It All Comes Down To This

And So It Begins

DF103: The sequel to LRIFR&R! Long awaited for some, and 'Gosh not another one,' for others. Unlike the two precursors to this fic, this one will have some action. Mm…and more characters…yessiree…

Immature DF103: More characters?

Morbid/dead DF103: You haven't been reading story outlines, have you?

Immature DF103:nods:

Lovesick DF103: Here…:hands Immature the notebook:

Immature DF103:reads it: Oh…Hey! This is like seasons 1 and 2!

DF103: It's going to change somehow. I noticed that while giving a small synopsis to a few friends… - -;; Anyway! A new fic…new plot…same characters plus more (Well, they'll be introduced later in a different chapter)! But for now, I dun own Digimon, Amber, or Ashley…but I do own Richard, Jason, and two people who'll be introduced in this chapter…um…yeah. BTW, yes, I ended the last fic at weird spot once again, but I assure you, this fic will have a complete ending. So, here's the first chapter of the sequel to LRIFR&R…It All Comes Down To This – And So It Begins…

"Ryo, wake up! It's time!" Rika said, hobbling out of bed, and walking towards the door.

Renamon's blue eyes opened in the shadows, waking up from the commotion. Ryo stirred and turned to his side, still sleeping. Observing that Ryo wasn't waking up, Renamon was about to get him up before Rika walked over to the bed and shook him vigorously, until he woke up.

"Ryo, IT'S TIME!"

"Wha?" Ryo's eyes were still half-shut, until he realized what Rika had been saying. "Oh my gosh." Ryo stumbled out of bed and changed into some decent clothes.

Renamon smiled to herself and closed her eyes again, retreating into the shadows.

Once Ryo was ready, he led Rika out the door to the van, which Henry let them borrow for such occasion. It was still dark out, as Ryo helped Rika into the passenger side of the van. Ryo closed the door, and ran back into the house to grab a small suitcase. He threw it in to the back of the van and hopped into the driver's seat. After he started the car, he slammed his foot on the accelerator, and drove down the dim-lit road.

- - -

5:48 am, November 24, 2005

Entry #13

Good early morning! Guess where I am again? I'm at the hospital with everyone, after Ryo called us over. He said that it's no false alarm this time.

Richard looked up from his journal and glanced up at his mother, who was carrying his little brother, Kousuke, or for better known as Kody. They'd been at the hospital for almost an hour. His mom had her eyes closed, humming a comforting tune while Kody was sound asleep, in his mother's arms. Richard looked around and saw Henry and Amber, sitting next to each other, almost half-asleep. Takato and Ashley were the same. Jason sat there with his arms crossed and his head, almost hanging off the chair, sleeping. Jeri and Richard seemed to be the only two, who were aware of what was going on around them, and what was supposed to happen. After his small observation, he went back to writing in his journal.

Today is a special day. Today marks the day when Rika came back, from the U.S. two years ago. Not exactly, but two years ago also marks the time Ryo proposed to Rika. Without the help of Suzie, Ai, or Mako, this day would be just any other day. Sadly, those three are gone. They were wandering spirits, on a mission, in order to move on. Shortly after Ryo and Rika's wedding, they just disappeared, and none of us have seen them since.

Richard looked up when he heard the expected crying of a baby, not coming from his brother, but coming from behind the closed doors labeled, "Delivery Room." It took a few minutes before the doors slowly opened, revealing Ryo's back. Ryo shushed, softly, as the crying baby, started to settle down. He turned around, as the swinging doors swung back and forth, in and out of the room. Ryo held the baby, wrapped in a pink blanket as Jeri and Richard walked up to him. The baby's cheeks were plump and rosy. She was small, compared to Ryo, as he cradled her in his arms.

"She's so adorable," Jeri whispered.

"I want to see. I want to see," Richard reiterated, quietly jumping up and down. Ryo sat down in a chair, as the baby fell asleep in his arms. "Her name's Mio." He looked down at her and smiled.

Jeri gazed upon Mio's sleeping form. "How's Rika holding up?"

"She's fine. Tired, but fine," Ryo assured. Mio fussed a little before Ryo lightly bounced her up and down to calm her.

From the sound of Mio, everyone, except Jason, came back to alertness. They gasped, seeing Ryo holding the newborn. By this time, everyone was gathered around Ryo.

"Congratulations Ryo," Takato said, looking over his shoulder. He patted Ryo's back, which caused Mio to wake up. She cried, and wailed. "Oops."

Jason slid out of his chair at the ruckus, and fell on the floor. He dazedly looked around, trying to remember where he was, before the crying of the baby reminded him. He looked up at Ryo, and smiled. "Congrats."

Ryo nodded his head, and tried to comfort his daughter. After a few moments of trying, he got up. "I think someone wants her mommy." Ryo winked and walked back towards the door.

"Congrats to both you and Rika, Ryo," Riley said, loud enough for Ryo to hear, but soft enough so that she doesn't wake Kody.

Ryo smiled and walked through the doors. "Guess who wants their mommy."

Rika was sitting back, with sweat running down the side of her face. Pieces of her hair clung to her face. She looked up at Ryo. He bent down and handed her Mio. Rika greeted her new daughter with open arms, holding her close to her. All Rika could do was smile, as Mio started to settle down again.

Rika had the baby, and Ryo came out with her in his arms. I don't know if it's just me, but I think all babies look the same. They're almost bald, chubby, and…small. It's hard to think that an eight year old like me was that small at one point in time. Then again, it's hard for me to think that anyone was that small, even Jason.

Richard looked up, hiding his face behind the journal, looking at Jason. Jason's eyes were still half shut, a little of his hair, drooping over his eyes, as he nodded his head continuously to Jeri's comments.

If Jason grew up to be like that, I wonder how his parents were. I wonder if he has any brothers or sisters, who are just as weird as him. I don't know how anyone could stand him. He looks mean, scary and just plain evil.

Richard took another glance at Jason, then to the clock. "6:15" it read. He didn't have to worry about rushing to go to school. He was already packed and ready, with his blue backpack and green lunchbox. Of course, school didn't start for another two hours or so for him, but he couldn't wait for the time to come. Richard enjoyed his third grade class, skipping the second grade for his superior academic achievements. Richard, then, began to think about how Jason did in school.

How did he do in school? Is he one of those high school dropout people, like Kazu once said before?

Kazu and Kenta came running in. They took a moment to catch the breath.

"Did we miss the baby?" Kenta asked.

"Sorry, to say, but you did," Amber replied.

Kazu looked disappointed. "The Digimon King's first kid, and we missed it. By the way, is it a boy or a girl?"

"Girl, and they named her Mio. Isn't that a cute name?" Jeri commented excitedly.

"Dude, was Ryo all disappointed and stuff?" Kazu questioned. "You know, because the baby wasn't a guy?"

"I don't think so," Ashley said. "Why? What's wrong with having a baby girl?"

Kazu sat down. "Someone's gotta pass on the family name."

"Yeah, Akiyama can't die out." Kenta crossed his arms.

"Um, news flash, you two. There are a lot of Akiyamas in this country," Henry explained.

"Akiyama, as in related to the Digimon King and Queen." Kenta clarified.

"Oh, come on. Can't you be happy for Ryo and Rika?" Amber asked.

Kazu raised an eyebrow, and sighed. "Alright, alright. In reality, yes, I am happy for them."

"Yeah, what he said," Kenta said, gesturing to Kazu.

Jason smirked. "Besides, when you first heard Rika was pregnant, you didn't care if it was a boy or a girl. You just went hysterical."

"Not true!" Kazu retorted.

Flash Back

It was a year after Ryo and Rika came back from their honeymoon. The group gathered at the Akiyama residents to hangout, just as they did when they were teens. This kind of gathering could be seen almost as a family night, except it was with close friends, where everyone managed to take a day off from work and just have a little fun. That one particular night at Ryo and Rika's house was one that the group would never forget.

Ryo, Rika, Jeri, and Henry were occupied in a game of Scrabble, as everyone else helped and assisted them, or watched some kind of sporting event on T.V. Rika was unusually happy throughout part of the game. The game was now half way through; letters and words filled the board.

Henry placed a few letters on the board to spell out 'INDIGNATION.' "Okay, Ryo. It's your turn."

"I know. I'm thinking." Ryo looked at his letters, and glanced at Rika.

"I think she's hiding something from me," Ryo whispered to Takato, looking at Rika's expression. Ryo placed two letters on the board to spell out 'ASSUAGE.'

Takato looked up and saw her smile. "You're right. Maybe she is hiding something."

Jeri noticed Rika in the same state. "Are you okay, Rika?" She put an 'R' on the board to spell 'PAPYRUS.'

"Mm-hmm," Rika said, looking at her letters.

"Are you sure?" Amber made sure.

"Yup, just great." Rika concentrated on the board and her letters. The others just shook their heads and waited for Rika. 'Hmm…here's my chance.' "I'm going to use the rest of my letters."

"Okay…" Henry said, wondering what word she'd spell.

Rika took all her letters and arranged them so it would spell the word she wanted. Going down vertically, it went P-R-E-G-N-A-N-T.

Everyone who stood there, stood very still, comprehending the word Rika managed to spell out. Kazu, Kenta, and Jason walked over to see why there was such an awkward silence.

"Pregnant?" Ryo looked at Rika. Rika grinned. Ryo's face illumined. "You're pregnant!"

"Yes!" Rika exclaimed with joy. Ryo got up, picked her up and spun her around. He put her down and gave her a kiss.

"Oh my gosh, Rika! Congratulations!" Jeri squealed.

"Wow, a Digimon Prince or Princess on the way, hmm?" Alice said.

"I wanted to tell you all so badly, but I wanted to wait until everyone was together," Rika explained, making eye contact with Ryo for half the time.

"Dude! You're gonna be a dad!" Kazu yelled out, putting a hand on each of Ryo's shoulders. "I'm happy for ya!" Kazu wrapped his arms around Ryo and hugged him.

End Flash Back

Kazu stood there silently. The rest of the group laughed, remembering Kazu's priceless act.

"Point made," Takato noted, repressing his laugh.

"Whatever," Kazu said, looking out the window, avoiding all eye contact.

Renamon's face appeared on the other side of the window, startling Kazu. The piercing blue eyes, examined the room, making eye contact with everyone there and checking to see if there were other people there. Renamon disappeared from the window and materialized in the corner of the area.

"It's a baby girl, Renamon," Ashley informed.

Renamon didn't know how to react. "A little version of Rika to protect?"

"I guess you could put it that way," Alice answered. "But, if you think about it, there is really nothing to protect her from since nothing has happened for thirteen years now."

"It's been thirteen years since the D-Reaper attack?" Kenta asked.

"That's a long time," Jeri said. "And we didn't even bother to think about the 10 years, three years ago."

"We know. Do you think we should do something?" Takato asked.

"Maybe we could all go to the Digital World after Rika is out of here," Henry suggested.

"Cool, so we get to see the long-talked about Digital World, once again, huh?" Amber commented.

"Indeed, you can." Henry said.

"I bet all the Digimon will be glad to go back. We haven't gone in a while," Ashley noted.

Ashley and Amber had the chance to go to the Digital World with us last year. They got their digimon at that time. Ashley got Gatomon and Amber got Patamon. I remember Renamon training with them to help them become more experienced, and it helped them a great deal. Of course, like they said, nothing really has happened in a long time, and things have been pretty quiet, so a chance for them to actually fight was quite slim.

Richard's stomach started to growl in hunger; he forgot to eat quite a few times in the morning, and this day was one of them.

"Mom, I'm hungry," Richard said, looking up at Riley.

"How about you ask everyone else if they're hungry and if they'll like to join of us for an early morning breakfast?" Riley suggested.

"Okay!" Richard walked over to Takato and Ashley first. "Would you care to have an early morning breakfast with us?"

"Sure, sounds like a plan," Takato said. "Is that okay with you?"

"Uh-huh," Ashley replied.

"Okay." Richard pranced over to Henry and Amber. "Will you join us for breakfast?"

The two nodded and smiled. "Yay!" He went up to Jeri, Jason, Kazu, Alice, and Kenta and before he could ask, Jason already answered the question.

"Sure, we'll have breakfast with you."

"Hey mom, we're going to need one BIG table," Richard said, looking at his mom.

Kody had woken up and was standing up, gripping Riley's shirt, as she grabbed her things. "We'll meet all of you at the restaurant, at the corner, across the street."

DF103: Alright. There's the conclusion to the first chapter. Gave you a taste of what's to come. And for those who need it, here's the ages of everyone in this chapter so far. Rika, Takato, Henry, Jeri, Kazu, Kenta, Amber, and Ashley are 26. Ryo and Jason are 27. Richard is 8. Kody is soon to be 2. Riley is somewhere in her late 30s. Did I get everyone? Mm. Oh well, there you go. In future chapters, if something happens where you need some past reference, at the end of each chapter, I'll have a note to where to refer to, alright? Okay. There ya go people. 'Till next chapter, peace out.