Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, or anyone else……BUT…..I wish I owned Percy and Ron they would sooooo be mine!

Claimer: I do however own this idea, and I really hope you like it

Author's Note: Here's the next chapter, hopefully everyone is liking at least the idea to this story. Like always I do want to thank everyone who has reviewed even if they are flames in some of them. Any review is a good review. SO THANKS EVERYONE!


Cornelia began to tell Fred and George her plan, she finally finished explaining her idea when they finished serving detention.

"So, do you understand?" Cornelia asked a little nervous she didn't explain it well enough

"Definitely, we have done any major pranks yet so this will give us a change to practice." Fred smiled

"But don't forget to tell Oliver." Cornelia added

"Oh believe me, we never mess up a prank." George replied

The rest of the week went fast, Friday finally approached and the day of the prank was here.

Fred, George, Cornelia and Oliver changed and met in front of the Potions room while everyone was at dinner.

"Ok." Cornelia said quietly to the three boys "We have to get in the room, do what we have to do and get out. Any questions?"

Fred and George were beaming from ear to ear "We're ready, oh yes we are so ready."

Oliver kept looking around making sure Snape wasn't heading around the corridor. "If you guys get caught, you are in huge trouble. We won't have anymore people missing Quidditch this year."

"Hey, no worries." Fred replied pulling out his wand

Oliver watched him try but fail on opening Snape's door "Not trying to sound…well…like Percy."

Fred and George laughed at this phrase since it was coming from Percy's best friend.

"But, anyone would have known it was going to be that easy." Oliver finished looking at Fred skeptically

"Your right," George began "It was easier." George had put his hand on the door and pushed, it swung open easily. This showed the whole classroom with no one in it.

Fred and George being who they are walked casually in and started to look around for the papers. Cornelia hesitated but entered after them with her wand out making sure no one was in the room, Oliver on the other hand stayed outside the door as look out. He also had his wand out but wasn't really paying very much attention and was watching what the other three were doing inside.

George walked to Snape's desk and found a stack of papers. "Ha, found it."

Fred and Cornelia quickly came over to the desk and began to sift quietly through them looking for the two papers.

"Found mine." Cornelia pulled a sheet of parchment out of the pile

"Found Percy's." Fred also pulling a piece of  parchment from another stack

"Great, but why did we need you test?" George asked looking over at Cornelia

"Because, I am horrible in school. So of course I was going to fail the potions we did today." Cornelia took the two sheets of paper and set them on the desk next to each other

"But your good in everything, like Percy." Fred finished

"Yeah, sure if you say so. But I am just as smart as you guys, the only reason I am in Advanced Transfiguration is, that's the only thing I am really good at. Well that and Quidditch." Cornelia looked at the papers in confusion.

"What's the problem?" Oliver said leaning into the room

"Well, I didn't know it would be this hard." Cornelia looked at the papers  "I mean can I just switch the grades magically or will it not work?"

Fred shrugged, however George looked at the two papers intently, "you know all we really have to do is just like copy the 'T' and put it on the paper. Then we can erase the 'O' and we'll be all set."

Cornelia stepped aside "Then, you can do it."

George walked to the papers and began moving his wand around the two papers. It took a couple seconds but Percy's paper became a "T" just like Cornelia's.

"Perfect." Fred smiled triumphantly at his brother

"You mean un-perfect." George pointed out

"C'mon guys, now that your finished lets get out of here." Oliver waited for the three to put the two parchment back and for them to leave the room before he shut the door

"Now all we have to do is wait till tomorrow when Percy gets his paper." Cornelia smiled her plan had for once finally went the way it was suppose to go

They walked back to the Common Room skipping the Great Hall since dinner was pretty much over. Oliver has soon as they entered went quickly up to his room to begin plans for the upcoming Quidditch game. Fred and George walked over to some first years and began to try and sell some practical joke pieces. Cornelia went up to the girls dormitory meeting Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet in the room they shared.

The rest of the night was quiet with everyone hanging out with friends or relaxing, but Percy on the other hand was doing what he always was. STUDYING. He quietly sat in the library studying his History of Magic's book. He was always alone now more than ever.

Percy thought of how it used to be and how Penny and him had always studied together, he now only had memories of when she had dumped him for what she put it. "A more romantic and caring person, who wasn't just interested in himself."

Percy shook the memory from his mind, he then picked up his book and headed off to bed.

Author's End Note: So that's it so far next chapter, the prank takes action. OOOooooOOOO So fun! Please R&R reviews are motivating (even the somewhat mean ones) KEEP ROCKIN OUT LOUD!