She Spy

Chapter 8
Serves You Right

It was another beautiful summer day outside Hermione's house. Sun was bright, very few clouds were marring the sky, and a light breeze kept the heat manageable. But, inside the light-blue one-story home, Hermione was mindless of it all.

"Shoes! Where are my shoes! No, Crookshanks, no! Bad kitty!"

Chloe looked up from the magazine she was reading and said mildly, "You're going to be late."

Hermione looked over her shoulder and gave Chloe a malicious glare. She hadn't been able to sleep last night, for reasons unknown.

'Yeah, right,' the annoying little voice in the back of her head snickered. 'You were too busy thinking of a Mr. Malfoy to sleep.'

"Aagh! No!" she yelled, causing Chloe to glance at her, one delicate brow arched in question. She ignored her and ran into her room, almost slamming the door on Crookshanks, who dashed in after her. A few choice words escaped her mouth as she pulled random clothes from her closet. She stopped moving when she caught sight of herself in her full-length closet mirror. She still had not gotten used to the sight of the new her.

Her reflection was clothed in a towel and had a towel wrapped turban- style around her head. Hermione quickly unwound the towel and ran her fingers through her flaming red hair. She had always envied Ginny Weasley of her hair, but now that she had that coveted color, she hated it.

And her skin! She was so pale, something much different than normal. Her normal skin had always been lightly tanned, and she missed it.

All this "new her" had been caused by a newly created spell that was kept secret by the― Hell, it was so secret, she didn't even know the name of the Department. Fudge had arranged for the spell to be cast on her, but she had to unconscious when it occurred. Fudge assured her it would be alright, and so she went through with it. The next morning, she awoke to find the "new her".

She had argued to Fudge that the Polyjuice Potion would have been a better, safer idea. Not enough was known about the spell. Nobody knew if it had any side-effects or if it wore off. The list of unknown risks continued on and on, but Fudge refused to listen to her. "Foolproof," he had said about the spell.

Hermione swallowed the rising feeling of doubt that had risen to mind, and reached for the clothes resting on her bed.

"Oh no, Crookshanks, you evil, despicable―" Hermione swatted Crookshanks off her dark clothing and groaned.

'Chloe's going to kill me,' she thought as she tried to brush off the myriad of cat hairs that now decorated her nice clothes.


'Thank Merlin Chloe didn't notice,' Hermione thought as she walked up the steps to the Malfoy Manor. She had quickly pulled on a jacket and had rushed out the door before Chloe could talk to her. Normally, Hermione wouldn't mind cat hairs. She felt happy to bear them as proof that she was a cat-owner. Or cat-owned, whatever. But Chloe wouldn't like it, and quite frankly, she scared Hermione when it came to the perfection of her outfits.

She walked briskly up to the doors and raised her hand to knock when one door opened a bit. The butler peered out at her and nodded, then pulled the door wider to allow her inside.

'Wow. Freaky butler. Reminds me of those butlers in movies," Hermione shrugged off the thought and started down the hall, passing a grand stairway, but stopped when she heard the butler clear his throat. She turned and looked at him.

"That's not the way to your office," he said, his smooth voice contradictory to his wizened appearance.

"Oh, I didn't realize. I got so mixed up yesterday, I forgot which way led to my office," she said, feeling the blush rise to her cheeks as she lied. She had wanted to explore the house a teensy bit more. She swallowed and continued speaking. "Surely it wouldn't hurt if I toured a bit, would it?"

"Master Malfoy wants no one in that section of the house. Shall I see you to your office?"

'Jackpot!' Hermione thought excitedly as she walked towards the butler. She would have to search that room as soon as she possibly could. But for now all she could do was follow the butler.


Draco was jarred from a deep sleep and a pleasant dream when the door to his secretary's office was slammed shut. That bang had barely finished ringing in his head when more thumps and crashes could be heard.

Draco groaned and picked his head up from the pages of the book he had taken from his would-be assassin the night before. He must have fallen asleep trying to decipher it last night. He really only slept about three times a week, crashing only when he could not stop the sleep.

As he started moving around, he realized three things. One, he had a horrible crick in his neck, two, his back was fairly stiff, and three, he had a major hard-on. Apparently he had a very pleasant dream last night.

Now that he thought about it, he could remember the dream. A scantily-clad woman with emerald-green eyes had been doing terribly pleasant things to him in his bed. Although she had been wearing little, she had had a black veil covering most of her face and her hair, and all he could see of her face were her eyes. Her hauntingly familiar green eyes. He had felt that he knew her, and had been reaching to tear off the veil when Alexa Roberts had stormed into her office.

'Go figure,' he thought as he reached over his head and tried to stretch out the kink in his back. He was still stretching out the various cramps in his body when Alexa entered his office, bright and cheery.


"Good morning, Mr. Malfoy. Sleep well?" she asked. Her arms were filled with mail and other various papers, so she shut the door behind her with her foot and walked to his desk to drop her burden.

"As a matter of fact, I did. Had very nice dreams. About you," he said, realizing that what he said was true. Alexa had the same green eyes as the woman in his dream.

"How flattering, but you'll have to keep on dreaming, Malfoy, 'cause it isn't going to happen in reality," she replied, dumping the contents of her arms on his already crowded desk. She turned to leave, but he reached out and pulled her back around his desk. He tugged her again landing her straddling his lap and causing her knee-length skirt to hike way up.

"Let me go!" she said instantly, pushing at his chest and wriggling to get off of him, but his hands were firmly planted and held her in place.

"Why not?" he asked, going a little off subject.

"What?" Alexa asked, her confusion evident. She stopped her futile struggle to get off him and looked at him questioningly.

"Why won't it happen in reality?" he asked, stroking the bare skin on the inside of her thigh that had been exposed when her skirt had hiked up.

He felt her shiver underneath his hands and he smirked. He stroked her thigh again and repeated, "Why not?"

"Because―" she gasped as his hands started moving farther up. "Because I hate you."

"No you don't," he said confidently, sliding his finger underneath her skirt where it had bunched, but pulled them back in surprise when she slapped them viciously, digging her long nails in for emphasis.

"Ow!" he said, surprised. He pulled his hands to his eyes to examine them, and Alexa used that moment to jump off his lap.

"Serves you right," she said in a snotty voice, smoothing down her skirt. She turned with a huff and walked to the door. Her posture reeked of pride, so that made it all the more funny when she stepped on a stack of books, slipped, and landed flat on her back.

"Ow!" she said complainingly. A chuckle escaped Draco's mouth, followed by more laughter.

"Serves you right," he managed to say in between laughs, imitating her voice from earlier. Then he threw back his head and laughed for all he was worth.


Hermione sat on the floor, nursing a hurt behind and pride, as Malfoy laughed uncontrollably in his chair. For a moment, she was stunned into silence. She had never before heard Malfoy laugh. Okay, that wasn't true. She had heard him laugh in a mocking nasty snicker, but never in mirth. His laughter gave her the good kind of chills. Never mind that right now he was laughing at her clumsiness.

"It wasn't that funny!" she said trying to salvage her pride as she gingerly got up.

"Oh yes, it was!" he managed to choke out, still laughing. That really irritated her, it really wasn't funny. So she pulled off her heeled pump and chucked it at his chest.

It hit the wall three feet away from his head with a loud thunk. Malfoy stopped laughing and stared at the indent in the wooden wall.

"Damn!" she muttered under her breath, walking over to his desk to retrieve her shoe, bobbing up and down as she stepped on the non-elevated foot. She was aware of Malfoy watching her as she neared him, as she reached down, grabbed her pump, and put it on. She turned and walked to the door, carefully avoiding anything cluttering the floor. She had almost made it out the door when he spoke.

"Good for me you're a bad aim. That could've taken out my lung."

She turned, and was going to give him a withering look when she saw the amusement dancing in his blue-grey eyes. She stared at them for a moment more and suddenly felt the urge to laugh. She reviewed all that had happened in the past 15 minutes from a third person's view and found it all horribly funny, so she laughed. She laughed and he laughed along with her.


Later that night, long after Alexa had left, Draco still sat at his desk, deeply absorbed in the large leather-bound book in front of him. Notes were scribbled on the sides of the paper in slanting letters unique to his handwriting. His quill was poised to write more in the non-permanent ink he used, but he couldn't concentrate.

He blamed his affliction on lack of sleep, but he knew that wasn't true. The sleep he had gotten last night had been enough to last him a day or two. The real problem was that he couldn't get Alexa Roberts off his mind. Her laugh was lovely, and she looked exquisite as she was laughing.

He groaned and dug the heels of his hands into his eyes, rubbing viciously, but her laughing image refused to depart.

'I would be able to forget,' he told himself, 'if her damned perfume didn't hang around my room like it is!'

There was a scent in the room, definitely Alexa's.

'What is it?' he wondered, sniffing the air delicately. It smelled like... honey.

'Honey,' he thought distractedly. 'A lovely substance with many fun possibilities in foreplay

He immediately regretted the thought, because as soon as he thought it, a mental image formed in his mind, and almost instantly he was hard

Draco let out a strangled yell of annoyance and stood up. He was not going to get any work done tonight, that was fast becoming obvious. He stalked to the door, mentally cursing Alexa, threw it open. He stalked through it, down the stairs, and out the door, walking out to the forest behind the Malfoy Manor. Somewhere from within the forest, a light was shining.


"So, how'd today go?" Chloe asked as Alexa entered her house. A grunt was her only reply, but she seemed satisfied with it.

She followed Hermione into the living room, and waited until Hermione had relaxed on the overstuffed sofa before she asked, "So, has he made a move on you yet?"

Hermione's head snapped up from a pillow and her eyes were wide. "How―?"

"Oh, give me a break, honey! Any red-blooded male with vision would've made a move by now. You're gorgeous!"

Hermione preened. "Why, thank you Chloe!"

Chloe waved her hand around, as if to brush away her thanks. "Whatever, hon. So, he has, right?"

Hermione pressed her face into the pillow and mumbled a string of words Chloe assumed were yes.

"Great! Everything's going to plan, then!"

"What!?" Hermione shrieked, flying from the couch. "Plan? What plan?!"

"Oh, didn't I tell you about the plan? Oh, oopsies!" she cried in an innocent voice Hermione saw through immediately.

"What is the plan?" she forced through gritted teeth.

"Nothing different than the way I usually operate."

"Oh no, no, NO! You said you wouldn't!"

"I lied."

Hermione groaned and sank down on the couch again. Chloe worked the same way some other female con artists worked. She wormed her way into the victims life and did anything she could to gain their trust, and that sometimes included seducing the victim.

"Hey, hon, it's not that bad. You don't gotta do the nasty with him, just knock him out in his bedroom, get what you need and get out. I've done that a few times myself."

Hermione didn't reply, so Chloe just shrugged and walked out of the room, but just as she had stepped into the doorway a pillow hit her hard in the back of her head.

"Hey!" she yelled as she turned.

"Serves you right," Hermione said, getting up and walking into her bedroom.


Hidi ho, neighbors! Chapter― uh, what is this? Eight? Whatever... New chapter! Yay!

Don't have much to say today, just read and review!!!


Crazy Peanut Chick