Author's note: Okay, don't kill me. I know that it has been seriously over a year since I last updated the story. I feel horrible. You really don't know. It just became one of those things; I missed a week, then a month, then a year. Sucks, huh? Well I'm back and here is brand new chapter about Rory and Tristan in their senior year. Happy readings and please review!

Tristan sighed, the first three periods of the day were over and

not one of them had been with Rory, but each one had two

different exes of his in them. He could see that the mornings

were going to be long. Not only that, but his schedule was

killer! He had pre-calculus right away first hour, followed my

American Literature, followed by US History. Could it be any

more boring? The one thing he had to look forward to was

lunch, but even that was worrying. Because of the growing

population at Chilton, a new lunch system had been

implemented. There were now two lunches, A and B. A lunch

started at 11:30 and B lunch started at 12:45. Tristan worried

about this because it meant that Rory might not have the same

lunch as him. If she did she had promised to sit with him, but

that was before he knew about this new screwed up system.

Tristan wanted to scream.

As he walked into the lunchroom his heart sank, no Rory. He

scanned the room again just in case, but no luck. He sucked in

some breath, gave a big sigh and quietly, so as no to draw too

much attention to his newly returned self, took a seat at a small

table in the corner of the cafeteria. Well, he thought, there may

not be a Rory, but at least there isn't a Summer too. Slowly he

took his first bite of pizza. Then, just as he was about to take

his second bite of food he felt a light hand on his shoulder.

RORY! His heart skipped. He turned around. It was her! He

leapt out of his seat ran around to the other side of the table

across from him and pulled out a chair for her. She smiled shyly

and thanked him. "No problem" he said, "what's military school

for." She gave a little giggle.

What am I doing? Rory thought to herself, why am I sitting here

across from Tristan Dugrey and giggling at his jokes? I don't

giggle! I'm Rory Gilmore! She smiled sheepishly at him.

She was just about to open her mouth to ask him how his

morning had been so far when Paris came walking briskly over,

pulled out a seat next to Rory and sat down. She immediately

began to rattle off her usual start of the year complaints. "My

God, it's the first day of school and they are already out of all

the good pizza, all they had was cheese! Who eats cheese pizza,

honestly, I mean how boring, I don't know about you but I need

a little flavor here! I'm going to call my father, he'll put an end

to this madness. And did you see who we have for Claculus?

Mr. Weyer! I hate him. He always thinks he knows everything. I

bet I could teach him a few things about derivatives."

"Oh hello Tristan, how are you, haven't seen you in year."

Tristan stated sarcastically, "Oh thank you Paris, I'm fine had a

golly good time in military school, thank you for noticing I

came back." Rory tried to stifle a laugh.

Paris shot him an evil glare "I noticed you were here, Dugrey,

but I didn't think it worth mentioning." she said haughtily.

"Nice to see you too." He replied. Only Rory saw him roll his


Paris continued, "As I was saying before I was so rudely

interrupted, Mr. Weyer-oh! Wait there he is! I've a got a few

words for him!" She quickly got up dumped her tray in the

garbage and ran out of the room after her unfortunate victim.

The two remaining students looked at each other and burst into


"So how was military school?" Rory asked.

"Oh, not so bad really." Tristan said, "but were they sorry they

took me! In the first month I was there I stole all the toilet seats

on the first floor, polished all of Sarge's black shoes with red

polish, and got all the boys on my dorm level to leave love

notes on his car every day for two weeks."

"No way!" Rory was actually quite impressed.

"No joke! I'm completely serious."

"Jeez," Rory said, shaking her head, "and that was only in the

first month?"


"Wow. I feel sorry for that poor guy."

"Don't he was a real hard ass, deserved every thing he got."

Rory chuckled again and asked about his friends and what life

was like there. They talked until the bell rang.

"Whoa! That's the bell? Lunch went by so fast!" Rory said.

"Yeah," Tristan answered, "time flies when you're havin fun!

And it doesn't hurt if the one you're having fun with is

especially pretty." Rory blushed a deep red. "Come on," he

continued "I'll walk ya to your next class, where are you


"Umm…" Rory was still feeling the effects of being called

pretty especially pretty by Tristan Dugrey, "Physics."

"Hey, that's where I'm going!" Tristan said with delight. "Let me

see your schedule. She handed it over. "Look!" He said, "We all

four afternoon classes together!" He was ecstatic! Awesome!

"Great," Rory said "but we'd better hurry before we're late!"

"You're right" Tristan gasped and grabbed Rory's hand and they

ran down the hall towards their next class and the beginning of

what looked to be a great year ahead.