…The last chappy…*sniffle* well, it's been fun. For one last time, I don't own Rurouni Kenshin. Look for more A/Ns at the end. And now, the last update…


They were all alone. Kenshin insisted that Kaoru and he would have a moment to themselves, so the doctors agreed, although a bit reluctant at first. "Being with Kenshin is what she needs the most right now." Sano said to them as they stood outside. The doctors comprehended.

He looked at her for several moments without saying anything. She was so…beautiful. And he was the one who was responsible for this! Kaoru was unconscious because of him, in a twisted way. His love had suppressed her life. He reached out and touched her cheek. It was white, but warm. His guilt instantly became tremendous. Oh, how he longed to see her beautiful eyes again, full with life!

"Kaoru." He whispered to her. "I'm here now. You can wake up now, hai? We made a promise, remember? You could see me again if you would only wake up. I am by your side—you'll probably think I'm a real baka for not finishing the job I went to go do in the first place. But I couldn't care less about that right now. I only care about you…so…" Kenshin rested his head against her stomach and in his grief lost a few tears. It rose and fell peacefully. And, somewhere, his child was in there, too. This woman was too precious for him to lose. He remembered all the events that it took to win her…


"Kenshin, I want to stay out here just a little longer. Would you mind watching the path behind us?"

He looked at her. "Oro? Why?"

"Because…" she loosened her kimono a little. "I think I want to swim in the spring for a little bit before we go back. It looks so nice."

"I had a wonderful dream last night, Miss Kaoru…you were in it."

"You were in mine, too. The moon…was full…I remember well…what a lovely dream it was…"

"Who the hell are YOU!?" The men felt for their weapons.

"You are holding this woman captive. I insist you release her. NOW." He stared at the rope binding her, angry.

"Insolent fool!"

"But a brave, insolent fool…"

"Who cares what he is! He's dead!"

"Enough talk! Let's get him!"

"Kaoru! Where are you!?" Kenshin sat up in the futon.

A hand laid on his chest and gently pushed him back down. "I'm right here. Please, save your strength."

Kenshin walked up behind her and put his arms around her body. His hands gently moved over to hers and sat where she held the weapon. "Hold it like this." His breath was so close that it fell upon her neck. She shivered slightly. Kenshin smiled innocently.

"A nice cover."

"I had no other alternative."

"You brought this on yourself."

"No one deserves the torture you're putting me through." His eyes flickered heavily.


He stopped and looked at her with loving eyes. "Oh Kaoru…" He said softly, "I…well, um…"

"…Is something…wrong?"

He gulped nervously. "No, no, not at all…it's just that…I-I love you, and have always loved you, and, well…" He got down on one knee and pulled out a sparkling diamond ring. Trembling, he held it out to her. "Although I am not worthy of your love, I am selfish. Will you marry me?"


A hand laid on his chest. "You kept your promise, and so shall I. Arigato." She looked down at him lying there. "I just hope I'm not dreaming…?"

He shook his head. "Your nightmares have ended, Kaoru. From now on, only dreams. I'm here now."

They laid like that for a few minutes. Finally, Kaoru said, "Why did you come back so suddenly?"

He smiled. "I decided that career path had no motivation, so here I am."

She tussled his hair a little. "…Baka." Kaoru looked around. "Was Genzai-sensei here? And Megumi? Do they know why…?" She looked down. "Kenshin?"

He looked into her eyes. "Our baby is inside of you, Kaoru. Soon you'll be a mother."

Her smile widened. "Oh Kenshin!…That's wonderful!"

Kenshin reached around her body and gave her a delicate hug. "I know, I can't wait."

"Well then, what should the name be?"

He thought for a minute. "Hmm, let's wait until it's born before deciding. That way, we'll know if it'll be a girl or a boy."

"Ah." She nodded. "That's a good idea."

He looked at her. "Are you able to get up?"

She tried lifting her head, but it collapsed back on the pillow. "Nope, guess not."

He sighed. "Then you're not going anywhere. Rest now, Kaoru." He gave her hand a gentle squeeze.


The months passed little by little. Kaoru had gradually recovered and was at last able to move around. Kenshin insisted, however, that she did not go outside the dojo. She didn't want to worry him more than she already had, so she agreed. And then, one day…

Kenshin was outside folding some laundry. Kaoru crept up to him quietly and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Hello, Kenshin." She whispered into his ear.

He looked at her. "Kaoru? What are you doing out here? You should be back in the dojo resting, that you should…"

She pouted. "I've been resting long enough!"

He smiled. "Kaoru, you may feel fine now, but the journey has not ended. The biggest part of it all still has yet to come."

She had no mother to teach her these things, but Kaoru knew what she meant. "And it'll…hurt?"

Kenshin shrugged. "I have never witnessed the birth of a child, but I would imagine…yes."

Suddenly her eyes widened and she lost her balance. Kenshin caught her in surprise. "Do you think it hurts…like this?" She whispered. He stared at her in disbelief. "Kenshin, it's time." She told him mildly.


"It's time." She repeated.

Slowly but surely comprehension dawned onto him. "Oh…oh! Ahh, then what are we standing here for!? Get inside, get inside, quickly!" He carried her back into the dojo. "Call for the doctors!" He said to Yahiko and Sano as he rushed past. "I'm going to be a father soon! I'm going to be a father soon!" Kenshin cried happily.

Kaoru clutched tighter to his chest. "…Glad to see YOU'RE happy right now, because I couldn't be in any greater pain."

Kenshin apologized profusely and rested his wife gently on the futon. He looked at her with concern. "Do you need anything?"

She giggled deliriously. "I couldn't tell you, I've never done this before!"

He waved his arms around frantically. "Well…what should I do!?"

"…I don't know! I can't exactly think right now. Ohhhh…" She groaned at another contraction. "The pain of this…it's incredible…"

He decided in his mind to hurry and go get some cold water and a cloth.


Thankfully, the doctors quickly arrived and took charge over the clueless Kenshin. He resorted in the end to pace frantically outside on the porch, where he wouldn't be in the way. Besides, if he WERE to watch, he'd probably faint. Kenshin laughed at the thought that he, a legendary swordsman, would faint at the sight of his wife giving birth. Occasionally Sano, Yahiko, and Kenshin could hear Kaoru's painful groans from inside. These certainly didn't help ease his worries, and so he continued to pace.

This went on for about three hours. Kenshin was getting restless, but he didn't want to go back inside, either, so he just kept on pacing. Finally, everyone heard one large groan from her, and they knew the worst was over. Megumi came out slowly and motioned them inside. They walked in and saw the exhausted Kaoru holding her baby. "It's a boy." She whispered happily.

Kenshin automatically moved over and touched the baby's hand gently. "Oro, it's so tiny!" he gasped. Everyone chuckled.

"Look—see, he has you nose, Kenshin." Kaoru exclaimed happily. She caressed the baby's small forehead gently. He was now asleep.

For a few moments, nobody said anything. Finally, Yahiko blurted out "So? What's his name already!?"

The couple looked at each other. "It's up to you, Kaoru." Kenshin said softly.

She nodded. "Well then, I think Kenji sounds like a good name for a boy."

He smiled in consent. "Very well." He looked at his child. "From this day on, your name can be Kenji!"

The baby opened his eyes a little and gurgled, then closed then again.

Yahiko stared. "…Does that mean he likes it?" Everyone shrugged.

Kaoru looked at her husband. "Here Kenshin—hold him for a minute!"

Before he could say anything the child was placed into his arms. Kenshin looked at him like he was now holding some sort of expensive glassware. If he moved him around in any way, the baby would shatter into a million pieces.

"I wanna hold!" Yahiko shouted happily.

Kaoru gave him a look that could kill, which easily silenced him to his place.


Two weeks later, there was a big feast at the Himura Dojo. Baby Kenji was the star attraction. Everyone kept asking questions, like how much did he weigh and the exact time he was born. Kaoru left Kenji to Megumi and Sano for a few minutes, and was pulled away by Kenshin. There was a glint of amber in his eyes, and she smiled. Everything was back to normal. Her life now…it was what she had always dreamed of. All nightmares in their lives were now at an end.

…And that's all. ^___^ Aww, there's the title finally! Lol. Thank you SO much everyone1 I had such a wonderful time writing this fic, really! I laughed with you, I cried with you, etc etc. I'm so happy to have such wonderful readers and reviewers (and e-mailers!). Anyways, I suppose that's all. No epilogue until there are 200 reviews! Lol, which is extremely unlikely.

Future works: For now, I'm working on my Inuyasha story. With 5 chappys it already has half the reviews as this story! Oro! Very successful, please read if you think you would enjoy it (lemons in later chappies too). Ah, but as far as Rurouni Kenshin goes, I'm not done with this Anime either. My next story will be a pairing of Megumi and Sano. Now I know most of you are thinking, 'why would I want to read about them!? I only care about Kaoru and Kenshin!' Well it's true that K/B&K utterly pwnz, BUT! Take my word for the truth when I say you will enjoy my S&M fic. It's romantic, but mainly focuses on humor. Lol. ^_____^

Again, thank you SO much!! Hope to see ya soon!!! Arigato, ja ne!!!!