Disclaimer: I don't own any of Tamora Pierce's things. If you think about it that makes sense.

Dedication: All my stories are dedicated to Mags. I hope you can read them from Heaven. And Roisin, I promise to get you a copy in Braille some day.

A/N: Someone please please please tell me how to get italics on here! I'm a teenager, italics are my life!!!!

Ermelian of Aminar paced the room. Today Lady Mila of Kennan came to formally interview her as a possible wife for her son. The interview determined her whole future. "Goddess, child. Stop your pacing and come and sit with auld Nanny, now. Sure an' you'll be wearin' out the floor, not to mention those pretty slippers." Ermelian stopped her pacing with a worried frown on her face. She was young to be married, only sixteen. However she was beautiful, and Lady Candice knew that the girl's wealth along with that beauty might bring her daughter to trouble.

"Oh, Nanny. I'm sorry," Ermelian said, wringing her slender white hands. "I'm just" she paused "nervous. It's the interview, you know, I've never met the young man! I have only Lady Mila's word that he's good and kind, and mother-love can be deceiving." Unknowingly she began to pace again. Nanny chuckled. "Lass, if you don't marry Cleon o' Kennan, you'll surely be marryin' someone else."

They were interrupted as a small maid poked her head through the door. "Milady? Your mother wishes to speak with you." Ermelian managed a weak smile. "My thanks, Lutie. Please tell her I'll be there in a moment." Once the maid had left, Nanny crushed Ermelian in a hug. "Gods be with you, child."

Should I continue? R&R if u think so!