Moshi Moshi Minna-san!  I'm back!  Interesting fact for the moment: I haven't updated this for more than a month! HA! A MONTH!  See how incredibly lazy I am!

Kai: And you're PROUD of this?!

Well, not really…I'm just awed that I haven't updated this since October!  Whew, time DOES go by when you're sitting around, thinking of ideas for the fic.

Kai: Like you ever think…

You know what Kai, do you want me to start writing MORE Tyras? 

Kai: NOOOOOO!!!!! YOU CAN'T!!!! *clings to the computer* I WON'T LET YOU!!!

*sweatdrops* Alrightie then!  It's time to answer the lovely reviewers! ^^


~*Darkspider*~ Yes, the drama of it all…crazy love triangles ALL OVER the place.  Don't worry; it's going to be a Tyra, Rei.  No need to fret!

~*Kirara Kon*~ WAI! THANKIES FOR THE PLUSHIE!! *huggles it* I LOVE IT!!!  I'm glad that you like this! ^^  Tyra is good ne?  *holds up an aluminum bat* Here, this will protect you from all of Kai's constant bitching about Tyra being illegal.  Don't worry, I have plenty more for meself, thank you. *hands you the aluminum bat*

~*blah*~ UWA!!! *is shaken* Whoa…dizzy…really dizzy…whee, the colors…THE COLORS!!!  *slaps self and shakes head* Well, it IS a tyra, and I'm sticking to the main pairing…so NO WORRIES!!!

~*Feelin Glayish*~ It's okay, Glay-chan!!!  Tyka will ALWAYS be my number one!  I love Tyra, but I love tyka EVEN MORE!  Don't worry, I'll write more tykas, okie?

~*PinkDevil*~ Two words for Lee: Excedrin Migraine (I think that's how you spell it).  Anywhoo, It's funny, albeit cute to see a jealous Rei.  Too kawaii, ne?  Well, enjoy this next chappie! ^^

~*Little Kai's Angel*~ *hands you an aluminum bat* Whack Kai with this a couple of times, and he'll shut up…eventually…I hope…Don't worry, he's just…how do we say, POSSESIVE!!  He should have learned the meaning of share in kindergarten! .*  Well, I'll shut up now so you can go ahead and read! ^^

~*I love Yugi and Daisuke so :p*~ Looks at Kai, Rei, and Max who are all keeled over in pain.  You show them!  Our poor Tyson…why must all the misfortune fall upon him?    He should carry a good luck charm…

~*YaJiRuShi*~ WAI! You think it's cute!  *blushes* WAI! THANKIES!!! Here's the final chappie for you to read!

~*backward*~ Think of it this way, when Kai found out that there were some Tyta fics online; he nearly strangled me, and Tala ended up in the hospital for two weeks.  Rei was going through therapy, and I had a big bruise just above my right eye.  Tyson made Kai sleep on the couch for three weeks though… (Go Ty!)

~*I luv Kai*~ MEEP!!! *hides* Here you go!  Here's the next chappie!!! Please don't kill me!

~*Peeps Inferior*~ Aw, thankies, but I wanted to try something new.  I'm quite fond of Tyra, but Tyka will always be me number one fave! ^^  P.S. How's college life so far?  Oh yeah, thankies for updating "Breaking the Rules"!

~*kojiboshi*~ UWA!!!!!! IT'S HERE!!! IN THIS PART! THE KaMa Part is here!  Be merry, be glad! ^^

~*Lina the Outlawed Bomber*~ Trust me, Kai has already had 10 blood transfusions because Tyson ran running naked in the streets one day…complete and UTTER CHAOS!!!  Well, here's the last part of LLB!!! ENJOY!

~*first is cheese*~ Here's the next part!

~*Yuki-mono*~ *blinku blinku, blinku blinku* YUKI-SAMA!!!! *super tackle glomps you* UWA!!! I SAW YOUR ART ON DEVIANART!!!  I WISH I COULD DRAW LIKE YOU…*sniffles* BUT I CAN'T! WAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!  *smacks self* Sorry about that, I'm sugar deprived at the moment.  Anywhoo, enjoy!

~*FrozenBlaze*~ We have another Tyra fan! WAI! *runs about with confetti* WHEE!!!! Erm, ignore Kai, and if he continues to degrade you, tell me, and I'll give you an aluminum bat.  Either that or you can threaten him by saying that you will write more Tyra fics.  Enjoy the next chappie!

And finally…

~*Mieco*~ Hiya Mieco!!! Here's the very last part!  Enjoy!!!


*sniffles* The fic has finally come to a close… the final part is finally here…

Kai: Thank Kami!!!

Well, anywhoo, I have some gifts for you…wait…what's that burning smell?


KAI! NO!!!! THOSE ARE PRESENTS FOR THE REVIEWERS!!!! NO!!!!  Look! I don't own Beyblade! Never have and never will, got it?  Good.  Please excuse me, as I must stop Kai from being a total jackass…

Love, Lust and Betrayal

By Rumi-Chan

Part Three: Betrayal


      Rei's voice became dangerously low, and to tell you the truth, it scared me.  "Fine Kinomiya, be that way.  But if Kai cheats on you and leaves you, don't come running to me, because I warned you and you didn't listen."  He then turned his heel and left.  I made a face and walked the other direction….but deep down inside, it really hurt.  Rei had never called me by my surname before, and it made my heart ache.  But me, being the stubborn person I was, refused to show it.

      Rei and I didn't speak to each other for the rest of the day, and as I was walking home, Kai came up next to me on his motorcycle. He slowed down to my walking pace, and held out a blue helmet for me.  "Hop on," he said.  I smiled warmly, and all of my doubts about him vanished.  I put on the helmet, hopped on the motorcycle, and latched my arms around Kai.  We then sped off, and as we past Rei, I noticed a wistful look on his face.  I couldn't bear to look at his face anymore, so I looked the other way, and leaned into Kai's back



            Kai came to a stop as they approached the dojo.  Tyson took off the helmet he was wearing and handed it to Kai.  "Thanks," he replied, looking at his feet.

            Kai placed his fingers under Tyson's chin, making the stormy eyed teen look at him in the eye.  The two lingered there for a while, before Tyson broke the silence.

            "I have to go."

            Kai's fingers never left their place.  He then said, "I'll come for you tomorrow night at seven.  Is that okay?"

            Tyson nodded in reply.  Kai said good bye then sped off on his motorbike, leaving Tyson standing outside.  A small grin found its place on the smaller teen's mouth, and he ran inside.


            Rei made his way to Tyson's house.  "Maybe I should apologize," he thought as he fingered the outline of the doorbell.  "I mean, I was being an asshole to Ty.  But everybody know that Kai is the most cunning guy at our school.  He could be going out with five different people, and they wouldn't have the faintest inkling that he was cheating on them."  His finger continued to trace the doorbell for a few seconds.  He had the strongest impulse to tell Tyson this, but decided not to.  "I'll let him find out for himself.  He'll have to learn the hard way."  He pivoted around and walked to his house.

            The following day was Saturday.  Tyson slept in as usual.  It was around noontime when he woke up.  His stomach wanting food, he stumbled into the pantry.  His eyes widened at the sight before him.  There were two dozen red roses in a glass vase on the table.  Tied to one of the roses was a card.  Tyson gasped in delight.  They were from Kai.  He glanced at the card.  In ruby red ink it read:

"Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

I can't wait

To see you!"

            Shitty poem, I know.  I'm not exactly "poetic" material, Tyson.  However, I'm going to pick you up at seven p.m. tonight.  Your grandfather said it was okay.


P.S. Your grandpa told me to tell you that there is yakisoba for you in the fridge, and that he's going to be out of town for today.


            Tyson could've died and gone to heaven as he read that note.  He inhaled the scent of the roses, and sighed deeply.  So this is what it felt like to be head over heels in love.  He reached into the fridge and pulled out the yakisoba.


            It was ten p.m. and Kai helped Tyson out of his car.  He then walked him to the front of his house.  Tyson finally spoke, "Thank you so much for everything, Kai.  I had a really great time, Kai, I really did."

            Kai shrugged his shoulders, "It was nothing really.  I'm glad you had a great time.  Hey, Ty, can I ask you something?"

            "What is it, Kai?"

            "May I kiss you?"

            This is where Tyson blushed, "I may not be very good at it.  I've never kissed anyone before."

            Kai chuckled, "You can't be THAT horrible.  Here, just close your eyes."  Tyson did as he was told.  Kai cupped Tyson's face with his hands so that his face was tilting upwards.  Kai's lips slightly brushed the other teen's, then made contact.  Tyson leaned into the kiss, deepening it as he entwined his arms about Kai's neck.

            Their innocent kiss turned into a heated passion as Kai kissed along Tyson jawline, and eventually onto his neck, nipping here and there.  Tyson moaned in pleasure, his hands entwining in Kai's tousled hair.

            After a while, Tyson gasped, "Kai, please, could you stop?"  Kai nuzzled against Tyson's neck, and kissed it one last time before pulling away.

            "You're a natural, Tyson," he said, and he stepped into his black Porsche (hopefully I spelled that right, too).  "Goodnight."

            "'Night," a very giddy Tyson said as soon as he was gone.

            Little did the two know that a pair of amber eyes was watching them; full of jealousy and rage.


            Ty called Kai's cell phone for the fourth time that day.  Where was he?  He normally keeps his cell phone on.  "Oh well, might as well get gramps's medicine from the local drugstore," he thought.

            On his way to the drugstore, Tyson saw a mess of slate blue and gray hair.  His eyes lit up.  It was Kai.  But as he brushed by all of the busy people on the sidewalk to get to his crush, he saw something that made him stop dead in his tracks.

            Kai wasn't alone. 

            He and Max were making out in the middle of the sidewalk.  His hands were on Max's ass, while the blonde was playing with his slate blue strands of hair.  Tyson realized that everything Kai told him had been a lie, and that Rei was right.

            So he didn't love me…

            Kai heard a gasping noise behind him.  He broke his kiss with Max to see who it was.  His eyes widened.  "Oh, shit," was all that he could say.

            Tyson didn't know what to do.  After standing there stupid for a while, he did the first thing that came to his mind.  He ran.  Kai chased after him, leaving Max behind.

            "Ty!  Ty!"  He grabbed Tyson's lithe wrist.  Tyson yanked his wrist out of his grip.

            "Leave me alone, Kai!"

            "Will you let me explain what's going on?!"

            "What is there to explain?!  You lied to me!  That date, that kiss, everything was a lie!  How could you do that to me!  I lost my best friend over you!  I sacrificed so much for you Kai!  So much!"

            Kai hung his head, and he attempted to touch Tyson's face, but was given an immediate slap to the face by Tyson.

            "Don't touch me," Tyson screamed, "Don't touch me!  You no longer have the privilege to touch me, Kai!  Go on, toy with your little bitches, but I don't want to be one of them!"  Tyson pushed Kai away from him, and ran off, salty tears blurring his vision.

            As he neared his house, he almost collided into Rei, who was taking a walk.  Before Rei could say anything, Tyson pushed him aside and ran into his own house, and slammed the door shut.

            Rei knew that something was wrong.  He was going to give Tyson a call that night. 


            It was nine p.m.  Rei picked up the cordless phone in his room and dialed Tyson's number.

      "Hello," came Tyson's monotone reply.

      Rei hesitated at the other end of the line, "Hey Ty, it's me, Rei.  Look, I heard about your, erm…little incident earlier.  Max told me when he was looking for you."

      Tyson cringed at the sound of Max's name, "Mhmm.

There was a pause.

      Rei broke the ice, "Why didn't you tell me?"

      Tyson didn't sound like his normal self anymore.  He spat, "Remember what you said, Rei?  'Fine Kinomiya, be that way.  But if Kai cheats on you and leaves you, don't come running to me, because I warned you and you didn't listen.'  Do me a favor and stay true to your word, Rei."

      Rei was speechless, "Look, Ty.  I was jealous.  I didn't know what I was saying, and trust me, I never meant to say that to you.  You know that…"

      Tyson had tears running down his face and he said coldly, "Please don't call me anymore, Rei."  He then hung up.

      Rei put down the phone, put his face in his hands, and sighed heavily. "Why you, Tyson?  Why does everyone, including me, have to hurt you?!"

      Rei became even more worried when Tyson didn't show up for school on Monday.  Sure he was late at times, but he never skipped school.  Max seemed a bit down, and Kai looked guilty.  Rei looked at Kai with pure hatred.  "Good," he thought, "That bastard is finally getting what he deserves."

      That afternoon, Rei decided to bring the homework to Tyson.  He got all the assignments Tyson missed and walked to his house.


            Tyson finally decided to eat something since the "incident" with Kai.  He made his way to the kitchen, and his rage was fueled by what he saw on the table.  Kai had left him yet another two dozen roses, ivory white in color this time.  Another note was attached to the roses.  It read:

"I'm truly sorry

I really am.

Can you forgive me?

I hope you can."

            Tyson's hands trembled as his eyes scanned the note,.  He tore the card into tiny fragments, and threw them in the air.  "You lied," he screeched, his anguish and rage melding into one, "You never gave a damn about me, Kai!  You lied!  I HATE YOU HIWATARI!!! YOU LIED TO ME!! YOU FUCKING LIED TO ME!"

            Blinded by his own depression and rage, he picked up the vase and threw it against the wall.  The vase shattered to pieces and the roses spilled on the floor.  Tyson picked up the jagged pieces of glass and hurled them at the wall, attempting to break the glass into smaller pieces.  His hands were being cut, but he felt no pain.  He only felt anger and hatred for Kai.  It was taking its toll.

            Luckily, Rei heard the crash when he found his spare key to Tyson's house.  He quickly rushed into the kitchen.  He found Tyson kneeling on the ground, picking off  the petals from the flower, and blood was dribbling from his wounds.  "Tyson?"

            Tyson looked up and saw Rei.  His eyes filled with tears.  "Rei," he croaked, his voice barely a whisper.

            Rei swept Tyson into his arms, enveloping the boy in a warm embrace.  Tyson broke down in Rei's arms, sobbing.   Tyson had never felt this small, this vulnerable in his entire life.  Not ever since his mom died, and he was but a baby when that took place.

            Rei stroked Tyson's hair and cooed soft and gentle words into his ear.  Blood stained his shirt, but he really didn't care.  All that mattered right now what that Tyson was his, and that no one else would love Tyson the way he did.

            Rei cleansed Tyson's wounds and bandaged them gently.  He laid down on the sofa with Tyson and whispered, "Sleep."

            Tyson snuggled into Rei's chest, and drifted off into the land of nod.

            Rei smiled.  They were going to start from the beginning.  If Tyson needed more time to cope, then he would be willing to give Tyson that time and help him through any problems.  They would start slow, but have a firm foundation.  They would then build their relationship from there.

            Somehow, Rei knew that this bond would last, and he hoped, it would last for all eternity.

            There are many differences between Love and Lust…



            Well, what did you think?  It was definitely longer, that's for sure, and it was action packed with drama and romance and fluff!  Don't forget the sap!  Hopefully it wasn't too sappy…

            Anywhoo, I have some gifts for you.  I was going to give you cute tyra plushies, but KAI *glares daggers at Kai* burned them, so I am giving you all…A YEAR'S SUPPLY OF CHOCOLATE!!!! It's muse proof, Gary proof, Max proof, and Tyson proof!  No one but you can eat it! ^^


Ja ne!
