We take a break from our quest of strange language to bring you this amusing interlude: "Zawacky Quote Wars!"


Episode 1: 'Evil Crossdresser or Just Confused?' or 'Something About This Just Seems So Sarcastic'


Cloud: Hi! I like shorts! They're comfy and easy to wear.

Kuja: What do you want to know? Want to be a winner is you?

Cloud: GRRR-BAH!

Kuja: No? Airhead, huh? Well, never mind.

Tifa: Then shut your pie hole!

Terra: What you say? No rubbish or Terra, head go boom!

Garnet: Who is this fiend?

Tellah: Keep your guard up! This is no ordinary woman! Meet Kuja, the magician!

Kuja: What the... ?! Hey, I'm a guy!

Edgar: But its exterior is that of a female...

Kuja: Male... Female... What's the difference? Power is beautiful, and I've got the power!

Delilah: Am I a butterfly dreaming I'm a man... Or a bowling ball dreaming I'm a plate of sashimi? Never assume what you see and feel is real!

Sephiroth: Ever since I started growing out my hair I've been getting a lot of attention... from guys! Yikes!

Nellie: Get a life!!

Cloud: Ouch! A rat bit me!

Blank: I'd rather have my gums scraped than have to fight these fiends.

Nellie: How did you get past my... cadaver pals?

Gilgamesh: Siht daer naht od ot retteb gnihton evah I.

Hilda: Everyone was so flipped out. You've got to blame it on something.

Rinoa: It was like I was there, but not really.

Radio: Clawglip

Zidane: Huh... Radio... What's going on with that radio?

Radio: Well she says the town is being devoured by darkness...

Garnet: Stand gaurd all.

Terra: Sucking Diek! Bzz... Bzz... I'm hungry but I don't like cheese.

Cloud: Of course! Gelagelagela!

Vincent: Chief's been acting odd lately, but he can still tell you about the Robot.

Cid: Goobididibily.

Gilgamesh: We will prepare a wedding while Edgar's gone.


Aeris: Uwaaaa!


Episode 2: 'Mmmm... Oil' or 'Gay Weddings... or is it Spankings?'


Nellie: Well, after a man an' a woman are blessed in holy union, they leave oan holy pilgrimage tae the Sanctuary.

Garland: Speerits o' the moontain, Speerits o' the wood...

Edgar: Uh... Now, how did I get into this?

Kuja: I'm such a stud!

Edgar: The Crystal Ball has exploded!

Rinoa: That can be taken as a bad omen, but I wouldn't worry about it. You'll be OK, really!

Aeris: Ever since I returned from the dead, I've felt weak and faint. I wonder if that's normal.

Squall: Die in obscurity!

Cloud: Why is this hole here?

Sephiroth: Night is upon us. How strange.

Delilah: I have a strange craving for nuts, but they don't grow on palm trees.

Sabin: Have some Oil! It's sweet and tastey!

Cloud: Whoompapa... Whoompapa...

Kuja: Why does the world.. and the people resist destruction? Why don't they want to die?

Garnet: Our queen should be put on show here.. she's so fat it's like she's not human.

Gilgamesh: It makes me want to go to the bathroom.

Kuja: This monkey is going to give you a spanking, Shupkay!!

Zidane: Eek eek.

Edgar: My name is Edgar and this is a toilet.

Aeris: Will you jump in the toilet?

Terra: No reply... it's just a scarecrow.

Cloud: Don't kick, punch, bite or hurt the trees!

Kefka: A baby frog is not a frog, not a frog It's a tadpole

Tadpole, tadpole

Baby frog is called a ta-d-pole!

Edgar: Bad end. This is not a true ending! Try again with your friend.


Episode 3: 'Best Insults of All Time' or 'Kefka, the Evil King of the Poachers'


Tellah: I'll find you Lumpy, you can't hide from me.

Garland: Thanks for the pencil, chump.

Squall: Endless in victory of a yourself.

Kefka: You sound like characters in a self-help booklet!

Cloud: Suck a sage.


Tifa: Dweebinheimer.

Tellah: You spoony bard!


Terra: Wow, that ashtray is so fancy you could eat caviar out of it!

Gilgamesh: You smell like bacon and oppression, man!


Kuja: Hmm... fruity, but voluminous.

Edgar: Orgasmic Castle!

Vincent: It's amazing how a little touch of human remains can touch up a place.

Eiko: Screaaaaam!

Kefka: Tempting as it is, I just can't bring myself to jump in the giant, unclean kitty litter.


Squall: ... Stop using the contained-detonation to crack open walnuts. Thank you.

Terra: Strange, but symbolically compelling...

Zidane: Yeah, well you don't have a tongue but that doesn't seem to shut you up, now does it?


Tifa: You're going to get it ! Sucker !

Cloud: Oh no. But please, spare my life.

Kuja: You won't get away this.

Tellah: After many bloody battles, I have finally defeated the evil king of the poachers.

Kefka: Oh no ! He got me !

Garland: Get lost, wisp.

Delilah: You are the greatest player!

Cid: To remove the seal for Corridor No.2, touch everywhere.

Nellie: Whoo hoo! I won! Simply deee-licious!

Barret: That guy's maniac!


Episode 4: 'Tellah is Really Einstein Reborn' or 'Maybe it's Actually Kefka, Who Would Then be 'Kefka the Eisteinian Evil King of Poachers Slash Manical Demi-God"'


Aeris: Oh gaaaaaaaaaawd!

Tellah: I am Tellah. Martyr of Might.

Cloud: Good job! The country's in good hands with you!

Tellah: Did you know there for consonants and eight vowels in mimblewimble?

Kefka: Here's my plan. Find an Edgar, hurt its feelings, make it cry, and collect the mucus.

Terra: You did nearly as well as I did on your first try, Kuja. Do that well again and you'll get something sweet.

Kuja: Have a care where you're pointin' that thing! This is my favorite coat.

Tifa: Man has to be active. Come on. Hee-hee-hee.

Rinoa: Howdy, young boys! How's it goin'? Hic...

Nellie: Its name is... You do it.

Sabin: I hate rain. It's depressing. I like it when it pours.

Terra: Get undressed here.

Eiko: I think the precious weather-cock blew away.

Cid: There is a baby bird in her bosom.

Tellah: This is getting hairy... heh.

Garland: I tripped over one of the rocks. I thought I'd fly to the sky.

Edgar: Two of my children hath starved to death, kind wayfarer. Canst thou see fit to help the other seven?

Vincent: I'm Sailor Sam. Dost thou own a sextant?

Garnet: Yes.

Vincent: Then thy life's purpose is fulfilled. Yo, ho, ho...



Possibly the most screwed up thing I've ever written.