Chapter 1

My first attempt at an Evangelion fic, so bear with me.


Disclaimer: Dun own Evangelions


It all started on a sunny Saturday where NERV personals were given the day off. Unfortunately someone had to keep all the equipment in order. That person was Maya.

"Why the heck did I agree to this?" mumbled Maya, while she was checking the MAGI. A bell rang which indicated lunch break rang.

Maya walked around trying to find a good place to eat lunch. She finally decided to have lunch in front of the Unit-01. Maya began to eat her sandwhich, while flipping the news paper pages to the crossword section. While eating her sandwhich Maya heard what sounded like a yawn. 'That's odd,' thought Maya,'Its just me in here, so who yawned?' Seeing no-one she decided, that she was hearing things.

~~~~5minutes later~~~~~~

Maya already finished her sandwhich, and she has moved on to doing the cross-word in the news paper.

"What word means creating something new and has nine words in it?" said Maya to no-one in particular.

"It is invention," said the voice again."

This time Maya was sure she heard this and looked around spooked out. "Who is here?" yelled Maya.

"I am," said the female voice.

"Show your self," said a scared Maya.

"I'm right in front of you," said the female voice again.

"But the only thing in front of me is the Eva," said Maya.

"Think about it," said the Eva.

"But that means the voice is coming from you."

"Right.' Unfortunatly Maya didn't hear that since she has already blacked out and passed away.

~~~~~~15 minutes later~~~~

"Rise and shine," said the Eva,"I'm sorry about scaring you to death."

"Its alright, do you mind if I find Mr Ikari?" asked Maya.

"I don't mind," said Unit-01. Maya ran like a bat out of hell from the hanger.

~~~~~~command center~~~~~

"Commander Ikari!" yelled Maya.

"Yes, what is it? Is it another angel?" said Gendo in his usual position.

"No, but Unit-01 stared talking," explained Maya.

"It, WHAT," yelled Gendo,"Show me."

Maya lead Gendo in the hanger.

"Hello Gendo its about time," said the Eva.

Gendo blinked and fainted.

"Damn," said Unit-01," this keeps happening!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~later the day~~~~~~~

"Come on Baka, we're late!," yelled a red-head running at full speed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~In NERV~~~~~~~~

Once they arrived in NERV they ran straight into the changing rooms, to change into their plug suits. When they left from the changing rooms they were greeted by Gendo himself.

"Shinji we have to talk," said a paling Gendo.


That is it for today! Did you enjoy it? Did you hate it? Please tell me by reviewing !