"Putting The Damage On"
Prologue :: Irony
Authors Note: Helllllo everyone! This is my very first Inuyasha fan fic and I hope everyone enjoys it! =) It's centered mostly around Sango, but the other characters make appearances repeatedly throughout the whole thing. It takes place somewhere around the time where Naraku's already created Kagura and Kanna, Koga's tribe has been almost wiped out, and Sesshomaru has had tokijin created. Er, I hope that helps a little.
Warnings: This story deals with rape, abuse, violence, cursing, sexual reference… and a whole bunch of other things that I doubt you wouldn't want to be warned about ahead of time. Now please, don't assume that I'm going to make everything detailed. No. I'm not. Nothing is going to be too detailed… but just enough so that you get a pretty good idea about what is going on. So give the story a chance, k? ^_^
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, it belongs to Rumiko Takashi and all those big companies ^^;; I do however, own this plot and all miscellaneous characters who might make appearances. So don't copy it, ok? ^^
Sango stared at her hands, distracted from the conversation buzzing around her. They were currently at some random village, having just committed another act of spontaneous kindness. Once the demon of the day had been defeated, they had been offered the finest inn the village had. Inuyasha and Kagome had begun to argue about some random topic, and Miroku had wondered off, no doubt going to check out the village's female population. Sango would have followed him, making sure the monk didn't grope some innocent girl, had she not been so irritated already.
Inuyasha's former comment about her weaknesses had done quick work with her good mood. He'd went on one of his power-trips, ranting about how he had to travel with a bunch of weak-minded fools. Then he'd singled each one out, pointing out their weaknesses and flaws. Sango had been his last target, and he'd been seemingly harsher towards her. So Sango had stood up, proclaimed loudly that Inuyasha's weakness was a dead woman, then she'd stormed out of the inn in a huff.
Now she was residing in a nearby shop, ignoring her green tea which had been cold for nearly five minutes now. The taijiya, though she would never admit it, had been hurt by Inuyasha's careless and insensitive words. Was she really such a bother because when pit up against her younger brother she became confused and hurt? Sango narrowed her eyes. No. That was perfectly understandable. She would have to be a cold-hearted person not become an emotional mess under those circumstances. Then why… Sango let out a soft sigh. There really wasn't any point in trying to figure out the many folds and layers that made up Inuyasha's personality. For all she knew, he could have been pointing out everyone else's weaknesses to cover up his own, which she doubted, but it could help explain his actions.
"Is there anything else I can get you?" the woman who owned the small shop asked, glancing at the untouched tea. Sango blinked and looked up. She shook her head and watched the woman walk away to tend to another customer.
"Sango-chan, here you are!" came Kagome's cheerful voice.
"Kagome-chan," Sango smiled as Kagome took a seat across from her. The time-traveling miko gave Sango a tired smiled before, unknowingly, taking a sip of the cold tea. Sango bit her lip as Kagome's face scrunched up.
"You should have warned me it was cold," Kagome scolded, but her voice was playful.
"Next time I will," Sango answered, running a hand through her long hair.
"Sango-chan, about what Inuyasha said earlier…" Kagome said slowly, "He… doesn't know what he's talking about and I guess sometimes he just doesn't think… well, ok, all the time he doesn't… but you know he didn't really mean what he said, right?"
Sango smiled, "Yeah I know. Inuyasha can be a real idiot sometimes, but I guess he's an overall nice guy…"
Kagome laughed, "An accurate description, Sango-chan." Kagome then stood up, "Well I guess we should get back to the inn. Knowing Inuyasha and Shippo, they should never be left alone for long."
Sango nodded and followed Kagome out of the shop. They walked in silence until they entered the inn and found Shippo to be in one piece and Inuyasha sitting calmly on the floor. Inuyasha was sitting crossed legged, with both eyes shut. He opened one eye and scanned both Kagome and Sango, resting for a moment on Sango's face before saying one word, "Feh."
"Glad to see you haven't changed," Sango said dryly. Kagome glanced nervously at Inuyasha, but the hanyou ignored Sango's words. Shippo pounced on Kagome in a fit of laughter.
"Kagome-chan! Remember how before you left you mentioned about having to return to your own timeline? Well I thought it over, and even though I know I'm going to miss you a bunch, you always come back and with really yummy treats, so when you go back can you bring me some candy? Pretty please! I'll be good!"
Kagome laughed lightly, nodding to his demands, "Of course Shippo-chan! Chocolate or--"
"Chocolate! Or Caramel! Or ANYTHING!" Shippo then bounced the floor and out the door, shouting something about going off to find Kirara.
Sango blinked, "Seems as if Shippo-chan is in a good mood.." She pointed out pleasantly. Inuyasha scoffed, but didn't reply.
Kagome quickly began to go over the thing she would have to do while gone, estimating how long she would be gone for, and she had to numerously sit Inuyasha, who repeatedly told her she wasn't going anywhere. Miroku came back sometime during the argument, several slap marks on his handsome face. He gave Sango a cheesy grin before plopping down on the ground. Sango watched him with one eye brow raised. Just what had that hentai been up to?
Miroku patted the floor next to him, beckoning to Sango. "Sango, come over here."
Sango gave him a suspicious glance before sitting beside him. Both sat in silence, listening to Inuyasha and Kagome.
"Inuyasha never learns. No matter how many times he tells Kagome that she can not leave, she always does. The only thing Inuyasha ever accomplishes is larger holes in the ground." Miroku pointed out. By the slight slur in his voice, Sango noted that the monk had been drinking.
"Some people never learn," Sango agreed. "Houshi-sama, you need to lie down."
Miroku gave her an incredulous look, and then a sly smile came to his face, "Do you wish to join me, Sango?"
"No," Sango said curtly. "But you should lie down. Come on, I'll help you to your room." Sango stood up and offered her hand to Miroku. Miroku took it, a smile lighting his face. Sango shook her head as she led him down the hall and into his room. Watching him lie down, she turned to leave, but Miroku's voice stopped her.
"Are you sure you don't want to take me up on my offer?"
Sango glanced over her shoulder, "I'm sure, Houshi-sama. I'll be back to check on you in a few hours. Get some rest and sober up."
Miroku grinned slightly, and then closed his eyes. Sango let out a little sigh before shutting the door behind her.
When Sango had returned to the room where Inuyasha and Kagome had last been, she was surprised to find that Inuyasha was lying on the floor, his eyes shut. She didn't know where Kagome was. Blinking, Sango lightly nudged Inuyasha's side with her toe, "Inuyasha?"
"Where's Kagome-chan?" Sango asked.
Inuyasha sat up and crossed his legs, "Feh. Useless girl left. She told me to tell you that she borrowed Kirara."
"I see," Sango nodded. "How long will she be gone this time?"
Inuyasha growled, "Two weeks."
Sango blinked in surprised, "Kagome-chan's never been gone for that long! Something important must be happening at her home."
"Something about a 'family vacation', whatever the hell that is. I know it aint more important than finding the shards!" Inuyasha said grumpily.
And then suddenly, something hit Sango. Something that she should have realized before this. Tonight was the new moon. Tonight Inuyasha would no longer have his powers. And today Inuyasha's bad attitude got even worse. This explained his outburst that morning, his persistence on Kagome, and now his tone of voice.
"Inuyasha, tonight's the new moon." Though Sango knew Inuyasha hated to be reminded, a part of her wanted a little revenge for what he said to her earlier, "Your supernatural powers are going to leave you."
"Feh. Like I didn't already know that. Stupid girl. Get away from me." Inuyasha growled, his eyebrow twitching in irritation. Sango hid her smirk and nodded, standing to her feet.
"Very well. I'm going to wash up. Where's the nearest hot spring, Inuyasha?"
"A little to the west." Inuyasha snorted.
"Do me favor?"
"Make sure Houshi-sama doesn't find out where I went, ok?" Sango said and left without hearing the reply. She knew that Inuyasha would, no matter what smart ass reply he made. It took Sango ten minutes to find the hot spring Inuyasha had directed her to. She let out a happy sigh as she slid into the water, having discarded her clothing on the banks. The pain in her shoulders eased as she relaxed, thinking about the days events. And to think, it was barely pass noon. Sango let out a tired sigh. And now Inuyasha would be losing his supernatural powers. Good thing Naraku had yet to discover Inuyasha's period of vulnerability. Though Sango was none the wiser, her musings were quite wrong.
Isn't that what one would call irony?
So, what do you think for a prologue? Good? Bad? Ok?
Comment and tell me! I would appreciate it. ^^
Prologue :: Irony
Authors Note: Helllllo everyone! This is my very first Inuyasha fan fic and I hope everyone enjoys it! =) It's centered mostly around Sango, but the other characters make appearances repeatedly throughout the whole thing. It takes place somewhere around the time where Naraku's already created Kagura and Kanna, Koga's tribe has been almost wiped out, and Sesshomaru has had tokijin created. Er, I hope that helps a little.
Warnings: This story deals with rape, abuse, violence, cursing, sexual reference… and a whole bunch of other things that I doubt you wouldn't want to be warned about ahead of time. Now please, don't assume that I'm going to make everything detailed. No. I'm not. Nothing is going to be too detailed… but just enough so that you get a pretty good idea about what is going on. So give the story a chance, k? ^_^
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, it belongs to Rumiko Takashi and all those big companies ^^;; I do however, own this plot and all miscellaneous characters who might make appearances. So don't copy it, ok? ^^
Sango stared at her hands, distracted from the conversation buzzing around her. They were currently at some random village, having just committed another act of spontaneous kindness. Once the demon of the day had been defeated, they had been offered the finest inn the village had. Inuyasha and Kagome had begun to argue about some random topic, and Miroku had wondered off, no doubt going to check out the village's female population. Sango would have followed him, making sure the monk didn't grope some innocent girl, had she not been so irritated already.
Inuyasha's former comment about her weaknesses had done quick work with her good mood. He'd went on one of his power-trips, ranting about how he had to travel with a bunch of weak-minded fools. Then he'd singled each one out, pointing out their weaknesses and flaws. Sango had been his last target, and he'd been seemingly harsher towards her. So Sango had stood up, proclaimed loudly that Inuyasha's weakness was a dead woman, then she'd stormed out of the inn in a huff.
Now she was residing in a nearby shop, ignoring her green tea which had been cold for nearly five minutes now. The taijiya, though she would never admit it, had been hurt by Inuyasha's careless and insensitive words. Was she really such a bother because when pit up against her younger brother she became confused and hurt? Sango narrowed her eyes. No. That was perfectly understandable. She would have to be a cold-hearted person not become an emotional mess under those circumstances. Then why… Sango let out a soft sigh. There really wasn't any point in trying to figure out the many folds and layers that made up Inuyasha's personality. For all she knew, he could have been pointing out everyone else's weaknesses to cover up his own, which she doubted, but it could help explain his actions.
"Is there anything else I can get you?" the woman who owned the small shop asked, glancing at the untouched tea. Sango blinked and looked up. She shook her head and watched the woman walk away to tend to another customer.
"Sango-chan, here you are!" came Kagome's cheerful voice.
"Kagome-chan," Sango smiled as Kagome took a seat across from her. The time-traveling miko gave Sango a tired smiled before, unknowingly, taking a sip of the cold tea. Sango bit her lip as Kagome's face scrunched up.
"You should have warned me it was cold," Kagome scolded, but her voice was playful.
"Next time I will," Sango answered, running a hand through her long hair.
"Sango-chan, about what Inuyasha said earlier…" Kagome said slowly, "He… doesn't know what he's talking about and I guess sometimes he just doesn't think… well, ok, all the time he doesn't… but you know he didn't really mean what he said, right?"
Sango smiled, "Yeah I know. Inuyasha can be a real idiot sometimes, but I guess he's an overall nice guy…"
Kagome laughed, "An accurate description, Sango-chan." Kagome then stood up, "Well I guess we should get back to the inn. Knowing Inuyasha and Shippo, they should never be left alone for long."
Sango nodded and followed Kagome out of the shop. They walked in silence until they entered the inn and found Shippo to be in one piece and Inuyasha sitting calmly on the floor. Inuyasha was sitting crossed legged, with both eyes shut. He opened one eye and scanned both Kagome and Sango, resting for a moment on Sango's face before saying one word, "Feh."
"Glad to see you haven't changed," Sango said dryly. Kagome glanced nervously at Inuyasha, but the hanyou ignored Sango's words. Shippo pounced on Kagome in a fit of laughter.
"Kagome-chan! Remember how before you left you mentioned about having to return to your own timeline? Well I thought it over, and even though I know I'm going to miss you a bunch, you always come back and with really yummy treats, so when you go back can you bring me some candy? Pretty please! I'll be good!"
Kagome laughed lightly, nodding to his demands, "Of course Shippo-chan! Chocolate or--"
"Chocolate! Or Caramel! Or ANYTHING!" Shippo then bounced the floor and out the door, shouting something about going off to find Kirara.
Sango blinked, "Seems as if Shippo-chan is in a good mood.." She pointed out pleasantly. Inuyasha scoffed, but didn't reply.
Kagome quickly began to go over the thing she would have to do while gone, estimating how long she would be gone for, and she had to numerously sit Inuyasha, who repeatedly told her she wasn't going anywhere. Miroku came back sometime during the argument, several slap marks on his handsome face. He gave Sango a cheesy grin before plopping down on the ground. Sango watched him with one eye brow raised. Just what had that hentai been up to?
Miroku patted the floor next to him, beckoning to Sango. "Sango, come over here."
Sango gave him a suspicious glance before sitting beside him. Both sat in silence, listening to Inuyasha and Kagome.
"Inuyasha never learns. No matter how many times he tells Kagome that she can not leave, she always does. The only thing Inuyasha ever accomplishes is larger holes in the ground." Miroku pointed out. By the slight slur in his voice, Sango noted that the monk had been drinking.
"Some people never learn," Sango agreed. "Houshi-sama, you need to lie down."
Miroku gave her an incredulous look, and then a sly smile came to his face, "Do you wish to join me, Sango?"
"No," Sango said curtly. "But you should lie down. Come on, I'll help you to your room." Sango stood up and offered her hand to Miroku. Miroku took it, a smile lighting his face. Sango shook her head as she led him down the hall and into his room. Watching him lie down, she turned to leave, but Miroku's voice stopped her.
"Are you sure you don't want to take me up on my offer?"
Sango glanced over her shoulder, "I'm sure, Houshi-sama. I'll be back to check on you in a few hours. Get some rest and sober up."
Miroku grinned slightly, and then closed his eyes. Sango let out a little sigh before shutting the door behind her.
When Sango had returned to the room where Inuyasha and Kagome had last been, she was surprised to find that Inuyasha was lying on the floor, his eyes shut. She didn't know where Kagome was. Blinking, Sango lightly nudged Inuyasha's side with her toe, "Inuyasha?"
"Where's Kagome-chan?" Sango asked.
Inuyasha sat up and crossed his legs, "Feh. Useless girl left. She told me to tell you that she borrowed Kirara."
"I see," Sango nodded. "How long will she be gone this time?"
Inuyasha growled, "Two weeks."
Sango blinked in surprised, "Kagome-chan's never been gone for that long! Something important must be happening at her home."
"Something about a 'family vacation', whatever the hell that is. I know it aint more important than finding the shards!" Inuyasha said grumpily.
And then suddenly, something hit Sango. Something that she should have realized before this. Tonight was the new moon. Tonight Inuyasha would no longer have his powers. And today Inuyasha's bad attitude got even worse. This explained his outburst that morning, his persistence on Kagome, and now his tone of voice.
"Inuyasha, tonight's the new moon." Though Sango knew Inuyasha hated to be reminded, a part of her wanted a little revenge for what he said to her earlier, "Your supernatural powers are going to leave you."
"Feh. Like I didn't already know that. Stupid girl. Get away from me." Inuyasha growled, his eyebrow twitching in irritation. Sango hid her smirk and nodded, standing to her feet.
"Very well. I'm going to wash up. Where's the nearest hot spring, Inuyasha?"
"A little to the west." Inuyasha snorted.
"Do me favor?"
"Make sure Houshi-sama doesn't find out where I went, ok?" Sango said and left without hearing the reply. She knew that Inuyasha would, no matter what smart ass reply he made. It took Sango ten minutes to find the hot spring Inuyasha had directed her to. She let out a happy sigh as she slid into the water, having discarded her clothing on the banks. The pain in her shoulders eased as she relaxed, thinking about the days events. And to think, it was barely pass noon. Sango let out a tired sigh. And now Inuyasha would be losing his supernatural powers. Good thing Naraku had yet to discover Inuyasha's period of vulnerability. Though Sango was none the wiser, her musings were quite wrong.
Isn't that what one would call irony?
So, what do you think for a prologue? Good? Bad? Ok?
Comment and tell me! I would appreciate it. ^^