Title: Cold Shower

Author: MAC/Undead Euro-Trash

Feedback: [email protected]

Disclaimer: so not mine

Rating: dunno, don't do ratings...

Summary: Spike and Buffy get caught

Spoilers: Whatever Buffyverse (season 6 somewhere)

The two naked figures both let out high-pitched yelps of fear, they bolted from each other turning around to see what had just sent the jet of freezing water their way. The Slayer and the blonde Master Vampire stared in shock seeing a familiar slim brunette looking very trigger-happy as she held the nozzle of the watering hose in a loose easy grip. She cracked the two blondes an evil smirk as she looked from the hose to their huge disbelieving eyes.

"'Kay," Dawn said putting a hand on her hip, "I want Buffy in the house in two, and dinner popped in the mic in five. Get dressed... *if* you can find your clothes..." trailing off she let the nozzle fall to the ground, with a calm that the two 'adults' were clearly lacking she turned heading back into the house.

"Shit," the Slayer cursed.

"Looks like we've been found out," Spike chuckled.

Buffy ignored him searching the ground around them, "Where *are* our clothes?"

Inside the house Dawn tilted her head to the side regarding the pile of damp, grass-stained clothes smiling so evilly that even Angelus would wonder if she was possessed, "*If* they can find them..."


A/N just a little idea of random insanity that made me giggle...