Ryan is losing as usual, video games being more Seth's forte than Ryan's. But he gets a kick out of how much Seth loves them, how he can be so focused and nonchalant at the same time. It's admirable; Ryan doesn't know how he does it. Seth's moving back and forth, mimicking the motion of his character in the game, and his shoulder presses against Ryan's. He shifts away from Ryan, but Ryan leans with him, pretending to be swaying with the game too, maintaining contact. It's just...cozy somehow.


Seth is walking away from the pool with Ryan and they're laughing -- some joke about the comic book they had both read, or maybe a joke about making a joke about a comic book. It was one of those perfect moments, where Seth felt totally at ease and, when he stopped to think about it, overwhelmed with his luck and joy at having found this amazing person, Ryan Atwood, who actually seemed to like Seth. More than that, he GOT Seth. Seth is grinning and laughing, and lifts his hand to toss it around Ryan's shoulder, an affectionate, brotherly slap on the back. But his damp arm against Ryan's sun-warmed back feels so good and right he just leaves it there as they walk into the house. It's not until they got to the door and Seth realizes they can't fit through the way they are, side by side, that he drops his arm. All of a sudden he feels embarrassed at his enjoyment of Ryan, and so covers by opening the door and bowing deep, Cotillion-style, and waving Ryan through first in a show of mock gallantry. He watches Ryan walked through the door, admiring his smooth, muscled back, just starting to get that Newport tan. God, what is wrong with me, Seth thinks, shaking his head as if to rattle the thoughts out into the fading evening sun.


Ryan is staring at Seth over pancakes at the diner. He's talking about the road trip again, the one he wants to take so desperately, but truth be told Ryan's happy to just stay right here in Newport for a while. He's finally got a stable home with no drinking or fighting, he's got parents who don't seem to be going anywhere, he's actually looking forward to a school that will challenge him, and of course there's the romantic attachment, the sexual desire for Seth. For Marissa! Did he just think Seth? What the hell is wrong with him lately?


Walking down the pier carrying his broken skateboard, Seth can't help but grin when Ryan skids to a halt in front of him on his bike. 'Hey baby, can I give you a ride?' he mock-flirts. 'Sure thing handsome' Seth kids back. But the way they are looking into each others' eyes and grinning during this exchange gives Seth pause. As does his eagerness to get on the bike. He holds onto his skateboard with one hand and hangs a finger in one of Ryan's belt loops with the other. He breathes in Ryan, smelling of laundry and the Crab Shack. He holds on a little tighter to Ryan's waist, enjoying the excuse to close the distance between them to mere inches.


Ryan was trying to make light of the weird feelings he's been having towards Seth when he tossed that goofy pick-up line at him. It felt good to laugh about it, and Seth played along, but now that he is on Ryan's bike and with his hand on Ryan's waist, his breath on his back, it has stopped being funny. Ryan grits his teeth and pedals back to the house, repeating to himself silently, "it's no big deal, it's no big deal." When they arrive in the driveway, Ryan jumps off the bike right away, and Seth sort of steps off more slowly, and the combination is less than graceful; the bike clatters to the ground. Seth stumbles a little, and Ryan grabs his elbow. Seth grabs Ryan's shoulder. They keep each other standing, watching the bike fall and when it stops bouncing around on the ground they look to each other. They stand there, staring at each other -- staring into each other really -- still holding on, for way too long.