Author's Note: I hope whoever requested this fic isn't disappointed because I did a lot of revisions to try and get it to perfection so it could meet the requirements! I had a blast writing this story for challenge #85 and this is another segment of the " Dirty Little Secrets" collection. I'm glad that I could be of help and again and I hope you like it! This is Part 1 and Part 2 is in the works until I complete my D/Hr Fall Fic challenge. I will personally thank you guys in the next segment, but for now, thank you for being patient and thank you for everything!


How heavy the sky was outside of my window
And from inside I watched it go by
With all that I've got to reach back to remember
The things I fought so hard with each thought
Then your voice returns until every word burns the walls
I tried to keep you outside
You're part of me now
But you're not around

" Turn the page to 496 in your textbooks," Snape ordered looking around at his classroom full of Slytherin and Gryfinndor seventh years. His upper lip curled in distained as he glared briefly at Harry Potter who was clearly not paying attention.

" Mr. Potter, will you please tell the class what potion we will be brewing today?" Snape asked with a small smirk crossing his features. Harry jumped at the sound of his name and glanced frantically at what page they were on. He looked to Blaise Zabini, his lab partner, for help. Blaise merely smirked at pointed lazily at the book in front of him.

" It's the…the," Harry mumbled while flipping the pages, earning a few chuckles from both houses at Harry's mistake. " Aha! It's the Nefatus Potion!"

"Nefastus, Potter, otherwise known as the Sinner's Potion roughly translated," a smooth drawl echoed from the back of the room. Snape's eyes glittered with glee.

" Ah, correct Mr. Malfoy, I'm glad to know that there are some people still paying attention," he snapped looking at suddenly reddened faces of various students, " Ten points to Slytherin."

Draco Malfoy grinned triumphantly and the other Slytherins cheered silently as they regained some of the lost points due to Pansy Parkinson's and Nerissa Johnson's insentient chattering during Transfiguration. The Gryfinndors scowled and sent dark glares at the smug blonde.

For once in her life, Hermione Granger was not paying attention. Her head snapped up in surprise due to Ron's swearing. She looked frantically at Ron's book and quietly turned the pages to the correct spot.

" Miss Granger, would you please announce the following sins that the class will be experiencing," Snape drawled catching her turning mid-page. Hermione blushed slightly at the professor for her carelessness.

" That would be sloth, greed, gluttony, pride, lust, envy, and wrath," she managed to squeak out; turning to the potion they would be brewing.

Snape frowned, " That is correct, five points to Gryfinndor," he managed to say as if it was the hardest thing in the world. Hermione let out a sigh of relief.

" The Nefastus Potion is barely even used today, but it is a good defense mechanism for controlling your emotions. The potion we will be brewing is very mild, but there is still a caution so I advise all to listen. I trust that every one in here can put a reign to the feelings you will be experiencing. These sins, if they get out of hand when a person cannot control what they are feeling, will be destroyed from within. The sin will consume you and that's all you will be," Snape warned ominously at the paling students who glanced around nervously.

" To make this even more fun, the black ribbons on my desk are contained with the color of the sin you will each be receiving so you won't have your own choice and there are four of each. You will know your sin when you put the ribbon in the cauldron. It's effects only last two days so stay in control of the slight urges. Then on Monday I expect a two-foot essay to what sin you received, the effects and the history of it. You may begin," he instructed pointing to the blackboard that had the ingredients. Each student from every table rose to collect their ingredients to begin.

" I'll get everything Ron," Hermione said getting up. When she rose from her seat, she accidentally bumped into Malfoy. He whirled around with a sneer on his face.

" Watch where you are going Granger," he snapped and continued to his way to the cabinet. Hermione scoffed in reply.

" Sorry," she said sarcastically behind his back and waited in line to get the stuff she needed for her potion. Finally, after waiting patiently to get the ingredients for both her and Ron, they began to work.

" I wonder what sin I got," Ron said out loud, looking curiously at the black ribbon at the corner of the table.

" Stupidity," Draco replied, giving Ron a malicious glare.

" That's not a sin!" Ron exclaimed at the grinning Slytherin.

" It should be since you carry it out so well," he drawled, all the while carefully preparing his ingredients.

" Why you fucking…" Ron began before Hermione's hand reached out to cover his mouth.

" Work on your potion and ignore him," she said placing the rose thorns into her cauldron.

" I wonder what yours will be Granger. I can't imagine such an oh-so perfectionist like you getting sudden urges," he said sneered. Hermione merely brushed off his comment by ignoring him and continued working. Draco fumed and silently returned back to his potion.

" I bet his will be wrath," Ron said looking at Malfoy, " since he's such a hostile little ferret anyway."

A few of the nearby tables laughed as well as Draco's lab partner, Dean. Draco slammed down the knife he was holding and glared at Ron.

" Care to make a wager on that Weasley?" Draco said as a smirk tugged his lips. Ron's brow furrowed in confusion.

" About what?" Ron said carefully not trusting Draco's intentions. The blonde merely smirked back evilly.

" About what sin we have. Mine will clearly be either greed or pride because I watched Snape charm those ribbons black and separate them yesterday. If I win, we'll switch lab partners," he concluded giving Ron a challenging glare.

" You want to be lab partners?" Ron asked incredulously and paled at the thought. A look of horror overcame Draco's handsome features.

" Hell no, you flaming rodent! Granger will be. That way, I won't have to look at the back of your head anymore and my grades will be maintained if I work with her," he said shuddering at the thought of sitting next to a Weasley. Hermione was the next to set down her things and turned around to face him with a look of shock.

" I will most certainly most not! How dare you bring me into this!" she shrieked a bit to loudly. Snape glared in their direction and the students observing the spat quickly returned to their potions. Draco looked up to see Snape return to grading papers at his desk.

" Way to attract attention to yourself Granger," he whispered, staring pointedly at her. Hermione flushed under his scrutiny.

" If you just kept your mouth shut, I wouldn't have raised my voice," she snapped chopping up her ginger roots. Draco smiled sarcastically and threw in powered dragon scales into the brew.

" A harmless guess won't hurt. I think mine will be sloth, I guarantee it," Ron said turning around to face Malfoy.

" So, you're taking up on my wager," Draco said cocking a brow. Ron nodded and turned to face the front.

" Ow, Hermione! What was that for?" Ron winced rubbing the spot on his arm on where she pinched him viciously.

" Because I'll end up sitting next to him and my head will explode if I do," she fumed putting the last ingredient, White Willow Bark, in the potion causing it to turn white, then clear.

"Hermione, it's just a harmless wager and besides, I think he's buffing about having the correct ribbon. I'm going to laugh if he gets gluttony. Maybe he'll lose control and get very fat. Then we can call him the Amazing Bouncing Fat Ferret," Ron said excitedly chopping up his roots. Hermione couldn't help but giggle a bit at the sight.

" I hope yours is correct," she hoped as she prepared to drop the ribbon in.

" Hey Dean, watch his and Hermione will watch mine," Ron told Dean Thomas who nodded in affirmation. Hermione took a deep breath and dropped the ribbon in. She carefully peered into the cauldron and her eyes widened.

" Oh no," she muttered blushing slightly. Ron faced her curiously.

" What color is your potion Mione?" Ron asked leaning over to look. Hermione shifted and looked away embarrassedly. Ron shrugged and returned to his potion. Giving him a curious double look, she peered into her potion once more. It was clear again.

" What color is yours Ron?" she asked changing the subject off of hers.

" What exactly are the colors?" he asked in confusion scratching the back of his red head.

" Well, brown is for sloth, blue for pride, a bright green for envy, orange for gluttony, dark green for greed, black for wrath, and red for lust," she said feeling her face heat up fast. Ron nodded and dropped in the ribbon.

" Oh bugger," Ron said placing his head down on the desk. Hermione watched the ribbon deteriorate into a bright orange color for a moment, then fade away. She turned back around to watch Draco place his ribbon in with Dean looking over his shoulder cautiously. She watched for a moment and thought she saw Draco's face flicker into disbelief before it changed into his usually calm, cool demeanor. His eyes flickered up to catch hers with a small smirk tugging the corner of his mouth.

" Hey Weasel, what's your color?" Draco asked with a bored look. Ron huffed and stared in distain at his cauldron as if it was some sort of foreign creature.

" Orange," he muttered angrily. Hermione sank further into her seat. This was officially the worst day of her life.

" Mine's green," Draco announced proudly. Ron frowned and continued to face the front.

" Which green?" she asked casting a suspicious glare at the blonde.

" It was sort of dark," Dean said returning back to his potion, " and I got the same thing as his."

" I'll talk to Snape about the arrangements partner," Draco drawled smirking. Hermione laid her head on her desk. Yes, today was the most god-awful day of her life.

" Are you guys feeling anything yet?" Harry asked poking his roast beef with a fork.

" No, when is this stuff supposed to be kicking in?" Ron asked looking thoughtful. Hermione shook her head and returned to the book she was reading propped up against a jug of pumpkin juice.

" Hey, what did you guys get anyways?" Seamus asked joining in the conversation.

" Mine turned blue so that means pride, right Hermione?" Harry asked. Hermione nodded as she turned the page in her Transfiguration book.

" I got sloth," Seamus said with a pout. Ron and Harry chuckled patting him on the back sympathetically.

" I got gluttony and I don't understand it because I don't over eat," Ron said stuffing a buttered roll into his mouth. Hermione fought the urge to roll her eyes and looked up to see Dean Thomas staring at her. Embarrassed, he averted his gaze and pretended to be interested in the wall facing his way. She stifled a giggle and resumed to her meal. Harry and Ron were always constantly trying to set her up with the boy, but she shrugged it off and told them to quit their meddling. Shaken out of her thoughts, she tuned back into the conversation of Ron's compliant with his sin. Hermione cut into the conversation with a huff.

" The potion doesn't give you the sin, it taps into our human desires and everyone does carry the seven even though they don't express it. The potion will tap into your excess side," Hermione said, as it was the most obvious thing with a roll of her eyes.

" Well, excuse me for not knowing! Some people haven't memorized every book in the bloody library," Hermione scowled hearing the snickers from the Gryfinndors around her, " What's your sin Hermione?" Ron asked with a sarcastic smile. Immediately, Hermione blushed and looked down at her plate.

" That's not important because we're talking about you so don't change the subject towards me!" she sputtered, her cheeks ablaze.

" When exactly are you guys going to quit your pathetic, unnecessary rows? I swear if it weren't for me to sort everything out, you guys would be hopeless. There's also no need to get bitchy! Not everybody is a know-it-all like you! " Harry snapped angrily. The Hall was suddenly filled with silence after Harry's loud outburst. Hermione stared at Harry in disbelief while Ron looked on in shock. Harry clamped a hand over his mouth and hung his head down in shame.

" I-I'm so sorry Hermione, I don't know what came over me," Harry muttered quietly. She nodded dumbly and got up from the table in a daze. A few chuckles from the Slytherin table were heard and she spotted Draco and his cronies looking straight at her with wicked grins. She decided that she had to get out of there quick. Walking out on shaky legs, she exited the Great Hall in a trance.

Later on that night, she knew that Harry wasn't really at fault. The potion was kicking in for him and she strangely felt the effects of hers. She shuddered in her bed at the sudden rush of heat that pooled in her lower regions. Mindlessly, her hand wandered down to the hem of her nightgown and slipped underneath to the edge of her panties. Her journey was soon put to a halt when she heard the loud slam of the portrait door, announcing the Head Boy's presence. A small knock on her door made her bolt out of bed in a state of panic.

" Hermione, are you in there?" a timid voice asked by a shy, handsome Ravenclaw named Connor Bynes. Hesitantly, her door creaked open and in popped the head of the black haired Ravenclaw.

" Yeah, I'm not feeling well, so do you mind doing the rounds by yourself?" Hermione asked covering herself up with her black comforter. Through the faint candle lit room, she made out a nod from the boy and she was left to herself once again. She fell back into the mattress of her four-poster bed with a sigh. Out of all the sins why did she have become infected with lust?

Saturday morning wasn't exactly the best morning she ever had when she purposely ogled and embarrassed Connor coming out of the bathroom with just a towel on. Immediately, she felt herself become flushed and desire possessed her senses.

" Hi," she said a bit huskily. The young boy nodded in acknowledgement and made a beeline to his private quarters with rosy cheeks. She mentally cursed herself for giving into her feelings and decided to stay away from boys till Monday. Lunch wasn't exactly her cup of tea either when she discovered her hand placed dangerously high on Dean's thigh. The boy jumped at the contact and knocked over a goblet of pumpkin juice right into her lap. Humiliated, she returned to the comforts of her dorm and decided to study.
Grabbing her book bag, she headed down to the only placed where boys rarely went to: the library.

Going through the big oak doors, the library was silent and peaceful. She made her way to her usual table in the back of the library and sat down to study for her Arithmancy test on Monday. She became engrossed in her studies that she didn't even notice someone sitting down across from her.

Putting down her book to get a Sugar Quill she had in her bag, a brief flash of blonde made her jump in her seat.

" What the hell do you think you are doing?" she asked with a scoff. Draco looked up from his studies and frowned at her in annoyance.

" Well, if didn't have your bushy head buried in a book all the time, you'd notice that all the bloody goddamn tables are filled up with sixth years," Draco replied irritably. Shaking his head at her as if she were a child, he lowered his head and resumed studying. Hermione looked around and saw that sixth years were coming in early to research something.

" I wonder what they're researching for," she wondered out loud.

" Transfiguration. They have a big test on Monday about transfiguring various plants into animals," Draco said absently, not bothering to look up from his book.

" Why are you in here so early?" she questioned curiously. Never had she'd ever seen Malfoy in the library on a Saturday afternoon. Annoyed, Draco slammed his Arithmancy book and waved it in her face.

" We're in the same class you silly bint," he scoffed, " and people say you're smart."

Hermione blushed at his bluntness and decided to keep quiet as she resumed to her studies. Glancing down at the book, the numbers seemed to stand out like some foreign language and she shut the book with a sigh. Looking to her right, she also spotted two more people out of her Arithmancy class. Putting her book back in her bag, she gave Draco a double look as he quietly studied the equations in front of him. His hair is slightly longer than it was last year she noticed with a genuine curiosity. It seemed to be the length of his shoulders and it was neatly pulled back into a low ponytail.

She fought the urge to just reach out and brush away the loose pieces of hair that brushed against his pale face. Maybe it was the potion talking, but she had to admit that Draco had grown to be a very handsome young man. His features matured nicely along with his body complete with broad shoulders, toned arms and well sculpted legs. She flushed to think of the time after Gryfinndor had finished with the Quidditch pitch and the Slytherins had just came out of the locker rooms to begin their practice. Draco had been the first one to exit without a shirt on. She was hidden in the stands below waiting for Ron and Harry, but she somewhat dreaded the fact that she observed him in awe. His pale, muscular chest gleamed in the sunset along with the golden reflection of his long hair.

Yet he was still the same irritating, pompous prat who walked down the corridor as if he was God's Gift. Even though the "Mudblood" comments have ceased, he still viewed himself as superior than others with non-magic parents. There was a slight change to his cold demeanor and it was noticeable if one paid attention to him. Ever since Lucius Malfoy had been arrested, Draco seemed more open to accepting things that didn't go his way and towards Muggleborns. She still hated the fact that he still believed in all the "dirty blood" nonsense, but she respected his effort to be a bit civil to others.

" See anything you like Granger," a bored drawl broke her out of her thoughts. She blushed in embarrassment at the fact of being caught ogling and also the fact that her panties were soaking wet. She squirmed uncomfortably in her chair and tried to figure out a way to calm down.

'Don't think about him at all. Ignore him and he will go away… hopefully.' She thought panicking at the heat she was feeling. Snape made it sound like the feelings came in pangs while instead she felt like it was a tsunami of arousal hit her at once whenever a boy came around.

" Earth to Granger! Are you alright?" Draco asked, sneering at her peculiar behavior.

" I'm fine. I just need to go," she muttered packing up her things quickly. Draco watched put away her things with an amused expression.

" Well, before you go, I'm sure you don't mind explaining this problem to me," Draco said pushing his Aritmancy book towards her flustered state. Hermione frowned in irritation.

" Umm…no," she said slinging her book bag over her shoulder. A brief expression of shock was seen in his handsome features, but it was covered up quickly with an expression of annoyance.

" What? Why the bloody hell not," he snapped. Hermione smiled sheepishly struggling to come up with a good excuse. His eyes narrowed suspiciously at the fidgeting Gryfinndor girl.

He forced out a sigh, " I don't bite Granger, not unless you're into that sort of thing."

She snorted in disgust at the perverted smirk plastered on his mischievous face.

" Fine, I'll help you! Which one is it?" she grabbed the book rudely from his hands.

" The fourth one on the first page," he said reaching for a piece of parchment from his own bag.

" It's negative," she said hurriedly and pushed the book towards him.

" That's great. Mind explaining how you got that answer?" he said, his voice dripping in pure sarcasm. Hermione groaned and reached for the parchment across the table. She went rigid when Draco grabbed her wrist tightly.

" In words," he said offering the seat across from him. Draco grinned at her agitation.

" I'm sure whatever you have to do can wait at least a couple of minutes," he offered with a cool shrug. Pouting like a child, she sulked into the chair and went to work explaining the Arithmancy problem.

The next week went by pretty fast in Hermione's opinion, but it was strange indeed. Most of the potion wore off on several of the students in her Potion's class, but for her the urges became stronger. Most of the Gryfinndors became annoyed with Harry's behavior towards them. He seemed more estranged and barely let anybody help him with anything. Ron's excessive side was getting the better of him. During on patrol with Connor, Hermione spotted Ron sneaking out of the kitchens with two sacks filled heavily with food and snacks and he's been getting more detentions for causing trouble. Lavender Brown was infected with Lust too. Hermione watched in sympathy at the pretty blonde girl throwing herself and leading poor unsuspecting Gryfinndors to her dorm. Dean Thomas was infected with envy and his jealous side was not very appealing to anyone. Not only that, Neville was also acting a bit oddly too. The sweet Gryfinndor suddenly became a bit hostile towards others. From her perspective, the strangest one of all was Draco. He seemed more reserved towards the Slytherins, but he was more violent towards other people. During Transfiguration, McGonnagal congratulated Harry for successfully completing a spell that changed an animal into a Muggle household object. Fuming, Draco slammed his book loudly and stormed out of class. McGonnagal stared on in shock along with the rest of the class. It was now Saturday afternoon with the upcoming Quidditch game against Ravenclaw and she was back in the empty Gryfinndor common room having a chat with Ginny.

" Harry has been acting strange Hermione. He's not acting like himself at all. I'm afraid because all the others have been scared to say something to him with out him getting defensive," Ginny said worriedly. Hermione nodded in agreement.

" It's not entirely his fault because of the potion, but I do blame Harry's weakness to fight it. I never pictured him giving in so easily though. Pride is the worst sin of all because it gives people a reason to think they're better than everyone else and Harry's not like that at all," Hermione frowned shaking her head in disappointment.

" I disagree. I think that there is a part of Harry that stands out above the rest. He's been through so much; I know he does feel superior to everyone else. That bloody potion just brought out the monster that was always there," Ginny said in remorse. Hermione stiffened a bit at Ginny's reason. She hated to admit it, but a part of her knew about the dormant monster would surface sooner or later. Deep down inside, she knew that it applied to her too.

" Ron's getting worse too and from what I can tell, even though you don't want to admit it, you're not doing so great yourself," Ginny said raising a brow at the Head Girl. Hermione's breath caught in her throat in panic.

" Ginny, I'm fine. You're being ridiculous," she said with a forced laugh at the young red head.

" What's your sin Hermione?"

'Goddamn you Ginny!' Hermione thought in resentment. Well, it was bound to come out sooner or later.

" I thought it would be bloody fucking obvious to everybody since I'm throwing myself at every available male in school!" Hermione rambled, " This potion is a goddamn burden! Now, Conner won't come near me without running away just in case I pounce on him and some of the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws are terrified that I'll rape them at any minute! Did you know that Lavender and Parvati had to pull me off of Anton Bellows because I practically mauled him in the library? A Slytherin! I threw myself on a Slytherin! Not that he minded anyway, he wanted to meet me later so we could finish were we left off." she finished with a huff.

" You're infected with lust," Ginny said with a frown. Hermione nodded shakily.

" It sucks because I can't get any sleep at all and I feel like stripping my clothes off during Potions because Malfoy is now my lab partner because being so close to him makes me hot. I also have these erotic dreams that leave me so drained in the morning it's driving me mad! I've taken matters into my own hand, but it's not as satisfying!" she ranted, tears beginning to prickle behind her closed eyes.

" T-taken matters into your own hands?" Ginny stuttered in disbelief at Hermione's confession.

" Yes! Ginny, have you ever…" the young Weasley cut her off before anything else was said.

" Hermione, you're asking the wrong girl. Let's go because I think the game is going to start pretty soon," she said hurriedly walking to the portrait hole.

" I can't. Connor and I have to go into Hogsmeade so we can get stuff prepared for the Valentine's Day Ball," she sighed dejectedly, wrapping her small frame with a warm black blazer.

" But, that's a month away!" the red head protested flailing her arms about in irritation.

" According to McGonagall, we have a lot of preparations to do. Sorry, wish the boys luck for me," Hermione frowned. She walked past the irritated Weasley, making her way down the Grand Staircase to meet the timid Head Boy.

The journey to Hogsmeade and back was made in silence, speaking only when it involved picking out decorations and other business things. Connor was still shy around Hermione, flinching whenever she brushed his shoulder or accidentally brushing hands. Oddly enough, Hermione found it sexy. Once they arrived back on the grounds, the two Heads made their separate ways in awkward silence. Connor shakily waved to her from the second floor and continued his way up toward the dorm they shared. Hermione decided to visit the Gryfinndor common room before she retired to her dorm. Giddy to find out how the Quidditch game turned out, Hermione reached the portrait of the fat lady, bracing herself for the loud cheers of excitement. Instead, when she entered the usually mirthful common room, she was greeted with loud yelling and shouting. Pushing her way through the crowded common room, she was met by the source of the yelling, coming from the center of the common room.

" Harry! Please calm down!" Ginny pleaded. Hermione watched the raven-haired boy in shock. Seamus, Dean and Neville were restraining Ron, who was furiously struggling to reach Harry.

" Hermione! Thank Merlin you're here! Please talk some sense into them," Lavender begged, on the verge of tears.

" I take it we lost then," Hermione muttered walking to where Ginny was. The young girl sighed in relief when she saw the Head Girl, clutching her arm in support.

" What happened? Why are Ron and Harry fighting?"

" Harry got into a fight with the Ravenclaw Quidditch captain and Draco Malfoy after the game. Not only that, Ron was fifteen minutes late so there was a delay and search party. He also has detention for a month for vandalizing the Salazar Slytherin statue near the dungeon entrance. I swear Ron is a glutton for punishment these days. Stupid potion," Ginny raved, her face getting redder by the second.

" We would've won the game if it wasn't for Ron and his dumb ass tactics! And you call yourself a Keeper," Harry taunted maliciously. Hermione stared at him in disappointment. This wasn't him at all and if he kept succumbing to the pride, it would only destroy him faster.

" I could have easily taken both positions easily, but Madam Hooch insisted that we find Ron or the game would have been canceled," Harry announced with a smug smile. Ron scoffed disgustedly.

" Take a look in the mirror Harry because I'm starting to see another version of a ferret," Ron growled, struggling against the hold of the three boys.

" Harry, that's enough! It's just the pride talking! Come on, we need to go see Professor Snape and see if he can cure you," Hermione said, tugging on Harry's arm pleadingly. Harry snatched his arm back violently, a sneer tugging on his upper lip.

" What would you know Hermione? Other than your oh so precious books," Harry said waving his hands in emphasis, " Thinking that you're better than everyone else with your prudish, know it all ways."

The people in the common room gasped and murmured at Harry's outburst. A sharp sting of tears welled up behind her now closed eyes. She opened them slowly, convincing herself that it was just the pride talking. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she just wasn't so sure anymore. Willing herself not to cry, she met Harry's emerald gaze dead on.

" I do not think I'm better than everyone else Harry. You know me better than that," she gritted out, her fist clenching at her sides.

" Do I?" Harry said thoughtfully, " It's okay Hermione, just keep telling yourself that it's just the potion talking. Maybe it is, but guess what? I don't fucking care! Do yourself a favor Hermione and stay out of this."

" I will not stay out of this Harry! You're my friend and you need help!" her voice cracked a bit as she tried to hold her tears at bay. Harry laughed.

" You…you're the most interfering person I know and you," making an emphasizing point at Ron, " are the most idiotic person I know. Quit trying to help and act like you've been what I've been though. You have no idea what it's like to don't have a family, or have to have your destiny written out for you before you're eighteen! If I'm such a threat to the both of you, why are you around me all the time?

" Maybe…No, I know I don't need you two. You're always slowing me down. I can't baby-sit and save the world at the same time. Do yourself a favor and stay away from me."

The sound of a slamming door was the last straw. Hermione stood in her place dumbfounded as an eruption of pent up anger filled the common room.

" How dare he!"

" Who does he think he is?"

" It's his fault we lost anyhow!"

Ginny approached the solemn brunette. " Are you okay?"

" I just need to be alone."

With one last glance at her friend, she walked to the door, not even bothering to look at Ron, who had his head hung down in shame. Trying her best to hold back the tears, Hermione calmly left the Gryfinndor common room with her head held high. Once upon reaching the Grand Staircase she silently made her way to her only sanctuary, hoping for its vast emptiness. Her eyes stung greatly with each increasing step until she reached the familiar doors of the library. Nodding politely to the elderly librarian, Hermione walked to the back of the library and reached an unfamiliar section of books. Grabbing a book randomly, she began to read the first page.

'Why are the words all blurry?' she thought angrily and all at once blinking rapidly. Her eyes widened slightly when a wet drop plopped down on the black print of the book. Closing her eyes in defeat, she numbly crumpled her way down to the floor in tears. There was no need to be strong anymore since no one was around. She could finally have the break she so desperately craved for. So she did the only thing she could do: cry. Placing her head in her hands, an anguished sob escaped her parted lips.

" What are you doing here? What am I saying? You live here," the cold sneering voice of Draco Malfoy made his presence known.

With a hiccupping sob, she lifted her head up tiredly to see Malfoy shifting on his feet uncomfortably, a thick volume tucked under his arm.

" Please leave me alone," she whispered, not caring that she was vulnerable and in tears in front of her worst enemy.

" Now why would I do that? I kind of like you this way at my feet. So, Miss Perfect has finally lost it, huh?" Draco drawled, inspecting his fine, manicured nails. Hermione let out a small sob. Perfect, now that was a word she really didn't have a complete definition for.

" No one is perfect Malfoy and you know that," she scoffed, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. This was so typical of him. He was trying to get a rise out of her even when she was broken.

" I beg to differ that Granger. You're the poster child for the perfect Mudblood of the world," his slate like gaze cruelly taunting her to say something. Hermione pursed her lips contemplating over his cold words and tightly smiled at him through her tears.

" Nobody's perfect Malfoy," she said quietly, overlooking his shoulder at the wall. Draco snorted at her statement.

" Please Granger, no need to be modest," he scoffed.

" I'm not perfect Malfoy," she persisted, " I work hard at what I do and I can make mistakes."

" In other words, you're perfect. Perfect grades, perfect friends, perfect life, perfect everything Granger," he pushed staring at her intently, his eyes flashing eerily. Hermione raised an eyebrow in disbelief. For some strange reason, she couldn't completely look him in the eye. There was something odd about his behavior and she was afraid that it was going to get worse if she pushed back.

" Then I guess the rumors are true then," she said quietly. Draco frowned, his brow creasing in curiosity.

" What's that?"

" That you're your father's bitch," she spat, her voice vacant of any emotion. She wryly smiled in satisfaction as all the color drained from his face.

In an instant, Hermione felt herself being yanked up from the floor and pushed back roughly against the bookshelves. Draco's tall frame loomed over her dangerously.

'Not now!' she inwardly pleaded as the familiar heat rushed over her due to Draco's proximity.

" So, how shall I hex you Granger? How about reliving your beaver days? Maybe I should cast an enlargement charm on your head so it can match the size of your freakishly large Mudblood brain," Draco had a slightly serene, thoughtful expression on his face. Hermione shuddered feeling of hot, minty puffs of air hit the shell of her ear. Since when did he get so close?

' Maybe it's the fact that he's holding you at wand point!' she scolded herself silently.

Her throat tightened at the contact of the wand tip pressed firmly against her jugular.

" Looks like I got you unprepared and off guard Granger. Your perfect days are over." He growled, looking at her in disgust.

" For the last bloody godforsaken time, I'm not perfect! I have good grades because I earned them. What exactly is your definition of being perfect Malfoy? Strutting around the school like your God's gift because you're a pure blood?" she snapped. Draco felt a course of anger flow through his veins.

" I'm anything but perfect Granger and…" he trailed off before Hermione abruptly cut him off.

" But you act like it! I guess I'll be even more perfect if everything I want gets paid off like that!" she said, her voice showing evidence of anger than lust more by the minute.

" You shut your mouth you filthy little Mudblood! How dare you speak about me like you know me! I've worked for everything I've wanted!" he growled. His patience walking a fine line and his tension was just about to snap.

" Yet its okay for you to make assumptions about me and my life like you know me? We barely even speak Malfoy and there's more to me than my classroom appearance! I have morals unlike you," she spat, a bit of red splashed her cheeks in a flattering manner.

" I have morals too!" he countered angrily.

" What? Keeping all in the family!?" she spat back sarcastically. Draco paled at her words as all the blood drained from his normal white complexion.

" How dare you!" Draco seethed, making a swipe to grab her arm. Hermione shrunk back and recoiled from his touch. His seeker skills shone through before she could make a getaway. He held her tightly against his chest; her breasts were being crushed at the startling proximity between the two. Draco looked down at her dangerously as he continued to hold her closely.

The heat coursing through her veins was edging to the point of being unbearable. She glanced at his scowling face though half hooded eyes. If he could just step back, she could knee him and make a break for it. Maybe, if she just gave in for a second, it wouldn't be so bad…no! She scolded herself for even considering that option.

" Malfoy, if you don't step back I'm afraid that I might do something stupid," she warned, turning away from him embarrassedly. Don't give in; please don't give, not now.

" Granger, as you can see, I have a wand and you don't so don't make threats you can't carry out. Besides, you wouldn't be in this position for speaking about things you don't know the fuck about," he snapped, his stormy orbs narrowing dangerously.

" Y-you started it!" she sputtered pathetically, sounding more childish by the second.

" Yes, due to the constant, pitiful cries of our year bookworm," he drawled in mock pity.

" You just can't leave me and my friends alone can't you! I know you started that fight today with Harry! Let me help you out here, Malfoy, just who the hell are you trying to impress? There's no one here as you can see, so may kindly detach yourself from my personal space and run along so I can pitifully cry in peace," she pouted, looking at him in distain.

" Potter had it coming to him anyway! You should have heard him. He was bitching at Hooch because he couldn't play both Seeker and Keeper positions," he scoffed rolling his eyes at the thought. She pursed her lips in irritation.

" You look like Professor McGonagall when you do that," he teased, chuckling at her appalled reaction. Furiously, she shoved past him and walked away to a different aisle. Sinking to the floor in defeat, she leaned her back against the bottom bookshelf, hoping that Malfoy got the hint to leave her alone. Like that was going to happen.

Draco Malfoy was truly a parasite.

She silently cursed him when he joined her on the floor. Just what the bloody hell was he doing?

" Malfoy, what do you want?" she moaned agitatedly. At that moment all she wanted to do was just smack that smug smirk off of his handsome face. Merlin, why did he have to be so fucking close to her? She breathed in shakily trying to keep her hormones at bay.

" Did Potter piss you off again?" he grinned, just tempting her to agree with him. Why should she answer since he already knew the bloody answer? Instead, she ignored him, staring straight ahead of her.

" I'll take that as a yes."

" Fuck off Malfoy," she growled, not in the mood to put up with his bullshit. Draco chuckled in response.

" Such language Granger! I'm just trying to have a civil conversation with you," he said, putting his hands up in mock defense.

" Don't you think maybe I don't want to talk to you," she snapped irritably. Her hands were slightly trembling in rage.

" Wow, Potter must have pulled a number on you."

That was it. Draco must have anticipated the move because he caught her easily before it came into contact with his cheek.

" You've hit me once Granger. Don't think you'll have the pleasure of doing it again every time your knickers are in a twist," he warned with narrowed eyes. Her arm went slack in his firm grip. Hesitantly, her honey colored eyes met his silver ones. Draco watched curiously as her face went from anger to content in a brief second. He released her wrist and awkwardly placed his hand back at his side. Cocking her head to the side, she still held his gaze, leaning her face closer. She never felt this calm before and it was just because she was looking in his eyes. All of a sudden she felt light headed and her eyes fluttered shut in bliss. Slowly, she opened them seeing the growing uncomfortable look on Draco Malfoy's face. There was something about his penetrating gaze that she just couldn't look away from.

" Your eyes have a little bit of blue in them," she said quietly, her eyes never leaving his face. She grinned at the cute way his brows furrowed when he was confused.

" You know, Malfoy, you're quite handsome when you face is relaxed like that. I thought that scowl was permanently etched on your face," speaking a bit low in a voice that wasn't her own. Instantly, Malfoy stood up and she followed his lead.

" Granger, j-just what exactly are you doing?" the opposite bookshelf digging into his lower back, backing away from her approaching form. Hermione boldly pressed the palm of her hand against his chest, watching in fascination as he drew in a sharp breath. He reached out to remove her hand when she moved closer, pushing up against him.

" You don't want to do this Granger," he warned pathetically. She smiled mischievously at his predicament. Guess Malfoy wasn't as strong and prejudice when he has a girl pressed close to him.

" Really now? Now why exactly did you follow me back here when I told you to leave me alone? You just couldn't resist right? Tired of Daddy picking out those boring, blonde pureblooded girls when you want something forbidden," she teased, breathing softly against neck. She smirked mockingly at weak attempt to push her away.

" Shh, baby, it's okay," she hushed him, pressing her index finger against his full, soft lips, " You're upset. So, vent it out."

In one smooth motion, her lips were firmly pressed against his. He stiffened immediately at the contact and tried to turn his head away, rejecting the kiss. Her hand fastened itself to the back of his neck, holding his head in place. Giving in to the passion of the kiss, Draco responded, his lips matching the motions of hers. Her fingers ran through his hair, reveling in the softness of his translucent locks. Just before he was about to pull her closer, she broke to kiss, taking in a deep breath. Draco smirked sexily at the clouded, lust filled mirrored in the depths chocolate gaze.

" Wow, I didn't think you had it in you to do that," a mischievous glint was hinted in his eyes.

The look was gone in an instant when a wave of nausea overwhelmed Hermione. Draco opened his mouth to say something else, but before he could say anything, she was already out the door.