Chapter 3 - The beginning of the Pain.

I heard a tap on my window, it sounded funny like fingernails taping on wood. I looked towards the wood-framed window and saw a white owl, hooting softly. My lips curved into a smile, Hedwig was there perched on the windowsill looking at me with beautiful orange eyes. Then I got up and opened the window, sliding the key over and pulling the window up, arms stretching upwards.

"Well. What are you waiting for? Aren't you going to give Ron his letter?" I said to the owl. The snowy white owl just stood there, hooting softly, sticking her leg out to show a letter with the writing 'Ginny Weasley' labeled on the top. As if I knew what she was saying I said, "Oh its for me... How odd." I un-strung the letter that was bound to Hedwig's Talon and left the other one on her leg for Ron. As soon as I pulled the tie back on, the owl flew off to Ron.

I felt the parchment softly grazing my hand along it. This was the first ever letter he wrote to me. 'I wonder what he wrote' passed threw my mind. Temptation was a big burden even though it was addressed to me. I don't know how long I've been starring at the letter or even why I was starring at the piece of parchment with my name inked onto the middle of the folded up parchment.

When I finally opened it, something fell out of the parchment, I didn't take much notice but then I read the letter whispering softly out loud, "Hullo Ginny. Its me Harry; Harry Potter. How are you? Well if your wondering I am Okay I guess a tad tired and bored. Heh." 'Stupid muggles.' I thought as I continued to read, "Its harsh staying locked up in my room. not being there with Ron and everyone, my real family." I couldn't help but to smile at that. "I hear Hermione is coming to your house later feels weird that I am not there either. Well I got to run. write a letter to Ron. Please write back." After I saw a hand written signature "Harry Potter".

I sighed softly and walked around my bedroom once, making a few squeaks among the touch of my feet grazing a weak part in the floor. Then I walk to my second-hand, that looked to be falling apart, desk and opened a drawer, placing the parchment into it and sliding the drawer closed. Sitting down on a wooden bench, I took out a piece of parchment, a quill and a bottle of blue ink. I pondered what to write, thinking of saying something terrible that may ruin it all and make him think I am odd or crazy. Sighing in defeat and thinking I'll think of something to write later, I excused myself from the seat and lay on my bed. Yawning deeply, I stretch, many of my bones cracking and popping. Wincing at the pain I soon discover the cause of the pain isn't from me stretching.

As if my back was on fire, I squirm in pain I try to scream but all that comes out is a light screech. I sit up very quickly and curl into a tight ball and fall onto the floor. In agony my mouth is wide open as more pain is erupted in my back. Struggling, I stand up and attempt to call for help but I can find nothing coming out of my mouth. Then all the pain seemed to vanish and it seemed like I wasn't able to breath because I was in a brink of hyperventilating.

As if my back was breaking, pain exploded in my back. I felt my spine curl and my head falls back as I can feel my back split in two and my shirt rip and something erupt out of my back, blood everywhere, more blood splatters against the walls of my room. And all my pain seemed to fade, I collapse on the ground, laying there barely breathing as I see little Red, yellow and orange feathers on the floor. I pulled myself up and looked around for the source of the feathers. I could see nothing but I continued to look around, seeing more and more feathers. Sighing out of failure, I decide to look in a near by mirror if I was still bleeding.

I walked out of my room, and trotted off to the bathroom, where indeed is the nearest mirror. I grabbed the door handle and twisted it to the right. Open came the door and I walked on in, closing the door behind me. As I walked in I glance at the mirror and gasp in horror.

Great life sized phoenix wings spread out, following the wings I discover that they come out in between my shoulder blades. Blood stained the back of my shirt and my wings; at least I hoped that they were mine. I attempted to flap the wings, it was pretty hard seeing that I've never used them before and it was never an option. I tried to rotate my shoulder pads; that didn't work. Trying really hard to make them move I try and jump in the air and fly but that didn't work.

I decided to take a bath; striping off my cloths and doing it very slowly and carefully around my wings, taking off my shirt and bra. I then walked to the tub and turned the nozzles to a warm setting and then plugged the drain way up. Waiting for the tub to fill, I admired my skinny body, yet hated the freckles, I also admired my wings that were the same contrast as my hair; Orange, yellow, red, gold and crimson tracked into my hair and wings.

The bath was almost full so I added a few oils and incense all around the bath to make it less stressful. I slipped into the tub and breathed in, relaxing softly. Closing my eyes and enjoyed my bath. Then I opened my eyes and grabbed a scrub brush and washed my back, washing away the blood clots. After doing that I began to shiver, with out knowing I wrapped my beautiful majestic wings around my body to warm myself.

Knock knock knock was heard. I yelled out, "I am taking a bath!"

"Well hurry up Ginny!" Called Ron. "I have to go to the bathroom."

"Stupid brother." I muttered under my breath as I got up and let water run down the drain. I then climbed out of the tub and grabbed a near by towel, drying myself off. I didn't feel like getting my cloths on so I just wrapped myself in the towel and grabbing my dirty cloths I set out of the bathroom to my room but I was interrupted by someone behind me.

"Virginia Weasley!" I turned around and saw my Dad looking at me with disbelief and he said, "What'd you do?" I slowly told him the story of everything from the Phoenix blood to the wings sprouting out of my back. As telling him all this stuff his facial features changed dramatically, first it was understandable then by the end it was mortified. After all that explaining he said, "Well dear, I am sorry you heard all of that phoenix detail, and I am sorry you've got wings sticking out of your back. But I a worried how are you going to hide those wings from school, your brothers will certainly tease you, and what about your mother."

"Not the type of thing you should be saying Dad," I said. Then I said very sarcastically, "its very helpful towards me."

"Sorry Hun." Dad said walking downstairs.

I then walked down the hall to my bedroom, opened the door a stench of blood swamped the room I sighed softly and called my Mum. I could hear her coming up the stairs; stomp stomp stomp came as she walked up the stairs and creaking upon weak spots in the floor. When she came in she gasped but then when she saw the wings magically sprouting from my back she screamed. Before she even got a screech out I clasp my palm over her mouth and motioned 'quiet' sign, sticking my index finger onto my lips and shushing her softly.

"What happened here, sweetie?" Mum Questioned.

"I think that's a little obvious, Mum." I told her sighing afterwards.

"Well Lets get this cleaned up then." She then took out her Wand and said "[cleaning spell]" and as if I blinked, it was clean.

I smiled softly and said, "Thanks, Mum." I turned to her and gave her a one armed hug, holding my towel around my top half, "So. Mum. What shall I do with these?" I said, pointing to my majestic phoenix wings.

"Well sweetie I'll see what I can find out. I'll have to tell Dumbledore about them see what we can do about school things. It'll probably be very distracting for other children to-" She Looked at me and then said, "-not much help am I?"

"No not really, but good try although I kind of feel like a monster, But on the other hand I feel Organic. Not like I wasn't out standing enough with this bright colored hair I just have wings the same contrast and easy to spot." I begin to laugh nervously and think how everyone might stare and poke at me. 'This must be how Harry feels when people stare at his Scar.' I thought fearfully.

"Well I'll go write the letter I'll talk to you later sweetie." She then pat my back and said, "Try and calm down by going for a walk or something. Of course after your dressed." She added then she walked out the door, closing the door behind her.
Sighing deeply, not knowing what to wear, with wings publicized into the upper part of my mid-back, I could put nothing on unless I rip holes into one of my shirts. I put my bra on [A/N: If I was descriptive It wouldn't be PG 13 ^_^;] Then I clasp the clip together. It was really hard because of the wings were in the way so I struggled with the clip. Then I slipped on under panties and then some jeans, doing up the button. I then decided to wear a crimson shirt, ripping holes in the back. It wasn't my favorite shirt so there was no problem; I slipped on the long-sleeved shirt on and somehow put my wings into the rips in my shirt. Then I quickly threw a cape on and put on some mittens and a scarf to keep me warm as I go outside for a short walk.

I opened the door, stopping mid way thinking that I could just fly out my window. I then closed my door back to the past spot it lay before and walked over to open my window. Unlocking the window, I check if any muggles are watching and I begin to climb out the window launching myself out. About the exact time I jumped out my mind was saying, "I should have practiced first! Ahh! I am going to die! Or be injured very badly!" After thinking that I shut my eyes because I expected to fall into peril collapsing onto the hard frosty ground. But it never happened as I slowly open my eyes I discover that I am in mid air, my wings flapping softly.

A/N: Konichiwa! Well, it's been a while. this chapter is about 1 and a half pages longer then before just for being so late with this chapter. I am sorry it's not as descriptive then before but its hard to have that emotion when you haven't even begun to feel that feeling of incredible pain as something shoots out of your back. Imagine having all that pain pretty harsh. I was pretty hurried because I did most of this in my classes so yes I'll update ASAP after I get the story off my laptop. Oh and don't forget to review! Love;
