Let's play a little game. 5 points to the first person to guess the other "pairing" I hinted at in the last chapter. It wont be big, maybe nothing will happen at all, but …see if you can spot it and e-mail me! The person with the most "points" at the end of this story wins! What you win…. Um, a cookie? Yes, George says a cookie will work. Sorry this chapter is short, but it has action. *Winks* On with the story!

Chapter Three:

Tonks woke late that morning, to find herself face to face with a large black owl. She jumped a little, before shooing it off her chest and glaring at it as it flew to rest her bedside table. She snatched the letter from his outstretched leg, ripped it open, and read;

Miss Tonks,

I am sure you find yourself quite amusing. I, however, do not. You should know better than to cross me, little girl. Your immature and repulsive display of "revenge" (for lack of a better word) was petty and ill thought out. Now leaving me to be the center of the Hogwarts' rumor mill, forgive me for not thanking you.

As to your comment on my attractiveness…the feeling is mutual.

-Severus Snape


That infuriating man! The nerve! How dare he…wait…"the feeling is mutual"…? Hmm…Intriguing. He thinks I'm attractive as well, does he? Well, Snape, wait for the next meeting. You're in for a wild ride!


Tonks set her plan for revenge in motion immediately. At the start of the next meeting, she entered the basement, and headed straight for Snape's seat. She gave him a wink and sat right in his lap. Snape stared at her, disturbed, before regaining his composure and hissing in her ear:

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I believe I am sitting…in your lap." Tonks answered sweetly.


"Don't even try it, Sevvie!" Tonks hissed maliciously, running her wand up his inner thigh.

"That is getting a little old, don't you think?" Snape muttered.

Tonks flashed him an evil grin, before leaning in and closing her teeth around his ear lobe. She ejected a small groan from him at this and, her work there done, left his lap and took her seat, still grinning wickedly to herself.

"You are insane." Remus said seriously, shaking his head.

"Why, Remus, do you say that?"

"He will get you back for your little display of…"affection", you know."

"I'd like to see him top that." Tonks said confidently.

"He will."


Half an hour later, the meeting was over and the members of the Order of Phoenix were gathered around the drawing room. Tonks and Remus were sitting on the couch talking when Remus stopped mid-sentence and stared at some point behind her head. Tonks turned, her eyes grazing up the black clad chest to meet Severus' dark, menacing eyes. Why did he have to be so damn tall?

"Severus? How can I help you?" She asked sweetly as she stood not wanting him to have too much of an advantage.

"Follow Me." Severus took her firmly by the arm and led her from the room, not paying attention to the many stares that followed them.

He led her to the same secluded corridor they had spoken in before. Tonks felt herself being tenderly yet meaningfully shoved into the wall. Severus towered over her silently, staring into her face as if searching for something.

"What?" she whispered timidly.

Severus put a finger to her lips. He leant down and kissed her gently, running a trail of kisses down her neck. He stared at her again.

"Don't say a word.," he whispered before capturing her lips in a more forceful kiss.

"Ahem." They jerked away from each other quickly, turning to see Remus watching them in mild amusement.

"I was wrong. He obviously isn't as vindictive towards the female gender." he laughed.

"Remus. Leave. We're. Busy." Severus hissed through gritted teeth.

"Obviously." Remus stated dryly, turning to leave.

He paused for a moment, then turned back to Severus. Grinning, he took a small package out of his pocket and threw it at him. Severus caught the package smoothly and glanced at it, He threw it at the back of Remus retreating head before running after him and throwing him out of the hallway, picking up the small package and throwing it after him.

"What was--"

"Don't say a word." Severus repeated, closing in on Tonks' lips.


"I don't mean to pry, but--"

"Then don't." Severus cut Molly Weasley off, leading Tonks out of the house by the hand.

"You shouldn't have said--"

"She shouldn't have meddled."

"Don't cut me off Severus." Tonks said quietly.

"A Drink?" Severus said.


The couple made their way to the Three Broomsticks. Snape pulled out a chair for Tonks before seating himself next to her.

"I'm sorry if I seem…rude." he muttered.

"I understand it's your way, but it can't be with me."

"I see." Snape laughed.

"What is so funny?" Tonks asked indignantly.

"Remus was right."


"you are aggressive."

"You have no idea." Tonks whispered.

She got up to sit in his lap again and leaned in to kiss him before he could object. Snape didn't seem to mind enough to object, however, and soon their actions were so intimate half the pub was staring at them in shock.