- - - - - - - - Immortal Realm- - - - - - - - -
The air smelt of rain and sadness. It was hard for her every time. No matter how many times he went through the process, she always shared the pain of her beloved. This time had been particularly traumatic, because no matter how you look at it, impalement is quite painful. In fact, he was still sleeping after his return, and she hadn't left his side; but he seemed to be stirring.
"Wake up, my love." She whispered as his eyes slowly opened. "There is so much for us to catch up on."
"It is good to be home." He whispered back, as he reached out to touch her face. "So good."
She leaned into his touch, sighing with pleasure as he finally sat up and gathered her into his arms, never wanting to let her go again. They sat like that, just basking in each other's presence and warmth for what could have been eternity, or perhaps a mere moment.
"I have to go back soon."
"I know. Oh, how I know, but I don't want to let you go. It was harder this time Braith. You've not ever been treated so badly. And by a group of mortals no less! I could barely stand to leave you there in such a vulnerable state."
"They were afraid."
"I suppose it is no excuse, but now that I am able to be objective, I can't help but feel sorry for them. Mortals can be so simple minded. But let's not talk about them anymore. I'm here now, and I intend to enjoy the time I have."
"Alright then, but you must tell me how the others are fairing."
"Well, Madoc is unusually snarky in his present form. I think it has something to do with him having to spend so much time around children. He has to be cruel to me as well, which pains him; I just hope he is able to forgive himself once I've returned.
"Despina is... well, she's just herself. Dreamy and absentminded, but still undeniably intelligent and highly amusing. She never seems surprised either. You just can't throw her.
"I haven't seen Ana yet, obviously. I think Desi misses her terribly, and I'm looking forward to their happy reunion. I believe she will have arrived at Hogwarts by the time of my return.
"Saoirse and Naoise are starting their first year this term, so I'll be able to keep an eye on them. I think they've probably had an o.k. time so far, but I'll have to speak with them about it when I see them.
"Remus still does not remember who he is, but I think his time is coming. The day I return he will be awakened. Odd how his mortal family gave him his own name isn't it?"
"I think I should tell you what your brother has been up to while you were sleeping Braith."
"Is it bad?"
"You might say that."
"Uh oh."
"You might say that as well.
"He is no longer concerned with simply causing chaos and discord in the European wizarding world. He has set his sights higher within the past year. His new goal is to cause the different nations of the world to destroy each other, causing an upset in the balance and forcing Earth to collapse."
"We can't have that can we? I wish he would stop playing these games. I want a bit a peace every once in a while, instead of constantly having to put right what he has damaged."
Braith was feeling rather put out at this point. He'd just got back home after being trapped, asleep in the body of a mortal for the past 15 years, and nearly the first thing he hears is that his twin brother is going to be more of a problem this time than he had anticipated.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Harry... where are we, why do you look different, and who is the dark lady?"
"Meinwen! I can't believe I forgot you. Are you ok? Did the mortal hurt you?"
"I am well, but I think I will bite you now."
"What? No, don't bite me, or else I won't introduce you to Nerys."
"Is that what you call the dark one?"
"That is her name, yes. She is my bonded. The reason I look different is because we are no longer in the mortal realm. This is my true form, and here I am called Braith. I am not sure how you managed to come here with me, but that is of little consequence."
"Braith. That is a fine name. Almost as good as mine."
Having said that, evidently finished with their conversation, Meinwen proceeded to coil herself around Braith's ankle and ignore him and Nerys, who could barely contain her amusement at the vain serpent.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Let's not worry about my brother right now, beloved. I'll have plenty of time to do that when I've gone back to the mortal realm; and I could think of at least 15 things that you and I could be doing together besides chatting." Braith whispered into Nerys' ear in a deep sultry voice, then picked her up into his arms and carried her off into the shadows of a nearby tree, taking no notice of the shifting colors of the sky which bathed the ground in hues of red and purple with lightning crackling above.