A Team Together

By BakaNeko

Disclaimer: I do not own Princess Nine, I just happen to really like the series. This is my first fanfiction so please be gently. You may bite, just don't leave marks k! Anyways I don't own any of the original characters, but I do own the new characters I throw in, some people in the original series got jipped in the love department. Oh and forgive misspelling, unless their really bad, then tell me!

She'd never thought it possible for her heart to break and be filled with love at the same time. As she watched Takasugi round the bases, her team's dream of Koshien faded further and further away. Ryo felt a hand grip her shoulder and as she turned, Izumi pulled her into a tight embrace.

"It's okay Ryo," she whispered and in that moment Ryo knew she was right.

All the girls ran in, crying, yelling, and then Yuki was there. With tears streaming down her face, her head hung, a solemn, "I'm so sorry," fell from her lips.

"Yuki you did your best," Ryo said with a smile yanking her into the group, "we all did our best!

Look how far we came in our first season. The only reason we're not going to Koshien is because we just played the Koshien Champs and we almost beat 'em! Let's go congratulate them."

As a team they walked over to the jubilant guys who were whooping and hollering, with Takasugi in the middle of the commotion. When all the girls were in front of them, the girls bowed, showing their respect.

In unison, they called out "Good game!" smiling and sincerely happy for the other team. Takasugi looked at Ryo's face, then looked at his fellow teammates. Stepping forward, he bowed deeply, followed by the rest of the team. Each side stared at one another for second and then in a rush everyone was either congratulating or commenting on how well they'd played.

Ryo stood in front of Takasugi saying, "You played really well and I just want to apologize for walking you and–"

"Tofu, there's nothing to apologize for," taking her chin in his hand, he kissed her gently on the forehead, "I'm not really sure what happened but all I know is, in the end you didn't give up on me, you gave me all you had, and that's enough."

"Takasugi" she whispered, her eyes glistening from unshed tears, watching as he began to lean down towards her.

Chuckling to himself, he asked, "Don't you think you should start calling me Hiroki now?"

Off to the side with the others, Izumi watched as Hiroki gently kissed Ryo on the lips. Sighing to herself, the little toad straightened her shoulders, gave a small, resigned smile and turned back to continue the congratulations, only to find her mother in front of her.

"Izumi this was a fine beginning, well done," Keiko said quietly and gently squeezed Izumi's arm.

Izumi stood still for a moment, feeling the warmth of her mother's hand. She felt Keiko let go and watched as her mother began to calmly walk towards the Coach.

"Mother," she said, the name barely escaping her lips, as a few tears mixed with sweat.