Title: Eye's Of An Uchiha And The Ninetails Fox

Arthur: Ruby Raven

A/N: This is my first Naruto fic so please go easy on me and no flames.

Prologue: Eye + Fox

Rating: PG-13


Pairing: Itachi/Naurto Sasuke/Naruto mild Kakashi/Naruto and in the future Gaara/Naruto.

Summery: Itachi kills his clan and his parents and takes their eyes. Naruto is blind because some kids threw glass and got into Naruto's eyes. Itachi takes Naruto and replace Naruto's eyes with his parents and the adventure begins. (Naruto's appearance is more different but I think this way he's more mysterious, cool and sexy.)

My brother once again bothered me asking if I can train with him and of course the answer is, always maybe next time. I leave and go to the place always visit, the forest near the gate. Getting near I see the boy Naruto there again.

I watch him sit his aqua blue eyes dull and lifeless because of those stupid kids throwing glass. I Love watching my Kitsune sit there so peace yet so much in pain because what he is.

I decided I would talk to him today and see how much he knows of himself and I also wanted to know more about him.

I walked toward the Kitsune and the boy turned his head to me. "What do you want?" asked the Kitsune coldly. Walking up to the boy and sitting next to him, I see that he doesn't flinch or edge away.

"I just wanted to know why you are here all alone" looking at the boys face more closely. "That's a stupid question but sure because I hate them all of them they look at me as if I'm the worst thing in the world and then I'm blind because stupid kid threw some piece of glass" the boy explained with hatred in his voice.

"What do you wish for?" I asked suddenly surprising the boy. "I guess to see again and maybe someone who will love me and who will see me for who I am" said the boy.

"May I know your name? Mines Uzumaki Naruto" asked the boy. "Uchiha Itachi" I simply said. "Are you some way related to that Sasuke guy, if you are I don't care but Sasuke he's just annoying. All the girls scream and praise him like he's a god it's quit annoying" starting to stand up.

"Thanks Itachi-san for talking to me, I really enjoyed talking" smiled Naruto not his usual one showing all his teeth but an honest and sweet one.

Watching Naruto go I thought about the plan I made few months back and decided to go with it. He really didn't like his parents questioning him and Sasuke needed a little lesson about the cruel world.


I just killed my parents after they warning my foolish little brother to not come in. Soon after I killed my parents I took my mothers eyes and put it in the glass jar filled with water.

I see my brother come in shaking in fear and asking why our no his parents are dead but I decided to cut it short by throwing my shuriken at him grazing his shoulder.

He runs at me but I simply hit him in the gut and use my Sharingan to make an illusion of what happened to his parents few minuets ago. He falls on the floor lifeless and then getting scared he runs out the door.

I go after him soon after and I tell him it was to test him. I wasn't lying about testing him and I tell him to hate me and try to get revenge. I leave to get my Kitsune.

I find my Kitsune sleeping. I grab him and put him on my shoulder and left Konohagakure with him.

After renting a room at an inn I see my Kitsune start to wake up. I lay him on the bed and my Kitsune asks where he is. I gently tell him that we left the village and in an inn.

"Naruto-kun do you want your eye site back" I asked. "Of course" my Kitsune answered. "I will give your eye site back Naruto-kun but I have to knock you out is that ok" I asked making sure my Kitsune really wanted this. "You can do anything Itachi-san I want my eye site back".

I nod to myself and knock Naruto-kun out hard and started to switch the eyes. I was glad I studied healing jutsu and medical studies so I can heal him. When I finished I wrapped his eyes with bandages and sleep next to him.


I wake to see Naruto asleep snoring softly and decided to get breakfast. Finishing my meal I see Naruto wake up and try to take the bandage off but I stop him telling him his eyes aren't ready yet.

I sit down on a table and ask him if he wants some breakfast and my sweet little Kitsune nods. I feed him some eggs and rice.

We travel as weeks turn to months and months turn to years. I taught Naruto how to use the Shalingan and all my techniques and told him what he was. First he finally understood why villagers hated him but soon asked how he could use the seal fox to his advantage.

Training when his fox side comes out his eyes turn blood red. My Kitsune became more beautiful as days went by. His hair grew silky soft and long reaching to his waist and tied like mine, he looked more feminine, Naruto- kuns skin pale like he never went in the sun and blood red lips.

We became close as days went by and we trusted each other. We kissed a lot these past years and grew stronger. Naruto was still a little weaker than I am but still beat me a couple of times.

We joined the Akatsuki for Power and met interesting people. I became partners' with my Kitsune and Kisame. We also met Orochimaru and Naruto-kun would often glare at him. When Naruto became 10 we had to make him go back to Konohagakure and become a spy and get information.

I didn't like being away from my Kitsune but Naruto told me to visit. I agreed and now headed to Konoha. My Kitsune was renamed Uchiha Naoki when he got his eye site back and learned how to use the Shalingan.

Next Chapter Team + Test: Naoki or really Naruto goes back to Konoha surprising some jounins and being put on a team with Uchiha Sasuke.