A Tale of Two Times

By: Isis Katz =^^=

Kagome and her friends jump into the tainted bone eaters well as Naraku's evil power licked at their heels. Since the wells bewitchment they end up in a different time period. *Middle Earth*. Kagome lands on one side and meets up with the fellowship of the ring. While Inuyasha and the rest set out to find her. Inuyasha/Lord of the Rings crossover.


Kagome sat in Kaede's hut filling her quiver full of arrows. She felt as if something was going to happen so she was getting prepared.

"Kagome lighten up nothings gonna happen", argued Inuyasha.

Kagome shrugged his words off her mind and gave her bow a quick tune up. When she finished that she walked outside picking up her huge yellow backpack on the way out. Inuyasha was chatting with Sango and Miroku. Kagome walked towards her friends and froze.

"There's a Shikon shard heading this way", said Kagome turning towards the forest. She took a deep breath and smelled Naraku's devilish miasma.

"NARAKU!!!!!!!", yelled Inuyasha in fury, unsheathing Tetsusaiga.

Sango quickly changed into her battle outfit while Miroku readied his staff and wind tunnel. Kagome stayed speechless the evil seemed worse this time, the miasma seemed thicker causing her throat to run dry and clench. She quickly shook the feeling off and turned to see Inuyasha charging with Tetsusaiga. Kagome's eyes widened as Kagura's furious wind blades slashed Inuyasha.

"INUYASHA!!!!!!!!", yelled Kagome running to his aid.

Sango took a chance and launched her Hiriakotstu. While Kirara waited for Sango's orders. Miroku smashed and clashed his staff at Naraku's hell bugs, he remembered not to use his wind tunnel for fear he might die like last time. Kanna sent back Inuyasha's devastating blows, but Inuyasha not being a fool remembered to dodge. Shippo perched on Kagome's shoulder.

"Kagome what's going on", said Shippo worry staining every word.

~*Naraku is to strong we must all head for the well*~, thought Kagome.

"Inuyasha!!! Sango!!! Miroku!!! Let's head to the Bone eaters Well!!!!!!", yelled Kagome knowing if her friends hung on to her while jumping into the well they would be transported to the other side.

Inuyasha was reluctant to leave but followed Kagome's orders anyways. Naraku noticed this and followed close behind.

Kagome jumped onto Inuyasha's back while Sango and Miroku and Shippo rode on Kirara. Kagome saw the well clearly than saw it morph with evil. Kagome turned to see Naraku following behind and she noticed the dark aura of evil around him.

"JUMP INTO THE WELL!!!!!!!", yelled Kagome as they jumped disappearing into the slowly evil morphing well.

"Run into the well Kagome, but what's on the other SIDE!!!!!!", said Naraku with an evil laugh.


Kagome fell into a large forest and landed in a tree. Kagome opened her huge hazel eyes and gasped.

"Looks like I'm not in Kyoto anymore", whispered Kagome.

She then heard some bickering and yelling and looked down.

"NEVER TRUST AN ELF!!!!!!!!", yelled Gimli.

Kagome felt a little interested and leaned in a bit. She then felt the half of the Shikon Jewel she had pulse.

"What?", said Kagome to herself.

She then lost her balance and fell to the ground in front of a crowd of Elves, Dwarfs, and a Wizard, Hobbit, and men.

She quickly got up and had her back up against the rock, which held the One Ring of Power. The back part of her palm touched the ring and her eyes went soulless. The evil made her feel queasy and she looked up.

"One of Saurons spies", said Gimli as he raised his ax preparing to chop Kagome into pieces.

"Wait Gimli!!", said Gandalf raising his hand for Gimli to stop. But Gimli continued not hearing Gandalf's request. Kagome out of impulse drew her bow an shot her arrow. The priestess power packed arrow broke Gimli's ax and landed on the ground leaving a crater.

Kagome shivered a little in fear and stepped back.

"What kind of witchcraft is this?", asked Legolas as he stared at Kagome.

"Who is she?", asked Frodo to Gandalf.

"Young lady who are you?", asked Gandalf still amazed by Kagome's archery skills.

"Who am I? Oh yeah. My name is Kagome Hiragashi", said Kagome suddenly feeling a burn mark on her palm. Gandalf noticed this and smiled.

"She is not of any evil", said Gandalf to the group of people.

"How do you know, Gandalf?", asked Lord Elrond.

"She has a burn mark from the One Ring", said Gandalf getting Kagome's little hand and showing the burn.

"Meaning she is of good", said Legolas, still staring at the crater the arrow made.

Kagome slowly took her hand back and looked around the crowd. There were men and one seemed to have something on his mind. Boromir stared hard at the Ring and at Kagome.

Kagome then remembered the Shikon No Tama and yelped.

"WHERE'S THE SHIKON SHARD!!!!!!!!!!", yelled Kagome looking around the floor and saw it at the feet of a weather beaten man. Kagome reached down and picked it up, it pulsed a little and she stared.

"What is that?", asked Aragorn pointing at the Sacred Jewel.

"This is the Shikon No Tama or Jewel of four souls", said Kagome holding the jewel close.

"I see a very powerful aura around it", said Lord Elrond.

"Well it has a story to it but it's a very long one", said Kagome feeling a little bit more comfortable.

Kagome told of the jewel's history, she then stared over at the One Ring.

"What is that?", asked Kagome staring at the ring.

"The one ring of power", said Gandalf also telling of the rings history.

Boromir then stood up and said, "This is a sign. Look at this we have the ring and this girl came with a jewel that gives unimaginable power to anyone who posses it. Let's use these gifts against Sauron".

Kagome gasped, she had just gotten here and someone already wants the Sacred Jewel for themselves.

"I can't let you use this jewel", said Kagome slowly.

"Why not?", asked Boromir staring hard at Kagome.

"I am it's sworn protector", said Kagome raising her bow and arrow, "If you want it I dare you to stand, walk, and try to take it from my hands"

Boromir sat down and Kagome lowered her arrows, her hands shaking uncontrollably. She then felt someone take hold of her hands and she gasped.

Arwen stared straight at Kagome and smiled a warm caring smile.

"Father I will take this one with me", said Arwen leading Kagome from the crowded scene.

Kagome raised an eyebrow, who was this woman.

"My name is Arwen", answered the she-elf, as if she read Kagome's mind.

"My names Kagome", said the raven-haired beauty.

A few hours later Kagome was in a nice warm bath with rose petals. She relaxed a bit.

"You have a strong heart and would be a strong ally for the Fellowship", said Arwen putting Kagome's hair in a bun.

"I don't know", said Kagome a little unsure.

"It's your choice", said Arwen leaving Kagome to dress.

Kagome looked at the clothes given to her, beautiful colored cloth and a very long skirt. She then saw her school uniform dried from the wash it went through. She quickly changed into it and left the room.

She wandered the halls and pathways and saw, the little hobbit who was seated next to the wizard at the council.

He looked very worried and she couldn't stand to see an unhappy face.

"What's the matter with you?", asked Kagome walking over to him.

"Huh? Oh nothing", said the hobbit.

Kagome closed her eyes just enough to see her hazel eyes sparkle with the shining stars.

"Your names Kagome. Right?", said the hobbit staring at Kagome.

"Uh huh. Yours?", asked Kagome staring at him.

"Frodo Baggins", said the hobbit.

"Nice to meet you Frodo", said Kagome.

He smiled and stared at the moon, Kagome looked at the silver moon and it reminded her of Inuyasha's silver hair.

"Inuyasha", whispered Kagome.

"Who?", asked Frodo staring at Kagome.

"My friends. I miss them, you see they came here with me to, but I've lost contact with them", said Kagome jadedly.

"May I ask who they were?", asked the hobbit

"Well my friend Sango is a demon slayer, and Shippo's a little fox demon. Miroku is a perverted Monk and Inuyasha... he is a half demon and my best friend", said Kagome.

Frodo nodded.

Kagome then remembered her reason for coming up to the hobbit.

"You never answered my question", said Kagome.

Frodo stayed quiet for a while then said, "I fear my destiny."

"You know what I used to fear my destiny too", said Kagome.

"I do not understand", said Frodo.

"Well it's kind of hard to explain but I'm the reincarnation of a priestess", said Kagome.

"A Priestess?", said Frodo a look of puzzlement on his face.

"A women who has the power to destroy demons with sacred arrows", she continued

"They protected shrines, villages and such", said Kagome.

"Oh", said Frodo.

"You see my destiny is to bring together the whole pieces of the Shikon Jewel", said Kagome showing Frodo the half of the jewel she possessed.

"I see. My destiny is to be the bearer of the accursed Ring of Power", said Frodo showing Kagome the ring.

Kagome touched her burn and smiled.

"We have almost the same destiny. You bear this ring and I bear this jewel", said Kagome smiling.

There was a pause between the two then Frodo spoke up.

"Are you coming with the Fellowship?", he asked.

Kagome stared at him then at the moon.

"It would make me a little more braver if you did", said Frodo.

"Then I will", said Kagome a little unsure of what she just said.

She awoke early the next morning an grabbed her enormous back pack and also gathered her bow and arrows. She saw Frodo looking for her. She waved her hand at him and walked over.

"An why is she here?", asked Gimli rudely.

"Because Frodo would find it more comfortable if I came", said Kagome knitting her eyebrow together in agitation.

"She may come?", asked Legolas to Aragorn.

"If Frodo desires it", said Aragorn staring at Kagome. Gandalf walked out and Kagome followed in back with Sam, Merry, and Pippin. They soon got to know each and became fast friends.

They rested on three big rocks and thought about the path they take. Gandalf and Gimli argued about going through Moria. While Pippin and Merry were getting sword lessons from Boromir. Frodo sat with Sam and Kagome started a fire.

Kagome opened her backpack and placed some ramen over the fire. It was soon cooked and the smell was very alluring.

"What are you cooking Kagome?", asked Legolas staring at the cup full of noodles in Kagome's hand.

"This is a delicacy where I come from. It's called ramen", said Kagome eating the noodles with chop sticks.

Kagome then felt a ting of evil and looked up to a black cloud coming towards them. Legolas yelled something and everyone hid except Kagome until she was pulled down by Aragorn.

"Spies of Saruman", said Legolas.

"Spies?", said Kagome to herself.

~* What evil is this Saruman *~, thought Kagome


Please no flames. This is a really good fic if you give it a chance.

Isis Katz =^^=