A/N: I hope you enjoy the story. I have done a lot of changing in this chapter...Please review ^_^

This is a Pan and Mirai Trunks Story.

Dreaming of You – Chapter 1

"I love you Pan!" the voice called out.

"Help me please...save me" it cried.

Pan woke up sweating and shaking in bed. She looked at the clock beside her bed. It read 3am. She sighed shaking her head.

*Not again! When will I stop having these dreams?* she thought to herself in dismay. Deciding she needed some fresh air she got out of bed and walked over to the balcony. Standing there she tried to clear her thoughts.

She had turned 19 just last week and that was when the dreams had started. She missed her family and friends ever since she had moved away from home. A few months ago she had been offered a place at the University of Higher Education in Japan and had to move. Her parents were very proud of her especially her dad, Gohan. She was taking the higher business course because she wanted to open up her own company.

It had all started off great. She was enjoying herself as the months went by. All that had pretty much changed over the past few days. Now she was finding it hard to concentrate on her studies. All she could think about were the dreams and stress about why she was having them. They were always similar though. The voice was always there crying out to her.

Sighing resignedly, she decided to go flying to clear her head and took off to the sky.

*Who is he and why does he want my help?* she wondered. All of a sudden she got a flashback.

"Pan...help me please...save me?" he pleaded.

"I love you!" he cried. His lavender hair fell onto his face covering the tears falling from his blue eyes.

"Trunks..." She gasped, pausing in shock when the flashback ended. She recognized the lavender hair and blue eyes but the Trunks in her dreams looked much younger compared to the Trunks she knew who was in his thirties.

*What does it mean?* she thought to herself in confusion. When an answer didn't come to her she gave up. Suddenly feeling tired she decided to return to her flat. Several minutes later she arrived back at her flat, rushing towards her bed and eventually knocking out.

She woke up to the sound of her alarm clock going off and looked at the time. It read 7am. She yawned and forced herself to get up, even though all she wanted to do was curl up and go back to sleep.

*I feel like I haven't slept for days* she thought as she stifled another yawn. Grabbing her towel she headed for the bathroom. She removed her clothes and took a shower. As the water hit her body she thought back to last night...

*How can the man in my dreams be Trunks who looks much younger than the Trunks I know* she wondered and after a good few minutes the answer came to her. Maybe the Trunks in my dreams is not from this time. Grandpa once told me how Trunks from the future came to this time to save us from the androids' She turned the water off and started to brush her teeth.

A few minutes later she emerged from the bathroom and started to dress. She pulled on a red tank top with some black jeans before doing her hair and placing her feet into her low heeled shoes. Then she checked her timetable to see if she had any classes today and to her relief found none. It was Friday today so that would mean no classes for a few days. She had no plans and decided to go home. Quickly packing some clothes and some other belongings she walked out of her apartment locking it.

"Hey Pan what's up?" called Alice as she headed towards her.

"Beside the ceiling and sky..." Pan replied back with grin. Alice started to laugh as she paused beside her.

"So what're you doing today? I see you got some plans" Alice said gesturing to the bag.

"Yeah...I'm headed home" Pan answered.

"Lucky you...I still got some boring classes today but I'm going on a date with David later tonight!" Alice said with a grin.

"That's great so you two decided to go steady then?" Pan asked with a smile.

"Yeah...Have fun then and I'll see you when you get back" Alice replied before turning to enter the apartment next door with one last final wave.

"Take care" Pan called out before making her way outside. After stepping outside into the bright sunny morning she walked towards the usual quiet place before taking to the sky when she was sure no one was looking...

After a few hours of flying she finally arrived at Mount Pazou and landed lowering her ki. She had not told her family of her plans to drop by for a few days because she wanted it to be a surprise. She knocked on the door and smirked when she sensed her father coming. He opened the door and nearly fainted when he saw who it was.

"PAN" he cried in shocked and pulled her into a big hug. Pan started to laugh and hugged him back.

"Gohan who is it?" called Videl from inside.

"Sssshhhh...Let's surprise her" Gohan said quietly, pulling her into the house.

"Gohan...?" Videl repeated coming out of the kitchen. When she saw Pan she screamed in joy and they hugged.

"Oh my god Pan what are you doing here? Don't you have any classes to go to?" Videl cried.

"I don't have any today or on the weekend, so you got me for a few days" she answered with the famous 'Son' grin.

"That's great honey. I missed you so much" Videl replied hugging her tightly.

"I missed you all too...So where's Grandma and Uncle Goten?" she asked.

"I don't know where mum is but Goten's gone out somewhere" Gohan responded. It was then the front door opened and ChiChi walked in carrying the groceries.

"Grandma!" cried Pan when she saw her. ChiChi dropped the bags in her hand when she heard Pan's voice... Gohan reacted quickly and grabbed them before they hit the floor. Placing them down, he wiped his forehead in relief.

"Whoa...that was close or we wouldn't be having any food tonight" he said making Pan laugh as she walked over to her grandma and gave her a hug.

"Are you okay grandma?" she asked lovingly. ChiChi smiled as she nodded. Pan settled down as her grandma and her mom started preparing breakfast, making small chit chat throughout. After half an hour they were all seated at the table eating breakfast. As usual ChiChi and Videl looked on with a smile as Gohan and Pan ate every scrap of the food...

Later on after she had changed and spent some time with her family, Pan decided to head to Capsule Corp to see everyone there. She told her family where she was headed before taking to the sky headed for Capsule Corp. When she finally arrived after another two hours of flight, she landed on the grounds of Capsule Corp and knocked on the door. She grinned when she sensed Vegeta coming to open the door as usual mumbling some crap. He opened the door and was surprised to see Pan there.

"Hey Veggie how you been?" asked Pan pulling him into a hug which surprisingly he didn't pull away from.

"Hey Brat...Long time no see" replied Vegeta with a smirk. They walked inside and into the kitchen.

"Hey Bulma!" cried Pan when she saw Bulma sat at the table.

"Pan...How are you? I haven't seen you in ages" Bulma replied getting up to hug her

"I've been great...thanks" she answered returning the hug before they both settled down. Bulma turned to look at Vegeta who was as usual doing his lean against the door frame act and told him to sit down, which he did after glaring at his wife.

"So Pan...how's Uni?" Bulma asked turning back to her.

"It's great but most of the lectures are so boring" Pan answered with a sigh.

"Brat have you been training?" asked Vegeta.

"Sometimes but nowadays I don't have time to..." she said replied regretfully.

"Training room...Now" Vegeta ordered with a frown before getting up and leaving the room.

"Cool..." Pan replied with excitement. She turned to look apologetically at Bulma who just shook her head with a smile.

"It's okay Pan...I'm used to it. Have fun" she said. Pan gave her the famous 'son' grin before hurrying out of the room. She headed towards the gravity room and grabbed one of the training gi which was a tight black suit and white boots. After she had changed in the changing room she entered the gravity room and Vegeta turned up the gravity to 500.

"It took you long enough...Now let's power up to full" ordered Vegeta and he powered up to super saiyan and was surprised to see Pan follow his actions.

"When did you turn into a super saiyan?" asked Vegeta taken aback.

"Oh ages ago..." replied Pan grinning. Vegeta smirked at the thought of a real fight and moved to attack her. They trained for a few hours and then stopped for a break. She downed some water from the bottle while she waited for Vegeta to come back. He had gone to grab something to eat. It seemed that she had impressed him once again after ages. The thought brought her a feeling which she hadn't felt in a long time, of satisfaction. She still had it in her.

It was then she felt someone walk in. Turning around she saw that it was Trunks who looked really surprised when he saw her.

"Hey Pan when did you get back?" he asked.

"Today but I'm only staying for the weekend" she answered looking away. She suddenly was reminded of the dreams she had been having.

"That's great! You want to spar?" he asked walking towards her.

"Sure why not..." she replied. Trunks smiled at her, still slightly shocked at how much she had changed.

*She looks more like a woman* he thought quickly looking her over. Pan didn't say anything as he checked her over but quickly moved and kicked him in the face. Trunks was shocked but quickly hid it as he started to fight back.

*When did she get this good?* he wondered as he quickly turned super saiyan and attacked her. Pan continued fighting him but it was clear that Trunks was winning so she turned super saiyan. Trunks stared wide eyed back at her.

"When did you turn super saiyan?" he said in shock looking at her golden hair and green eyes. She smirked but didn't say anything. They continued their fight. Meanwhile Vegeta was watching them from the doorway as he stuffed his face with his sandwich.

*It seems that Pan could very much be as strong as Trunks, now that she has turned super saiyan but when did the Brat get so strong? She definitely has been training increasing her potential when Trunks hasn't been. There was also a possibility that she could be stronger* he thought as he finished eating the sandwich and told them to stop. They quickly powered down and turned to look at Vegeta.

"Son...it looks to me that you've been neglecting your training for a while, am I correct?" he asked looking at Trunks with a frown. Trunks blushed but didn't say anything. Vegeta shook his head in disgust before turning to face Pan.

"You definitely are much stronger since the last time we fought together. It seems that you haven't been neglecting your training like I thought. Unlike some..." he said glaring at Trunks, who looked away with a reddened face. Pan grinned at the compliment, which was rare coming from the Prince of all Saiyans of course.

"Thanks Vegeta...I think that's enough for me now, so why don't you two carry on" she said before turning to walk out of the gravity room. Trunks observed her as she left with a frown.

*How come she isn't talking to me properly? She seems so distant today... She didn't even acknowledge me before she left...* his thoughts trailed off as he started his training with Vegeta...

When she had showered and changed back into her own clothes Pan wondered off looking for Bulma since Bra wasn't home yet. She found her working in her office.

"Hey Bulma what's this?" She asked seeing Bulma working on a weird looking machine.

"Oh...hey Pan I'm working on a time machine similar to the one Mirai Trunks came in" Bulma said looking at some papers.

"That's great! So are you going to test it or what?" She asked looking at the time machine.

"Yeah but so far no one's volunteered" Bulma replied looking disappointed.

"Well... I'll volunteer for you if you want?" She answered after a good few minutes, with a sparkle in her eyes.

"Really...? That would be great. If you want we can do it right now. If you give me a minute then I'll get you all ready" Bulma replied looking excited. Pan nodded and waited.

"Can I go to any timeline?" she asked suddenly, making Bulma look up.

"Of course" she replied with a smile.

"Do you mind if...I ask you to send me to the timeline where...Trunks is like in his twenties?" asked Pan hesitantly. She noticed the curiosity appear in Bulma's eyes.

"Sure I can but why do you choose that particular time?" she asked suspiciously. Pan couldn't think of a good excuse and sighed. She was going to have to tell the truth.

"Can you keep a secret?" asked Pan hopefully.

"Sure...you can trust me Pan" answered Bulma looking serious. So Pan quickly filled her in on the dreams she had been having for the past few weeks. When Pan had finished she waited quietly to hear Bulma's response, who was looking worried.

"Why do you think that he's asking for help from you?" asked Bulma.

"I don't know...that's why I want to go to his timeline and find out" Pan replied. Bulma went quiet as she thought about what to do. She could understand Pan's curiosity and why she was worried. Coming to a decision she turned to look Pan in the eye before replying.

"Ok...I'll give you my permission but how long are you planning to go for?" she asked. Pan smiled.

"I don't know...Is his time different to ours? I mean how many days pass there if only a day passes here?" asked Pan hoping it wasn't too complicated.

"Umm... let me see...a month would pass in his time whereas in our time only a day would pass" Bulma replied with a grin.

"That's great. I got more than enough time" said Pan happily. Bulma nodded before she turned to pick up her phone and dialling a number.

"Hello? Hey Gohan I'm just calling in to say that Pan's going to stay overnight...yeah... don't worry... yeah okay I'll tell Trunks to drop her off at your place tomorrow, okay bye" She said before hanging up. Pan smiled at Bulma with gratitude.

"You're the best Bulma! I owe you big time" She said giving her a hug.

"You're welcome...Oh by the way I'll tell everyone here to cover up with that story, okay?" Bulma added as she returned the hug. Pan thanked her once again. Bulma then explained carefully about how to use the time machine and what she had to do when she was ready to return.

Pan concentrated even though it was boring and when Bulma was done explaining, she made Pan repeat everything back to her at least twice.

"Don't worry Bulma. I've got it!" Pan assured her.

"It's best to be completely assured about something Pan, instead of regretting it later" Bulma answered easily.

After another few minutes Pan was ready to go and they exchanged their goodbyes. Pan then, on Bulma's cue, followed the instructions she was given before she pressed the button which would make the time machine disappear before it travelled quickly through the river of time. She closed her eyes praying that she got there in one piece...

When everything was still she opened her eyes hurriedly and looked around. She was surprised by what she saw. The scene in front of her forced her eyes to open wide in disbelief as she eyed the destruction surrounding her. Everything looked like a scene in a nightmare. She had landed in a remote land high up and from there she could clearly see the destruction of the city down below.

According to Bulma's calculations the androids still existed. She didn't bother to hide her ki because even if the androids turned up, she could destroy them easily. Just like she predicted, only a few minutes later she could sense two enormous power levels heading in her direction. They appeared before her only moments later.

"Who are you punk?" asked 18. Pan just smiled and looked over in another direction as she sensed another ki approaching. She already knew who it was so she returned her attention completely on the androids, who were currently staring back at her with complete confidence and boredom.

"I'm your worst nightmare" She answered powering up to super saiyan. 17 and 18 just laughed but she wasn't done just yet. Her power level continued to grow more and more as she transformed into a super saiyan 2. They paused in their laughter, exchanging glances before rushing towards her. They double teamed her throwing punches and kicks relentlessly at her, which she blocked easily.

"What's wrong? Was it something I said?" asked Pan when she dodged a blast from 17. She continued toying with them making them angrier. 18 was the first to go. Pan kicked her in the face and as she fell down to the ground she fired a powerful kamehameha at her. All that was left of her were burned up ashes.

"You're going to pay for that bitch" yelled 17 throwing a blast at close proximity to her face. 17 smirked as her head fell back but it soon faded when she turned back to face him, without a scratch. She sighed and sent a blast at him finishing him off. Powering down she turned towards Trunks who stood facing her, completely in shock.

*It's the Trunks from my dreams* she thought looking at him. He had shoulder length lavender hair and the brightest blue eyes she had ever seen. Gazing into his eyes she saw all kinds of emotions but it was the sadness that really got to her. For a while they didn't say anything and just stared at each other. He finally broke the uncomfortable silence.

"Who are you? I know you're a saiyan" he said.

"Why don't we head back to Capsule Corp and then I'll explain" Pan said before walking to her time machine. Bulma had told her that she could change it into a capsule by pushing a button on the remote, which was exactly what she did. After grabbing her stuff she turned back to Trunks who hadn't moved.

"How do I know you can to be trusted?" He challenged her folding his arms.

"I assure you that you can because I'm from the future" She said taking off to the sky. Trunks followed her. They landed on the grounds of Capsule Corp soon enough. Pan looked about. It wasn't much different but it had an unmistakeable air of sadness around it. She followed Trunks inside to the kitchen.

"Sit down" he told her, as he sat down opposite to her. Pan sat down and waited for him to continue.

"Now can you tell me who you are?" He asked curiously.

"Okay...my name is Pan Son and I'm from the future" She said. Trunks eyes widened. Pan continued.

"I know what you're thinking and you're right, I am Gohan's daughter. I came here on Bulma's time machine" she paused not knowing what else to say, taking in the look of astonishment on his face. After what seemed longer than a few minutes, she was surprised to see a smile appear on his face.

"Wow...you're Gohan's daughter! I can't believe it!" He cried out not knowing what else to say. She smiled warmly back at him and he found that it stirred a weird warm feeling deep inside him.

"So now do you trust me?" she asked.

"Of course...I'm sorry about before" he apologized. She waved it off. Obviously he had to be careful considering the situation. An idea suddenly popped into her head, which she was sure he would like.

"Do you want to spar?" she asked eagerly. His eyes widened in surprise before she noticed the excitement appear in them.

"Why not...but first I really have to introduce you to my mom. She will be thrilled to meet you" He replied with a big grin on his face. Pan nodded and felt a strange warm feeling inside of her, seeing him perk up with like that. Trunks got up from the chair and gestured to her to follow him, which she did.

Pan looked around her as she followed Trunks and noticed the door to the gravity room. She stopped and pushed the button to open the door. The light turned on automatically as she peered around the empty room. It was clear that no one had used this room in a long time. She suddenly felt sad for Trunks knowing that there was no one around who could understand his power or teach him. Sensing his presence behind her she snapped out of her thoughts and turned around to face him. She observed how his eyes filled with pain as he looked into the empty room.

"It must be really hard for you...with no one left to understand your power or to train with" she said quietly looking away. He released a sigh before turning his gaze on her. He nodded as he attempted to hide his emotions from her. Unable to stop herself she moved forward to give him a hug. She sensed the surprise before he hesitantly returned it. A strange warm feeling inside both of them began to make itself known as they pulled back.

"Sorry I couldn't resist...We better go and find your mom then" she said finally, confused with the feelings she felt inside her.

"It's okay...let's go" he said unable to think of anything else to reply back with. He too was thinking along similar lines. They carried on walking until Trunk stopped outside a room, with its door opened and walked in.

"Hey mom" called Trunks. She was sitting at a desk surrounded by bits and pieces. It was obvious that she was working on something. She turned around quickly hearing his voice and rushed towards him.

"Trunks what happened? Are you okay...? Who's this...?" she paused as she eyed up Pan.

"This is Pan" he replied.

"Hello Pan...have we met before? You seem awfully familiar" Bulma responded. Pan turned to look at Trunks expectantly who nodded.

"Mom...let me explain. I've only just met Pan. I felt a very powerful ki but it wasn't the androids so I went to check it out. When I got there I saw Pan and she was fighting the androids. She was also powered up to super saiyan...and defeated them" he paused when he saw the astonished expression on his mother's face and continued.

"I brought her back here after she told me that she was from the future. This is Pan Son and she's Gohan's daughter... he was interrupted by Bulma moving forward to grab Pan by the shoulders.

"She's Gohan's daughter...? Oh my...I can't believe it!" She cried looking at Pan for confirmation, who simply nodded.

"Yes...I can see the resemblance now. This is a miracle but how did you come to this timeline?" asked Bulma looking amazed.

"The Bulma of my time built me a time machine and she asked me to test it for her, so I did and came to this timeline" Pan answered.

"That's amazing! My other self built a time machine" Bulma said in disbelief. Pan nodded and pulled out the capsule.

"This capsule contains the time machine...would you like to see it?" she asked. Bulma nodded and Pan took a step back before she tossed the capsule onto the floor. There was a loud poof and seconds later the time machine stood before them. Bulma's eyes widened and moved closer to examine it.

"I was told many years ago that before the androids arrived in our time, an older Trunks came back from the future in a time machine to warn us of the androids and that grandpa was supposed to die of a heart disease a year before they arrived. He gave Grandpa an antidote for the heart virus..." Pan paused before continuing with her story explaining how exactly 3 years later the androids appeared like they were warned.

She told them about the androids getting absorbed by Cell and about the Cell Games. How in the end Goku had to sacrifice himself in order to save the planet before Cell made a shocking return and Gohan defeated him in the final battle. When she had finished Trunks and Bulma were staring wide eyed at her.

"Wow! Poor Goku!" said Bulma eventually. Trunks didn't say anything.

"I think that Cell is still out there and we must destroy him before he hurts anyone else" said Pan looking at Trunks, who nodded in agreement.

"Hey have you had anything to eat since you've arrived?" asked Bulma, as the thought struck her. Pan shook her head. Bulma glared at Trunks who blushed.

"I can't believe you didn't give her anything to eat. She must be starving...come on Pan let me get you something to eat" she said walking out. Trunks sighed before he apologised to Pan.

"Don't worry about it. Let's go" said Pan grabbing Trunks by the arm before they hurried towards the kitchen. When they arrived at the kitchen Bulma had just laid out a big snack on the table. Pan sat down and started eating. She offered Trunks a sandwich which he took.

"Thanks" he said.

"So Pan how long are you going to stay here?" asked Bulma.

"If it's okay with you then I would like to stay for a month" Pan replied looking expectantly at her. Bulma smiled.

"Of course you can...If I'm right then a day passes in your time when a month passes here" she said quickly figuring it out. Pan nodded and offered the last sandwich to Bulma who shook her head so she gave it to Trunks, who accepted it gratefully. She then picked up the empty plates and moved to wash them but Bulma took them off her.

"I'll take care of them" she said.

"Trunks do you want to train then?" asked Pan turning back to him. He nodded and got up too. After saying goodbye to Bulma they both left the house and took to the sky.

"So how come you're only staying for a month then?" asked Trunks as they flew.

"I'm actually in University and came to see my family for the weekend. Bulma's only covering up for me for one day and no one knows except for her" she explained.

"Too bad...so what're you studying at Uni?" asked Trunks interested.

"Business... I want to open my own company" she replied.

"That's great... so tell me about my father" he asked.

"He's changed so much since the time he first came to Earth. He has settled down and has a family that he's actually fond of. He's got a great wife. A son he's proud of and a daughter who he adores. I think he likes me because when I hugged him, he actually hugged me back even though he calls me brat" She said laughing quietly. He found himself smiling.

"I can't believe it! My mother told me he was an arrogant and a cold hearted person. What's this about a daughter? I have a sister?" He asked looking amazed.

"Yeah if Vegeta hadn't died in this time then you would have had a sister named Bra" Pan told him.

"What's she like then?" asked Trunks looking curious.

"She looks just like Bulma did when she was young. She's nice, loves to shop all the time and probably has about a million different outfits in her wardrobe" Pan told him and they started to laugh.

"I think this is a good place" he said pointing at a deserted landscape. Pan agreed and they landed.

"Do you want to fight as super saiyan?" asked Trunks. She nodded and they both powered up to super saiyan. Once they had transformed they stared intently as each other.

*Wow she looks so beautiful...* he thought to himself in awe.

*He looks so gorgeous* Pan was thinking as she took in the spiky golden hair and the greenish blue eyes.

"Ready?" she asked and he nodded. They launched into the fight. He threw a punch but she phased out and appeared behind him throwing a kick as he ducked and took to the sky. He grinned at her and powered up a blast, while seeing this she started powering up a blast of her own.


"Big Bang..." He started.

"...Ha" She fired.

"...Attack" He fired. The two enormous blasts hit each other as the ground shook underneath.

Pan and Trunks struggled to keep the blasts in control but Pan suddenly came up with an idea, something her grandpa taught her.

"Kaioken" She screamed as her aura turned crimson allowing her to double her ki in a heartbeat. She used the energy to power up her blast, which quickly swallowed Trunk's.

His expression turned to amazement as he dodged the blast, which could have hurt him really badly. They both looked up as the blast went shooting up into the sky at impossible speed before it vanished into space.

Trunks turned to look back at Pan before he landed on the ground.

"Whoa...Where the heck did you learn to do that?" he asked with wide eyes.

"Grandpa Goku taught me" she said proudly.

"I can see that you're a lot stronger than me" he replied.

"I know. I'm stronger than the Trunks in my time too" she bragged with a wink, making him blush slightly.

"Ready to start again?" she asked and he nodded. They resumed their fight and continued for a few more hours. When they were done, they quickly powered down before sitting down to catch their breath.

"Man...That was the best fight I had in years!" He exclaimed. Pan nodded in agreement.

"Let's head back home. I need a shower and not to mention some food" She said feeling the emptiness in her stomach. There was suddenly a loud groaning.

"What was that?" Pan cried out looking around.

"My stomach... It seems to agree with your suggestion" he replied going red. She started to laugh. They took to the sky and headed back to Capsule Corp...

They arrived soon enough and hurried inside. Pan's mouth watered as her senses picked up the delicious smells coming from the kitchen. They quickly made their way to the kitchen and saw Bulma rushing around getting their food ready.

"That smells delicious Bulma" Pan called out. Bulma looked over and smiled.

"Why don't you go and take a shower first. I'm almost done" she said. They nodded and Trunks led Pan to one of the guest rooms.

"Is this room okay? My room is right next door" Trunks told her. She walked in and looked around.

"It's perfect" Pan said as she thanked him and he left closing the door behind him. She walked over to the bathroom and opened the door.

"Very nice..." she said looking around. Heading back to her bedroom she started to remove her clothes.

Trunks had gone back to Bulma's office when he recalled that Pan had left her bag there. When he had retrieved it he headed back to Pan's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in..." Pan called out. He opened the door and walked in. The room was empty but the door to the bathroom was opened slightly.

"Trunks is that you? I'm in the bathroom. What's up?" she called out again.

"Yeah...I brought your bag. Thought you might need it" he replied placing it down on the bed, where she had left her clothes. Her head popped out from behind the door.

"Thanks Trunks" she said. He nodded and left before heading to his room. He closed the door behind him and started to remove his clothing. As he walked in the direction of his bathroom he thought about her. In fact if he was honest he hadn't stopped thinking about her since...he first laid his eyes on her. He wasn't sure what to make of it.

*Could I have feelings for her?* he wondered as he stepped into the shower...

As she stood in the shower she let the water hit her body making her relax.

*Why can't I stop thinking about him? Does he mean something special to me? In my dreams he told me he loved me...so maybe he does...No wait I don't know. I'm so confused* she wondered as she closed her eyes, wishing there was some way she could find the answers to the questions in her head.

When she had finished she wrapped the towel around her and went to her room, quickly drying off. After picking some clothes to wear, she got dressed. As she was running a brush through her hair, there came a knock on her door.

"Come in Trunks" she called out, sensing him. The door opened and he came inside.

"Hey you ready? Shall we go and kick some Cell butt?" he asked smirking.

"Yeah...let's go" she replied with a grin before they left the room together. As they headed back to the kitchen he kept sneaking glances at her. She was looking beautiful as always even though she was wearing a white top paired with black bottoms. Pan was also checking him out. He was wearing loose fitting black combat trouser with a black vest top. Over that he wore a blue jacket with the Capsule Corp logo on it and some training boots.

*He looks so gorgeous...* she thought to herself. They entered the kitchen where Bulma was just finishing placing the food on the table.

"You're just in time" she said with a smile. Everyone settled down to eat. Bulma looked on as Trunks and Pan scoffed their food down. Suddenly a thought came to her.

"Trunks I think that we should take Pan to see ChiChi" she said as she ate her food. Trunks stopped eating and nodded.

"She'll be so happy to meet her...Ever since Gohan's died she hasn't been the same" he replied sadly. He felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Pan who smiled encouraging at him.

"Don't be sad Trunks...He wouldn't have wanted you to be sad" she told him gently. He nodded with a small smile on his face.

*I'm so glad that Pan came. Trunks looks so much happier than he has ever been since Gohan died...* Bulma thought, smiling at the exchange.

As they ate Pan suddenly looked up and frowned. She looked at Trunks and saw that he had also sensed the great power heading towards them.

"Do you sense that?" asked Pan getting up.

"Yeah and what or whoever it is, is headed straight for us" he replied and gestured to Pan to wait as he hurried out of the kitchen. He returned less than a minute later with his sword strapped on his back.

"Let's go" he said and they moved to leave.

"Wait... Be careful" cries Bulma. Trunks turned back round to give her a kiss on her cheek.

"Don't worry mom we'll be fine" he assured her. Pan gave her a smile and they hurried outside. Once they were out in the open they took to the sky headed in the direction of the ki they felt.

"It must be Cell" said Pan. He nodded in agreement.

"He's strong. I can't believe that we didn't sense him before" he replied.

"He must have been hiding it! After all he is an android" she pointed out.

"Wait...I think that we should wait here for him" he said and they stopped.

After a few minutes they see him. When he saw them he stopped, eyeing them with a grin on his face.

"Hello Trunks...so nice of you to come to me and who is this?" Cell questioned as he looked curiously at Pan.

"Hello Cell I was wondering when you would appear from your shell" she said with a knowing smirk. Cell's grin disappeared.

"How did you know who I am?" He asked glaring at her.

"I actually know a lot more about you than you think. I know that Dr Gero created you and that you're looking for Androids 17 and 18 to absorb them so you can be become 'Perfect'. Well you're too late I already took care of them and now we're going to take care of you too" she replied with a grin. Cell glared at her.

"I knew it! I've been looking for them for a while now but haven't found them. You're going to be sorry for this girl" he threatened. Pan only laughed.

"You know something? You're a joke! What do you say Trunks? Shall we take care of this bug?" she said turning to Trunks. He grinned and nodded.

"Prepare to be destroyed Cell" said Trunks as he started to power up. Cell smirked.

"According to my data you don't stand a chance" he stated confidently.

"We'll see" Trunks replied. Once he had powered up to maximum he glanced at Pan.

"Why aren't you powering up?" he asked.

"How about you fight him first? I'll kick his ass when you finish" she told him. Cell growled and threw a blast at her which she dodged.

"You missed!" she cried laughing. Cell felt the anger inside him build.

"Now you will feel my raft!" he cried as he too started to power up. The ground shook as the evil power rose higher and higher. Trunks was shocked.

"What amazing power" he said turning to Pan who just grinned.

"Yeah but not as great as ours" she answered with a wink. When Cell had finished he looked arrogantly at the other two.

"Let's begin" he cried before launching at Trunks with a punch. Trunks dodged and kicked him sending him crashing into the mountain.

After a few seconds Cell appeared and they started fighting again. Trunks had the upper hand and Cell was losing. Pan grinned and continued watching the fight.

"Final Flash" yelled Trunks as he threw the blast at Cell, who dodged it easily. Pan frowned.

*Cell is meant to be stronger than the androids but he is losing* she thought. She looked at Cell carefully and realised that he wasn't using his full power while Trunks was at his maximum.

*This means that Cell is stronger than Trunks* she decided. After another 30 minutes into the fight it was clear that Trunks was losing.

*Maybe it's time I stepped in* she thought when she saw that Trunk's attacks were having no effect on him.

"Hey Cell" she called. The two fighters paused in their fight.

"Why don't you stop playing around and release your full power...come on fight with me" she called out. Trunks flew over to her.

"How do you know that Cell isn't using his full power?" he asked. Pan frowned slightly.

"When I watched him fight with you I could tell he wasn't using his full power and I know that he's stronger than you. It looks like it's my turn now Trunks so just sit back and enjoy the show" she said. Trunks nodded and powered down. Pan flew towards Cell who was waiting.

"Ready when you are" she said. Cell smirked.

"Prepare to be destroyed girl" cried Cell as he started to power up. Pan just laughed and released a yell as she too powered up. The grounds shook as they released more and more power. Trunks watched Pan carefully wondering how strong she really was. She turned super saiyan and stopped.

"Cell this is what you call a super saiyan" she demonstrated and then started to power up even more.

"And this is what you call a super saiyan 2" she cried releasing another battle cry. Her muscles bulged as she transformed again. The ground shook as her awesome power was let loose. Trunks stared wide eyed at her, shocked to see how powerful she really was. Finally she stopped and looked at Cell, who was looking very intimidated.

"What's wrong? It appears to me that you're looking scared. Am I right?" she mocked him. Seeing the look on his face she started to laugh.

"How did you get so much power?" he asked, clenching his hands into fists.

"I do a lot of push ups and drink a lot of milk" she replied back sarcastically. Cell exploded with rage and launched at her. Pan dodged effortlessly. He started to fight with Cell lashing out with all his power. She easily dodged every single attack of his infuriating him further.

"Enough playing around!" she cried and started powering up a kamehameha. Cell's eyes bulged in fear.

"Ka...me...ha...me...haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" she screamed. Cell had released a blast of his own but it wasn't strong enough. It was swallowed up easily and headed straight for him. He tried to move out of the way but it was too late. The blast consumed him before he was destroyed within seconds. His ki had disappeared completely.

Feeling a wave of dizziness hit her she fell exhausted and her transformation faded. Trunks caught her just in time and set her down.

"Pan...are you okay? Talk to me..." he cried out fearfully. Her eyelids fluttered and he sighed in relief. She opened her eyes to see him looking down at her with concern.

"Sorry about that...Whenever I transform to super saiyan 2...it takes a lot of energy" she said. He nodded in understanding and helped her up.

"Thanks" she said brushing her clothes off, when she could stand up.

"Let's go back home and then we'll go see Chichi later okay?" he told her and she nodded. They took to the sky and flew back to Capsule Corp.

*I wonder how she got this strong...* Trunks wondered as he looked at her. Pan noticed and raised her eyebrow in question.

"Nothing, I was just wondering how you became this strong" he confessed. Pan smiled sadly.

"Ever since Grandpa died I really missed him. He and I were really close so it hurt. That's when I started to train more often. My dad, grandpa, Vegeta, Goten, and Trunks all had the ability to transform into a super saiyan so I wanted to as well. My grandpa told me that he transformed when his closest friend Krillin was killed by Frieza. So I used the power of pain and loss and then one day it happened. I turned super saiyan when I was only 15 years old but never told anyone. I wanted to keep it a secret and surprise everyone. After that I kept training and ascended. I turned super saiyan 2 only a few weeks ago. Vegeta and Trunks are the only ones who know" she told him.

"That's amazing. Poor Goku...who is Goten?" he asked curiously.

"He's my uncle. My grandma had another son" she explained. They arrived at Capsule Corp soon enough and walked inside. Bulma was waiting in the kitchen

"What happened?" she asked frantic.

"Pan defeated Cell" Trunks informed her. A smile appeared on Bulma's face and she moved forward to hug Pan. Pan returned the hug with affection.

"That's great!" cried Bulma.

"I think I'll call it a day now...Sorry" said Pan tiredly. Bulma nodded in understanding.

"No need for apologies. Don't you want anything to eat before you go?" she asked. Pan shook her head. After saying goodbye she headed in the direction of her room. Trunks decided to do the same and after excusing himself, went to his.

Trunks followed Pan upstairs but she had already walked into her room, much to his disappointment. Feeling worn out he went to his room.

*After that fight with Cell she would obviously need to rest* he thought to himself as he lay down on his bed. He decided to rest for an hour or two but after much effort he couldn't. For some reason he was unable to get Pan out of his mind.

*What's wrong with me? She only just arrived today and I can't get her out of my head. Why is that whenever I see her I can't take my eyes off her? Why is it that when she's close by I feel warm and happy inside?* he wondered in confusion.

*I know that when she's around me I feel relaxed, something I haven't felt since Gohan's died...I guess I do have feelings for her* he realised suddenly. It all made sense now. Soon enough he finally felt his eyes closing and fell asleep...

Meanwhile in the room next door Pan was also finding it hard to fall asleep. The unanswered questions in her head were keeping her awake.

*Why can't I sleep? I should be exhausted after that fight* she wondered before thoughts of Trunks hit her. As if on cue a warm feeling rose from somewhere inside her and she smiled.

*I know I have feelings for him, which I'm going to have to ignore. I'm only here for a month before I have to return to my time* she thought suddenly feeling empty inside. She had realised that she liked him only a while back. It was a bit obvious and she would have been stupid not to understand them.

*I just don't know what to do...Sometimes I feel like letting these feelings take control but I can't...The situation is too complicated* she thought sadly. As the minutes ticked by she began to feel sleepy. Turning over onto her side she settled down comfortably before knocking out...

When morning came Trunks was first to wake up, stretching his arms. The fight yesterday had done his body wonders.

*Man...Do I feel good!* he thought getting out of bed.

*I'm in the mood to spar* he decided as he washed his face in the bathroom.

After he was refreshed he walked out of his room and paused outside Pan's. He knocked on the door but hearing no answer decided to see if she was still asleep. As he opened it he took a quick peep inside and found that she was indeed still knocked out in bed.

*Should I wake her up?* he wondered. Making a quick decision he tapped her on the shoulder.

*She looks even more beautiful when she's asleep* he thought to himself as he looked at her serene face. He tapped her shoulder again but still she hadn't flinched.

*I guess she's a heavy sleeper just like her granddad* he figured. His third attempt was successful earning him a groan from her as she turned over, away from him.

"Let me sleep" she moaned. He started to laugh.

"Get up Pan...I'm in the mood for some early morning sparring" he told her.

"Later...I'm still tired..." she replied back.

"I can't wait that long..." he answered back. She opened her eyes sighing out loud before moving to get up.

"Fine...you're going to pay for waking me up" she threatened with a frown.

"I can't wait...I'll be in the kitchen. Be quick..." he replied back cheerfully before heading out of the room. With another sigh she dragged herself off the bed and into the bathroom...

When she was showered and dressed she made her way to the kitchen quickly, feeling her stomach protest in hunger. As she walked in she noticed the table was already piled with food. Trunks looked up from eating and grinned sheepishly when he saw the look on her face.

"Sorry about not waiting for you. I was starving..." he explained. She just shook her head lightly as she sat down.

"Where's Bulma then?" she asked.

"She's in her office busy examining your spaceship" he replied.

"That's Bulma for you..." she answered back with her laugh as she started to pile the food on her plate. Trunks raised an eyebrow at the filled up plate, making her blush.

"What? In case you've forgotten I'm a saiyan just like you" she threw back. He grinned turning back to eating his breakfast.

Within ten minutes the whole table had been cleared of the food that was on there before. All that remained were the empty dishes.

"So who's going to do the washing up?" asked Pan.

"How about we let the dish washer do it?" he replied and she nodded with a smirk.

After filling up the dish washer and changing into their training gear they were ready to fight. Pan had decided to use the gravity room for their spar session.

"Ready..?" asked Pan as she stood facing Trunks. He gave her a nod back looking expectant. She jumped in with a kick which Trunks blocked and then he phased out, appearing behind her but she was quick to react. Launching a low roundhouse kick she tripped him up before slamming her elbow into his chest. He phased out from underneath her before appearing on top sending a ki blast at her. It continued like that for another hour before they stopped.

"That was great" exclaimed Trunks grinning like Vegeta. Pan nodded in agreement before she turned super saiyan. Trunks followed suit and they were ready to go again. Another few hours went by before they paused again, out of breath.

"I think that's it for today" he said grabbing his towel before using it to wipe the sweat on his face and neck.

"Giving up already, are we?" she teased.

"No...I just thought you couldn't take any more of my awesome strength" he replied back.

"Yeah right...admit it. You were losing" she mocked him as she grasped a towel for herself, wiping her face with it.

"No way...How about after a shower, we go and eat?" he asked. She nodded in agreement and they made their way out of the gravity room. Returning to their rooms they showered and dressed before heading back to the kitchen.

"So what do you want to eat then?" she asked.

"Don't know...anything would do right now" he answered feeling his stomach groan with hunger.

"I'll cook" she replied. Deciding to prepare all her favourite dishes she pulled out all the ingredients needed and set to work. Trunks looked on in amazement as she quickly got them ready. It took her only thirty five minutes.

"Wow" was all he could say when he saw the end result. The table was once again covered with food. It smelled heavenly almost making his mouth water.

"What're you waiting for? Dig in!" she cried out, once again piling her plate up. Trunks nodded copied her actions. When they were done they both sat back feeling satisfied.

"That was just great. It looks like ChiChi's been teaching you how to cook" he said and she nodded.

"So what do you want to do today then?" he asked. Pan shrugged.

"What is there to do around here, anyway?" she asked.

"Well I usually do nothing but watch T.V all day" he told her with a grimace...

A/N: So what you think? I hope you liked it...Please leave a review and I'll have the next chapter up soon. Take care ^_^