gold (plus anything Jack had taken a liking to) with them and were explaining to those back on board what Will had discovered in the chest.
"Yep," said Jack. He sat back in the chair, put his legs up on the table and began to eat an apple.
"And how do you propose we go about that?" she asked. No one said anything.
"I don't know but we'd better get a move on unless we want to be caught by Barbossa's crew or Commodore Norrington's men," Will told them. There were murmurs of agreement and everyone except Elizabeth and Will left the room. Elizabeth came over to him and pushed a stray lock of hair behind his ears.
"Do you think we'll get Jack's ship back?" she asked. Will smiled.
"Definitely," Will replied.
Commodore Norrington watched as the black ship approached the Isle. They had noticed the approaching ship a while back and immediately dropped their sails. He knew it wasn't Sparrow and his crew on the ship, Elizabeth had said something back in manor about the drunken captain having lost his ship. It must be the pirates. They obviously knew where Sparrow's crew were heading too.
"We must have missed them sir," Lieutenant Gillete said. Commodore Norrington nodded. He had no idea where they'd go now. "Do you want to anchor here and wait for them to come back again sir?" Commodore Norrington gave a stiff nod.
"Weigh anchor!" came a yell from somewhere on the ship. There was huge splash as the anchor was dropped. Commodore Norrington turned around.
"Get someone up into the crow's nest and let me know if anything happens," the Commodore said. "I'm going to bed."
"Get in there and look," Bo'Sun snapped at Raggeti and Pintel. The two pirates rushed into the caves to where the Aztec treasure had been left. As they rounded the entrance they looked up to the mound of gold. Where the stone chest should have stood, was nothing. Ragetti and Pintel rounded to Bo'Sun who had just entered the cave.
"Captain Bo'Sun sir. It's gone. They stole our treasure!" Raggeti said disbelievingly.
"Bloody pirates!" Pintel yelled.
Next Chapter: Beats me
Author's Note: What did you guys think about that? I quite enjoyed writing it but it was rather hard and I kind of feel like I'm losing my touch. I'm not sure but I just feel like I can't get everyone in character the way I used to be able to. Anyway let me know what you thought and we'll see where to go from there. Don't forget to drop me a review and any ideas would be appreciated too.