[AN]Konnichiwa minna-sama! Mage here with another fic! From the writer of Wish Upon a Star, comes... Of Love and Rock, A Jakotsu and Bankotsu story! ^__^ Anyway, please Read and Review! It starts out kinda slow at first, but I have to lay down the setting and introduce the main characters and junk. And first chapters are never that interesting, right? Right... Plus this isnt my best work. *sigh*


Jakotsu sighed as he walked up the concrete sidewalk towards the hell on earth known as highschool. His mood matched the thick grey clouds in the sky and his feet already hurt inside his heavy combat boots. He shifted the book bag to his other shoulder as he walked up the path and through the doors.

"666... 666..." He muttered as he walked along the rows of lockers lining the long stretch of tiled hallway. He chuckled slightly, remembering the first time he saw his locker number on his schedule. He had been a bit surprised, but he thought it cool that he would get that specific locker number.

Though it would probably lower people's views of him even more. Jakotsu wasnt exactly popular or even fairly liked. His peers shunned him, not only because of the way he dressed (all in black, with spiked chokers and such), but because of his sexuality.

Jakotsu had liked men ever since 7th grade. He didnt know how or exactly when he first realized he was gay, he just knew that it happened. Guys kept away from him when they found out, girls thought he was weird... Sure, there was the occasional yaoi fangirl, but those were scarce in this area.

He sighed, reaching his locker at the end of the hallway. Ignoring the stares and whispers he got, he put away his supplies, grabbed his binder, and headed off to his first class: AutoCAD.


Jakotsu followed a couple of other CAD students out to the woodshop building. One of the guys ahead of him opened the heavy wooden door and went in, holding it open for his friend.

Just as Jakotsu was about to slip through the door, the guy sneered and let the door go. He cried out as the door slammed on him, a protruding bolt piercing into his shoulder.

"Stupid! Try opening the door before you go in." The guy said with a smirk, then went into the small room off the shop building. Sighing, Jakotsu pushed the door off him and darted in quickly; the evil door slammed shut with a loud bang.

He went into the CAD room and sat down at one of the double tables, nursing his sore shoulder, which was beginning to bruise.

"God damn jocks..." He muttered. Why couldnt people just accept him?! In the next 3 minutes, the rest of the class filed in. 'Just my luck...' He thought bitterly. Several cheerleaders and a few football players were in this hour.

Jocks and preps were the worst! At least the other freaks didnt make fun of/torment Jakotsu.

So involved in bitter thoughts was Jakotsu, that he didnt notice the three boys walk in, 5 minutes after the bell.


"You're late boys!" Mr. Zagar, or just plain Zagar to his students, yelled from his office. Zagar did a lot of yelling... Always had, but he was a cool guy.

"Yeah yeah! Whatever!" The one who seemed to be the leader shouted back. He had long black hair in a braid down his back and deep, thoughtful eyes that held the gleam of one who loved their life.

He went back to his conversation with his two companions, a dark-haired guy wearing a black t-shirt that said "Which one of my personalities do you find offensive?" and a bald guy wearing a bandanna and all black.

Jakotsu looked up and his gaze fell upon the braided boy. 'Wow... He's hot...' He felt a bit of a blush rising to his face and he turned his head quickly.

"Ogling some poor straight guy, were you freak?" A bitchy, female voice asked. There was a loud slamming sound as the prep dropped her books on the table. "I'm only sitting here because there's nowhere else to sit."

"Like I fuckin care..." Jakotsu muttered. It was just his luck that he HAD to sit beside the preppiest prep in the whole fuckin school, other than Kagura of course. Yes my friends, Jakotsu had to sit with the dreaded Candice, aka Candie.

"Well you dont have to be so rude!" Candie made a nasty face at him.

"Well YOU were rude first." Jakotsu rolled his eyes. God she pissed him off! Actually, she pissed EVERYONE off. They were just too nice to say anything. But Jakotsu... now HE was a different story.

"I was not! I'm not like you, you freak!" Candie shouted, furious now.

"Awww, is da wittle preppy throwing a fit?" Jakotsu teased. He was having fun with this... Hey, annoying preps was ALWAYS fun!

"YOU JERK!" She reeled back and slapped him across the cheek. (Poor Jaky-sama... What is it with girls and hitting him? --; *see wish upon a star, forgot which chapter...*)

"HEY!" The braided boy stood from his chair, glaring at Candie. "Leave the guy alone bitch! You started all that!" He rolled his eyes. Ugh, preps... He hated them more than anything.

Jakotsu looked at the braided guy, holding his sore cheek. 'He... stuck up for me... God, I want to get to know him... Maybe...' He smiled inwardly. 'Maybe we can be partners for the rest of the year...'

Candie sat back down, as did Jakotsu and the guy. Zagar came out of his office and stood at the head of the classroom with his roster, then started taking roll.


"I DIDNT DO IT!" A black-haired girl stood abruptly, eyes wide. Everyone laughed. One would swear she had the attention span of a rodent! "Whatever I did, I didnt do it!"

"Sit down Jade." Zagar shook his head. Students these days... Jakotsu chuckled silently.





So he continued down the list, until he got to Jakotsu, then the three boys behind him.


"Here dude! No we're not! SHUT UP YOU!" Suikotsu then began yelling at himself. It was a well-known fact that he had split personality disorder, but he sometimes did this sort of thing to make people laugh. Which everyone did usually.

Zagar began to look cross. "BOTH OF YOU SHUT IT!"

"Yes sir!" Nice tone of voice. "Yes sir!" Evil tone of voice. The laughter didnt die down until about 5 minutes later. Suikotsu sat there, looking proud of himself.


"DEMISE! Mwaha..."


"Here, dude!" Bankotsu, the braided boy, chuckled at his friends.

'So that's his name...' Jakotsu thought, his eyes glazing over in a dreamy look. 'Bankotsu... Such a great name for such a hot guy...'

Zagar finished roll call and put away the sheet of paper. "Okay people! We're picking partners now! Uday?"

"I'm with Chad!" The two went and claimed one of the nicer computers, talking.

Suikotsu and Renkotsu were together, Jade and Cloey were partners, Seto and Jounouchi, and Malik and Marik. Then Amelia and Zel, and Lina and Gourry. The rest of the jocks and preps paired off, leaving only Bankotsu, Jakotsu, Candie, and Fillia Ul Copt.

"Okay, Candie?"

The snotty prep eyed Bankotsu like a hawk eyes its prey. "I'm with Bankotsu."

'DAMN IT! DAMNETH! DAMNETH! DAMNETTHHHHH!' Jakotsu was throwing a fit on the inside, but outside he just looked slightly ticked. So he was with Fillia... Great, just great... Things wouldnt have been so bad, but Fillia was a religious freak and had something against gay people for some reason...

So when everyone had logged in and gotten on to the CAD program, Zagar began the lesson.


Jakotsu continually snuck glances at Bankotsu through the hour, seeing as he didnt have anything to do. Fillia had firmly told him not to do anything, because she didnt want him to mess it up and ruin her perfect grade. Jakotsu had decided not to point out that she didnt exactly HAVE a grade yet, it being the first day and all...

So he sat there, in the hard metal chair, glancing at the rest of the students in the class. He saw Candie trying to flirt with Bankotsu, but he was working on their drawing and ignoring her. He didnt blame the boy either. Candie was ugly as hell, and he wasnt just saying that because he was gay, nooo...

Jakotsu sighed. He had a feeling this was going to be a long school year...


That afternoon at lunch, Jakotsu grabbed a required reading book for english and went outside to find an empty bench. The air was thick and heavy, almost suffocating. Jakotsu knew it was going to rain any minute now, though he stayed outside. Who cares if his book got wet? It was his own copy anyway...

"Oi! Sess!" He found the silver-haired senior sitting on a bench under a tree, silently eating an apple. Sesshoumaru barely glanced at Jakotsu.

The smaller boy sat on the bench beside him. Sess was probably the closest thing he had to a friend, the only one who didnt think he was super-weird. As long as Jakotsu didnt hit on him, Sess was fine.

"So, how's your day been?" Jakotsu asked, wanting to make conversation. Sesshoumaru just grunted, which the other took to be an 'okay'.

"You dont talk much, you know that?"

Another grunt, which Jakotsu took to be an 'i know that'. The dark-haired boy sighed and opened his book up, not even bothering. He just didnt feel like it today.


Bankotsu burst out the front doors with Suikotsu and Renkotsu, a football clutched under his arm. Glancing up at the sky, he saw that it was going to rain any minute.

'Good... Its always funny to listen to teachers gripe because ya came to class wet...' He thought, grinning.

He and his friends headed out onto the long stretch of grass and spread out. Bankotsu hurled the football at Renkotsu, who caught it and threw it to Suikotsu.

So their game of 2-on-1 football continued.

Renkotsu made a particularly wild throw; it soared overhead and straight towards the old oak tree with the plastic bench underneath. A single guy sat on the bench, reading. Sesshoumaru had gone into the bandroom to play something for a grade.

"OI! LOOK OUT!" Bankotsu yelled, lunging at the flying football. The boy on the bench looked up, blinking.

"Nan-ACK!!!" The football flew straight into the teenager's face, smacking into his nose and falling into his lap. "Owwww... Fuck..." He rubbed his sore nose, wincing.

Bankotsu jogged the rest of the way, looking a bit concerned. "Hey, you okay dude?" He took the ball from Jakotsu's lap.

"Yeah... I've gotten worse...." Jakotsu sighed, shrugging.

"I'm really sorry, Renkotsu over there cant aim to save his life."

"Its okay, just forget about it..."

"You sure?"


"Okay, okay..." Jakotsu rolled his eyes, standing up.

"Hey, ya know what?" Bankotsu looked at him, his height especially. He was only a couple inches shorter than Bankotsu.


"You're tall for a girl."


"Waiiiittt... You're not a girl?" Blinku. "Oh yeah! Youre the guy from CAD! Sorry dude!" Bankotsu sweatdropped, rubbing the back of his head in embarassment.

"I should beat your ass with my shoe for that..." Jakotsu said jokingly, chuckling slightly despite the fact that he had been called a girl. Bankotsu laughed.

"HEY! BANKOTSU! HURRY UP, WOULDJA?!" Suikotsu shouted from across the stretch of lawn.

"Well, I'll seeya around then..." Bankotsu flashed the other a smile and ran off to join his friends.

Jakotsu sighed, resting his chin in his hands. 'He's so definately straight... All the cute ones are always straight...'

The bell rang then, and Jakotsu picked up his book. Eyes downcast, he followed the masses into the building. Today had been such a lousy day... It really did suck having a crush on a straight guy, ya know...


Note: "Candie" is based on a real person I know and despise, the name has just been changed.

So, I hope you all like it so far! If you were wondering, AutoCAD is a class I really take. Its like... mechanical drawing on the computer and its pretty fun actually, even if all the measurements DO give one a headache x.x;;;

Updates: Will be few and far between. I write when I can, but sometimes I just cant pay attention x.x;;; (Ashura: She has the attention span of a rodent...) *nods sadly* Plus school and friends and having 4 other stories to work on and 5 other ideas isnt very good for my poor tiny mind o.o;;; But reviews are good for my poor tiny mind so-- OHH BANANA BREADS DONE! ^__^ *dashes for the kitchen*

Ashura: ...She was going to say R&R onegai... so yeah... Ja Oo;;;