**Author's Note** Here it is- this will be the last chapter. I just want to say thanks for the reviews, especially to those who've stuck with me for the long haul. I hope I didn't disappoint too many people, and I've decided a sequel will follow though I'm unsure as to exactly when I'll start it. Also- I'm going to do a short, probably a one-shot, story on how Wolfwood and Artemis know each other, just to clear up some things. So…buckle up one last time, here goes nothing.

Jess Perry- Yeah, but you know, I did it for a reason…Knives might never have known true pain unless something like this happened, and I wasn't about to kill off Vash or Wolfwood or any of the other characters coz…well…it's just not right. And yeah, I have already drawn some pictures. This is the link- to my Side 7 gallery. Got a lot of Trigun fan art up there.

Ultra Sonic 007- Yeah, that's about the gist of it. Were there fireworks? Nobody told me…damn.

Disclaimers: I do not own the characters or the Trigun title, nor do I own the original storyline and I'm not affiliated with them in any way.

Claimers: Characters such as Artemis, Lily, Tank, Gemini, and Shaman are all owned or co-owned by me.

~Under the Sky so Blue: Aftermath~

Part Twenty-Five: Epilogue

            The sky was cloudy, it looked like a storm would be coming in, though nobody knew where it would be coming from, or why. It was rather out of the blue. But perhaps it wouldn't rain, because it just about never did rain, and when it did, it was such a welcomed surprise. Most of the people had recovered from the attack on their town, and thankfully nobody blamed Vash for it this time. In fact, they were relieved that Vash and his friends had successfully warded off the intruders and nobody had gotten hurt.

            Well…almost nobody.

            Vash, though upset over having aided in murdering the enemy, for once wasn't twisting it into a personal failure of sorts. He accepted it- he knew that if it hadn't happened, the people of Demetri would have been in all sorts of trouble. The fatalities didn't stop there, unfortunately. They'd lost a comrade in the battle against Legato…Artemis couldn't do a thing against the twisted creature and sadly, neither could her friends.

            Milly, while she hated to see people die, didn't dwell much over it either. She had to admit, while she and the others knew Artemis, none of them had really known her that well. She was just a likeable person, and it was horrible that she'd been killed…but as Wolfwood had told her, what's done is done, you can't change the past, no matter how much you want it.

            Lily was one who probably took it the hardest. Out of them all she had known Artemis for the longest time. The red headed priestess was a daughter, a sister, a friend to the blond bounty huntress, and they'd seen a lot of adventures together. Lily had kept quiet for the most part. The words that Artemis had said one day stuck with her, though…

            '..He's the same…he's the same as you…'

            Lily shut her eyes then reopened them. Artemis was talking about Knives. They were the same? There was only one way that could be possible, because she was sure not the same as him personality wise, and that'd hardly be much of a disappointment to Lily. Artemis had to have been talking about the secret that only the priestess knew about her friend…about her longevity, her heritage. It made it all the harder to remain in Demetri with Vash and Knives. She had to think about this first before saying anything.

            Vash was leaning against the rail of the deck outside the motel when Lily emerged from the door, her bag strapped on and jacket adorned. She pushed up the frames of her blue sunglasses and looked at him through the lenses.

            "You're leaving?" The blond man asked, wondering if this was similar to how he looked every time he packed up and hauled ass across the desert. It probably was. He could see why people mistook her for him.

            Lily nodded. "Yeah- I can't stay here anymore; I have things to take care of."

            "Will we see you again?" he asked, simply curious. There was something…strange about her. He was intrigued.

            "Maybe…I can't promise anything, cutie, but we'll see." She offered a faint smile before stepping off the deck, not bothering to turn around or wave as she walked away.

            "What a weird girl," Vash murmured with a light grin.

            "Vash- where is everyone?" Wolfwood called from a room's window, sticking his head out, hands on the sill. "Hey, is she leaving?"

            Turning his gaze to the priest, Vash nodded. "Yeah. I guess I don't blame her. As for everyone else…well Meryl's typing her disaster report, and Milly went to buy pudding."

            "More pudding?" Wolfwood asked, baffled. "I just bought a bunch two days ago."

            "I guess she's extra hungry then, because she said it was all gone. Don't tell me it really surprises you, preacher man." Vash smiled lightly.

            Shaking his head, Wolfwood chuckled. "I guess it doesn't."

            "How are you holding up?" Vash asked softly, putting his hands into his pockets.

            The chuckle faded and the priest paused thoughtfully. "I'll be alright. It'd been a long time since I'd seen her, but she hadn't changed much, you know? She was a good friend when I knew her, and a good person when we met again…it was just surprising when it happened, but God will grant her mercy." He nodded then asked, "Where's Knives?"

            Vash sighed, "I have a good idea of where he is…but I should leave him alone right now. Well, I'm going to get some donuts- want anything?"

            Wolfwood waved, "Nah, I'm fine. You go on."

            "The sky is overcast today, though I'm sure you know that already." Knives whispered, eyes turned upward as he stood in the small cemetery near the outskirts of town. He'd gone to Artemis' grave, standing at the edge of it, arms crossed, face expressionless.

            Yesterday had been the first time he had cried in a very long while. He couldn't remember when the last time was, but it had to have been when he was but a child.

            "It is not fair, do you know that? It isn't fair to you…and it isn't fair to me. How ironic, though, that your life be taken by someone I had once had control over? I created the Gung-ho Guns and when I turned my back on them, they destroyed one of the only people I felt compelled to care for."

            The wind blew softly bringing the scent of metallic water with it. Would it rain? Knives wished it would so that everything would be washed away.  Although, some things wouldn't wash away for a long time.

            "I brought you something- I know you liked them." He knelt down, uncrossing his arms to reveal one of the red flowers that had grown near the plant. It's petals were vivid in color, the smell was sweet. "I don't know why, but this one called to me. It's yours, it had to be."

            Knives rose to his feet after a moment and he felt something stream down his cheeks. They weren't tears- this was a slightly cold touch. Looking skyward he saw a gentle rain begin to fall, the drops cooling his face, dripping over his skin and falling to the ground. His eyes shut as he stood near the grave, face skyward, hands limp at his side. It wasn't fair.

            Vash walked toward the donut shop when he had first felt the rain falling. He glanced up in mild surprise and suddenly was obliged to change course. His long strides brought him to the tiny cemetery where he could see his brother standing, chin lifted to the refreshing rain. Vash smiled lightly though in partial sorrow for his twin. He could feel the very thoughts his brother was thinking. No…it wasn't fair at all.

            And yet…Vash was glad. His gaze lifted to the clouds and he whispered to the sky, to the song of life and death that the rain brought to their ears. She was singing to them, like she used to do, singing and smiling down upon them from the heavens. Vash knew why she sang and smiled…and it was not only because of him. Everyone had helped, everyone had a part in it, everyone played a role in making it happen.

            "We all did it Rem, I didn't do it alone. But still, I'll continue…I'll always take care of Knives."