Kiran: sing-song voice I'm baaaaaaaaack.

Hiei: Joy.

Kurama: No need to be so sarcastic, Hiei.

Hiei: Sut up!muttering Baka kitsune.

Botan: You could be a little nicer,Hiei.

Hiei: Make me, you stupid ferry onna.

Botan: Why you little-

Kiran: Oh, it's alright Botan. Don't worry about it.

Botan: Huh? But Kiran, he's always so rude to you.

Kiran: It's okay. Too bad, though. I was gonna share this vanilla ice cream with you guys. pulls out said ice cream But I guess Hiei won't want to stick around for any becasue he thinks I'm SO annoying.

Hiei: SWEET SNOW! Hand it over,onna. NOW!

Kiran: No. It's mine. Get your own. sticks out tongue

Kurama: You know, Hiei, she would gladly share it with you if you just apologized.

Hiei: I have never apologized to anyone before and I am not starting now, you stupid fox.

Kiran: Suit yourself. Kurama, Botan, would you like some ice cream?

Botan: I sure would!

Kurama: Yes, that would be nice.

Hiei: mouth watering

Kiran: Well, dear readers, here is chapter seven of Growing Friendship. Enjoy.


-Chapter Seven-

Doubts and Discussions


Botan was deep in thought as she flew towards the portal that would lead her to Reikai. Her eyes were glazed over, as if she was half asleep. The sky was a perfect midnight blue and the stars twinkled around her like diamonds. Down below her was the bright, neon glo of the city lights. It was a truly wonderuos scene. Yet, all Botan could think about was the are she had just vacated. The images of the falling sakura petals and the silvery glow of the moon, she knew, would remain in her mind's eye for the rest of her life. She sighed as she looked up and saw the portal that would take her to her home.

Normally, Botan would smile at the thought of going back to Reikai. Ningenkai was a nice place but there was so much death and violence here. Botan could not remember how many aouls she had escorted simply because they had been drinking or fighting in the streets. This is what she would think about whenever she would near the portal to the Spirit World but this time, there was something else on her mind. Well, no. Not something else, but someone else.

"Kurama..." Botan sighed as she passed through the portal adn suddenly found herself soaring through the familiar skies of Reikai. She looked back just in time to see the portal close behind her. Sighing again she set her sights on the fast approaching palace of King Enma.


Botan sighed once again as she walked down the marble halls of the palace. She seemed to be sighing quite a lot tonight. Lost in her thoughts, she walked with her head bowed slightly, unconciously staring at her feet as they carried her through the long hallway. Botan was so lost in herself that she failed to notice the blue ogre that ran past her carrying a stack of papers that was almost as tall as he was. It was only when he called out to her that she realized he was there.

"Oh, Botan," he called out in a dishevelled voice.

Botan froze for a minitue but then turned to George, a large smile on her face. "Hello, George." she said cheerfully.

George's head stuck out from one side of the large stack of papers he was carrying. " It's good that your finially back, Lord Koenma is furious, he's been yelling his head off at everyone that walks into his office." George's voice became a whisper as he walked closer to Botan so that she could hear what he had to say, "King Enma found out the Koenma-sama extended his nap time yesterday and didn't finish his work, so King Enma gave all of his workers the rest of the day off and he's making Koenma-sama do all of thier work as a punishment. You know what that means."

Botan bowed her head in a defeated way. "It means that he's going to make all of us do it for him." she replied. It was just like Koenma to slack off and then make other people do all of his work.

"Well, now I know why he called me here in such a hurry." Botan said more to herself then to George.

"Oh, thats right, you've been in Ningenkai with Yusuke, haven't you? How is he, Botan? I was watching the fight and it was pretty aweful."

Botan smiled at George reassuringly. "Don't worry, George, Kurama looked him over and he told us that Yusuke is going to be just fine. He just used up a lot of his energy so he'll be out for a while while his body recovers."

Botan had expected George to be happy about this but instead, a thoughtful, somewhat worried look came across his features. "Hmmmmm..." he wondered aloud.

"Hmmm..." he wondered aloud.

"Huh? What's the matter, George? Aren't you happy to hear that Yusuke is going to be alright?" Botan asked.

"Well, yes, of course I am." George replied but what he said next wasn't very helpful for Botan's confused and disoriented thoughts in any way. "But do you really think we can trust Kurama and Hiei, Botan?"

Lavender orbs narrowed and locked with the oni's. "What do you mean?" she said slowly. The coldness in her voice surprised Botan herself but she continued to wztch George.

The oni looked at the ferry girl oddly. What had gotten into her? George had never heard Botan use that tone before. Somewhat apprehensive now, he spoke. " Well, I mean, they did steal those artifacts from King Enma's vault."

Suddenly, something in Botan snapped.

"Now, listen, you!" she demanded harshly, advancing on George and jabbing her forfinger in this chest. The startled oni staggered backwards, surprised and frightened by Botan's sudden change in mood.

This was not like Botan. Botan, the everfriendly and always happy and bubbly diety of death. However, one had to wonder how Botan could always be so happy adn cheerful given the job that she had to do. She was definately one of Koenma's favorites if not his top ferry girl. But then again, why wouldn't she be? After all, Botan was friendly, loyal, hard working and always happy. Who wouldn't want to be around her? To top it all off, Botan was beautiful. Sure, she could be a bit of an air head and a little ditzy at times but she knew when it was time to get serious.

Was this one of those time? Had George said something to upset Botan? All he had said was that Hiei and Kurama should not be trusted.What was so wrong with that? They were demons after all and George did not know many demons who were exactally fond of Reigens or Rekai itself. Botan's voice brought George back to the conversation.

"Kurama and Hiei both risked their lives to help Yusuke and Kuwabara in Maze Castle!" Botan said angerly, she on the border of yelling, " The only reason Kurama stole the Forlorn Hope is because he wanted to save his mother's life! There's nothing wrong with that!"

Botan turned away from George to hd the tears that were dangerously on the verge of falling. She knew wxactally what it felt like to want to save a person's life. She could not recall how many times she try and fail desperately to save the lives of their loved ones. In those moments, Botan was willing to give up anything to save those people. But what hurt the most were the looks they would give her when she would tell them that she was a spirit guide. Botan surpressed a sniffle and rubbed her eyes to wipe her tears away.

George had been so shocked my Botan's response that he had stumbled over his own feet and was now on the floor looking at Botan fearfully. "Ummm, Botan-san...?"

Botan sighed. "I'm sorry, George." She offered the oni a hand so as to help him up.

George relaxed when he noticed that Botan did not seem angry anymore. "I... I'm just alittle stressed right now is all. I'm sorry for yelling at you."

"Uh..uh..oh, uh ,it... it's no problem, Botan-san really." The oni stuttered, his little crush on the ferry girl was not known to anyone maybe not even to himself.

Botan smiled that same haert-warming smile and after she had helped the oni to his feet, she gave him a small wave and walked off in the direction of Koenma's office.

George stared after her, watching her go, mesmerised by the way her powder blue ponytail bounced with every step she took. Now Koenma-sama is going to give her a truck load of paper work to do. Wait... I'm supposed to be doing something too, right?"

Confused, George looked around himself only to find papers scattered all over the floor.

"OH NO!"



This was the only word that seemed to be able to register properly in her brain at the moment. Botan shut her eyes tightly for a minitue as she walked, her head throbbing.

Your different. Your not just being nice to us to get at Koenma-sama, are you? I want us to be friends Kurama, I really, truly do. But...

"Ow!" Botan's hand immediately flew to her temple and touched the small bump on the side of her forehead. Her gaze had been downcast so she had bumped right into the gloden door of her boss's office. Stupid door. Stupid me. Thought an agitated Botan as she winced and rubbed her temple, glaring at the stupid door.

Botan took a deep breath and let it out quickly before she composed herself and knowed on the door. " Come in" came the annoyed response. Botan let out another breath, turned the handle and poked her head into the large office. "You wanted to see me, Koenma-sama?"

Koenma looked up from the document he had just stamped. " Ah, yes, Botan. Please come in."

Botan side stepped into the office and shut the door gently behind her before making her way to Koenma's desk."

Koenma hopped onto his deask so he was almost eye level with the diety. Botan bowed her head in respect as he looked at her, now very worried about having any leaves or twigs stuck in her hair.

With a nod, Koenma picked up the remote off his desk. "So."

Botan looked up." Err, sir?"

Koenma's eyes locked with Botan's."How is Yusuke?"

Oh... DUH!

Koenma was now looking at her expectantly and Botan realized that she had not answered his question. He was beginning to look annoyed. "Oh, uh, he's fine."

Koenma arched a brow. "Oh? He's awake now, is he?"

"Uh, well, no but Kurama says that he'll be fine." Botan said quickly, not wanting to anooying the toddler by taking forever to answer him.

Koenma's eyes narrowed. "Kurama says he'll be fine?" he repeated.

Botan nodded. "Yes, that's what he said. He told us that Yusuke used up all his spirit energy in the battle so he also tried to use his life energy to beat Suzaku."

Koenma's brow furrowed and he raised a finger to his chin." Yes...that's true." he then dighed. " Botan."

Botan had been on the verge of going back to her own world when Koenma's voice brought her back. "Hai, Koenama-sama?"

Koenma was frowning. " I want you to keep an eye on Kurama and Hiei." Now this got Botan's attention.

"Why, sir?" she asked in the most repectful voice she could muster, her brow furrowed in confusion. Why would Koenma want her to watch Kurama and Hiei? He had said himself that they would be cleared of all charges if they helped Yusuke defeat the Saint beasts.


A very worried Botan stood up still staring down at the glowing green square the two boys had jumped through. Please be careful, Yusuke. For Keiko's sake..."

Suddenly there was a loud bang as hte door of the warehouse was pushed open. Starttled, Botan whirled around only to gasp in fear and surprise. What were they doing here?

Hiei looked confident and walked up to her and looked down at the glowing green portal. Botan was too shocked to move. These two were supposed to be in jail. How had they escaped? And what were they dooing here? They hadn't come here to go after Yusuke had they? Oh no! Not now!

"So..." Hei started now looking at Botan. This will take us to the Maze Castle?"

Botan's lips were slightly parted but she could not speak. WHen she did not answer, Hiei glared at her. "Answer me, you baka-"

"Now, Hiei, that was quite rude." Botan's head snapped in the other direction as Kurama walked up to the other two.

"Botan-san, is it not?" he asked Botan, raising an eyebrow to confirm that he remembered her name. Botan could only nod.

"Well you see, Botan-san, Konma has promised to clear us of all charges if we help Yusuke defeat the for Saint Beasts." Kurama explained.

So that's why they were here. They had not escaped. Koenma had sent them to help Yusuke. Relief washed over Botan. Okay, so they're not going to torture and kill me. That's reassuring.

"Well actuaclly, Koenma knows that the detective is too weak to win on his own so he sent us to baby-sit and is dropping all charges against us as payment." Hiei said smartly.

"Hiei." Kurama began in a warning tone.

"What?" Hiei said, his eyes locking with Kurama's as if daring him to challenge him.

Kurama sighed and turned to Botan, ignoring Hiei's cocky smirk. "We're here to help." Botan smiled at him greatfully and bowed. Kurama returned the smile and stepped up to the protal. " May we?"

Botan stared at him for a minitue before his question registered in her brain. " Oh! Yes! Yes, of course! Uh, go right ahead."

Hiei looked at her skeptically and Kurama offered her a reassuring smile before they both jumped into the glowing spuare.

Botan sighed and stood up. Good luck, boys.

End Flashback

"Why, you ask?" Koenma's voice brought Botan nack from her reminicing. "Because, I had some research done on the two of them."

Botan's brow furrowed slightly. "I see."

Still frowning, Koenma pointed the remote in the direction of the TV screen and pressed a button. Immediately the black screen turned to that of a large floating...island?

Now Botan was confused but for some reasdon this scene looked familiar. Maybe she had been there before? Suddenly something in Botan's mind clicked but before she had a chance to ponder more on this subject Koenma began to speak.

"You remember a while ago when we had reports of a male being born in the land of the korime?"

Botan turned to her boss. "The forbidden child? Yes, of course. The baby was supposed to have been killed but his spirit was never found so it was assumed that he was still alive somehow."

"Yes, I'm glad you remember, Botan."Koenma said with a nod of approval.

"But what does that have to do with this?" Botan asked hoping against hope that Koenma was not going to tell her what she thought he was going to tell her.

"Botan," Koenma started, his voice very serious, "Hiei is that baby. He is the forbidden child."

Botan gasped.

Hiei? The forbidden child? But that was impossible! Hiei was a fire demon! There was no way!

Koenma-sama, Hiei is a fire demon, How is it possible that he is the forbidden child?" Botan asked. Although Hiei was certainly cold enough to be an ice demon Botan added as an after thought remembering her first encounter with the fire youkai.


Botan sat on the roof of Yusuke's school alone, watching the sunset when a strange, unnatural breeze began to play with her hiar the skirt she was wearing. And then she heard his voice in her mind. The voice that had sent chils down her spine.

I have the detective's girlfriend.

Wha? Botan thought back, startled.

Tell him that if he wants her back alive then he should come and find me.

Wait! Hiei! Not Keiko! Botan thought desperately.

I'll be waiting for you, Botan.

And then he was gone.

End Flashback

A shiver ran down Botan's spine at this memory. Hiei was no ordinary demon, that was for sure.

"Yes, well about that," For the third time Koenma brought Botan back from her own world that night. "We're still wroking out the smaller details, but we have confirmed that he is indeed the forbidden child."

"I see." Botan said slowly. Now that this information had sunk in, there was something else worrying the ferry girl."And Kurama?" she asked giving her boss a pleading look.

Koenma sighed.

"Do you remember fifteen years ago, Botan, when the legendary bandit, Yoko Kurama was supposedly killed by a bounty hunter?"

An alarm seemed ot have gone off in Botan's head. Oh no. No, no, no, no, no, no. Oh please, no.

"His spirit was never found either." Botan replied.

Koenma nodded."We think he possessed the body of the human, Shiori Minamino's, unborn child."

"What?" was all Botan could say.

Koenma looked grave.

"Are you saying," Botan said as she steeped forward, "That Kurama is actually the legendary demon theif?" Botan asked disbelievingly.

"Yes, Botan, that is exactally what I'm saying." Koenma said.

Botan opened her motuh to ask another question but Koenma held up his hand to stop her.

"I want you to listen very closely, Botan. This is what I want you to do."

Botan closed her mouth and looked at her boss, giving him her full attention.

"I have restricted Hiei and Kurama from leaving the borders of the city for now. I want you to keep an eye on them."

Botan nodded.

"That's pretty much all but it would be helpful if you could find out more about them."

"I understand, Sir." Botan replied.

"Good." Koenma's voice suddenly changed to his normal care-free, I'm-more-important-then-you-so-bow-down-to-me tone.

"That will be all, Botan."

Botan bowed. "Good evening, Sir."

"I'll see you tomorrow, Botan."

With another bow Botan left the office and as soon as she was in her own room she collapsed agaist her door.

She was going to go back to Ningenkai tomorrow and have a nice long talk with Kurama.


Kiran: The ending sucked.

Hiei: Yes, it did.

Botan: It wasn't that bad.

Kiran: Yes it was. I'm happy with the other stuff though.

Kurama: I think it was a lovly chapter.

Hiei: You always say it's good, you baka kitsune.

Kurama: Hiei, you don't hae to be so negative all the time.

Hiei: I'll be negative if I want to be, fox.

Botan: Now, boys-

Hiei: WHAT?


Kurama: That was uncalled for.

Hiei: Yeah well, who asked you, anyway-

Kiran: Stop it!

Hiei: Or you'll what?

Kiran: Or I'll stop buying you ice cream, Hiei.

Hiei: muttering Stupid onna and her stupid sweet snow.

Kiran: Okay, so there you guys go.I hope you liked. I worked realyl hard on this chapter. So please...REVIEW! pretty pwese? wit a cherrwy on towp?pouts

Ja Ne,
