--Quick Note From the Yama-Kun--

I DO NOT OWN FRUITS BASKET OR THE CHARACTERS MENTIONED. They are copyright their rightful owners.

The Best Part of Dying

--written by Yama-kun

Let me know that you hear me

Let me know your touch

Let me know that you love me

And let that be enough

Chapter One

The clear morning sky illuminated the Souma grounds, basking all of the many acres of land in it's pale light. Reaching into the darkest of windows, casting a shimmer onto a birdbath where a few swallows perched singing peacefully to each other. All of the Souma's lived on the residence, of course with how expanse the grounds were it wasn't like they ever had to see eachother and lets face it. Their were a few members of the family that nobody really enjoyed running into. Hatsuharu leaned against the kitchen table spooning another mouthful of cereal into his mouth, white hair fell limply into his dark grey eyes. He frowned trying to blow it away without spraying milk all over the place or having to remove his hand from the spoon. He was ravished, it felt like no matter how much he ate he couldn't fulfill himself. A loud crash came from the back of the house, Haru blinked tossing a glance over his shoulder into the dark hallway that lay behind him. He wasn't going to investigate that was for sure. It was probably Akito having another of his fits. Atleast he wasn't a victim of it, although it really bothered him knowing the pain he'd caused Yuki. Not to mention sweet innocent Kisa. Shaking his head so that once more his hair fell into his eyes he slammed down his spoon. Another banging sounded followed quickly by the slamming of a door.

A moment later Hatori Souma entered the room and sat tiredly down at the table across from Haru.

"What are you doing at the main house?" He questioned the bull. Haru blinked several times chewing at the cereal in his mouth and then nodded towards the bowl laying before him.

"We were out of cereal." He informed Hari with a shrug. Hatori smirked weakly gazing off blankly in the direction he'd come. Haru's curiousity perked up at this, he tilted the bowl to his mouth draining the milk and bits of cereal. Wiping his mouth on a red napkin he too glanced towards the hallway.

"What was that?" Hatsuharu asked as he rose from his chair placing the bowl in the sink. He jerked on the hot water letting it overfill his black ceramic cereal bowl before turning to look at Hari again. The Dragon however was not looking at Hatsuharu, he'd gone into his own place. Annoyance bit at the back of his brain but he swallowed it away and cleared his throat only to repeat himself.

"What was that Hatori?"

This time Hatori did raise his vision to Haru, or rather what was left of his vision. Poor Tori-san.

"Akito's not doing so well, I don't know if it's going to turn out." Hatori informed Haru wearily and pointed at the milk.

"Would you give me that?"

Raising an eyebrow he grabbed the milk off the counter and set it on the table in front of Hatori who promptly raised it to his lips and gulped back half the carton. Haru stared at him in mild shock stuttering oddly for words. It was so unlike him but there was no time to talk about that because now Hatori was putting the remainder of the milk in the refrigerator and stalking back off.

"Hatori! Wait a second!"

Haru called after him finally managing to get over his suprise. Hari paused in the hallway turning to look at Hatsuharu.

"You never told me what the banging was."

Hatori sighed brushing a bit of lint off his white overcoat before bothering to explain.

"Well, would you be happy if you were dying Hatsuharu?"

With those words Hatori disappeared into the hallway again, a moment later there were more banging sounds. What was Akito doing anyways? They really should just get him a punching bag. Haru bit his tongue at the thoughts that were infiltrating his brain. He shouldn't think such horrible things of Akito, Akito carried the curse for all of them. But...still. Akito had hurt Yuki, he couldn't help but feel a strong dislike towards the young man. Wincing he wandered out of the kitchen onto the grounds. The swallows still perched peacefully on their birdbath singing as though they couldn't even hear the ruckus from inside the building. They were Akito's birds though, surely they'd learned to cope with him. A light sing-song voice was caught in the gentle fall breeze, Haru paused listening closely for a moment before the words became clear.

"The birds and the bees are singing mo-mi-ji."

Haru quirked an eyebrow and looked around suspiciously. Where was that little rabbit hiding? He was always singing that stupid song. Honestly, who wrote a song about themselves anyways?

"Whats wrong with you Haru-kun?" Momiji asked characteristically popping out of nowhere onto Haru's shoulder, he was wearing his school girl uniform. Haru had defended his right to wear it before but right now everything seemed to be getting on his nerves. If he wasn't careful he was going to wind up turned black for no good reason.

"Nothing. Don't call me kun. Let's just go, okay?" Haru ordered pushing his fists into the pockets of his black school uniform. Momiji fell into step beside him still humming that goofy song under his breath soon his humming broke into singing again. Haru sighed trying his best to ignore it but it wasn't working.

"Okay Hatsuharu, whats wrong?" Momiji demanded to know stopping in mid-step and grabbing Haru's arm to hold him back. Haru pulled his arm away pushing Momiji to the ground. A sneer graced his handsome face twisting the graceful features into something else entirely.

"Nothing is wrong, stop singing that god damned song about yourself. I would like to get to school in peace and quiet without you annoying me every step of the way. Mind your own business Momiji kun."

Haru demanded him shaking him angrily. Momiji gripped his hand pulling it off of his top.

"Haru snap out of it."

And surprisingly enough he did holding a weary hand to his brow, he felt weak. Like he'd just lifted weights, or a small boy perhaps.

"God, I'm tired."

Momiji sighed hopelessly shaking his head. But he didn't sing (or hum) the whole way to school. It was customary for Haru to have a fit of weakness after he'd gone black, even if it was only for a very short time that he'd been black. But those fits only lasted for a few minutes or an hour at the most. They most definetely did not last for hours on end. Which was why Haru was beginning to doubt that this was a normal way for him to be feeling. The last time he'd felt this weak was when he'd fought Kyo-kun for two hours straight. Gure-sans house had been a mess afterwards and he hadn't known why until Kyo started at him again. Well needless to say he'd gone black once more...all in all that fight had gone for atleast 3 hours. He'd been weak the entire day. But honestly he couldn't have done anything of that sort when it was just Momiji as his adversary.

He lay his head down on his arms atop the cold school desk burying his face in the warmth of his uniform. His necklace dangled around his neck loose and unbinding but he would've sworn it was choking him; suddenly his clothes felt heavy. Every muscle in his body was stiff and aching. He winced as shots of pain tore through his stomach. There was no way he could go through a whole day like this. The teacher continued to rant on about history and he slipped into his mind. The classroom faded to black, nobody thought anything of it. Students often fell asleep in history. In fact nobody even thought anything of it when the bell rung and Haru continued to sit in his chair back shaking in timid pain.

Nobody except Momiji, who was concerned because the way he was shaking resembled crying. He'd never seen Haru cry before but certainly he did on occasion. I mean everybody did didn't they? Momiji waited until the other students had filed out of the room heading off to their lockers ready to go home before walking up beside Hatsuharu. He placed a small hand on the other boys shoulder and shook him softly.


The teacher continued to erase the board not even pausing to look at the two remaining students in her classroom. Haru didn't stir, Momiji frowned in worry shaking roughly now.

"Haru wake up. Wake up!"

Finally the teacher turned her back away from the Souma's and stared at Momiji unblinkingly.

"Is everything allright Momiji?" She questioned. He couldn't help but note the utter lack of concern in her voice. He refused to reply to her question running out of the room and down the hallway. He burst into the office grabbing the phone off the faculty desk and punched in the number to the main house. A tired Hatori picked up the phone.

"Souma residence." He repeated into the receiver, Momiji suspected he'd woken Hatori and was about to apologize when he remembered what he was calling for.

"Hatori, it's Haru." Was all he said, it was all he had to say Hatori understood immediately. You could almost hear the worry in his voice.

"I'll be there as soon as I can." The rabbit sat down the phone looking at the other people in the office for a split second before blurting out a quick I'm sorry and hurrying back to the classroom where he struggled to wake Haru once more. Haru stirred tiredly blinking his grey eyes opened. Momiji sighed in relief wrapping an arm around the taller boys waist and pulling him to his feet.

"Hatori's coming, lets go outside." Haru nodded leaning heavily against the small blonde boy. Together they stumbled out of the room and then out of the school. As soon as they'd gotten outside Haru collapsed on the curb sitting fragilely with his head hung low. Pain darted up his spine. Momiji bounced on the balls of his feet in worry looking around eagerly awaiting Hatori's black car. It arrived soon after; Hatori jumped out and hurried towards the two Freshman.

"What happened?" He asked Momiji quickly. Momiji frowned, he didn't know what to say to Tori-san...he had no idea what had happened to Haru.

"Nevermind. Help me get him into the car." Haru groaned pushing away their hands and forced himself to his feet.

"I can do it myself." He growled ambling towards the car. He made it halfway before collapsing to his knees his face in his hands.

"What is wrong with me?" Haru questioned aggravated with his own weakness. Hatori shook his head walking over and lifting Haru into his arms. Momiji hurried to open the back door for Hari who placed him gently on the leather fabric. Reflexively Hatsuharu curled sideways, away from Hatori who'd climbed into the front seat and Momiji who rode shotgun. He put a pained hand to his temple pressing his fingers to his smooth ivory skin. His head felt like it was going to explode, if only he could just pass out again. That would be a bittersweet release. Then he got his wish. The rumbling of the ground beneath Hatori's car disappeared once more replaced with the blankness of his own mind.