Authors note:
Sorry everyone this is not a chapter, I am going threw some major writers block. I had said before that this story has moved from what I had planed to something else I don't know were this story is going and its starting to get frustrating. I need some help, I have wrote four chapters more 9,10,11,12 but I will not publish it if I don't like it. This is getting vexing. Owe as for pairing this will be a Vash/Meryl/Usagi story the polls show every one wants Vash. There were only two Knives/Meryl/Usagi votes so I guess this is a Vash/Meryl/Usagi if there are more votes for knives then I will change it some how. But so far it shows Vash won.
As for the senshi I am still not too positive. For this story purposes Sailor Pluto Setsuna IS DEAD! She died some time ago after S.E.E.D. if yea want her back tell me. If not she stays dead and the time gates CLOSED!
For now there will be some Knives/Meryl only till Vash come back.
People please let me know what you want, if not I'll just stop writing this story; I really am on a stump.
Thank you for your patients.