Disclaimer: i do not own dogma or bill and Ted or the matrix.

A/N: please read and review. hopefully this chapter has less dialogue than the first one.

"a most excellent dogma."

Chapter 2: "We are Wild Stallions!"

Light. A blinding white light. This was all Ted saw when he opened his eyes. He groaned, his vision was still blurry.
"Neo," Said a low voice," the one has returned." Ted squinted to see the owner of the voice. It was a tall black man in a pair of sunglasses and a long coat. Ted sat up, his head spinning with questions. Where was he? Where was Bill? And who is this person, Neo that this scary black guy is talking about?
"Welcome back to the matrix Neo." The man said
"Huh?" ted stood up.
"Neo, Don't you remember me?" the man walked forward towards Ted. Ted backed away, " Dude, all I know is I was eating my burrito, minding my own business and this azreal guy comes along and kills me and now I can't find Bill!"
The man thought for a minute as though the name rang a bell, "Bill, Bill, Bill. . ."
"Dude, I got to find him!" yelled Ted.
The man sighed," If you must find this Bill then go." With that another flash of light blinded Ted's eyes.
This time when he opened his eyes he was in a field of flowers. When he sat up they never seemed to end. Was he in heaven? Ted decided to find Bill. He walked for as long as he could, which was a couple a feet, "Man, I'm so tried of walking." He muttered.
" Ted! Hey Ted! Dude, where are you?" It was Bill. He ran up to Ted. They hugged each other, but realized what they were doing and broke away quickly, "fag."
"Ted, Where are we?" asked Bill.
" Heaven." Said a voice behind them (they certainly are encountering many mysterious voices).
Bill and Ted turned to see a man in a brown suit standing in front of them.
"God?" asked Ted.
" Not quite. I'm the voice of God," the man answered.
" I am William Preston Esquire."
"And I am Ted Theodore Logan."
"And Together We Are WILD STALLIONS!!!!!"
" Yes I know who you are," The Metatron said, "and you shouldn't be here."
Another man ran up to them. It was Rufus (the apostle).
"Man, I can't find God anywhere. She must be on one of those skee ball trips again," Rufus reported. He looked at Bill and Ted curiously, "who are these two crackers?"
"These two well change the world as we know it with their music. They're the fate of existence. It's all apart of God's hilarious sense of humor." The Metatron rolled his eyes.
"Why are they here then?" Rufus Asked.
" Azreal," The Metatron didn't have to say any more then that for Rufus to understand the situation.
"You want me to call Bethany on this one?" asked Rufus.
" No," The metatron paused as though he was making a terrible decision, "call the prophets in on this one."
Rufus' eyes widened, "your funeral." He shrugged and walked off.
The Metatron turned to bill and Ted, "we should get you back to your bodies."

* * * * *

"Good Work Gentlemen." Said Azreal to the evil Bill and Ted.
" Yeah, but where are they?" asked Loki, "they should be here, in hell."
" You've failed Me." hissed Lucifer.
Azreal gulped nervously, "I can fix this," He assured, "all I have to do is dispose of the bodies. They can't get back in them if they can't find them."
Lucifer walked toward Azreal a grin on his face, " that is the. . . stupidest idea I have ever heard of!" he yelled slamming Azreal into the wall, "but it's so stupid it just mite work. Take Loki with you. That way you'll be sure not to screw this up again!"
"Right, you're boss." Laughed Azreal nervousness still in his tone.