Rotor was stuck in the Chair of Doom for three bloomin' hours. Three! Amy had already done her job (the outfit), Bunnie finished giving him hair extensions...and Rouge had put make-up on him. Lots and lots of make-up in every FREAKIN' color in the exsistance of this damn universe. All in all, even when everyone's work on him was done, he still looked.. absolutely freaking ugly at a higher level.
"Ah dunno what in tha hoo-ha we're supposed to do with somethin' as ugly as this here walrus," Bunnie admitted.
"Me neither," Rouge sighed. "And I wasted all my neon colored make-up on him, too..."
"Oh well," Amy said. "On to our next client. Hmmmm... Who shall it be..?" She thought awhile. "I KNOW!"
"Uh oh," Sonic said under his breath. "She chose her next victim..."
"Next is... Tails!"
Tails let out a squeak of horrified surprise. "Me..?"
Tails bit his lip and backed up. "You aren't serious, Amy..." He twirled his second tail around the first one out of fear. He did not want to be made feminine looking. Again.
"Go on, Tails," Shadow said. "Be a man."
With a quick glance back, Tails replied smartly. "But...I'm not a man. I'm a fox."
"Look, just get your two-tailed ass over there okay?" Knuckles growled. "At least you're saving us the agony."
"Fine!" Rouge said. "If you're all gonna be slow about it, we'll just give Rotor a make-over. Completely!"
So, Rouge put fake eyelashes on Rotor, Bunnie gave him highlights in his hair extensions, Amy did his nails with sparkly nailpolish...You get the picture. Then, out of the dark depths of Archie Sonic, through the teleportal from earlier came... Mina! Oh the horror! Okay, so she's not that ugly. But she's annoying. Annoying enough to help Amy!
And stupid as Amy is, she let Mina help by doing whatever she liked. Then Mina got the "Great Idea". She died Eggman's moustach pink, gave Knuckles some eyelashes, took photos of Sonic in his bikini, dressed up Froggy too, and put some of Rouge's make-up on Tails.
Now, Rotor was still a freaking ugly, sent-from-hell, purple, make-up covered walrus that no one could do a thing about.
Amy was at wit's end. "What do we do now?" she asked.
"I know!" Mina cried. "Plastic surgery!"
Author's Note 08-04-07: Only one more chapter. Thank goodness.