Another chapter to Goodnight Mister Tom. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: No offence to anyone including the author, Michelle Magorian. All content based on my imagination and creativity.


This is my first fanfic and please, do review! I love Goodnight Mister Tom although it's a really sad book. It's rather upsetting that Zach had died so this is my story. If anything is wrong, do tell me! thanks (:


Will was on his way to school, riding Zach's old bicycle. He had learnt to ride it a few years ago after Zach's death. Will was reciting his lines he had to do for his latest play when he caught side of this boy, who was much taller than him, wearing clothes that looked the least common in Little Weirwold. All he had on him was a pair of shorts, tattered and torn and his shirt was crumpled and parts of his arm and back could be seen. This weird boy appeared to have fallen, but he managed to get up again, brushing off the dirt on his knees. Will started towards him, wanting to help when the boy turned, facing Will's direction...

Will gasped. He could not believe what he was seeing.

"I must be dreamin' ent.."

Will clasped his hands over his mouth, letting out a scream,


The boy screwed up his eyes and thought, Who was it that could remember him in his present state? He rubbed his eyes and saw the young boy in front of him run towards him. Only then, he could clearly see who it was.

"Zach! Is that you?"

"Oh Will! Of course it's me! Well, I didn't expect you to remember who I was. Look at me! I'm in such a mess! Oh, Will!"

The two embraced like brothers. Tears streaked down the boys' face. Neither could believe that it was, indeed, reality.

"Well, Will. I know you all think I was dead. But I weren't. You see, there was this big bombing there in London where I was and I was stuck in the debris for days and days. Oh, it was an age! I was soon rescued but no one could identify who I was and was sent to be adopted. You see, at that time I could not remember who I was, either. I had collasped into unconsciousness when I was buried and when I awoke, I could not recall who I was." Zach was talking like he never did before.

"Then this couple adopted me as they thought I was such an angel. We did great but not till few years later, the memory of LIttle Weirwold came back to me. And, thus, I came back!"

Zach was beaming, his eyes still shoned with tears.

Will hugged his best friend again.

"We..let's git back 'ome. We gotta tell Dad and the Littles. Must...let's go...Zach..."


i wont update till there's any reviews or comments! thanks ^_^